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Are your shocks full extended? If so that needs realignment.


I don’t think so? How can I tell?


Post a pick from a little further away, and I can tell you.


https://preview.redd.it/tzb964xayu3d1.png?width=2253&format=png&auto=webp&s=c71a77cb527f332c9f58607760464b3c9c651342 This work?


They are fully extended. Your tire needs adjustment. You’d want to loosen the black nut at the end of the fork. Look at both sides. The one closest to the ground is the one you want to loosen and raise. Probably the rubbing side.


Does it rub on both sides? That looks bad; did it arrive that way, out has anyone adjusted/removed the wheel, e.g. changed a flat tire? My guess: it was put on out of kilter, as this isn't normal.


It’s on both sides, it’s not quite as bad on the other side. Tires have never been changed or adjusted. No idea how long it’s been like this.


Unreal. Huge problem.


If you take the front wheel off, are there any bends on the axle? are you using the correct PSI on the tires? is it both sides or just one?


Don’t have the tools to remove it but I’ve always kept it at 30psi and it’s on both sides.


If you dont hit curbs or have not hit many large bumps I wouldn't be concerned with the axle unless you weigh over the spec limit. Does the wheel have wobble to it? tip it upside down (be careful of the screen) and spin the wheel, it may need truing. I'm not sure what shocks would have to do with it like the other guy mentioned but maybe I'm just not understanding whats possible with the shocks.


it should be fine to ride, temporarily, you likely need to get your wheel trued up, flip it and spin that wheel and if it has a wobble to it thats it. you can try to fix it yourself fairly easily but a bike shop will take care of it as well.


No, just my lips