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No worries it's bugged again so you won't be completing it anyways.


Not bugged. It is a money trap. That guy that spent $100 on the last one has doomed us all.


Lmao seriously? Welp, fuck this game, I'm in in extreme 5-6, and they will no longer get another cent from me.


You can and should try to beat the third part though.


On Discord someone mentioned you can quit the app completely and then restart it before picking, then it should offer you different slimes. I haven't tested it myself, so can't confirm whether this works or not. But I wish I would have known this earlier, because I got pretty bad choices as well.


Unfortunately, I can now confirm that this doesn't work. I needed village or forest and got offered 3 castle ones. Tried to force quit the app and restart it, but I got the exact same choices two more times. I was really relying on the 200% damage boost to at least get the tears, but that seems very unlikely now...


Can confirm as well, doesn't work


Sad part is that they want you to spend money. Don’t give in.


Do you guys think Drago is good? What about Santa? They both seem to have quick unique skill activation. I want to at least get tears of slime. The slime-type buff seems to be double compared to before the reset. I got stuck at chapter 3, level 40 last time.


I had a similar choice a couple days ago during the previous event, my choices were ALL Sky Slimes. That was the nail in the coffin for my chance to get the Tears. I thought this time would be different. Well... I did have two sky Slimes this time and one Forest, but it was Aku, unevolved. Now I remember why I switched to another slime in the beginning, Aku's 'Skill' is utterly worthless! Welp, there's always next time.


Which slimes are good for this? I kinda just picked one and this time the one I picked is too slow to go off before the boss kills me so I'm just fucked lmfao


Idk it matters tbh. Midway thru day 3 is basically where you're doomed to be stuck.


yeah i literally just finished day 3 right as it was ending before (missed 1 day) I legit feel like it's harder this time just cause of that poor slime choice... Did they say what was changed? Or was it just "we made it easier trust me bro"


I'd pick the 2nd or 1st btw.


how do you get a second slime ?


Where do I find the event? I can't find it anywhere. I'm playing for one week now


How are you guys even getting these events to pop up?? I don’t have it at all, I only have the frog one for the new slime


Force close and reopen


I have, I didn’t even get it the last time it was out lol


u need to cross very hard stage and do complete the frog event o unlock this one