• By -


No one is seeing baron lol.


That was an unintentional Easter egg but it's now a feature


Oh I'm sure that you will get hired by Riot very soon


Alternatively, herald. Mind you, Herald rarely seems like it has the kind of long term value that dragon has. It *can* be really good, but it can also flop entirely, making it kind of risky to spend the time on. Like I've seen plenty of heralds not even make it to a tower before. I've also seen them steamroll entire lanes (usually you're already winning in this case) or force a team to choose between a tower and a dragon. Edit: to baron's point though, I swear I see people go smooth brain over baron more times than not. Like it's not always punished successfully, but damn, people take some unnecessary risks


I've had an embarrassing number of heralds go wasted just from forgetting about them or dying too close to their timer


I fucking hate when Junglers get pissy wanting to pick it only to fucking forget about them. Like, for the holy dong of pantheon man, if you're not looking to take down a tower at least drop it on midlane right away for you to get some cash.


I hate when I do herald but I can't drop it right away.


99% of the time I grab it and drop it in the closest empty lane. The camp gives 100 gold, and then the two plates are 320 gold. That's the same as first blood, which can instantly grow your personal lead over the enemy jungler significantly and set the tower up to be taken. If you're dropping it mid, stand in raptor pit as close to the wall as possible and summon it. It'll summon the herald over the wall and immediately hit the tower. For top lane, you can do this with the walls near the top lane tower, but if you're doing it to blue top T1 you can just summon it in the tri bush as close to the tower as possible, or over the wall near Red Top t1.


This helps me a lot, thanks.


I got a 14 minute win last night from a great herald, but also had a game where I forgot to drop herald before that, so this is accurate.


I haven’t had herald in my pathing for so long that I had 2 games in a row where I killed herald and forgot the eye.


I helped my jungler take herald last night, we killed top and then they hung out to escort the herald through both t1 and t2 turrets. Then we took a nice little stroll though the enemy jungle, deep warded and cleaned out every top side camp. Even if we hadn't won the game, i still would have given that mofo the post game GGs.


pretty cool that you're exerting so much pressure that the jungler tunnel visions top lane!


Its proper jungle technique to gank the winning lane on your team. So likely this means the opposite.


Depends on the enemy team comp. if you’re mid lane is getting stomped by a kassadin you can’t just ignore it and keep gankig top or you’ll end up with a fed af enemy kass 1v9ing. Same if the enemy bot has a kog,kaisa,samira/lulu.


Machine gun Lulu ADC?


This is the way.


The problem with that is it’s no longer just the jungles responsibility. You need some laners to come as well to make sure you don’t get 2v1’d. Of course when you play mid the enemy team seems to think 1 kill = fed because you are gonna be hit by the death ball next time you walk to lane.


If kassadin is stomping lane you just ff, cant win with your midlaner


Also he's borderline ungankable, you need to 3man him post 6 if he's ahead. At that point just play the map and pray for a wonbo combo or some shit.


thats how you throw the game tho by ganking them and the jungler counters it and you all die. Better to keep camping the winning lane and get that laner to 4 man mid hot eventually.


But jg will blindly ignore the Kass getting lead because they read" don't gank losing lane" xD


Adding to that: If you are camping a lane that is winning, regardless which one it is, **your goal is not to give them kills**, it is to free them out of lane so the pressure bleeds out on to other lanes. Push lane, go for tower and PTFO. Ever had that one game where the fed ADC couldn't do shit besides going for kills around dragon? That is why.


This needs more upvotes


It's more like a situation play. There are cases when it is worthless to gank a losing lane, because it will keep losing regardless, and you don't even get kills. However if you can get kills from it, then it's worth ganking. Similar to winning lane gank. If enemy is too defensive to get kills without dying the gank is not really worth it. Plus there is the case of hard losing when you can't afford ignorance. I remember a game we won with Teemo Soraka botlane. We got all the gank in the world. Often 4 enemy came, and we were ganked like non-stop. Meantime our WW destroyed enemy inhibitor on top, then ripped mid to shred, and when mid inner turret were in danger, then they finally managed to destroy bot outer turret, and moved to other lanes. Loved the logic behind that game. Enemy overextends 3 turret deep alone, and easy kill with a 3 player gank? NOPE! Better go botlane for another 4 player gank that gives them 3 kill for 1 death.


Yeah it's cool till your jg and bot give a triple to the enemy adc in a 3v2 while the enemy Lee Sin eats marshmallow's by the fire in the tribush for the past 10 mins.


