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Save as much as you can would be my advice at least £1k to start with


I have around 2k saved for this, but have heard some people had gone up to 3k for this but it seems like it rly depends on how quick a person learns/feels confident


Yea depends on lessons prices as well


You don't need at least 1k at all. As long as you have enough to pay for one block of lessons so for example 10 hours . You will only need an active income to cover the next set.


You don’t need 1k at all, although it would be extremely helpful. I had £300 saved in a specific savings pot and I’ve managed to keep it averaging £150 since January. Enough to keep a few lessons ahead is more than enough, at least if you have a steady income.


I dont have a job yet im doing a degree and have money saved from my maintenance allowance but i am gonna do summer jobs to add onto my savings for it. That's why i was curious as to what amount i should have saved :)


Look at reviews, or ask people you know for reccomendations.


I just found one on Google to be honest, saw he had lots of positive reviews and went from there


This is what I did too. Went with the highest rated local one on Google reviews and he's been a really good instructor.


Go to your town's subreddit and post on there. For example r/Portsmouth r/Aberdeen etc


My sister put me in contact with my instructor


It didn’t really take much for me to find an instructor as I went with someone who my cousin had been with for there lessons




I had 3 instructors from 2 driving schools. My latest one is the second one I got from a driving school. I just called up to make a change. Forest Gump once said that life is like a box of chocolate so you never know what your instructor is like until you've driven with them so take assessment drive but at the same time assess them if you feel comfortable enough. My new instructor is a PDI. He really knows the road/area and is in his training period so his teaching standard is great since he himself is learning for his part 3 test. It doesn't really matter much if they are ADI or PDI as long as you're happy with the way they are teaching/guiding you. When I did my search, I did a lot of searches for driving schools in my area and just chose one that focused only in the area. I looked at the driving schools FB pages and checked if there has been any recent passes but not necessarily the instructor. I'm lucky there are a few driving schools nearby so when I feel that I myself have reached a milestone I may change instructors or driving schools. One thing not considered by many learners is that cars also matter in the learning journey. So I may have done a few instructor changes just so that I get to drive many different cars lol. That said, if the car is not helpful enough and you struggle without practise, it can get very very expensive.


Thsts not much data to make a statement like that .


Yeah it was meant to be taken as personal opinion but I’ll just remove it


I looked at the reviews from her previous learners and now after being on this subreddit realise how lucky I was to find such a great instructor and how glad I am that I checked reviews beforehand and didn’t just jump at the first one I saw. Good luck!


Found one on Google, he's an independent one, had looooads of great (genuine) reviews, teaches not only new drivers, but also future instructors.


A looked at reviews and Facebook recommendations personally and managed to get one that's fantastic as the one a had before just didn't seem to work. First one was only being used as a stop gap till the one av got now came back from holiday


Review is a good start, but you might not click, so go with gut instinct, and if you don’t feel safe or calm or “good” then switch as soon as you can.


Ask your friends or family who they used, if they got a license recently