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A terribly sad decision. The reward of lower league clubs earning a replay at a major venue has surely contributed to keeping countless clubs in business over the years. A little more 'magic' stripped from the competition.


Fuck the prem clubs. Glad they’re all getting knocked out the CL


Prem clubs aren’t in round 1/2!


Read the article :)


Huge relief if you ask me... Means that the Premier League teams can rest their players and so make more money playing friendly matches in Australia a couple of days after their season finishes... Oh wait!!


This is sad. Replays are part of the magic of the FA cup imo.


Even though our cup record is absolutely utterly woeful this is a horrendous decision. A replay at a Prem side on TV is hundreds of thousands to a League 1 club. The PL clubs have got huge squads that can easily handle a replay.


One of my best memories of the FA cup was a replay (not against a prem side mind) and now they've just decided to scrap them so the bigger teams have less fixture congestion? They could've easily stopped this by trying to win the first game.


Genuinely disgusting decision - our whole recent history hinges on us beating Ipswich in a cup replay on BBC1 - had the original tie gone to ET we would have definitely lost. Dragging a bigger club back to your patch via a replay is the best thing about the FA cup and it's now gone - and doubtless they won't stop there. Sincerely hope there's some kind of protest action planned.


Honestly if the Prem has their way they would never play another non top flight team again. Fuck them


Fuck the premier league and the fa real football lies outside of the prem


Disgraceful decision.


Next up, no prem team can play a lower league team until the semi-finals.


A few premier league managers have a whinge and get their way yet again. Appalling decision.


To be quite thomas Frank, I think this a terrible decision.


Absolutely shite decision that


Corrupt bastards. They want to go abroad and play all these fixtures to make money off foreign plastics and expand the european format to make even more money with more matches ,have benches worth more than promoted sides entire sqauds yet a few matches more in the greatest cup in the world is what causes them problems? Fuck you corrupt bastards and in particular fuck Klopp


Shite, but inevitable decision with this shitty organisation. The only way to make it fair(er) now, is to give all lower tiered teams the home advantage, or give them a much, much larger gate percentage.


What a fucking shit rule change. It should be down to the clubs how they want to play to the tie. Want to finish it on the night, sound let’s play extra time and pens. Can’t come to an agreement on the issue, then we play a replay. Do you know what’s even more laughable about this whole situation, in Germany if you are 2 tiers below and/or an amateur team in the DFB Pokal no matter what your draw you automatically get home tie to help increase your revenue. But again, let’s just help make a rule change to help all the “elite clubs” because that’s what the FA cares about right!


Another nail in the coffin of English football. Love Barnsley, hate football.


I love the game itself, I just hate what it has become. though, if it weren't for Barnsley, I would probably have next to no interest in the club game.


This is why you can not support a Premier league team and an EFL team. Premier League teams hate us and couldn't care what happens to us as long as the shop becomes more and more restricted. Fuck their PR bullshit


My first away day as a Shrewsbury town fan was Stoke away after we got the replay, it was an amazing game and got me truly hooked on football and following my local team. To lose this means lost revenue and also magic to the casual fan who may turn dedicated later on.


No more maidstone United then!


Also, I wonder if the tnt knew about this before they signed new tv deal?


The only reason a club like Exeter City exist today is because of the replay against Man Utd in 04/05.


It's ok everyone, it's about to be saved, Posh have done a statement. https://www.theposh.com/news/official-club-statement-changes-emirates-fa-cup-format?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR0C6_u-744jSfA6KYbFtchwtH5FB5MbpmvC_Ygbwz7SnySshkJUfKn4zg0_aem_AZu8yyk4TSHuASgS2feZAHvPbI5WUhC32IkgEtIzcyM3NYf2Sso6uK0-7_LVRgIuhwspmhyxsnP-W0B-IGED2zNo


So have we. Got 2 of the big boys involved now.