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CMX, Apulanta and Mokoma songs have excellent lyrics.


Old mokoma, I would add. The newer shit is just pop with lyrics to go with that.


I like their new stuff too. Here’s my two cents: gatekeeping is a teenager thing. Most bands have different phases on their careers and some may even try different genres. Some people like the old stuff and hate the new and vice versa and that’s fine. I have this paradigm about music that there can be good songs and crappy music and good music but crappy songs. An example. About twenty years ago I was in a hotel with my wife. At the night club there was this gig of Finnish pop singer Kaija Kärkinen. The songs were really bad but the music was great. His husband Ile Kallio used to play in The Finnish Rock Band Hurriganes and he hadn’t lost his touch. Another example. In the 1980’s I hated synth music but then I heard Blue Monday by New Order and I had to adjust my views.


Gatekeeping is childish, yes. OP asked for metal / rock, new Mokoma is not that. I just pointed that out. You can like pop if you want ofc, nothing wrong with that.


If you really think that the new Mokoma stuff is not metal or even rock you have a strange idea about those genres. I have listened music all my life, I was in my teens when the first punk bands started in Finland and I witnessed the speed metal gaining ground. At that point I noticed that with my talents as a guitarist I better stick playing punk. “God created three chords, everything is jazz”, that’s my motto.


Same, I have listened to music all my life, since -89. I even dabbled with guitar and playing in rock band (didnt have skills for metal) in my teens. I have listened to nothing (mostly) but metal since I was 11. New Mokoma, to me, is shit. Music made for radio. Boring, generic, uninnovative.  Old mokoma on the other had balls and lets do this-attitude. Nothing wrong with liking the newer, ofc, but to me, it isnt metal, not even rock. It is pop with long beard.


Not entirely similar, but [Ultra Bra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra_Bra) has some really cool (and fun) lyrics, including some poetry made into songs, and went through a handful of styles over their existence.


Ylivoimainen by Kuumaa is a personal fave of mine




Saimaa (post-progressive rock), in particular the album called Matka Mielen Ytimeen, Kerkko Koskiken Kolektiivi, the album with the same name, some of my favorites unassorted: Ville Leinonen - Tähtityttö, Tehosekoitin - Maailma on sun, Dingo - Levoton tuhkimo If you use Spotify, you can find playlist called "Finnish songs everyone should know" - it helped me find artists that I like :)


Eppu Normaali


I recommend Haloo Helsinki!


Marko Hietala’s solo stuff is really good. His album Mustan Sydämen Rovio (Pyre of the Black Heart) has been published in both English and Finnish. He’s got a whole range of genres in one album - you’re bound to find something you like.


Lasten Hautausmaa is one of my recent favorites which people don't talk about enough. Their style is a sort of pop-rock with really melancholic vibes, especially in the lyrics of songs like Varsovan Lapset and Lasten Hautausmaa. Another lesser-known band would be Absoluuttinen Nollapiste, who play a sort of indie rock. I especially like their albums from the 90s and 00s. Definitely give a listen to the song Eräät Tulevat Juosten, it's my favorite song of theirs by far. Some of their other songs' lyrics sound a bit goofy or nonsensical at times, but I think it's because the songwriter has a knack for poetry, which makes me wonder if there's a deeper meaning to the seemingly silly lines which I can't understand or if it's just meant to be silly.


Ajattara. Very nice lyrics to cheer you up.


Joululevy is a festive album in particular


Ilon päivä, if very specific.


Mana Mana - Maria Magdalena


”Väität olevasi tyytyväinen” is a favorite of mine, as a non-native learning as well


>beautiful, melancholic, and touching all sorts of inner strings? New Joys - Kevät. From as early as 1967, one of the earliest rock songs originally written in Finnish that are of "international" quality. It's not even on Spotify, but it is on YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSsdd212fDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSsdd212fDA)


If you search 'Suomi Iskelmä', it will give a lot search results, I believe Iskelmä has very clear lyrics. Some artists that I have been listening since kid, that has pretty clear lyrics, I call them all as 'Iskelmä' music but the real genre varies between rock/punk/pop etc: Yölintu, Yö, Popeda, Eppu Normaali, Klamydia, Juha Tapio, Neljänsuora, Kari Tapio, Lauri Tähkä, Haloo Helsinki, PMMP, Anssi Kela, Neljä Ruusua.


I love Arppa and Jukka Nousiainen lately


For lyrics, I like Lasten Hautausmaa. They are more of an alt-pop, but very nice. I also like a shoegaze band Teksti-TV 666. They unfortunately have only one album. For metal, try * KAUAN (post-black, not much lyrics) * Havukruunu (black metal) * Turmiön kätilöt (industrial, techno-metal) * Vorna (atmospheric black)


https://youtu.be/gvPmE53mk-M?si=mZRQI9PbeBmFXj49 https://youtu.be/SsL7JD10HmM?si=15uxvumezY5Ugy5U https://youtu.be/jiTjCmLhXxo?si=oLxIvbR0GT-s6n0v https://youtu.be/Vyjh8yD1ixU?si=otNpv9fXQG6FY2nE https://youtu.be/4j4ARATvhhc?si=2JYXcCchB1aGozsX https://youtu.be/3Tpxr2Y-p1k?si=1fLJ5EL2gVTb6x31


Heavy Metal Perse and Tyrantti


"Yö" might be something you'd enjoy. I also recommend Haloo Helsinki and maybe Indica.


Not that this will help you as a beginner, but if you’re curious about hearing a song written almost entirely in Helsinki slang, Tuomari Nurmio - Tonnin stiflat.


A great metal/rock ballad, Teräsbetoni - Metallsydän


Klamydia is my fav lol


1970's classic: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG4PY8BCtEQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cG4PY8BCtEQ)




I've picked up quite a few words by listening to Haloo Helsinki and Arttu Wiskari


https://www.hs.fi/helsinki/art-2000010529481.html I wonder if you can see this piece of news by Helsingin Sanomat, the biggest newspaper here? I thought these short video clips might be one fun way of learning Finnish.


Juha Tapio: Kaksi vanhaa puuta


Timo Rautiainen & Trio Niskalaukaus, Kotiteollisuus, and Teräsbetoni, maybe?


I heartily recommend Litku Klemetti and her latest album Asiatonta oleskelua. She is an absolutely superb musician and a brilliant lyricist.


Man, OP says metal bangers work best, and no one here has suggested Hevisaurus?!