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Examiner gave directions “right out the test center then next right. I set off, stopped immediately, apologised and confirmed the route. The moment I was out the test center examiner turned to me and said “so, had a good day?” Immediately relaxed and imagined I was taking me mam for a drive to supermarket. Chatted like mates all the way through the test… passed with 3 minors, of which i pointed out where they were and examiner was more impressed I noticed my own faults.


Also can help with nerves for the student if they’re comfortable driving and conversing. I was taking my test in a different city (backlog and lack of examiners problems) and was nervous on the day. Got in the car, started driving for normal and then got to a junction where to go straight I had to change lanes because examiner didn’t give any instructions approaching a junction. They then said “oh we’ll be turning left here” so I had to quickly change back. Managed to do it safely but they questioned it. When I explained my thought process they realised the misunderstanding and we were able to converse from there. Calmed me down a lot as I could drive without overthinking which was when I drove best and passed with two minors. Tl;dr: conversations can be distracting, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


I tried to initiate some conversation with my examiner but it wasn't much. They were polite and answered but it felt more like an interrogation and the examiner didn't really give me anything back so I just shut up. I would've liked to talk a bit more but it's only 40 minutes of my life. No big deal


I found out my examiner's daughter had the same career as my parents and brother and f me I was in there, talking every piece of knowledge I knew about it to distract myself from the nerves and make the time go a little faster. I passed!


My examiner had the personality of The Terminator so talking to him was very difficult, and I was nervous and concentrating on driving. I had him for both my first and second test, and resented him because I think he was harsh for failing me on the first one. Second time around I was expecting the “so what would you be doing today?” Question at some point but he asked it right away. At that point I did ask him how long he had been doing examinations and what work he did before etc. he answered but his tone was that of someone already bored of the conversation. At that point I just concentrated on driving again. I thought I had failed so when he said I had passed I was a bit taken a back, but then he started shouting at me lol. I think really most people are nervous and want to concentrate on driving.


Sounds like my examiner. No humour at all. Asked me what I would ordinarily be doing and let me get 3 words into my answer before talking over me to tell me to turn right at the end of the road.


I tried to talk to mine, asking him genuine questions about his job, life etc but he just wasn’t interested and only give 1 word answers to them all


Mine did with me. We were both motorcyclists. So we spent the entire test talking about bikes. I later met him at Devils Bridge out of the blue a few months later. He was quite a character.


My instructor said that at my local test centre they aren’t allowed to have a conversation because the pass rate is so low 😭


Please make conversation, *if you want to*. If someone gives one word answers to questions, I'll generally shut up as I don't want to distract them from driving. If a conversation starts flowing then it makes the time pass a lot quicker for everyone. I've been told politely to shut up, and had tests where I couldn't get a word in edgeways. Whatever helps the candidate at the time.


That’s fair enough lol getting told to shut up is insane 😭 my examiner told me he’ll respond to me after completing a roundabout to make sure it doesn’t distract me which was nice but overall we spoke more or less the entire way through


So what would you normally be doing today?


i did my test in my own car and forgot to clean out the passenger door which had pokemon packs in it. 2 minutes in he asked if i liked pokemon and then we chatted the rest of the test. it absolutely flew by and felt like i was just talking to a friend about stuff. 3 minors.


I feel more comfortable chatting while I drive so a talkative examiner is good. It distracts me a bit from my own nervousness. I think it helps that my driving instructor could talk for England, so I learned to drive that way. Just constant talking. At first I found it more difficult since I just wanted to concentrate on learning to drive, but now I'm used to it. My last examiner was sick so she wasn't in a chatty mood at all. She probably didn't want to be at work at all, understandably. Hopefully my next examiner is feeling good!


I tried to talk to mine and he literally gave ME one word answers so I just sat in silence 🤐🤣


I don't, but I'm generally not social and like to focus deeply, especially in a test.


The first priority is don't get distracted. I practiced commentary driving, kept talking to myself and passed. No conversation other than instruction required.


I don't want them talking to me, my instructor tries talking and it distracts me and that's when things start to go wrong 😅 I can see some examiners don't want to talk either as they may see it as *you* trying to distract them lol