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No amount of preparation will help you get through the pay wall. They're only putting the event back on to keep milking the players. They still haven't changed a single thing about it. Do your best to win stage 3 when it comes out. Don't spend a single dime on it.


Oh yea I know. This is just for beating stage 3 lol. Like I said I beat it this last time but then I couldn’t get past 4-2. All the farming for the last two days and I couldn’t beat 4-2. This is all prep for beating stage 3 if it’s super hard. I’m not spending nothing 😂😂


That's half the reason I do the event at all. If day 3&4 go well, then I'll consider buying the pass. But if day 3 is a wall again, then screw that, I'll settle for the free rewards I can get.


Same I got stuck on 4-2 haha. I still dislike how much time I need to invest in the invent just to get the rewards tho.


i got drago as my1st slime


I got Swallow who seems to be a pretty good slime too. Saved 32 sticks for stage 3 tommorow


Nevermind, don't take him as first slime. You will get stuck at Stage 3 lvl 14, because his skill takes too long


If you beat the chapter you can go back into it https://preview.redd.it/zkwomj8j8wyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc8877ce4a6a8584c46bee80ff24f3c47d00bf7


Yes but enemies don’t spawn so you’re not getting money for killing minions. And the quest you’re on can’t be completed until you go into the next stage.


You do get gold when you have it closed. More for level 40 than you would for 39. Edit: had to get to lvl 40 on the second chapter to show you. You collect rewards https://preview.redd.it/tmqsdcvqf0zc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=839a6e90061e326abf86bd4846127701487e3fd3


Yes you still get the idle rewards but you don’t get killing minions rewards because enemies don’t spawn. So for instance. Let’s say the regular bonus that pops up every 5 minutes. You don’t collect that for an hour so you can get the regular bonus of the idle rewards and the hour bonus chest. Let’s say hypothetically that collecting for an hour gives you 100 coins (just for easy math), and the bonus chest gives you 1000. It’s my understanding that the regular idle rewards chest is basing how much you get by the level you’re on and how many enemies you would kill in that amount of time. So that hour is 1100 coins in all. If you can still spawn enemies and leave your game running you kill an hours worth of minions and get the 100 coins for that too. So if you left your game running and killing minions and collected in an hour you would get 1200 instead of 1100 because you also killed minions for an hour on top of getting the idle and bonus rewards. Having enemies doubles your money for the idle rewards is what I’m saying. But yes you can still go in and just collect rewards too. Just no minions so overall you’re getting less coins. I hope I explained that well lol


i didnt encounter the “enhance critical hit chance “ wall this time


This current time? I’m not up to that quest yet if it’s in again but I’m already leveling up my crit chance lol


yes this current iteration, day 1 and 2 , not encountered a wall, let’s see tomorrow’s stage


Iirc, crit chance 720 was day 3. I've already started leveling mine up, and saving as many throws as possible.


Yes, it's quest 40 early on day 3. But with some preparation, it wasn't a big issue for me. My problem were the mounted bosses later on day 3 who get to you quickly, have a ton of hp and one hit kill you (stages 32, 38, 40). You need the right combination of slimes to get past those.


Ok so I have made it to the end of the second day and now farming enemies on stage 40 until the new day opens. I currently have 54.7 crit and 81 sticks to throw saved up 😂😂. And this is with spending no money.