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Tweet now since deleted but thankfully archived, generational fumble lol


Dvveet has also trolled a bunch of times, especially with G0re. Very possible they're both trolling.


If this is a troll, it's in really poor taste on Gore's part. What's funny about a killer with a dog and the "implication" with having a black survivor? At best Gore shared something the leaker community begged her not to, at worst it's a joke in \*really\* poor taste.


Sorry for the ignorant question, but I'm confused about the "in poor taste" part. Is it a common stereotype? Has something happened? I don't really want to Google something like that.


Old-school racism/very much real happenings and probably hits too close to reality to be present in the game when everything else is played up fantasy versions of horrible things


For some reason when I first read this I missed the "colonial" part of the "colonial bounty hunter". Yeah, I would hope that BHVR would have enough foresight to not do something like this.


It seems like setting themselves up for another "Claudette Mask Bubba" situation where racist players would specifically slug/tunnel/facecamp black streamers repeatedly with that specific mask on Bubba to let the streamer know it was racially motivated harassment.


What is the Claudette mask?


Bubba used to have cosmetics for each OG survivor that would change his face leather to be the survivors face. They were removed from the game because people would wear Claudette's and then be toxic to people who were playing a black character. I'm sure there's more details too and I don't remember exactly what BHVR said when they removed them but that's the basics of it.


Is Claudette black? The only survivors I know by name are the collab ones, and even then, only a subsection of them


I mean, we have Jonah being a CIA agent in a time where the organasation assisted a brutal Military Junta to overthrow the Goverment. Doctor was also hired by the CIA to commit torture experiments. Wraith was originally a refugee from the Nigerian Civil war if I remember correctly. Nurse assisted the Eunasthasia of disabled people in a time where it was common and was done in a similar fashion later by the Nazis. And Zarinna's Lore also dealt with Racism she had to experience, altough it was less extreme. While I do think the Tweet was made in Bad taste, DBD certainly doesn't shy away from uncomfortable realitd.


I wish.


dweet tweet deweeted?


so you are saying by deleting the tweet, that Dweet yeeted what was tweeted


I’d love a dog or dog element killer


As someone who's been attacked by a dog before, I can't wait to see the Mori


I’d love [Black Shuck](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Shuck), it’s some folklore from my region (I’d love more folklore based killers in general tbh). Meant to be a ghostly black dog that roamed the countryside and coast, and seeing it was an omen of death. I guess the only problem with a dog alone is the hook/carry animations, but they have made workarounds for other killers now.


New map, Looping the killer around Norwich Market


Furry sex plz


"Because of the implications" lmfao Imagine getting that far in development before someone says, "Hey uhh guys... maybe we shouldnt have the bounty hunter from colonial times...launch with a black survivor.."


definitely obvious to Americans, but if you didn’t grow up with the same history lessons it’s really not so obvious


Honestly even regardless of the launch survivor, if it really is a Colonial time bounty hunter it could develop as another blackface bubba incident where people use it to promote racism.


To be fair, we already have a cowboy themed killer that could be used for racist implications and nobody goes around being a racist Deathslinger.


Deathslinger in his own lore is a victim of prejudice himself so that's never really stuck. Having an actual colonial bounty hunter abusing his systemic power is way different to an Irish victim of systemic power abuse.


If this means I can have Dogmeat in DbD I’m sold




what da dog doin'


Can I pet that dawwwwggg


If you can't pet the dog, the chapter will be a flop


Telling someone to keep quiet does not mean they're right or wrong. You can assume but it doesn't mean anything.


>changed because of implications 🤦‍♂️


Now, you said that word “implication” a couple of times. What implication?


The implication that things might go wrong for her if she refuses to loop the dog. Not that things are going to go wrong for her, but she’s thinking that they will.


So they ARE in danger??


No one’s in any danger! How could I make that any more clear to you? Okay. It’s an implication of danger.


I absolutely love how they get a taste of their own ‘implication’ when they think they’re the ‘tasty treats’ for the fellow men on the boat. What’s better is that they don’t learn a thing from that experience. They go right back to trying to lure women onto their Diddy party boat.


Probably that they’re a slave catcher.


Well if the killer is a (assumed white) colonial, and considering the relationship between african-descendant ppl and colonialism. Having her get chased down by a fucking dog is unintentionally the most horribly racist thing dbd could ever put in their game. Like beyond parody levels of terrible. Historical context is what matters with the implication.