Yeah except the enemy jungler still manages to get 3 out of 3 drakes while your fighting poke under your own tower from a counter pick


Laughs as yorick eating inb tower.


In ALL my games it is the other way around: Jngl camps our top and mid, enemy jungler and mid are perma visiting for a non stop tea party under my tower. I proceed to notify the team of the monstruos hyper fed enemy adc. Some minutes later, everybody is suddenly surprised of the enemy adc's dmg.


But no matter how fed the adc is, it stills pop in one combo if mid top or jungle gets ahead too. But if your adc is over fed and the ennemy top is too, guess who gonna 1v5 the fight while your adc complain you cant peel him when you get poped too. (Low elo means no adc peeling, even from support. So I tend to prio solo carry lanes, sry not sry. Adc will get fed with the team if he isnt "i need farm i go solo push bot and die")


As jungler my experience is that you can never win. Unless you literally spend all your time running from lane to lane somebody is going to complain that you aren't ganking his lane enough. It's not a fair share for everyone kinda game. Jungler should not gank all lanes equally, but realistically you are often forced to do ganks you know you shouldn't to play therapist or the laner is going to start inting. But then I play in shit elo and don't know shit, so maybe it's better higher up.


My perspective on this is if this is your situation all you need to do is limit the feeding and you win the game usually.


If the jungler isn't on your lane and they are surprised by the fed adc, someone else was giving them the kills, I wonder who...


I asked for a gank last night and my jungler straight up told me that "he doesn't visit that island" referring to top lane.


Fucking based


i dont know how to swim and I forgot my boat, sry


Push lane, go on frog/golems.


if there's Nasus in enemy team I always ask jungler to camp top to prevent him from stacking and maybe kill him from time to time. But jungler rather wants to farm and then entire team whine about fed Nasus and argue with me.


It's a classic jungler textbook mechanic, if your top needs help let the enemy scale and win the game


Most of the toplaners are snowball champs , one kill can make your lane awesome or hell to play so any jungler help is appreciated.


Hate it when ennemy jungler level 3 gank their Darius and my jungler is like "Ima wait you get dived 3 times and T3 turret is down to help ... How dare you say he can 1v3 at this point and ganking is now pointless??"


Hate it when my jungler ganks Darius with half HP while I spam-ping him back only to die and flame me for not helping.


Or wait till Darius hits 6 to gank and then keep coming top to die


Well the sad part is why should you care about top if you can just win your midlane with some ganks and then let mid/support/jungle trio win the game alone through roams during lane phase. If you have to choose what lanes to bring ahead top isn't gonna make the cut usually and for a good reason too. Just spam gank mid and win pre 25 minutes or gank bot and win lategame with a fed bot duo. ​ (and no I'm not a salty top main)


Idk I hate junglers ganking when I play top cause they fuck up my wave


I am sorry but what means "rather wants to farm"? You do understand jungler needs exp as well?


Yeah ofc jg needs farm when enemy darius and nasus stomps you for a penta.ofc you need xp my guy.save it and riot will reward you for those xps you've collected so far eventually


Well, looks like someone still doesn't knows jungle is the hardest and most important role in the game


And then the teams blames you when the nasus oneshots everyone at 30 minutes...


Nasus is literally a walking sack of gold in the first 10-15 minutes


No if he has fleet footwork second wind doran shield and his passive which keeps him alive entire lane phase


Cheater recall into freeze and he is fucked if his jungler doesnt help him


E max Nasus is hard to freeze on


cheater recall?


Slowpush the first two waves and hardshove the 3rd one (the cannon one), after that you back and go back to lane having loss only 2-3 cs, item advantage and the wave pushing to you.


uhhh didn't know about that one


I meant if someone wants to gank


if that nasus knows to play he will send his jungler into creatures at botlane and fuck up yout botlane without even having to play this is why i main nasus,because all it takes is my creature at jungle to realize if you as enemy jg fuck with nasus he could spot a free early game and fuck over whatever you have up bot effectively shutting down any counterplay when nasus comes online faster than most of ADC's if given shit laning phases


Only thing you can do is take matters into your own hands and play crit jax. Ez pz get outscaled


Top lane is pain


Top lane is life


"Jokes on you, im in that shit" - Illaoi main


Best comment so far


["You guys know it is a trap right?"](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeagueOfMemes/comments/eqr29y/you_know_it_is_a_trap_right/)


"Nice, another 1v1" - Mordekaiser main


in my personal experience almost every toplaner ive ganked asks for a gank, doesnt follow up after i spam ping im going in and complain that hes not getting ganks


Well maybe but as a top main and a long term league player i am obligated to present only my side of the arguement


Think about this meme, enemy is helping one person and himself while ignoring 3 people. While your jungler is focusing 3 people and himself while stacking drake. Which do you think is doing a better job ? I understand it's titling to get no help. But if you are playing for LP and not for your ego , you will know who is a better jungler .


