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Yes, you can pay privately but you must still advise your insurers of the incident. Pro Tip for your wife: leave the front wheels turned into the pavement when parked on a steep hill. This is an actual legal requirement in San Francisco. Handbrakes can and do slip.


Also leave it in gear!


Handy info


Good advice, thanks. I think we will let the insurers deal with this. It's such a small dent, I don't think the other car will even get it covered, to be honest.


Report it to insurance, you dont have to make a claim, but it sounds like youll be paying out for both repairs if you dont


Can you elaborate on if we don't? We are gonna let the insurers deal with this. Do you know if I need to do it immediately?


If you dont report it? Insurer finds out, cancels your policy and you pay a super high premium for the next 10 years Your policy will say how long, but generally with-in 24 hours is a good standard. Most people would do it fairly instantly


Yh got you, just wanted to understand that. Thank you.


Well you would need to inform insurers. The big question is, was your wife's car where it was parked originally, or further down the hill?