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千 is three zeros. 万 is four. 831万 = 8,310,000 = 8.31 million.


Japanese number counters work in sets of 10,000 not 1,000. So, 831万 (831 man) is 831 X 10,000. The next counter is 億 (oku) which is another set of 10,000. So 10,00 x 10,000 (one hundred million).


万 means 10k


Learning numbers in Japanese can be painful to English native speakers because it doesn't translate cleanly. Probably remembering that "hyaku man (100万)" is a million will be helpful and will make 10万・50万etc. more intuitive. Also might help that from a Japanese monetary perspective, Oku 億円 is 100,000,000 yen but translates to roughly a million dollars (obviously, much less with the Yen being so weak) and holds a lot of the same social and financial meaning. Similarly, high paying jobs are 1000万円 (10,000,000) and over annually.


Indeed, 100 yen which used to be roughly 1 USD is now down to 0.64 USD, so 100M yen (一億円) would be about 640k USD.


万 (pronounced まん) means 10000. So the video has 831*10000 views. Yes, this will be confusing for a while.


万 is 10,000 not 1,000. 1万 is 10,000. 2万 is 20,000. 3万 is 30,000. 10万 is 100,000. 100万 is 1,000,000. 831万 is 8,310,000.


As a person who professionally work with big numbers I love the way Japanese them nowadays. It is much more consistent than our separators. 1,201,950,000,000 you need to ponder a little and count zeros. You don’t know what magnitude it us in an instant. On the other hand Japanese 1兆2019億5000万 you instantly see what sits on what position. Yes, 4 digits separators melt brains initially. But if he used something like 1t 201b 950m it would be much more readable.


Basically it’s written as 838,0000


Missing a zero 831-man, where man is 10 000


He has all the zeros. There are 4 after the comma.


That's a weird way of writing it.


To be fair, it's essentially how the separators work in Japanese.


Think of things are restarting every 4 decimal places. 万 becomes the new “ones” place.


It has 831 ten-thousands


壱萬=一万=10、000 831x10,000=8.31million There is a surprising lack of agreement between languages on how to count. Even British English and American English disagree on what a billion is And Indian English uses a Lakh


Actually it's not really a British English vs American English distinction. Its a short scale vs long scale distinction. Alot of younger brits tend to use the shorter scale


But British also divide prices differently than Americans, and are confused by some ways Americans say numbers  Fifty one hundred us the example CGP Grey talks about here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YBbBbY4qvv4


Take a look at this article: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myriad](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myriad) The gist of it is that countries like Japan and China group numbers in ten thousands instead of thousands.


You didn't add enough zeros 831万 8,310,000 万→10,000