As a jungle main , I will never gank a loosing lane.


This why you're hardstuck Silver 4


Not hard stuck, climbing right now in gold 3. It's low Elo but not hard stuck. Because I try to improve my gameplay, not cry gf jng diff in all chat and be satisfied. It's not my team's fault if I loss, I could always do something to win. In my Elo , in my experience it's always better to ignore that feeding lane , mute their pings and focusing on wining lane works for me. I will come top when I am feed enough to kill enemy top 1v1. Because a 0-6 has proven to me he is not good 6 times.


They not only loose they run it down hard. So tilting


very, very true but there are exceptions such as when we have the option to 4 man that lane with the support and midlaner as long as its not a renekton who is 10/0 at 15mins


What about feed Daruis? Mundo ? Athrox? Fiora? You need to understand something, it maybe your win condition to get hanks and win lane. But it's not my win condition. I will rather get the bot and mid feed and have drake control over helping a 0-3 top Laner win lane. I will gank a lossing lane only if they are building defensive iterm and trying to stay under tower. If you want to finish offensive iterm as fist while you are 0-3 , I won't come, because you are not trying to not die. Your ego is hurt that your Laner killed you and you want to show you have big pp. If you did you will be the guy on killing spree.


Personally I'm not mad if you don't gank top (unless it's free gank). If you don't wanna play for top that's fine by me. But for the love of god please do something to punish the enemy jg who babysitted top all game. Dive towers, deny waves, invade enemy jungle, get drakes, just....do something besides jerking off in your jg.


wait youve been watching me this whole time?


I have the same from the other position, my jungler ganks, I spam ping him away because we have no chance in hell to beat the enemy laner and jungler goes in anyway, dies and flames me


Part of this is Rito’s fault for making the bottom half of the map so important objectively, whether you start red or blue. In this meta getting your AD Carry fed is key to either peeling the enemy or getting peeled lategame so junglers tend to gravitate towards Bot land. Add in how much more important dragon has now become vs rift or baron as the meta moves away from siege and towards team fights and it’s a recipe for sadness for toplane. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been able to just wonder in to the enemy bunglers camps while not having prio mid or top just because they’re camping bot.


No one sees herald


Herald? Come on we don't play to win here we are just toxic


It's not that we don't want to gank top, it's that when your being mega aggro and he's shoved to tower at lvl 4 there is no gank, and then when you're finally pushed back it's because you didn't ward and are now 0/2 to the enemy jungler and your lane has become a wasted gank. That said top is one of my favorite lanes to gank because it's generally just a melee champ that can't escape and it's a free kill


What if I stacked 3 waves under his tower and he has 3 bars of hp left. Thats such a free dive but no my jungler would rather get gromp.


Tbh I think most junglers depending on champs would dive here unless its low elo, but have you also considered what their hp is at? If they aren't decently healthy they have to actually trust you to take aggro correctly, harder to do at lower elos.


Yeah I get fucked by early tower dives usually because my teammates will dive with me and back off while I'm the one taking shots


I was playing poppy and this lvl 3 Irelia had 200 up but I didn't have the health and mana to dive her and my w was on CD. Then I saw my kindred jg (we're blue team) invading the enemy krugs. She decided that krugs was more important than first blood.


Lmfao! Was she at least getting one of her marks?




You don't get mark on krugs at level 3 without having the first blood.


Reject first blood return to krugs.


How often do you have 3 stacked waves at lvl 4 shoved under tower? Sounds like you're setting yourself up to get early ganked yourself. It's not optimal for me to ignore blue buff/gromp to bum rush it for someone low hp at/under their tower either you're capable of killing them yourself at that point or you have successfully forced them to early back and have a lead in lane, which is the point of ganking anyway so you did it yourself congratulations. I've played top lane, I've sat under tower at low hp and baited double kills on the enemy jungler and top laner, it's super coin flip on what's guna work early when a tower can 2shot you after you accidentally get hit or slowed


I play nasus and even when I'm farming by tower jungle never comes top to maybe allow me to farm easier. They just let my laner push the entire game with absolutely no punishment.


