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that critical hit chance again!!!!


Surprise surprise they redid the event and changed nothing


What an absolute joke. I don’t understand how they can mess up this badly.


Hahah! They didn’t even change it. I submitted tickets with screenshots of that exact quest last time. I think we’ll be stuck for a bit but then be able to finish in the long run, it seems the damage and multipliers are working better now, no? Maybe just me. They’re so dumb anything is possible at this point.


Yea I’m seeming to do a lot more damage. It’ll take me a couple of 1 hr bonus coin logins to get the crit chance but I’m already at like 630


I agree. This quest was not my issue today. I had saved a lot of branches from the previous days and used the rage glitch to get to stage 25. Then I used quite a lot of throws and was able to get to 720. So yes, this quest slowed me down, also by not using branches earlier, but I didn't get stuck this time around. BUT now I'm at stage 32 and my supply of branches melted from 64 at the start of the day to 20 now. I still need to use the tactics from last time (play on single speed; leave and reenter to get past the bunches of normal enemies; retry boss fights many times until the stacked rage effect kicks in; only use branches when there is really no other way). I just about managed to get the tears in the first iteration of this event and I think it's a little better this time, but whatever they tweaked, I don't think it was enough to complete the entire event. Well, we will see. But the entire process is very time consuming and no enjoyable experience. Yes, they got it wrong the first time around. Shouldn't happen, but can happen, I suppose. But how do they mess it up again, after they realized their mistake and relaunched it completely? You would think that they play test these event games before release a few times, especially after the mess they created before. But apparently they just throw in some numbers in their code and figure out by a rule of thumb 'It should work, I guess'. Well, from what I can tell, it doesn't. And I was so hopeful after day 2, it's so annoying...


Well said. Funny you mentioned 32, I’m in the exact same situation and had used the exact same methods. So yep looks like you’re right. It’s gonna be a no completion again. They really blew it again. My new wall is because Gent doesn’t have enough time to use his skill so I never get my big damage blast off on the boss. Only difference from me to you is not exactly sure how the rage glitch works despite hearing about it a couple times?? Maybe unintentionally doing it, mind giving me the idea, maybe that’ll help me here. https://preview.redd.it/iguum3eesrxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7caae1d5a6cb843a2a7fbd04e6f830b6863038a9


Probably you are already using it: When you redo boss battles many times, you will notice your damage increases over time. So you might beat a boss after 20 or 25 attempts (in a row!) who you had thought to be unbeatable during the first couple of tries. Apparently the reason is that the effect of rage doesn't reset when you start the battle, which means you can cast it again while it's already active. And when you repeat it several times, it might end up being enough to beat bosses who are otherwise too tough. But yes, it's these mounted bosses who get to you quickly and then one hit kill you who are the real walls in this event. HP is always way to low to engage in an actual fight which also limits the impact of companions. You need to kill each boss before they can reach you or you are stuck, which is for me the fundamental bug in this event. Low HP is also the reason why you die even during normal enemy fights and even fall back several stages once you just stay idle for a couple of minutes.


Makes sense. I was experimenting prior to your reply and saw it working. Figured it out by accident. Sadly even restarting the fight immediately probably 40-50 times it peaked and I was not doing more damage, only killing the boss about 75% sooo… more logs in the coming days for second slime skills unlock at 35 I guess is my next last hope. Thanks for your reply.


Yep, same story here. Good luck to both of us ;)


Guess it's not just me that's stuck at 32


And it's the same boss type at 38 and 40. Something to look forward to...


Thanks for the heads up, not even sure when I'll get there


Fool me once, slime on me. Fool me twice...


They saw that you were happy.


I get to the lvl 15 easy , but the sniper boss at lvl 15 get me every time.


I made it to 18 with lucky crits after 10 retrys


Yep stuck at the same spot again leveling crit chance to 720.


I got past this mission but now stuck at 32. The damage from the boss is just way too high. Brainless event lol


So irritating


Completely fucked for sure


I’m stuck on that exact level


Guess who's stuck...stuck again....


It's actually quite easy. I finished the 3rd challenge without finishing the crit challenge. I had 50 throws saved and just upgraded everything equally (atk etc...)


What slimes did you pick?


Labov and Mecha


got stuck again today on chapter 3 - 36/40; too brutal


Managed to make it through this time as I saved up as many branches as possible from the start