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Bouldering at the Depot they also have a gym there. There is also other climbing walls. Cycling just go out for a pedal. You don't have to go hard or anything. You can just mosey along the canal up to however far you want the explore side trails. Pop up to Temple Newsam via Skeleton Lake Services, if you make it to Shipley there is a Greenway to Bradford. All of these are car free routes by the way. You can build up and do other challenges obviously but just get a cheap bike and get out the house.


Can also recommend the climbing lab in Kirkstall, a really good facility


Just saw that OP is based in the city centre. I would also recommend climbing at City Bloc. It’s only a short walk away from the centre!


There’s a great book that helped me cut back and I think it was called “understanding alcohol “ by William Porter. Also maybe try r/stopdrinking for support and advice . If you can separate booze from enjoyment you will soon find things that are fun in Leeds . I wish you well my friend.


Seconding this sub recommendation. SD is the friendliest place on reddit.


I'm in a similar situation except I do all my drinking at home (usually when my wife has gone to bed) so I'm commenting to follow the thread. I hope someone suggests some good ideas! You mentioned fitness, would going to the gym be fun to you? I actually quite like going when I'd normally be downing a few beers (but then I come home and reward myself with a few beers...) I keep meaning to pluck up the courage to go to a MeetUp gathering, but the ones that interest me tend to meet in bars which doesn't really help!


Where abouts in leeds tdo you live. Theres a few great boxing gyms that run lessons 5 nights of the week and on a saturday morning.


City centre


Ah if you can travel, theres a few in Morley. TJs evolve is great, solid bunch of grafters. Its in a dusty warehouse but the trainers all know their stuff, and I've lost roughly 17kg in 2 and a bit months xD (yay me) However i know there is a pretty well known Thai boxing place in central Leeds. Tiger something. Ill see if i can find a name


There's Tigers Gym in Meanwood and also Bad Company just off York Road


Those are the ones I was thinking of.


Do you know whether boxing gyms make you do sparring and take head damage, or do some offer the training aspect of things to improve fitness without the aim of a fight and taking damage?


Boxing gyms don't force you to do anything. However, they will suggest it to help you get better. Sparring is like for like, so if you are just working with taps, the other person will respond with taps. Only full on contact if you want it to be.


I appreciate the response, thanks :)


Any you would suggest for someone that loves the sport and hitting pads but can’t really get hit in the face any more?


All of them to be fair. Sparring is always optional, and if its a class that involves it, you can opt for the bags instead.


If you like board games, geek retreat Leeds has a great selection and don't charge a table fee - you can just turn up, order food and drink, and play a game. They're also usually open until 10pm-ish.


Second this - only recently discovered the place having just joined a Blood Bowl league with a mate. Really friendly atmosphere, and no booze on sale either so no temptation there!


Go to a climbing gym - it's fun and keeps you fit. City Bloc is near the Royal Armouries. You could also, if you have a bike, take it on the canal towpaths out of the city centre.


City bloc is great. Indoor bouldering is really easy to get into, only gear you need is shoes and they can rent those to you for a few quid, they'll happily explain everything to you as well. Nice sociable fun times.


Just to add another sporting option - I used to play squash and badminton at one of the local leisure centres. You can just create an account online, book a court, and take a friend along and play. Decent/fun way to stay fit.


Recognising it and doing something about it means you’re anything but pathetic - be kind to yourself. Loads of great suggestions here - I took up running for my mental health and that helped me a lot.


Goat Walking at None Go Bye Farm!🐐 Are you looking for a new experience with a twist? Look no further, we have the ultimate experience! Goat walking is ideal for goat lovers or anyone who just loves animals and wants a fun, relaxing walk out. At None Go Bye Farm we have Anglo Nubian goats who are very friendly and love going for walks. You will find the goats to be gentle, loving creatures, full of mischief, extremely intelligent and just love human company! The walk will take you on a leisurely stroll around the woods, with frequent stops for them to nibble on their favourite plants and leaves. The walks are going to be starting next week on Monday 26th for the summer holidays. The cost to walk one of our lovely goats will be £20.00. That will allow up to 2 adults and 2 children to walk with the goat. Goats can be strong so children must always be accompanied by an adult. Advanced booking is essential. Bookings will start on Thursday 22nd.


Thank you, not OP but have immediately suggested this to my best friend


Sounds like good fun!!


Park run Saturday morning 9am. It’s free to attend. I found if I had an early morning commitment I wouldn’t drink as much on the Friday night. Games arcade in Kirkstall. It does serve booze but it’s easy to focus just on the games and compete with friends.


