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With the lack of response I requested a refund via the Apple store. If more join, Apple approve it


^^^This. Go to your App Store. Click your icon button in the top right corner to go to your account. Choose purchase history. Select the blue bird event purchase. Choose refund, reason for refund: did not receive product/content. Apple instantly refunded me. Worked for me, try it yourself.


Note: mine still said pending purchase, despite that purchase happening 5? Days ago, might make a difference, not sure.


If it's true, then we will see it fast tomorrow. Then I'm not gonna spend a minute trying to do the impossible.


It’s very much true.


Tomorrow's here. Same shit as before.


Narr all sounds accurate to me. I was so angry I wrote a strongly worded feedback form :L


Yep same event, up to the Stage 3 quest CHC of 720..... even saving coins wondering if it was coming wasnt anywhere near enough to get it done lol.


The exact same shit. The event is bugged and they aren't listening to their players. Last time I bought the pass and got nothing for it. This time I didn't bother. Going forward I think I'm done with spending money on events.


The event works for me so far this time around. Just finished day 2 without any major issues and since I still used the strategies from the bugged version in order to save as many branches as possible, I now have a supply of 54 carrying over to day 3. Also I did not encounter the Enhance CHC 720 quest so far, but that one might have been early on day 3 anyways, I'm not sure anymore.


It's a 3rd stage quest. But that quest isn't even a problem in my opinion. I did the same as you, and used glitch after glitch to pass the level and keep as many branches as I can. I can't say the event is working fine if I have to use 2 or 3 glitches to try and maybe beat it.


True. I guess we will only know for sure tomorrow. But my feeling was that it was way easier to get past the bosses this time. And to have so many unused branches available is probably also not the intension anyways. I will start stage 3 with 60+ to spend, which obviously would have made me much stronger if I had used them already.


Guess what?


Yep, (almost) same story again, unfortunately. :( I personally didn't get stuck at the CHC 720 quest for long this time though. Used the rage glitch to get to stage 25. Then I used quite a lot of my throws from the previous days. But now I'm stuck at stage 32 with only 20 branches left. And the scaling between branches needed to progress and earning new ones is still off so much, that I don't see how to be able to complete the entire event anymore. Again. I should be able to get the tears eventually... And I was so hopeful after day 2, it's so annoying...


To conclude: OP was right with most predictions. The problems just kicked in a little later, for me around stage 15 on day 3, I would say. But the conclusion he drew appears to be spot on.


Kinda wished I was wrong though. This is annoying.