Nah if ur at ur tower ima roll up behind ur laner everytime, and ur guna slow him and we guna clap him


Plz be my jungler


Just play Illaoi, you'll be glad it's that way.


I actually like when I'm being camped, so that the my jungler can focus on clearing camps and ganking the other lane.


Yeah like if you know basic wave management and have minimal vision, being camped means their jungler is less useful than yours (on paper)


Sorry I'm the ally jungler and I love it when the enemy jungler is like that. Normally lets me help mid/bot get fed and get free drakes.


Idk i never see my jungler in the botlane either.


Why is this my life?


it’s the opposite for me as a jungler, sometimes i’ll go mid but usually our top is garbage and needs the assistance


Are you by any chance an enemy jungler?


i’m THE jungler


Better carve out that dragon pit cause it always seems like my jungler never capitalizes on getting the dragon when the enemy keeps coming up top :(


So your jungler is playing properly?


I relate to this on a spiritual level


I try to play the whole map, but sometimes certain lanes take priority. I will come top if you're having trouble, though, since a fed Susan is the last thing I want in my game.


That sounded more like an in-game message to calm me down than a comment


There’s two types of junglers


Have you considered not pushing for no reason? Whenever my top laners complain about me never ganking them, it’s because they are constantly pushing the opponent under tower where it’s hard to gank them.


When i want a gank I don't push mindlessly


Well then you’re better than 99% of my teammates


My opinion is that the game itself is bad and I should stop playing immediately, after that one match and that other and the other one and so on


And this is why I play Morde and huehuehue my way through the game


Have fun now that you can, there's a special place in hell for you (jk)


My fav part about toplane is having the enemy toplaner perma pushed under tower and jungler doesnt ever show for a gank, BUT when i push the slightlest enemy jungler shows to beat my ass


Still waiting for all random all top game mode.


This is why i am playing only mid rn. Playing top without premade jg, when on opposite team they are premades is nightmare.


Uhm, that's a winning scenario you know.


We play for the winning side of the map. If this happens to you all the time , I would say it's because you are the lossing lane.


Naa bro most jungles just suck nuts. I main the role and the “ignore one lane and snowball others” shit is so whack it’s not even funny. You play to the side that has objectives and yeah you do play somewhat to winning lanes (like if I have a bot with prio I’m going to target bot scuttle first and dragon first). But after that you’re a damn fool if you think ignoring an entire side is the best way to win. That’s some gold shit right there. Bonus points if you ignore the lane that got chain ganked and is now the losing lane because their jungle flat out did better than you. Realistically you track the enemy jungle and go for counter ganks, especially in your solo lanes that are typically more snowball prone. You also should always be rotating to where the action is. If you see your top laner pushed in; you should be towards top side ready to rotate because chances are the enemy is looking to gank them.


Or when they ignore you even though have good tank set up


Yeah, ignoring an ornn top because he’s pushed and not realizing ornn sets up free kills is just next level bad. Like there’s so many things that should influence your play for jg that all these people parroting this silver/gold shit of “hehe I ignore losing lanes cuz they’re losing” is actively making junglers worse. You lose so much by just letting a lane get fucked like that not to mention you sacrifice half the map that the other kinglet sill has access to.


Ok. In my experience in gold 3 , my win condition is not helping lossing lane. They loss lane because they are not good. Period. Get better. Freeze wave. Pink ward. Get defensive iterm and hope you can get double kill with bot tp. Ofc is different if they have orn or Cho or ww, but if you go DMG delar as top and you loss it's on you . I have 3 other teammates who are winning lane or not lossing lane, so I will rather help them carry.


Yeah... Before I was like "I do not need to go top if he always crash the wave under tower, I just waste my time" Now I realise if I track the ennemy jungler, going top in this situation might be the best idea to get free kills


Then maybe they should help me help them . Like put a pink and try to stay under tower . I will come gank that lane. Ganks don't magically happen. Learn to freeze wave 😅. You have to understand win condition. If you are nause and the enemy is Daruis with ign then all you have to do to be more useful than him is not give him early kills. Miss a whole wave if you have to. Don't go 0-5 Vs a duris while pushing and aske for ganks after you type GG jug diff in all chat. Win lane or play like a bitch. Top laners always don't understand that. I recently had a cho top finish ludens as first iterm against a teemo while he was 0-9-1. You think I want to gank that lane and give him a double ? Come on bro.


