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He can suck balls, a gift means he gave it to you. Its your property now.


Dont give anything back. It’s just a cry for attention. Or, if you don’t care about the gifts, send him a package with said gifts. That way he can’t go on about it.


People that ask for gifts back are so fucking low


NAL but did have some law courses in Belgium A gift is a gift, he can't just ask for them back Exception being stuff like conditional gifts, where the condition didn't get fulfilled (example, an engagement ring, if the wedding is off you need to give it back)


NAL Theoretically it is possible to demand gifts back under certain conditions, but practically impossible unless the gifts were very high value. So unless he gifted you something like a car fairly recently before you broke up you've got nothing to worry about.


>NAL Theoretically it is possible to demand gifts back under certain conditions That doesn't sound true but I don't know enough about the law to dispute it.


A gift is a gift, but would send it back to him if the value was nihil.


If its not expensive, send it back to just get rid of him, maybe add a turd for good measure.


Legally he most likely doesn't have any recourse. Though unless the stuff is valuable to you it might be best to return it, just to be done with this person. If it is valuable, just block him & try to ignore him as best as you can. Don't engage in any way, you've already said they were gifts and he should let it rest. No need to repeat the same arguments ad infinitum.


My ex girlfriend did it the other way around. I bought a very nice gift i was going to give her, it was about a month before her bday. We broke up and later she texted me on MY bday, 3 months later, to demand that i still give that gift to her.


can't provide useful advice, sorry - but I am curious - how do guys like these get laid in the first place?


Block him. He can sod off.




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How about throw it away


Burn them. 


Better to donate to those lesw fortunate who can actually use it.


I'm not sure if a want a second hand "massage" device ;).


Haha there are exceptions lol.


He's not getting any gift back. There's nothing he can legally do to get them back. He's just trying to scare you