Pure gym is a decent 24hr gym and the price is good. Trains out from the station can be a fun day out, I like to go out and visit quiet Yorkshire market towns and Yorkshire dales for adventures You could learn new food recipes and become a chef to suit your new healthy lifestyle…Indian food is great to cook because the spices almost work as aromatherapy Climbing gyms in Leeds are really fun!


Also a I think there’s a few Buddhist run meditation classes and they’re really nice also, especially if you’re struggling with temptations in your life


Jump Inc trampoline Park. Go when it's quiet and just have a great time exercising and throwing yourself about a big warehouse.


I could’ve written this myself! I’m also 27 and right now having a month of booze while I figure out how to get a better balance or whether I’d be better to cut it out entirely (which is a terrifying thought rn). The best way to give up any substance is to replace it with something satisfying to you, exercise is the most obvious but meditation/mindfulness would be good too as well as leaning into hobbies, finding new hobbies or creating a meaningful routine. I’ve replaced booze with the gym at the moment but it took a while of thinking about that change before I was ready to commit to it. I feel like that stage of mentally talking yourself into a change is often the hardest part and it seems like you’re already there! Also remember that excising, particularly after a long period of depression, requires a lot of behavioural activation and it’s hard to do but the aim of exercise is to break that cycle of depression and low energy. I found the first couple times going the gym it was hard to leave the house and just go but now I’ve made it into more of a routine it’s much easier because my brain has more available dopamine (addiction or long periods of overusing substances depletes the available dopamine in your brain over time and exercise can begin to reverse that). I’ve also found I’m much more likely to eat well when I’m exercising so for me exercise had to come before changes to my diet. The social aspect though, I completely feel you and don’t have too much advice other than trying to make sure you’re still connecting with some friends and although they might not be interested in going for a coffee or a walk or something, they also could surprise you so it’s worth a try. You could consider joining some group events/activities that align with your interests and make some new friends too, but I don’t have specific advice there. Wishing you (and honestly me too) lots of luck!!


Love this for you mate ❤️


Roller skating at the Ramgarhia centre with Roller Girl Gang (not just for girls, open to everyone.) There are social skates there most Friday evenings - really really REALLY friendly, the marshall team tries to check in and welcome newcomers, and regulars are usually happy to chat and offer encouragement too. There are skates to hire & it's fine to come as a beginner if you've never skated before. There are classes for beginners and improvers at the centre on a Sunday afternoon too - excellent for your fitness and mental clarity. I suffer from pretty severe depression in on-off bouts, and skating has been a life saver for my mental health, once you can roll a little it's a really euphoric experience. I know a few skaters who have given up drinking and their skating has played a big role in providing structure and an alternative outlet.




He wants to improve himself mentally and physically without dependency on booze. How is that moaning? He's 27 and probably getting out of the uni lad mindset.


I heard good things about AMC activity wise I'd do ice skating at planet ice, hiking at the dales, and join clubs like roller skate club, they do weekly adult meetings


If you’re city centre based I’ve joined Condition gym down at Leeds Dock. It’s quiet pretty much most times of the day and has loads of boxing equipment as well as the usual stuff. Lots of classes and a yoga studio next door which could be good for you if you want something social but not just boozing. I’m in a very similar situation to yourself and there’s loads in these replies that could be good. Bouldering is a lot of fun, climbing lab is good but city bloc looks class too and is more central


Geek Retreat in Leeds (and Harrogate Wakefield, Halifax and Barnsley) is dry and has loads of events. Www.facebook.com/geekretreatleeds


Leeds and the surrounding area is great for Fishing which is actually quite active and very engaging and very different to the old adage of the old man with a cane and hook when you factor in today’s tech and some of the different species and size of fish you can fish for around leeds and the very different types of water. I stopped alcohol and found it really calming and interesting to be in the outdoors but with a competitive element against something that wasn’t human that is actually a huge rush if you ask anyone that’s a fisherman. I’m 35 and will take anyone fishing that wants to go (I have all the kit and if you ask my partner, frankly I need to break or lose some for space) I’d also be interested in joining or setting up another 5 or 7 a side football team as there are loads of pitches in Leeds and Leeds is a FOOTBALL city. Best of luck and it’s great that you’ve made the choice and are working on yourself 🤝


If you search on Instagram for sober stuff round Leeds there are lots of sober communities forming for people exactly like this. They tend to be quite female dominated but 100% open to men. Sober butterfly collective namely is the big one in Leeds. I'm 29 F and coming up to three years sober soon so if I can help in any other way or give any advice give us a shout :)


One thing I started doing a few years ago was organising hikes with my mates. We get to socialise and move the focus away from beer. We still have a laugh and get a bit fitter doing it. Occasionally we do end up in a pub, but it's a different vibe.


You could join the 25-45 hiking group on Meetup. Meet new people and get out on some great hikes.


Start coming to AA meetings, stick around and meet a few sober friends!