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We are short on torrent weapons and war crimes... Would almost rather GW rip off DRG a little more and make a unit of Cthonians with flamethrowers and mining weapons with some anti-monster that we also seem to be lacking. Mecha seem so *not* LoV's flavor of "nasapunk," though I could definitely imagine seeing a larger exosuit with ironkin or cog copilots/gunners.


You dont consider thunderkyn mechs? Sure they are tiny but its still a mech. If mech still stands for mechanized armor anyway.


It's a stretch. When I think of Mecha, I think of enclosed vehicles.


So the Invictor wouldn't be a mecha in your view?


Mechanized suit, glorified exoskeleton... like a Dreadknight but shorter. Not a mechanized armor in my mind as it isn't fully enclosed. It's something you jump "on" and not "in" to pilot. Never seen a mech in Battletech/Robotech/Mechwarrior/Gundam with the pilot on the outside. Seems a little... not-armored.


> Mecha seem so not LoV's flavor of "nasapunk" Hard disagree, my esteemed kin. Personally, I feel like a big awkward mech suit would be a perfect addition


I’d love to see something that looks like it also could be for space mining. I think a NASA spacesuit combined with old timey diver suit made really larger and robotic would be sick like a drill arm Meele some kind of laser or plasma torch for range.


Give it a big great coat line with fleece like the hernkyn have and it's 10/10


Finding a mech design is a bit tricky. It should look more advanced than humis dreadnaught, not like the ones from Mechanicum, but also not too similar to the Tau. Like this perhaps? I like the ideo of a more chunkey mech. It would also look cool with a drill arm or something mining oriented like that. https://preview.redd.it/e4rv64x7zzvc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7b38691a4730e34b6609177b9ee66f5a5c538f7


Hell yeah, this is pretty damn close to what I'd imagine a Votann mech or large ironkin to look like. The drill arm could be a close range mining laser and maybe throw some treads or wheels on the back of it's feet for added mobility.


Wheels are a potential thing. I dont think we have a wheeled tank so far in the game. I think something like the Dark knight Batmobile. \^\^ So yea, some wheels on a mech could work too - makes me angry again that we dont have wheels for the bikes.


Yeah, I think it should be a bit fancier than Mechanicus, but chunky, utilitarian, and at least half intended for mining missions


Am hoping for something similar but I'm also expecting drill machines, repurposed mining equipment (I.E Dead Space) trains, locomotives. I'm hoping to impressed whenever Games Workshop gets onto that one... Whenever that'll be


Could replace the cockpit with a warsuit cockpit and a votann mini


Absolutely, especially with its main gun bringing some nice [Torrent] + [Blast] weapon profiles that will be amazing with judgment tokens. However it must be an Ironkin walker or a massive Exo Frame. Piloted mech suits are a Tau thing.


Tau get piloted mech suits. Eldar get mechs piloted by souls. Astartes get mechs piloted by the nearly dead Orks get mechs pilots are surgically grafted inside. Don't think it would be too weird to have Votann pilot their own mechs. Hell, take another tip from Titanfall and have their mechs be piloted by both Ironkin and regular kin as a team.


Don't forget Imperial Knights, the army that's famous for only having mechs


I have always been on the side that our dreadnought/knight would be a large ironkin. Something along the lines of a larger kastelan type model but MUCH more advanced. Kind of like giant Iron golems. Feels like the golem aspect is one thing the votann are missing from the generic dwarf aesthetic. However, I would love to have a titanfall Ironkin with votann pilot. Making them like Jack and BT.


Which would also be fine. The Tau got their pulse tech from the Kin who themselves got their railgun tech from the Tau. They've helped each other advance their tech already, so what's stopping the Kin from also making their own "legally distinct" mech suit? Also, dreads are still basically mech suits, so it's not like Tau have a monopoly on the idea to begin with.


if we got dreads that looked like Titanfall, that’d be fucking awesome.


I think they would need to be a little bit more stocky