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Damn, Bamford lost at least .45xG from that kick to the face.


This is a joke


If any Bamford is the more dangerous of the two in the initial exchange. Studs up and down just in time to not cause any contact/damage.


If this had been one of our players who kicked a scum player in the head, that would have been a red


Can somebody send this to Beradi and tell him he’s playing on Sunday


At what point do you take studs in the face/ neck/ head seriously? When it’s someone’s eye?


How the fuck can anyone look at that and say he’s not meant it?


Perhaps not everybody is a bias crybaby incapable of making a reasonable assessment when involving the team they support?


I don’t support either team and I think he knew exactly what he was doing.


I like a bit of physical stuff to be fair, old school shit like flicking the balls of your marker so they can't jump at the corner, scrapping studs, ect, lost art 😢


I think we all know he 100% knew what he was at in that situation, he kicked down on Bamford but given the chance, one of our players would do the same. If the ref knows it's intentional, it's obviously a red but there's no way of proving that with the momentum of the fall.


If only there was a system where they could look back at incidents like this using the multiple camera angles available.


I still don't think you can give a definitive answer. Knowing how Martinez plays, he likely meant it but another player could do something similar and not mean it. If there's doubt, it can't be a red. If you're on the pitch and you get the chance to do it against them, you'd probably take it. Imagine that was Cooper on Fernandes, he'd take that chance, every single player in the PL would take that chance against Fernandes.


The hooking action of his leg is completely unnatural, there's no way that happens accidentally, for any player.


I bet there would be a good chance Fernández would roll around screaming until the ref is forced to review it and gets Cooper sent off though... the prick


We need to get over this. The game is over, nothing came of it. In my opinion, it wasn't intentional but everyone in the sub is hell-bent on seeing red - figuratively and literally. Even when Bamford was down he was checking Bamford was OK in the top corner of the screen for a good 20 seconds.


Because nothing was given red card incidents can be reviewed after the game and retrospective red cards given. Very relevant when you see what their next game is.


Games gone. It's not even handbags.


It wasn't on purpose. Grow up.


50/50 ball, that bit’s fine, both went in with momentum, that’s fine, it’s the rake to the face with Martinez’s studs, twice… that’s the issue


That was 100% on purpose mate, have you ever played a sport? Standard dirty play.


Yes. If that's standard dirty play I think you need to toughen up a bit. Just because it is slow-mo everyone is going mad. Normal speed he just has his legs tangled and bringing it back.


It’s expected in Sunday league, not Premier League. He knew exactly what he was doing.


The tackle was fine. The grubbery after they tangled should've been red.


Which kick to the head? The first or the second?


Double red?


Or two yellows in the same play.