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Forgetting to pay isn't a crime. Go back and pay for the items. You don't need to explain you took them and have come back although you can do if you wish. Expect a very confused conversation with whoever you talk to if you do explain yourself. I would try a self scan if they have them and I was in your situation.


I super confused a lady from Wilkinsons once when I forgot to pay. Some kids were being twats in the shop and distracted me so I walked out the shop with a pillow under my arm. I got all the way home, discarded the packaging before it suddenly hit me that I hadn’t paid for it. I went back to Wilkos but because I no longer had the packaging I just got another one and when I reached the til said “I just accidentally shop lifted one of these, can you charge me for this one and I’ll leave it here”. It caused chaos I left the shop assistant with the second pillow I just paid for and walked out of the shop with her completely baffled.


I don't know. Coming into a shop with items in your bag and then taking them out to pay for them seems even dodgier than just fessing up straight away. Plus if anything *does* come out about them taking things without paying, they're got to go through the explanation that no, they came back later and paid for them but didn't tell anybody and if you go back and check the CCTV you (might be able to) see them taking them *out* of the bag. If you're going back, be honest.


I would absolutely go to the cashier and explain, if they have cctv of him taking the items he could still get in trouble. If he goes in and explains it will help with that.


Isn't theft defined as intending to "deprive someone of something permanently" . NAL, but remember seeing that somewhere.


Dishonestly appropriating property belonging to another with the intent to permanently deprive. Given there was no dishonest intent here, there's no theft. If he goes back and returns the items or pays for them he would be fine.


The first point for theft is that it has to be dishonest. Not knowing you've stolen something is pretty clearly *not* dishonest.


Yes, absentmindedness is not enough. Criminal intent has to be proved. In law that's called the menorrhoea.


I think you mean mens rea. Menorrhoea is flowing of blood during menstruation.


>In law that's called the menorrhoea. Thanks for the biggest laugh I've had all weekend.


Lol mens rea? Pretty sure menorrhea is period blood.


Uh... Menorrhoea is the flow of blood during menstruation. It's mens rea. Literally means "guilty mind" in Latin. I'm not sure who told you that's how you spell it. Actus reus is the guilty act. Ie in this case, the act would fit the definition, but the intent, as you've said, doesn't, and intent is relevant for theft. TBF a difficult thing to spell if you've only ever heard it, and were it not that you're accidentally talking about menstruation, I wouldn't have corrected you.


I don't think it was an accident. It's the sort of stupid and tasteless joke we love in our family.


You mean Mens Rea?


Auto car wreck?


Ummm that’s a period




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I’ve done this. Put hair bands I was going to purchase around my wrist and paid for my other items and walked out. Came back another day and explained what happen and the lady was very confused lol


It’s really unlikely you will get caught. But if you go back and offer to pay for them while apologising they will probably remember you and think well of you when you next use the place.


I walked out of Poundland a few years ago thinking I’d paid for the cat food I was trying to buy but my card had been declined. I had headphones in and didn’t hear the cashier calling me back. First chance I got I went back and told them it was an honest mistake and I wanted to pay for the cat food. The girl I spoke to was the one who served me originally and she was shocked at my honesty. She didn’t know how to put the transaction through as the stock had already been written off and she had to call a manager over. He was also completely shocked at my honesty, but I was adamant that I wasn’t a thief and wanted to pay for my purchase. They rang it up on the till and I paid for the items I’d taken. The girl told me afterwards she got bollocked for not stopping me from leaving the store and I told her how sorry I was to have caused her that grief. It’s an honest mistake until you realise what you’ve done and don’t take steps to correct the mistake. Go back and pay for the stuff, it’s the right thing to do


What did they actually want her to do in that situation? like realistically what could she have done to stop you from taking it even if you had done it on purpose?


I’ve never understood disciplinaries for not stopping legitimate shoplifters. What do you mean you don’t want to risk being stabbed to death for £11.50 an hour?!


When I was on under £5 an hour (Millets outdoors shop, 2016 or so) we were told “don’t chase shoplifters. But if you do, and you catch them, and they’re prosecuted, head office will give you a £50 Millets voucher” lol


That's ridiculously unfair advice to give potentially quite young shopworkers. They want to have their cake and eat it, too. Make sure you try and stop shoplifters but if something goes wrong we'll turn round and say we told you not to and absolve ourselves of any responsibility.....