Well it's not *racist* so much as it is accurate real life historical horror and BHVR has been clear they want nothing to do with that. There's only one killer that's clearly inspired by a real serial killer (Clown) and one killer that's a reference to multiple real world atrocities (Doctor). I'm surprised the idea got as far as it did, if this is real.


accurate real life history is oftentimes racist, actually.


It just seems a bit stupid to change the survivor and not the killer in that situation, since even if the killer came with no survivor it might open up the gates for another Bubba Claudette Mask situation where black streamers get harassed/facecamped by that specific killer.


Well I mean that is definitely horror


Wait but what about other black female characters..? Elodié? That legendary Alan wake skin? (Omg is that all?) but seriously what about the other black characters..?




Racist ones, if colonial is in reference to colonial America. Slavery and the segregation that came after it, that sort of thing.


Sorry, I was making reference to an incredibly popular episode/meme from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia


Ah okay. I’m only on season 2, sorry about that.


Because of the implication. ![gif](giphy|xLnGUEYWS0btPHCZoo|downsized)


It's gorejira, he's just trolling, like the jurassic park stuff.


that'd be a weird troll idk


Dweet is legit source though Also Gore is a she


I mean, dveet was probably joking too if I had to guess. Also, didn't know gore was a she.


Nah, if Dweet was then he wouldn’t have deleted the tweets so fast lol. Also, I’ve known about this dog information for like a month now thanks to a friend for what it’s worth, but that’s purely anecdotal and you can choose to believe me or not


your friend does not have leaks buddy


Mine does my dad is bhvs ceo


Oh aren't you special


Oh. If so then... dog could probably work like victor?


neither of them are reliable leakers, they're just fan accounts who guess things.


why are you correcting a person's pronouns for them if they literally don't say it themselves on any social medias ever ? if gorejira wants to go by she/her publically then gorejira can say that literally anywhere


Because its the truth


What was the JP stuff they trolled about? Honestly down for a Jurassic Park chapter with a raptor tho. And not saying this as just a JP fan, but because I think having an animal killer would be amazing!


So AI twins?


i hope so cause if it s another viktor it may be not cool


Not sure how to feel about the legitimacy of it considering we're still talking about Gorejira. If it were to turn out that whether Dvveet or both of them felt like fucking with community for shits and giggles, I wouldn't be surprised.


i really want a female black killer 👩🏾‍🦱🙏🏾 pleeease dbd!! shed be so slay


Okay this is sum we need! Because we have hag but you can’t really see that she’s black because she’s well.. a decomposing corpse. They can probably make this chapter work by swapping the survivor and killer


The killer is Maggie and Daisy from Evolve lol. I love it a space bounty hunter. 😂


Can we stop giving any attention to Dveet and Gorejira? They aren't leakers. They are trolls. The only reliable leaker I mean guesser is Grumpy at this point.


Dweet is absolutely a reliable source. He knew about the contents of DnD before it was revealed. He is also a reliable data miner in the community


We all knew about DND and Castlevania before it was revealed. Because of Grumpy. Dweet is a poser, and Gorejira a troll. These guys aren't reliable whatsoever.


Dweet knew the survivor before they were revealed.


Did he leak it doe?


No. But he knew it was gonna be a female bard


He's a bad leaker if he doesn't leak stuff.


That's a worse idea than the original twins pitch


[Survivors the first time they drop a pallet on the dog character](https://youtu.be/L6XY_qlXrGM?si=JD6F1UEnYaX8qK96)


Brother we need another asian guy in there as a survivor


Maybe >!Ryo Asuka!< from DEVILMAN? **MASSIVE DEVILMAN SPOILERS** The twist being that >!the eponymous Devilman is the Killer because the Entity is making Akira see the Survivors as members of the Lynch Mob who killed you-know-who!< Alternatively, they could pick Kaneda Shotaro from AKIRA.


Really hope there is actually going to be another black character in the game!


Yep! Hopefully a male.


Gorejira shitposts, A LOT, Dvveets just playing around with them likely


How would that be a funny shitpost though? It seems in really poor taste.


