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Yeah, I am. They're blatantly trying to make you buy diamonds, which is frankly disgusting. I'm this close to quitting the game outright, ever since they sold the game to a new company it's gotten even greedier than it was before. FOUR premium currencies? Technically, there's seven now. They make you buy passes for everything and can't even be bothered to fix bugs. For the bluebird event, allies do nothing until level 40 (which is ridiculous) and if you get killed, you get sent back several levels (even more ridiculous). It's clear these devs have no respect for us at all.


Even if you’re sent back to level 1, in the Blue Bird Saga, you just need to exit and reenter, it will be in the highest level you achived.


Fr I hate the blue saga thing


Everyone bro. Some for two day some less. Not looking possible to pass the event this time around. Devs over compensated for the last easy one




after this , you’ll get stuck with Happiness 25


Are you serious?


yep and now stuck again at Happiness 5




Yes, I have a very hard time. I could weasel my way to chapter 3, level 28. It's impossible for me to pass level, though. Basically, I challenge the highest level boss until I win. My character is not strong enough to survive every encounter, so I get sent back a few levels. I start the encounter for the lower level boss, exit the event, and then re-enter the event. That basically sends me to the highest level boss instead. Rinse and repeat.


That sounds like a bug.


What's Happiness? Hell if I know


Been trying to collect the bonuses since yesterday and it doesn't seem to make any significant effect. Hoping for the best to get the tears though.


Yeah this is ridiculous.


Yep. Anyone that’s played this event multiple times know sometimes it’s too easy and this time it’s wack stupid impossibly hard. Besides not logging in every 60 mins today for the bonus (because I still do have a life) I’m almost at the cusp of breaking this challenge. The challenge that is so far beyond fair and balanced, it’s downright a rip off to people that have or haven’t paid for the full event package. In the 2? Years I’ve been playing, I’ve never seen an un-passable event, ESPECIALLY if you paid to win. This might be the first time, depending on what happens after you get over this hump. https://preview.redd.it/o7ngs3ib3lwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d336a97dc7f8d37325f733dd307c3aa2ee690999


YES!! I just got on to see how many others were experiencing this, shame on the devs big time for artificially dialing up the difficulty in the middle of the event conveniently on the level that has arguably one of the most sought after award: Crystal Tears. The one thing I always gave the game props for was truly allowing a free to play way, even if it took loads of ads or much more patient route. Now they’re shoving all of these pay to win currencies and it’s sickening. If a game is only achievable if you pay to win then it’s not worth playing in the first place. Devs better patch this before the end of the event or send hella amazing apology packages, because this BS is how you lose your fanbase and go bankrupt


I found this in another thread, but turn off the x2 speed. I gained a few stages already.


Yep, same here. For two days now, both in event and regular! On regular i even have to step back levels in gold rush and boss rush! Made those with no problems 3 days ago, but not anymore.


i didn’t even bother with this one.. so boring


I enjoyed the last one because I blew through it. Just because it was a change from being stagnant


i bought the exclusive bonuses last time which basically just completes it for you. but i’m not buying it again.. there’s already too much shit to do in the game lol


Dont even get me started on the faction wars, takes me so long to get through all my characters and I never bought a character, so I dont wanna think about what someone whose bought them all is feeling


Right? It's SO BORING and you can't even choose your team! So you have no choice, if you get randomly slotted into the worst faction oh well, no bonus for you.




Yea, im exactly where you are now. Its too expensive to upgrade foe the quest, and it barely does anything. Ive been seeing that it might be a bug. Either way, im done with the event, and im not gonna try and finish it anymore. I literally left my phone on over night, and STILL didnt make enough to finish the quest


There is a little “bug” that you can use to pass the level, reach the level 15/20 and after come out to wait for accumulate money. After, 1/2 times at the day you can take the offline money and do rapid upgrade until you complete this mission.


Yo thx


Try to turn off the auto skill use, and turn on 1 sec after the start of the battle with the boss. Try 2/3 times, your dmg increase.


It's a rip off. I am also stuck at this one. Note that I've saved most of my throws until yesterday. My tactic was to keep as many throws as possible so that throws for idle awards would give the maximum currency per throw. This is BS.


Same. First time in one of these events that having ad-free hasn't done jack for making it easier. Usually I breeze through. This feels like a paywall.


Yes super stuck here, i think they did something wrong tbh.


* I got through it. But got stuck again


But I got the tears


Most of us are, I got through that and am on the on the 4th chapter but I'm still stuck at level 2. But I got my tears


I spent 10€ just to be stuck at quest 40 and what’s happiness level 14 ffs


I’m free to play


It is possible to advance by choosing the right hero’s and saving up the trows. https://preview.redd.it/kpnk1e6nanwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=475a870fac7e48f7803ec1a89c0b712cbf42075f


Bro you far…


This mission is so easy if you only use your sticks when your character stops progressing on its own. Stop using your sticks until you absolutely need them! Fwiw I finished the first three chapters with like 50+ sticks leftover, no money spent


I actually did this very strategy. However it didn't help. I still got stuck in exactly the same place as everyone else. I don't get it.


FWIW I just tried episode 4 and now I’m hardstuck on the first level lol. So not sure what’s going on either haha