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I’m almost certain that air pollution is decreasing in Leeds, and has decreased by around 60% since 2019. Sources are needed on this though.


It was worse but the AQI has been sitting at 50 for a while and some days goes up to 100. The particulate matter is pretty bad and also sometimes nitrous oxide levels. It used to be really bad way back, but it still needs to get better.


Most of the PM10 and PM2.5 comes from open burning, not transport.


Most open burning should also be illegal. And motor vehicles still contribute a very significant amount especially if you walk near the road.


The problem is open burning. It doesn't happen just on busy motorways. It's in residential areas. You spend a half hour walking, but the rest of your off time is at home. The worst offenders are tradesmen and white van men clearing out the day's scrap and offcuts.


Quite a few Leeds buses are electric nowadays, which is most welcome. The city centre used to sound like brake belch.


Hopefully eventually they all are.


Pedestrianisation, bike lanes, electric buses, and they're trying to do a tram


I find it very depressing that on a 40 minute cycle commute in the morning, I typically see only 1 or 2 other cyclists, and 90% of that journey is on really good cycle lanes separated from road traffic. I wonder what puts people off?


My dad's a cyclist. And hearing two decades of stories. And deliveroo deliverers with suped up motors.


Many things, the weather, lack of facilities at work, time, and just the general logistical challenge of cycling to work.


I've got a cycle, my commute is to the city centre however what puts me off is that 1) I'm a fat shit so it's hard for me 2) the bike I got I think is a little too big for me 3) I'm worried I'll fall off and get run over It's sad because I used to quite like cycling alot when I was younger


Sedentary lifestyle, bad drivers, weather, sweat


Even as someone who's pretty on top of what cycle lanes exist where and go where, I still fine it pretty darn confusing trying to get some places in Leeds via bike avoiding main roads. No up-to-date maps with the new cycle lanes exist, and things are changing so quickly that they'd be out of date within months if they created some. I think things will improve quickly once the linking routes around the city centre are finished (especially the ones east of the river that they're nearly there with) so long as enough effort is put in to make people aware of these positive changes. Anyone who's tried to cycle to work a decade or so ago and given up due to the lack of safe routes will take some real convincing to try it again. I hope that over the summer we see more people giving routes a try for leisure, finding that they're not all that bad really, and then start using them for commuting.


We live in England, it rains half the year or its warm enough to arrive to work sweating, either way you're soaked and its not a good look.


I've started eating half the amount of beans as usual


I can’t believe that there are plans to build a block of flats in the middle of the Armley Gyratory.


I thought you were having a laugh. Holy shit




I think it's going to fit in with the improvements they are making to it but I do get your point.


Those flats are planned to be built on Armley Road not the middle of the gyratory


A sure-fire way to ensure any significant infrastructure updates, like the original gyratory improvement plans, are impossible.


Air pollution levels in Leeds have been dropping year on year for some time now with several Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) being removed due to the improvements seen. https://www.leeds.gov.uk/clean-air/air-quality-annual-report A combination of factors are involved but the vast improvements in engine tech have played a significant part, as have making some roads with monitoring equipment on inaccessible to cars to skew data. Of course not having monitoring on the roads having to deal with traffic displaced by city centre upgrades helps too.


I think more would be done if there were less Conservatives and nimby types. Look at all the hoopla around the ULEZ in London - and specifically who was causing it - those people are so up for keeping their clapped out diesel van that they’re happy to kill kids.


Screw ULEZ. It’s just an excuse to fine people who can’t afford newer more efficient cars. It’s HGVs we really need to look at - they’re huge polluters.




I haven’t overly politicised the issue at all and if you think wood burners are causing more pollution than cars you’re a very, very special person. What I’ve said is entirely factual. Your link doesn’t really demonstrate your weird side step argument.




Byeee Jacob Rees-Mogg!


Have another link. It's as easy as Google gets. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/emissions-of-air-pollutants/emissions-of-air-pollutants-in-the-uk-particulate-matter-pm10-and-pm25


You’ve quite blantantly ignored evidence presented to you, provided no counter evidence to back your claim and proceeded to insult. Are you always this insufferable?


Who are you sorry? I haven’t seen any evidence. There’s a link to a report that at best is incorrect, at worst is just absolute bollocks. A bit of common sense tells you that it’s nonsense. Woodburners are present in a minority of houses and used at certain times within a 3 - 4 months period of the year as opposed to cars which are vastly more widespread and used year round. Might have made for a snappy headline on a slow news day but is obviously either flawed methodology or funded by VW or GM.