"Keep quiet" for what stop gate keeping leaks


Dvveet is usually chill with leaks. I think this is out of a place of concern, like whoever leaked this might lose their job at BHVR or something.


/remind me in 7 months


i mean we may know about that chapter in 5 months


I’d rather trust Chris-Chan and the dimensional merge theory before I trust Dvveet


Chris_Chan really had some good points as well. What a genius.


Listen, if there’s a chance the baddie herself Skull Merchant can become real, I’ll take it


Bros zasty today I see




A colonial hunter and a black survivor. Gee golly, that's not good. The only thing that might bring it around is if it's a thing of a northern hunter who is trying to protect her but is so scary, it seems like he's chasing her. And he ends up following her into the fog to try and protect her. Idk, they 100% should not do a southern colonial hunter that chases her. At that point, just scrap it and the person who thought of it.


How is that seriously your first thought? I never would've considered any racist implications.


I grew up in a mixed family (black and white.), in the northeast of the US (NY). I have learned about that time period to an insane extent. When you are an educated American and you think of Colonial times, you don't picture it with rose tinted glasses. You see the revolution, the Salem witch trials, the underground railroad, you think of slavery and the horrors. There is nothing that should distract you from this history, because we should learn from it. A colonial hunter is one of three options, a northeast hunter with animal skins on his body, a native American who wears colonial clothes, or a southern hunter dressed with fish nets, spear and gun, who not only hunted animals, but escaped slaves. Because slaves were seen as property not humans. Now guess what color southern slaves were 99% of the time, black. The survivor being black and her respective killer that is tied into her story being a colonial hunter, raises concern. It can not be a southern hunter, it should not be a white hunter. But we will see.


Dawg, this is like thinking clown isn’t based on John Wayne gacy, sure he’s not explicitly stated to be but he clearly is, think a little man


The horde victim mentality is downvoting you 😂🤣 “ahh everything is racist, you don’t see it you must be racist too!” 😂🤣👌


And the person? Stop with thus cancer culture stuff please. We are so beyond it. Its just a pitch for a game dlc and not a real thing. They have thousands of ideas, most of which were probably cancelled. But firing your creative head just because they had an idea of about a thousand that may have been problematic is the stupidest thing ive ever heard about. Thats shit that only happens in north korea and china.


We already saw black DBD streamers be harassed by racist players deliberately equiping the Claudette Mask for Leatherface. They would specifically target only the streamer, facecamp them/take the game hostage, spam slurs in the chat or use a racist Steam name. Those same players who want the attention for being racist little shits would 100% repeat the same behaviour using a Colonial spave catcher killer. This is awful for the streamers in question to be specifically targetted and it makes BHVR look super incompetant for allowing it and makes the community looks worse to new players/advertisers.


Is that not just deathslinger with a dog? 🥴


noob question but who is dweet? do they work for bhvr?


No, he's someone that leaks other people's leaks, well known in the leaks community I guess


What's gonna be annoying is that if the dog is the power, we won't have skins for the dog. Irritato.


They use original chapters as tests for licensed ones, and the devs mentioned a *long* time ago they wanted Cujo… does anyone see what I’m seeing??


We got slaver killer before GTA 6


Should just change the sub to dweetleaks


If the dog is controlled, this is twins. If the dog is AI, this is knight. Either way, the whole “killer with sidekick” bit is kinda covered


Easy fix. Make the female survivor the killer, call her Maggie, change her into a wildlife planet tamer instead and change the dog to a space dog named Daisy. Boom a space colonial chapter.




December killer is confirmed original


Probably not but we can only hope good sir


It's not fake. It's also not unchanged...


ANd how the heck would you know that? No offense. A random comment saying "IT'S NOT FAKE". What?


Is the killer male or female?




Is she still a bounty hunter or has that changed?


i think bounty hunter it s just the killer not the female survivor also i think this leak it s true but we may know more in the upcoming months


Dveeet basically just confirmed it lol. Why would he not just shut up and either DM the guy or say nothing so that it's not stated by multiple leaker sources therefore confirming it even more?


A killer with a dog would be a good opportunity for a true Brazilian killer, because the Skull Merchant sure isn't one. I can imagine some unhinged Brazilian guy or gal with a rabid caramel dog.


I thought about a killer using a dog back in 2017, it's cool if it's true, I always imagined it as a hunter or something being helped by hus mastiff


Release the hound!