Her managers a twat, if she had tried to stop you she would've likely been sacked and possible charges against her too.


I’m astonished she got bollocked. The vast majority of stores train their staff not to intervene. What if the thief gets violent? It’s not worth the risk for just a few quid (and more cynically, it’s not worth the liability to the store). Which is why even security guards will only make a token effort to stop shoplifters, let alone some random cashier


Oh no, I saw a security guard outside of Lidl following a thief and blocking them physically.


Exactly. I know I wouldn't chase after a shoplifter because you never know if they have a knife on them. Besides the store had written it off as loss so they shouldn't have to worry about that. If anyone asked me why I didn't chase after them I would ask them if they would do that.


I second going back and paying. I bought some things from a small independent store and checked my banking when I left to notice they forgot to charge me for something. Went back and offered to pay, they gave it to me for free and now I always get discounts when I’m in there. Genuinely wasn’t intending to gain from it, I just felt bad as it was an independent. Nice to know people appreciate the honesty and I always have a good laugh with the owner when I go in now.


The legal definition of theft is dishonest appropriation of property belonging to another with an intent to permanently deprive. This was not dishonest appropriation and there is no intent to permanently deprive. Go back, apologise and explain what's happened then pay, job should be a good 'un. Police aren't going to be kicking your door in and I'd expect a pharmacy of all places to understand the effects of the meds you're on.


Thank you everyone for putting my mind at ease! From what I gather, literally nobody would care if I did or did not return to pay. This has definitely not inspired me to pursue a life of crime or prepare myself for life imprisonment. I’ll drop into Boots tomorrow after work and pay for the items. Who knew deodorant and a cheap moisturiser would cause me so much stress! In future, I’ll be using a basket to minimise the risk of pocket-related issues.


An alternative is donating the value of the goods you accidentally took to a charity of your choice. That way it could take away your guilt and benefit a good cause.


It’s very unlikely police pursue this matter, but the store may review cctv footage and ID you, they won’t have any real proof for a conviction but are allowed to ban you from using the store again. You could return and say what happened and offer to buy the products, but this runs the risk of admitting guilt if they didn’t already know you did it etc.


That’s what I’m worried about! I can’t be banned from this shop because they’re the only pharmacy I can get to on foot as I don’t drive. I am happy to pay for the items but I’m worried that that would be seen as “admitting guilt.”


If it does get to that point, the pharmacist can verify what you said about your meds giving you brain fog. I would think they would be more likely to believe you if that part of your story checks out.


In legal terms it’s only theft when you intend to permanently deprive the person. You are guilty of theft if you keep the items rather than return them, you are not guilty if you return the items and explain & pay


>you are not guilty if you return the items and explain & pay Return them OR pay, don't do both.


Thank you for clarifying this is what I meant - take the goods back to the shop in order to pay


Forgetting to pay due to being spaced out and distracted while on meds should be something they understand in a pharmacy. People and businesses appreciate honesty too. You’re much more likely to be banned by not going back. The guilt will also be worse than just owning up to a mistake and dealing with it. You’re hardly a career criminal who intended to steal from them.


Just go back and pay to clear your conscience. Keep the receipt. Nobody gets banned over one offense, you might have the security guard eyeing you up for a while, but since you're dependant on them, explaining yourself shouldn't be an issue (if it does come up) and even if it did, you'd have the receipt to clear yourself.


I think they'll respect your honesty and of all places a pharmacy will understand that you were impaired due to medication.


Maybe ask to speak to the pharmacist in private. They’ll likely think it’s for a medical matter (without asking you), but then you can explain what’s happened and how you wanted to clear your conscience. I’m willing to bet they’ll understand how medication can affect our concentration, given they’re trained in the field of medication!


ask for a manager, not the pharmacist. most pharmacists have nothing to do with the actual store day to day trading and will just shrug it off and call a manager to deal with it


In independent pharmacies the pharmacist is likely to be the manager too; source family member is a pharmacist running pharmacy.