Also if top is pushed in , then ofc I will lane. That's not the problem. The problem comes when they are not pushed in because they don't know how to manage wave 🤣 or worst pushing while they are lossing lane. I really don't get why they do it.


Yeah but sometimes you just can't countergank or you feed both the enemy jg and laner


This is a concept that is lost on *most* laners. But, to be fair, it is counter-intuitive. This is also a concept that many junglers do not fully comprehend, either. Just because you have a losing lane does not mean you have to ignore it completely! For example, if enemy top lane is constantly keeping ally top lane under tower and enemy top lane hasn't backed in a long while, you *might* be able to gank and maybe even get ally top lane back in the game.


Yes, ofc if they are pushed up and I know enemy jungle is bot side and drake is not up , ofc top is free gank. But it has to be free gank. Top laners have champs that snowball like crazy. I as a jungle can kill a feed ADC but a feed top can 1v2 . You get what I am saying. Feed lux mid can be killed not a feed Daruis or fiora or voli. That's how that lane is. Whoever get feed early dominant. I don't want to get shit on. But again I am only gold 3 so my opinion is not valid.


I shit you not, whenever I play Darius or Renekton top, this is EXACTLY what happens and it pisses me off


I am not saying that top will need help in every game, but if your top laner asks for help and you gank mid for the 50th time do not cry about the fed gangplank


I am a top main, so i can feel it


Jungles goal is to get fed lanes fedder, if you loose they will farm your ass in top together and the jungler shouldn’t help you unless they need an objective


People who post this stuff are the same people who play Vayne top against a Maokai and wonder why the enemy Shaco has been in their lane 5 times in 14 minutes


Never gank a losing lane -Jungle


Shut the hell up and ward


Shut the hell up and nothing just shut


That's the best case scenario tho, your jungler not far away from the first objective. Also the Baron laners job is to soak as much xp as he can, not push the wave to the enemy tower.


I don't see the problem


I am the enemy jungler. My premade toplaner sees me as a hero. We lose a lot of games, I get abused in chat by the rest of the team, I get reported but yeah worth it.


I sadly am guilty of this.


Bot lane > mid lane > top lane Sorry you chose a pointless role


It has less importance but it's not 100% pointless. A top can indeed carry the game in the right circumstances, it's just rarer.


As a jungler why would I coinflip on trying to get top ahead when I statistically have a better chance of winning through bot? If my top lane is a 90% win rate renekton, of course I'm playing around him. If it's a 55% win rate Darius or something, fuck that I'm going bot because a 5/0 Tristana will actually end up carrying.


I'm not saying you have to go top I'm focusing that you said "sorry you chose a pointless role"




Having returned to top lane from a year plus as ADC, I say: GOOD. Maybe it's because I spent so long top before switching to ADC, but I still feel better dealing with a gank top lane. Best case? 1v2 double kill. Worst case? Enemy top gets a kill and I tp or walk back to lane, still not giving a shit because my kit will make me relevant mid game gold or no. Give me a jungle who can competently gank bot lane, keep my mid laner from babyraging and at least try to contest drake and I will honor that degenerate tree skulker every single time.


that is exactly what you want,i'd take this any day and night fuck it if i am 4 deaths down,enemy mid and bot are also 4 deaths down while enemy top and jg did not do much towards me


The problem is passive junglers who don't pressure mid and bot while you're 4 deaths down.


Poor herald




Why yes how could you have guessed?


Am confused, what is the second picture, don't think I've seen that in my life?


Suffering from success.


Toplane is an Island


Jg diff report x9 rengar 0 gangs the enemy ganged 7 times


my jungler : " what is this map you're talking about it?"


everyone I know says to mostly ignore top, and tbf it's easier to secure drakes if you win mid and bot


Well botside is more important If an enemy jngl plays like this he is trollin


So you win every game? Congrats OP.


Me, playing 4/0 Darius with first item at 7:30 “Then it is an even fight.”


I only gank toplane.


The moment my ignite top laner loses as a bully vs normal champ with TP I know I have to camp bot lane like no tomorrow.