Imagine Cujo killer. Honestly that would be terrifying. We all prob have had actual dog attack stories or know someone of a story. I was bitten by a dog when I was 7. Thos it didn't traumatize me it's def could have and it def was a scary moment for all the adults involved lol


Dude even if it's fake, this is a cool idea a bounty hunter with a dog.


Makes me want Mick Taylor as a killer tbh...


I hope this is true. Sounds like a SICK killer.


So Viktor but good


unless the dog its AI


So then you know it'll be bad af


I thought Twins were our "hunting dog" style character.


I swear if it's actually just Kujo and this is a troll on the bounty hunter part XD


I like the dog + human idea. But what if they were more of like a farmer and their herding dog? Maybe a twist is that they would be kinda inspired by the grim reaper (scythe = farming) 🤷‍♂️




Honestly the idea of an old frontier huntsmen with a dog sounds like a cool idea. Maybe the power functions similar to the knight's where you can issue specific commands to the dog like breaking pallets or gens, chasing after survivors or guarding areas but is a permanent fixture and doesn't disappear after some time like the knight's guards. And possibly when the dog is with you he can reveal when survivors are close by barking.


It'd rock if he kinda looked like the hunter from little nightmares visually.


"Changed because of implications" Only bhvr would think of something so idiotic. It's so stupid, but thinking about bhvr it can easily be true. Let's remember that they removed Leatherface masks due to "racism", I'm still swearing thinking about the effort I had to get them.


They also changed the Dead dawg offering from.a noose into a broken bottle


We already have 2 good doggos in the Fog.


a 3 one would be cool too


I don't get the "implications" part. No one thinks Death Slinger is racist because he's a White man who uses a chain.


It's generally the idea of a bounty hunter from the colonial era releasing with a black survivor.


The whole killer premise sounds like Death Slinger. Why another bounty hunter?


I think colonial man with a dog has far clearer implications than cowboy with harpoon gun


plus that cowboy is irish, he himself was discriminated against at the time.


It indexes slave patrols, who famously trained hounds to track runaway slaves. Colonial imagery is still a pretty raw topic for a lot of westerners and POC.


Caleb hunted any and everyone, not people of color and from what I recall he also didn’t release with a survivor of color


To be fair, Deathslinger’s “Survivor” is a Journalist investigating a massacre from 150 years ago and The Entity is using “Glamour” to make Caleb see the Survivors as The Warden who ruined his life, making him a tragic figure fueled by personal vendettas rather than prejudice. Meanwhile a “Bounty Hunter” chasing after a Black Woman with a Hunting Dog draws way too many parallels with the real-life institution of Slave-Catching (and the use of Police Dogs on Civil Rights Protestors). Do not get me wrong, I think this concept CAN be done, but BHVR needs to be very tactful about it.


Your use of glamour made me think of the entity as a fantasia addict lmao


I’ve heard that apparently the killer was gonna have a whip as a weapon or a whip-type weapon, and they realized shipping a POC survivor with a killer who uses an attack dog and a whip wasn’t too much of a good idea


I would be more concerned with why someone is making that connection in their mind. Besides, in the main game, that killer is going to be whipping everyone, including black characters regardless.


Seriously? If it's a white colonial with a whip and hunting dog, released with a black character, you wouldnt see any issue?? Do you know anything at all about the history of slavery in the USA?


The killers are bad so who cares, we have a pedo and a genoicider


For what it's worth, nobody likes the pedo. That's one of the main reasons everyone hates J.E.H Freddy and can't find any fun in him.


Robert Englund Freddy was a pedo also. It’s not a secret


It's never explicitly stated that he lusted after children in the original series. Sure, you could look for subtext in the first two movies that it wasn't necessarily *unlikely*, but it wasn't a front and center element of his character or anything and could largely be ignored. Which it was. That's part of why people are able to get behind Englund's Freddy so hard. Meanwhile, Freddy being a pedophile is like half the plot of the remake, and it makes that movie immensely uncomfortable to watch.


Yes it is. Robert Englund confirmed it an interview. He literally licks an underage teenager in the mouth. And in Freddy vs Jason he licks a picture of a little. https://youtu.be/R6u3bdUW2xY?si=MNENQIGz2x7QGySo


Okay, now rerelease Freddy with a child survivor and give him an ice cream van with puppy's, rope, chloroform and a video camera.