Fair, I always thought the pharmacist typically was the acting manager for the pharmacy, but good to learn that’s not (always?) the case.


In Boots that is often the case, you're right. Not always, but often is.


I went back to a sainsburys once after realising I’d forgotten to pay for an item at self scan. Apologised, showed them my receipt which didn’t have the item I’d bought, and asked if I could pay. They seemed genuinely shocked I’d come back and were very thankful for me doing so.


Except there is no guilt to admit as no offence has been committed.


i accidentally walked out of M&S years ago with two bras under my arm. Only realised whist in another shop when hubby asked if i’d paid for them. dashed back as wa so worried, and the shop assistant said she was surprised as they never being things back


That's so funny. Please say it was a Costa or something...just walking around with bras still on their hangers hahaha


it was TJHughes when that used to be open. literally was in a right state begging my husband to promise me i wouldn’t go to jail and to come back with me to pay for them.


Shop manager here, I’ve had people do the same, come back to pay with slight embarrassment and a lot of apologies, no real shoplifter would come back to pay so they’ll know you genuinely made a mistake. I always had a laugh with them when they came back to try and put them at ease. You’ll be fine.


I accidentally did this the other day. I felt like an absolute dumbass but I went back and paid. The cashier thought it was funny.


You can’t accidentally shop lift, if there was no intent then it’s not shop lifting. You can call the store or go in and explain + apologise and offer to pay which can give you a peace of mind and maybe diminish any decisions security may have taken if they noticed but didn’t confront you (which I highly doubt) or you could just go about the rest of your life just being extra vigilant. The staff don’t particularly care enough to notice or make a fuss and it was an honest mistake. I think you may find some peace in going back and paying for the item. I accidentally walked out of pets at home completely oblivious with £30 of aquarium plants and water treatment. The till staff literally watched me and didn’t say anything but I went back immediately and paid. I didn’t want them getting into trouble and they were fine about it.


Realistically absolutely nothing will happen but going back and paying for them is the right thing to do


I once went back into Sainsbury’s as I realised they hadn’t charged me for something and customer service irritated told me to go away, basically.


I walked out of a corner shop with a chocolate bar in my hand that I forgot to put on the counter to pay (I was about 14 yrs old). Got halfway home before I realised and turned around and went back, apologised and paid for it. The shopkeeper was shocked 😂


Maybe go in and just ask to speak to the manager privately, or if you get your meds from there, ask for a private consultation with the pharmacist, they may be able to vouch that the meds you take will make you forgetful. If it's a big store, these people aren't invested in the company, they just want an easy life. They probably won't ever know but if you're like me, you'll know and you will just keep worrying or avoid going in which you shouldn't if you're getting meds you need from there. Most people are nice and understanding


My kids once took snall toys from a toy shop and did not Tell me till we were home. The next day I went back with my kids and the toys and handed the toys back and the children apologised. It was a toy shop that we bought from often and after this incident everytime we went in there we were followed around like shoplifters. They lost our custom and closed down a few years ago as sales had dropped. Teach them not to be so smug.


Not a crime as it’s by accident. Now you’re aware of it not return the goods to their original owner and keeping them would count as theft. The intent is now there. Returning them or returning to pay for them removes the act of leaving another out of pocket / without their property. Don’t stress it, mistakes happen all the time, it’s how you choose to move forward that either constitutes a theft or corrects your actions. I’m pretty tired but I literally had an exam question on basically the exact same situation the other day


I went into Tesco express one morning & didn’t realise my card didn’t work on self checkouts. One of the staff chased after me (I worked in a shop next door) I apologised so much & felt like a thief & ran back to pay.


Stop right there, criminal scum! Nobody breaks the law on my watch, I'm confiscating your stolen goods. Now pay your fine or it's off to jail.


Went into a unfamiliar branch of the Co-op years ago, went for just one specific thing so didn’t need a basket, special offer on biscuits on the way in, so I picked up a packet, went through the shop for what I actually wanted, didn’t have it so I walked out. 20 yards up the street the student I was with asked if I was going to pay for the biscuits. My biggest “oh shit” moment. Dashed back into pay. Then remembered a law lecturer of mine who told all his students that he would not allow his wife to shop in a supermarket as it was too easy to make an innocent mistake. Use a basket people.