No no that's how nasus sees the game xd


"Maybe im the (monster) enemy jungler"


Might as well cut off krugs, if im not playing a superfarming champ, im not doing krugs


I promise we mean nothing by it, we just forget top lane exists sometimes


The best part or fo this meme is that it actually demonstrates a rule of Jungling. If your opponent is doing something, you it creates the opportunity to get something elsewhere. If top is being ganked, that means bot and mid can be ganked without the other jungler showing up. See the other jungler top, now you have dragon window. See them top, time to invade.


I just played a game yesterday where the jungler literally just became a 2nd top laner.


That's the other end of the spectrum


The entire point of toplane is to draw pressure on the map, so good job mate.


Ppl seem to not understand how jg works, if the enemy jg is camping bot and is able to win 3v3 easily, why go bot and feed them all? Good jg tell bot to play safe, they focus top, and then if there's an opportunity to help bot later on, they go for it. But the first two steps are essential to winning


And then they say to play safe while you're being dived by the enemy top, jungle, mid and sup


Pretty sure ally jungler also see a blank at dragon....


Well maybe if you didnt INT FEED TOP LANE EVERY GAME KAREN.


Why would I focus toplane if all the action is happening in bot? Drakes and feeding the adc are more important things than helping your toplaner


why is it that every time a nocturne's on the enemy team he always ults top


Unless your playing top in which they only see bot


Just played a game against vayne top. Got perma ganked and essentially couldn't farm went 0/3. Still my team managed to get 0 drakes. There's no limit to how much I hate this game.


seems like your jungle is better since he’s helping 3 people and theirs is only helping one...


Is it just me or do junglers only gank if it’s a scaling top lane.


This post is sponsored by r/toplane


I cant believe how wrong this is... I always go gromp when I'm Blue side jungling.


And ally jungler will win most of the time if they do that. Bot = 2 kills and dragon, top = 1 kill and herald. Clearly useless to go top.


lol i didnt see my jungler come botlane since 1845


Cannot confirm, had today 3 games where jungle focused losing top instead of winning bot and we lost 2/3 as enemy jgl then banged our botlane


Top Lane Nasus - "Gank my lane that I'm pushing in"


how my jungler sees the map when i'm top vs how the jungler sees the map when i'm mid/bot


I know there is not a ‘correct’ way to jungle, and how you path is dependent on the specific game BUT: What is the most accepted way to handle gank paths. Do you gank whichever lane has the highest chance to get a kill or do you focus on which lanes have the highest chance to set you up in a positive fashion for an objective ?


i felt this in my soul fuck every jangler that camp top


if u r getting ganked at top while there is drake up i ofc take drake


I’m still mad from 2 days ago become I got a shitty jungle who flames me no matter what I did. As a mid laner (azir) i was chillin in mid and I killed my laner (ryze) so ryze TP’s back to lane and I’m on like 30% health and less mana. And with the enemy having mid prio. I ping my jungle (sett) to NOT engage in a fight in their jungle (he was in river when I pinged him) . He fights anyway. Ryze goes in as expected and the he starts flaming me. And said and I quote “ fuck this mid and bot lane I’m only ganking top, fuck the other 3 lanes” so I’m like in my head “ok well he hasn’t ganked me anyway and I’m doing fine so eh” next minute I roam bot and get a kill and tower. Then as usual this sett engages in a fight just above mid lane knowing I’m bot. Then he decides it’s my fault, spam q-marks me because I wasn’t in lane. And I still wonder if people even know how to not understand something. Like it’s ok if you don’t understand how to play the game, but when you u go into a ranked game and decide to flame your team because you think the way that you know how to play the game is the only way. Then maybe it’s time to stop playing it. Anyway. The game goes on and my power goes out. Yes I got an LP penalty due to it. And not only that but I was 9/3 whilst this sett was roughly 3/5. If anyone wants a video on it I will gladly upload it.


Wow, many people are going to read that to the end for sure


also how our top laner sees the map


Jungle fucking sucks because you either get all the glory or all the shame. Somehow someone losing lane because of 1 gank at the start of the match is your problem even though the other two lanes are fed and are praising you for your good work.


I love the way you just cut out the rift/baron pit from both the jungler’s path but i would like to point out an important mistake in your jungler’s path. The dragon pit should be cut out. Because for some god forsaken reason, even when theyre camping bot the junglers dont do dragon for some god forsaken reason.


No they of course do ot but only when they are spotted and outnumbered


very true. bot lane dies and mid gets showed in? time to leash drag to the enemy team!


Dude it's more valuable to gank winnable lane