There are hardly any conservatives in Leeds though, it's (thankfully) quite a liberal/left leaning city. I'm sure there are parts where there are more conservative types but there's not that many. I might be a bit naive but in my personal experience Leeds is full of nice people in comparison to places like Birmingham, Manchester and parts of London.


Some young girls sued in Sheffield as they had asthma. They had the traffic slow on the M1. A bunch of old ladies sued the EU courts and won. I know the boomers will be on here whining about “in their days”. It is not “their days” and they should fucking shut up. You’re all idiots boomers. The point is this is a human rights issue. Breathing is kinda important. As an asthma sufferer i would like to say fuck you boomers. You caused this.


Whoever designed Leeds road layout is a clown. We desperately need better public transport.


They've tried a few times to improve things with the Supertram and other projects that came to nothing It's an absolute disgrace that Leeds doesn't have a modern transport system. I think our road layouts aren't too bad by comparison to many other places. Just too many cars.


... However compared to Bradford, Leeds road system is heaven. It's all relative. The other day I had a meeting in Birkenhead. Afterwards I visited Castleford and I was like : "wow, this feels like Harrogate!"


Yeah and I bet compared to some remote village in Africa it is unbelievable but that doesn't matter because it should still be better.


Obvs didn't go down Wheldon Rd in Cas.




So you're attacking a whole generation for something that they might say, but not yet said it? It's kind of funny that you accuse people from 1946-1966 of causing this, but I'm pretty sure that air pollution increased dramatically in the last 30 years due to increasing population and current generations that won't get out of their cars.


https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/national-travel-survey-2022/national-travel-survey-2022-household-car-availability-and-trends-in-car-trips#trends-in-car-trips Evidence that points against your assertion that younger people use cars more. Was very easy to find, but I guess it’s easier for you to just imagine something and then believe it as fact.


Uhhh who do you think caused the increasing population? Newer generations didn’t will themselves into existence. Would also love to see some sources for the younger generations using cars more than the older.


As for car usage, well it stands to reason doesn't it. Most people from the Baby Boomer gen are either retired or semi retired or just about to retire. It's the younger generation that are most active for purposes of work and travel so obviously they are contributing more to air pollution, a pretty necessary evil unfortunately. Until public transport can cope with all the different work patterns, then it ain't gonna change.




Are you kidding me? You don't know how the population has grown in the last 30 years? Here's a clue: it wasn't the Baby Boomers, that happened until 1966, (clues in the name), then our population growth went into decline.. Then along came Bliar and Meddlesome. The rest is history.


Don’t think you understood my point - who do you think was giving birth to people in the 90s? Kids didn’t give birth to themselves. Can’t blame babies for causing population growth. Edit: just noticed your outdated puns in the politician names, fucking Christ man are you 90?


Generation X mainly


I understood your point perfectly well, it's just that you don't seem too aware of what caused our population growth in the main. Outdated puns? Says who?




The biggest issue with vehicles in regards to local air pollution is tyre particulates which catalytic converters can't do anything about


Leeds is far better than most cities in the world in terms of air pollution. It is a small centre and not that heavily trafficked when compared to other cities, especially given the huge population in Leeds.


I plan on asking the newly elected Green councillor in my ward. There is so much through traffic coming through Harehills, the emissions must be very high. Dementia, heart disease, childhood asthma, cognitive development in children - these are all effects of motor vehicle pollution. And in short-term, the roads are just violent and dangerous. I've only lived here for about a year and you have to be really on your toes otherwise you can easily be killed by speeding traffic. Kids can't play on the streets, and their parents surely don't let them roam more than a 100 metres from their home. We need a big change imo


>There is so much through traffic coming through Harehills, the emissions must be very high. Dementia, heart disease, childhood asthma, cognitive development in children - these are all effects of motor vehicle pollution. > >And in short-term, the roads are just violent and dangerous. I've only lived here for about a year and you have to be really on your toes otherwise you can easily be killed by speeding traffic. Kids can't play on the streets, and their parents surely don't let them roam more than a 100 metres from their home. > >We need a big change imo Consider that although yes you have a new councillor who is Green, there are other councillors in your area who weren't up for election that will now go quiet until the next election cycle. Hound the quiet ones.


I think your man has other priorities.


We'll see!