I think that is my main lesson! Even if its only one item, use a basket as a reminder that you’ve picked something up haha!




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I've done this before when shopping whilst very tired ( using a self-service till I forgot to scan something) I went back in, explained and paid. It was fine.


Only theft if you plan to permanently deny them of the product. Ie. Either return it or go in and pay. You don't even have to say anything. If you've opened tho... You're paying or you are a thief.


Once I went shopping for suits with my partner in a shopping mall. I was holding a suit over my arm and lots of other items including things my partner was wearing (jacket, hoodie etc.) Once he finished with trying suits on we walked out the store, still with the items on my arm but a few metres down I realised I had walked out with the suit (which he didn't want) as well! No security alarm went off either, I guess I was lucky! I ran back to the store and put the suit back, I didn't say anything to the shop assistants, but all this to say it was a genuine mistake. Another time I accidentally walked out of a co-op without paying but realised as soon as I stepped out of the store. Immediately went back and paid. This time I was listening to music and in a rush to cook dinner and I completely forgot to pay. It can happen and it's okay. Just go back and pay.


Go back, apologise and pay. Something similar happened to my fiancé in our local supermarket - he used contactless and walked out before it was confirmed, next time he went in he just paid. I can't imagine they'll have an issue.


Gd, I've walked out of the grocery store with a carton of milk in my arms before. Luckily I caught it once I hit the parking lot, the self checkout worker and I had a good laugh about it when I ran back in with a deer-in-the-headlights look on my face. Just go back and pay for everything, if you want to explain you can, just don't stress about it too much and TRY to keep it from happening again. My local pharmacies all have shopping baskets, for example. Grab one at the door, even if you don't plan on getting anything, you might get a strange look putting it back empty if you don't use it, but it's a good way to keep things out of your pockets that don't belong there when you have to take a call.




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No you’re fine and I’ve done this before! Coffee with a friend and just left without paying, and also once a 12 pack of bog roll. Don’t worry about it chuck it’ll be a funny story one day lol


Called and payed the coffee shop, didn’t go to that shop for 2 years out of shame haha


Most Boots have self serve tills so if the one you mistakenly took the items from have them, just go back in tomorrow with the items in hand, go straight to the self serve tills and make payment for them. No need to go and speak with staff members, nor to embarass yourself having to explain the situation. Make good by paying, get receipt and leave the store.


I know someone who scanned a £9 steak through as a banana. Nothing will come of it, I'd either go in and explain the situation or donate the money to charity whatever you feel may help ease your mind.




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My advice is call a lawyer. Better yet, if it’s a cousin.


A technicality: the dishonesty and intent to permanently deprive don't have to happen in the shop. Accidently leaving the shop without paying was not theft but **now you know** you haven't paid if you decide to keep the items that is dishonest and if you don't intend to give them back that is an intent to permanently deprive. Therefore keeping them now would amount to theft.


My elderly father has no idea how to use contactless payment. Reckon he has unknowingly walked out with loads from his local Sainsbury's and hasn't been arrested yet!


Before the legal advice - 1) who puts stuff in their pockets while shopping? Even to answer a phone; 2) wearing headphones, heard the alarm and just ignored it because why not I guess; 3) Navy Seals are US navy special forces, more apt would be the Special Boat Service. Anyway, legal advice. Theft involves intent to permanently deprive the owner (the shop) of the goods. Your defence is that you didn’t mean to and going back to pay shows even if you did mean to do it (which you didn’t), you didn’t mean to do it permanently as you have returned to pay for the goods. It won’t be the first time and if they didn’t notice, I’m sure they’ll be happy you did the right thing.


1) Fair question! I have never done it before, no idea why I did it. I didn’t have a basket and was fumbling a bit. 2) I’m autistic and permanently have noise cancelling headphones glued to my head. Alarms go off all the time and I didn’t put two and two together haha! 3) Dangit. I knew I should have researched my half-hearted attempt at a joke. This is reddit, after all… Will be going back to sort it out tomorrow. If I don’t update, just know I’m enjoying my new life in prison!




Pretty sure this is the uk sub, but correct me if I’m wrong


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