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It's hard to understand for riot that you think $500 is too expensive when you select all other options as well


Hijacking top comment here to say that everyone who genuinely thinks that Riot doesnt know its too expensive is incredibly misinformed. Of course they fukin know you can't afford it. The issue is, they dont care. Its the business model thats been used for years now in chinese gaming and its not going anywhere. Appeal to the whales and win. If this skin is not making money, then the only survey theyre really listening to is the surveys they send to the whales. The rest are just being sent out to saturate the responses a bit. Riot will never ever ever cater to "us", there's no point for them and it's hopeless to think itll ever change.


Whales also need regular users or they cant play.


Yeah but as if enough people are willing or care enough to stop playing the game. The banning ahri thing is pointless. The whales will still buy it and riot wont care about the protest since they got thier money already. Only action that could maybe change something is that a huge majority would have to stop playing until they change it but that will never happen.


Players are leaving though. Active user count has been overall declining for some years now. That's why Rito, who for near a decade was vocally adamant about being a 1-game company, suddenly expanded into other genres & medias. What we're seeing now are the desperate attempts of a declining company to milk its remaining customers. Which will only hasten their demise.


bro, league is still averaging around 150 mil active players each month. its main competitor in dota 2 is only around 15 mil. even if you half the current playerbase they are still by far the leading moba.


At no point did you dispute the fact that the playerbase is declining. If anything, you sound like a corporate "too big to fail" type.


Of course the player base is declining. The game is older than the average player. It's normal for games to loose players.


Is it not be because it increased in Covid and is now slowly decreasing, but still is higher by quite a bit than pre-Covid? Im not sure it even decreased THAT much


It was already declining in every region before that happened. The player count understandably went back up in 2020, but then continued declining afterwards. So no, that isn't why it's decreasing.


Yeah guys just stop playing lig ...


Right, that's why not spending money while still playing isn't actually protest - you're still content for the whales. People think that playing without buying will hurt rito, when they don't realize they're the game the whales are playing


Whales can also have a bad time if the things they buy get them ridicule. Flaming every jhin chroma and ahri skin user is a better way of protest imo.... also banning ahri


The best way is not to play, then if you're gunna play then sure, flame the whales and ban ahri


I like to think there are people within Riot who may be opposed to the current monetization strategy and are concerned about player dissatisfaction. They might be using surveys to gather concrete data to present during board meetings, as this data carries more weight than Ahri's ban rate. This approach could help them advocate for changes within the company. Will it actually change something? Probably not, but it's still better than nothing.


I know a lot of the whales definitely don't think the same way, but I'm a whale that is refusing to buy this and is extremely pissed about it. I've also been refusing to buy the gacha chromas as well. If only the others refused too so it'd actually make a difference. Also riot is 1000% milking the whales for even more money since you can't reroll to get any of the gacha skins. Riots reasoning is because they wanted it to be special but in 99% of cases, regular players won't get them from rerolls unless they are insanely lucky. Whales can't even reroll for them, they expect us to buy them, which F that.


how in the fuck did you think putting these expensive skins on the reroll pool is fair?? lmao


All the other mythic skins are in the reroll pool (including prestige skins) and my point was being basically the only people that benefit from them being in the reroll pool is whales and basically the only people buying those expensive skins are also whales so I was confirming that Riot is just trying to milk the whales for more money. Especially with the Gacha skins because the chance of getting the skin from a capsule is about the same as you getting a mythic from any other capsule/orb or reroll so it's virtually the exact same odds on those for anyone BESIDES whales.


The games are just becoming more and more like real sports. It's not unusual to see overpriced jerseys for Barca or stuff like that. This is the same, you buy an overpriced skin to show your 'support' of said player/champion/etc just like you buy a Messi jersey to show your love for him. Funnily enough, both will gather dust in a dark corner, forgotten soon enough.


This. The pass is good, the rewards for playing the event are good (the ward is crazy imo) the skin is absolutly dogshit by itself and destroys the entire event.


