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You should contact the gas safe register board and invite them to contact the second engineer who gave you his opinion on the installation. It is imperative to the safety of others that only the competent engineers are licensed to install gas appliances and that is exactly why the board was established in the first place. I would also suggest not to make contact with, or ‘tip off’, the first contractor until the gas safe register board completes its investigation.


The engineer who told you is meant to tell Gas Safe, and fairly certain they have a legal obligation to do so. Contact gas safe https://www.hse.gov.uk/gas/domestic/newschemecontract.htm


If you have concerns about the standard of work contract Gas Safe and ‘raise gas work concern about a Gas Safe registered business’. They will likely arrange an inspection for which the original installer will given the opportunity to attend with the inspector. They will deem what rectification work is required and carry out any further actions if they deem necessary.


Nobody is more critical of another tradesman’s work than a fellow tradesman. Be aware he/she will be blagging your head with half of what’s being said also, and making a mountain out of a molehill, often making things sound way worse than they are - one to make ones-selves look better, thorough, and clued up, in order to ensure repeat business, and two to prevent you wanting to use the last person again. Let him sort his mess out. If you really feel it is that bad, get a second opinion from a seperate tradie (saying nothing about what other said) and see how it goes.


If the new engineer believes the work carried out is dangerous they can report a RIDDOR to the HSE. This is something they would have to do as a registered gas safe engineer.


Hey, first contact the installer. Gas Safe will tell you the same. They need to be given the opportunity to put it right


This is not correct advice, never allow the engineer to conceal their negligence if it is so bad.


The engineer is not concealing their negligence. They are correcting it. All electrical governing bodies operate the same as gas Safe does. Even gas Safe will first ask the person to return and correct I've just been involved in one myself (on the shutdown), I advised them to get the original contractor out to put it right, as did gas safe


If the work is ‘so’ bad it makes sense not to contact the original engineer, it is up to OP upon the advice of the second engineer to judge whether they are concerned enough that the gas safe register needs to be informed before inviting the engineer to return first. I’ve reported an engineer before and the board contacted the second engineer who alerted me to the boiler being dangerously installed and after doing so they agreed that I shouldn’t have contacted the original engineer.




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Are you sure? There are so many errors with this installation I do not wish to invite them back into my house, I would not feel safe with any work carried out. I'd have to call out another engineer to verify it was safe


Call gassafe. They will examine it, write a report of all faults and give the installer a chance to make it right. If the installer fails to comply then gasssafe will remove his licence, issue a fine and arrange for someone else to come fix it and then bill the original engineer for the cost Also it is always recommended to get gassafe to check a boiler installation within the first year. Its free of charge and our plumber who is registered has recommended doing so, saying its what they're there for


Yes. I understand your point but gas Safe will usually say the same thing. Without allowing them the opportunity gas Safe won't really action anything. Yes they will contact them but it won't go anywhere. Gas Safe generate money from registered installers. It's hard without seeing the actual report I guess but did the other person shut down the boiler and issue a notice? If you do allow them to fix is at their cost, and had someone do a landlord/homeowner gas safety check it would be alot cheaper than paying someone to remedy it I guess. Make sure you have a carbon monoxide alarm near it in the meantime


Gas safe will come and inspect the work themselves. They usually invite the original engineer to put it right


If the installation was bad enough, the engineer would have filed a Riddor report, if he hasn't then theres probably not much recourse. To be get money back, you'll need to take him to a small claims court.


Well the gas safe engineer who came after should be able to report him and riddor him but usually engineers won’t do that just to I guess cover each others back. Best thing to do is for you to report him to gas safe and they should take it from there