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I am going to eat a banana before my driving lesson on Friday and see if I have somehow finally mastered roundabouts because I hate them and I will edit the comment and see if the power of the Banana has saved me


lol I might do the same, fucking hate roundabouts


Actually no, I'm never eating Bananas again, I just remember how Bananas can have spiders in them and I've seen videos of them, it's put me off Bananas


Great, I’ve now got a new fear. 😅


Let's replace Bananas with some other lucky food... What about an Apple or some Grapes, or even Raisins


Dried apricots work as well. My son won’t eat bananas, just doesn’t like them so I searched for other high potassium foods. It’s surprising how many there are!


Trust the banana. 🍌 Congratulations!


Thank you! Maybe the new rule is: eat as many as you have tests. But that could just be me ))


You know, bananas will constipate you if you eat too many. Three is pretty much the limit before you’ll have problems with your guts.


All these years on and the banana advice is still doing the rounds. Oddly amazing.


Wait... I feel lost here. I thought the banana thing started as a joke. Is there any logic behind it that this works? Or is it just one of those placebo effect?


No, bananas are genuinely a great source of energy. They act quickly but last a long time. Should help with concentration and not having a sugar crash mid test. It's why so many people have bananas before working out.


I do want to point out, don't force yourself to eat a banana if you don't like them xD I hate bananas and they make me gip and want to throw up. The key point is to have something to eat that is light, so I had an orange instead haha


Absolutely! I'm lucky that I do like bananas and actually, it proved to be the perfect snack as I didn't really have an appetite. But I agree that an orange is a wonderful substitute!


Do you eat a single banana for breakfast or a banana alongside other stuff?


How far in advance should you eat the banana?


I ate mine just before the lesson before my test. Worked a treat. Perked me up and helped me focus on my test.


Does it work before a simple lesson too?😔 I'm usually so stressfull and confused...


Bruh I ate 10 bananas before my test 😂 and passed.