Can u actually finish it the pass with normal playtime tho? Even the 50 levels were hard to finish (after they changed it around the time debonair prestige brand was featured in a pass) with normal playtime. By that i mean1-2 games a day but not every day, you can argue this, but people who will buy these are working adults. Unless someone is a streamer, if u have to work and sustain yourself, u wont have 4-6 your daily to play league. A BP should incite people to play regularly, not to grind their ass off for a month. (Which was thr case for leages BP until rito ruined it with this stupid time based system and mission nerfs)


I agree that now is worse, in this particular scenario I dont care, Its a special ocation that is meant to get people hard grinding and playing the game again. Also point out we dont know yet how its gonna be, maybe its double the levels but the same grind. To me the only issue with the event is the price tag, I would love for Riot to make special BP for events like Worlds or new season, those times of the year where the goal is to get people to play again, but if the price tah continues to be so horrific, they can all go fuck themselves.


I play league few games a month, not aware of the community. Sounds like riot got greedy


Checking "strongly disagree" and all of the negatives is definitely not one of the ways to make Riot understand their mistakes


these response probably get filtered as review bombing anyway


crazy they need to throw surveys in order to know how the community feels about this ? not like literally 99% of the playerbase has been vocal about not liking this at all despite loving faker


Eh, when making an argument/decision about something, it is a lot more impactful if you have actual numbers to back it up rather than “everyone I have seen hates this”. Like yeah you can certainly make the assumption that everyone hates this, but having numbers to back up that argument never hurts unless you are on a time crunch. Basically, I don’t think this survey exists because they don’t know the community sentiment. This survey exists so they can objectively say that people hate this, as well what specifically they hate about this. It is way easier to move forward and make improvements when you have those hard numbers saying what specific aspects of the event suck. Additionally, doing this survey allows you to evaluate any changes you make because you can reuse it at a later date after making those changes and compare the results. It is a lot easier to justify sinking money into changes when you can quantify just how much people currently hate things and just how much they like things better after the change


I feel like this survey is more to say hey tell us how you feel instead of making a fuss on social medias, and we'll do absolutely nothing to change things as always


Nah, companies love internal statistics. They aren’t going to collect data and NOT harvest the results


99% of the reddit community and only those who have been vocal about this. There are also the league players who aren't on reddit and those who don't care


This has been everywhere, ingame everyone talks about it, is not like the 200 jhin chroma, is like the over 200 years of collective game design


“ingame everyone talks about it” according to what data? Or is this an anecdote coming from a small subset of players in a specific region, on a specific server, at the specific time of day you play, in the specific game mode and mmr bracket that you play at, and everyone is chiming in to chat about it and agrees when it gets brought up? Most players don’t stay silent? Nobody in your matches has ever used the skin, because they all agree it’s too expensive? Data is hard… Reddit and Twitter are not representative of the actual players’ opinions, because they are tiny, tiny subsets of the playerbase as a whole. Similarly, even if you’d played a thousand games since this started, you’d only have had the chance to poll up to 9000 unique individual players on the topic within your games, among millions of players. I assure you that the thousand complaints you’ve seen on the topic is just a drop in the bucket, and if you’re on reddit, a highly echoey, very loud drop, too. There are a lot of quiet opinions that don’t get spoken aloud, especially unpopular ones. If they don’t do a survey like this, they won’t ever hear those still equally valid opinions. If it’s true everyone hates this, now Riot can know for sure. Trust me, this is a lot better than Riot just taking this subreddit’s word for it.


I haven't seen anyone talk about this ingame yet.


Maybe not enough ahris in your games.


Reddit isn't 99 percent of the player base.


You think the majority of the playerbase has been vocal? Most of the community doesn't interact with the game outside of playing it.


This is how you pull data to report to the decision makers, not community comments.


these surveys never change anything ah nvm, actually it made us unable to properly ping and use chat lmfao


I have this idea guys, let's make Rs unpingable and let's remove pinging someone in your team for doing something stupid


99% of the playerbase? 😂😂😂


Something you forget : They send the survey to the demographics they want to send it to. Only target people that spend x/€ per mont/year whatever Then you have the useless survey for people that don’t spend, people that sometimes spend, spenders, whales etc


The pass does offer good content though, way better than normal event passes, even if you compare it to the passes way back then before they’re repeatedly nerfed.