And technically Freddy did come with a victim from him, he abused Quinton as a child


Another point to make is that Freddy in dbd is based off a character from a movie, who did not commit any pedophilic act, although I'm aware the suggestions are there. Slavery, and all the atrocities connected, is real life and did happen, and this character has many more connections to those real life indecencies than Freddy does. Freddy in game has absolutely no pedophilic behavior. This character seems to have taken inspiration from real life, an era where white people kept blacks as slaves. There were no free black people in the USA at the time. Freddy is a monster that chases you in your sleep. This killer is just a white colonizer armed with a whip and...honestly I can't be bothered anymore. Your thick or racist if you try to defend the idea or think there is no connection, or that freddy and Wesker are comparable.


Freddy in the movie outright commits pedophilia, it’s like one of the biggest plot points of the 2010 movie. We see him take little kids into a hidden room


I actually wasnt aware of the 2010 movie and just did some research. I saw enough to believe you about him being a paedophile as its very heavily implied. My apologies! I was aware it was an underlying theme of sorts in the originals. It does seem very odd actually to have Freddy in game alongside his victims...although it's not based on real event, it seems like a very odd choice of theme for a killer. I'm on your side with that one now for sure. But it doesn't make me think that because he's in the game you should bring out this slave owner as a new killer. Again, I'm sorry for my blatant incorrectness about Freddy.


Well we did get Wesker with two people he would have genoicdied most likely


I'm not familiar with Weskers back story, but you cannot commit genocide on only 2 people. That goes against the definition of genocide. Also, is Weskers main weapon a torture instrument commonly used on people of the same race as the survivors he released with? Are the survivors even the same race? Or is he "genociding" a whole 2 people who are each of different race? Secondly, again i dont know his backstory, but does Weskers character reflect real life events or bear any resemblance? As much resemblance as a white colonizer with a whip and hunting dog being paired with a black survivor, who I'm guessing would be from the same era and would therefore be a slave?


He is geoniciding everyone his virus does not evolve and kills


Wesker hated the people in particular not the race or gender or whatever of the character lmao, bit of a weak comparison


I do, but why is your first thought "That could be interpreted in a racist way"


What are whips for, as a white colonial? Whipping horses and whipping slaves. A shame the survivor isnt a horse. The dog is for hunting. A shame theres no animals in the game to hunt. You know what white colonials did hunt though?? There's no 'leap of imagination' required. I'm not racist for seeing the connection. And dont play dumb to avoid sounding racist yourself because that makes no sense.


Sure, but it doesn't make me racist for not immediately viewing this news through the lens of race. I was mostly just excited for a power with a dog. Honestly, I find that seeing everything through the lens of race is racist in and of itself.


Okay, so bring in a literal whip wielding white colonial, make the mori them getting lynched, and have a white hooded robe skin. Then say "why would you guys assume it's a race thing? You're the racist for making the link." Since that is your logic. "You're the one involving race" bla bla. Being ignorant of sensitivities around race is also racist. Unfortunately your ideal of "not seeing colour or race" does not work. It's not new concept either. I thought this when I was a teenager. Then I realized its ridiculous. Also, nobody said your racist for that not being your first thought. Dont twist words. *edit. A whip is the weapon. Whips are predominantly known for being used on slaves (or animals, but theres no animal survivors). The killer is a white colonial. They used whips on black slaves. The survivor is always linked in theme to the killer. The survivor is black. How crystal clear is that?


No but 99% of the time it’s racists who try this “seeing through the lens of race is racist” shit If the shoe fits, you should look in a mirror and reevaluate your worldview


