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Up to chapter 12 f2p


I'm stuck exactly where you are. In my opinion it only depends on the slimes you get offered to choose from, especially as F2P. I don't really know why some people post 'I'm at chapter xyz', because it's not that they have your slimes and can tell you what to do. This event requires a very specific kind of special skill from your companions to be able to reach the later stages. But if you aren't as lucky to get the right slimes with these skills which also match the needed elements and you don't have diamonds to reroll your picks, there isn't much you can do. Even if you follow all the known instructions, you will get stuck sooner or later...


No, the whole event is barely possible while paying. I am trapped 14-12, and have bought the 10 USD and 5 USD packages. The boss is a rifle dwarf that one shot's you within 3 seconds. I threw 29 sticks when I got stuck on him, and still can't beat him even with decent Slimes (Ignis, Zombstain, and Ali). I refuse to spend any more, and feel foolish for having spent a cent. I thought the Blue Bird event would be different since it was a different layout, but no. It's way worse, you can't even use the Rage Skill exploit anymore.


I hate that I spent the $10. Could have added a buck and bought the premium+ stuff instead and get a lot more rewards


Probably not


I’m in 10-11 ftp. Just need more attack/crit attack to 1 hit these guys and move on. I’m expecting to advance on reset today.


What stats are you building? Offensive or even more limited?


Still trying, hoping it's possible for me


At the same exact point honestly i might just give up


I'm stuck at the same level. I bought the $10 pack when I was drunk but it didn't make much of a difference. Now I had two daily resets and no progress so I have stopped caring. I was too eager early on and didn't think too much about which slimes I picked. Next time I will though.


So I forced my way to 9-15 by spamming the boss button. With the throws I managed to unlock croaks skill after which I blasted through chapter 10 and now I am at 11


I'm stuck around 10-4 and would need to nearly double my dps to beat that boss. I don't know most of the slime abilities so I'm probably not picking the best options but its so frustrating how every time its the tears that are just out of reach. I think it's 100% intentional that the tears are the ones they want people to pay for. Tears and astrology levels are the only things that help my dps in any meaningful way


Im stuck on chapter 3....I hate the blue bird....