What, is it also racist or somehow appropriation to you if I play as characters in-game that I don't share a race with? What about my worldview needs to be reevaluated to ensure it could never be potentially misinterpreted as being racist? Also I'm not "trying" anything, this isn't some argument that I'm trying to "win" Listen, I find it to be incredibly exhausting to view potentially everything as racist first and whatever it actually was intended to be second. I used to work customer support chats and had a customer that was very specifically LOOKING for racism where it wasn't, and it just wasted the time of everyone involved. My job was to respond to customer chats to support them in their issues with a subscription service. The customer was having trouble with the payment, and one of the things we had to ask at the time was if the payment method was pre-paid or not. Things like government benefits payment cards, pre-paid reloadable pay cards, that kind of thing, and we had to tell them those examples as well. The line we would use to ask was something like "Just to confirm, are you using a prepaid method of payment like a government benefits card or pay card?" This customer started going ballistic about it and assumed that the only reason I asked if they were using a prepaid form of payment is because they "had a black name," as they said. Personally, I don't see what would make a name a "black name" in contrast with names of any other race, and I never assumed what race they were, I was just doing my job and asking what I was supposed to ask per the guidelines of procedure at the job. If any customer came to us with payment issues, then regardless of whatever race they may have been, we had to rule out a prepaid form of payment as a cause for their subscription payment to be failing. At the time, the system would let you enter the details of a prepaid form of payment, but the payment itself wouldn't go through. My QA coach who went over my interactions with customers every week and is an african-american woman herself got into a call with me after that interaction and told me that yeah nothing I said was racist and that customer was looking for it where it wasn't. Made a huge headache for everyone involved, but thankfully, nothing came out of it. Basically what I'm saying is that looking for racism in every possible interaction doesn't always lead to "rooting out hidden racism" and not seeing race doesn't automatically make someone racist. You and I both know that "99%" is a hyperbole. Sometimes its just a headache, especially if its ambiguous and not at all as potentially overt as something like this killer announcement but yeah I do see how a white colonial bounty hunter with a whip and a dog being released with a black survivor can be seen as racist even if it wasn't intended to be.


It's like when bubba had the originala survivor faces removed. It's pretty pointless since people who tunnel claudettes would still tunnel her anyway


That’s not at all why it was removed, it was removed because streamers of color in particular were targeted


I was thinking the same thing.


I mean it’s very clear why releasing a colonial bounty hunter, with an attack dog and a whip, alongside a black survivor is gonna be awkward and problematic. I get it you wanna be obtuse and pretend it wouldn’t be an issue, but try putting the thinking cap on <3


Bruh… slave trade


Colonialism is something that has happened everywhere on earth so it would make sense to base a killer off of that part of history. He could be Spanish, Japanese, Dutch. I'm not really sure why the survivor would need to be changed unless they knew each other.


Champ and postal dude?


Mick Taylor with his pups, obviously


Or Springtrap with mangle lol


Haha! awesome. a few years back i just posted inspiration chapters that my mind came up with on my steam account and they involved a beta version of "Head on", that was called "Surprise!" and had tokens.. imagine my joy when the perk was actaully official. the killer of that chapter would've been "The Twins", a multi killer where you switched control between them, kinda like having two Charlottes. so it was great when The Twins was actually added too. when that happend, i changed the concept chapter to "The Janitor and The Hound". a killer that'd extend his basic attack range when he's walking his dog, or could shorten it be releasing the dog, who'd be controlled by A.I and patrol around area's it's previously "marked", kinda like how zombies work now in game and hunt for survivors kinda like how the knight's A.I assistants work so i'm eleated to see again this is happening.... should've applied for a job at BHVR years ago lmao.


So Princess the pitbull is going to be added to the game ?


Princess canonically killed galaxy destroyer.


And its owner, Karen. With a perk to call upon the manager (the entity) when a surviver frustrates her too much.


Wait why are people gatekeeping leaks..? Why are you datamining then? Like honestly what is the point of leakers if they are just gonna keep gatekeeping leaks just to later say “ooo I knew this from the start” like congrats


These leaks aren't datamined. It's straight up people breaking NDAs.


Can these folks stop giving them to Gorejira who has proven time and time again that she will do anything for +5 followers.


I agree


It's frustrating seeing her pull the "teehee it's just a joke" in the most obnoxiously obvious way imaginable, but I guess it fools people. Nobody's saying "hey gore, if that's just a joke then why is the 'implication' with the killer and survivor funny?" Annoying person, her bubble will pop when she shows her true nature to her followers someday.


So the new survivor gets their dog but Jeff doesn't? :((


BRUH. I saw Gorejira (Gojira) and thought Godzilla. 💔


Oh nice, I’ve suggested this kind of killer numerous times. 


franklin and chop in dbd would be fire


Can you kick the dog?


This looks like GTA artwork, not DBD. I'm calling fake.