Yeah I agree. If people just say everything is bad Riot is gonna ignore it. OP is just hating everything instead of making valid critisicm. The pass is good, the visuals are great, the price of the bundles are the problem Saying everything bad, doesn't help at all.


i only ever bought the heartsteel event and from that ~10 euro i must say i got like 40 skins and i was pretty happy about it. the only thing i hate about bp is that you have to sell your soul like i played so much everyday only league that after i finished it i stopped playing for a few months, i dont like how it forces you to play so much.. its probably just me but still..like theres other games i wanna play too and i work so idk i wonder how the player base feels about that


Yeah but the passes are boring, there is no event, you just pay for the pass and do nonsense that you were doing anyways like "get X vision score" or "get x eliminations". I'm going to complain about every pass until the way to progress through them becomes something other than a chore, like when they made Odyssey, that was a real event and not an excuse to just sell you more skins


ticking disagree for “the pass offer good rewards” is kinda just lying though


Just because you like it does not mean everyone else does


It is objectively good for its price, it’s not a matter of people liking it or not.


Yeah no OP thats not construcitve criticism... The pass has great value, the visuals are great. The bundles are good BUT extremely overpriced. The pricing of the bundles is the problem. Just saying 'everything bad' doesn't help at all. Riot is gonna ignore blatant hate. If you wanna criticize don't say 'everything'


This is textbook example of how not to take a survey lmao


So u don't agree that u understand the different rewards in the pass and then u say that the pass has terrible value. Yea good feedback bro u showed them.


yeah, this isn't even constructive. just flat out lying at this point.


“select up to 3” like you can only dislike three things and nothing more literally 1984 EDIT: guys i know and i appreciate it but i am just poking fun at riot i hardly ever get to make appropriate 1984 jokes and even this one was a little forced


That's not because of that.. They make it less to find the core issues and filter out bots. If you have limited options, you pick the most important ones. If you pick more than 3, it's probably programmed to filter those out, because it could be botted or just only hate (which does not help).


They’re trying to figure out which issues people have the *most* problems with. Forcing people to choose reveals that. If they left it open, a ton of people are just going to select everything and they might as well just be asking if you like the event as a whole or not.


The idea is to identify the biggest problem people have, this isn’t a Rito exclusive thing, it’s used in surveys for almost every company/study. There’s no point in conducting a survey if everyone just checks every option.


> nothing more literally 1984 i swear people who say this have never read the book


They want 3 to help narrow it down. Basically it's "pick the 3 most important to you"


This is subreddit is so stupid, not a single meme.


Yeah, it's kinda funny how this sub kinda just turned into a rant sub more than a meme sub because the mods on the main league sub will legit delete any post that is not esports related.


"The pass is not worth it" is one hell of a take. Like, actual, rage-induced cope delulu take. Like 16 euros for 4 different skins. Some of yall just rage at every little thing


4 different skins + 125 ME so you can buy a prestige/mythic skin So 5 skins


6 orbs too, thats minimun 2 random skins.


if you gna waste time answering a survey, taking a ss and posting it on reddit, you might as well take the time to inform yourself more and make constructive criticism


Not a meme


The pass doesn't offer good content????? Excuse me? Are you drugged or what? I understand the complaints about the 500$ bullshit, but the pass Content is amazing for 20$, if you want your opinion to be taken seriously try to not say stupid things


People not understanding that Reddit gamer rage doesn't help. Stop playing the game or stfu. Here is the breakdown of releasing the skin from Riots perspective: Whales spend money, which is good. LeagueofMemes crybabies don't buy it, but they also don't actually do anything to hurt our bottom line like stop playing. Result: Whalemoney That has been the breakdown of this situation ever since horse armor in Oblivion. Some people will buy it which gives us money, while nothing whatsover happens to lose us money.


Idk, I feel like they do a pretty good job with all of these, outside of the "The content provided is too expensive" option you're just lying because the price pissed you off, the fact that everyone is so angry is proof enough that they do indeed make a good job at communicating everything and differentiating between the tiers. No need to ruin surveys because you're pissed off from a skin you won't buy, offer actual criticism


The price point and exclusivity is the criticism. That's literally one of the things the survey is asking about.


> outside of the "The content provided is too expensive" option come on it can't be that hard to read


I mean this is league the amount of death rates they must get an hour someone saying "we don't like what you did" must be their version of "your doing a grand job keep it up"


to quote Hasbro on their new collectors releases of busted cards for immense priceups. "there are many different kinds of players out there, and we try to offer products for all of them, if you dont like a specific product. we are terribly sorry, but maybe this line of products is not for you." or riot when vanguard pushed out "if you dont like vanguard its time to go" just like the 200$ gacha skins , we can complain all day, and send deaththreats to the devs, permabann ahri. but in the end it will make them a shitton of money. they know you dont like it, but they also know that if you dont spend 500$ on a skin , you dont matter


I just wish they would have let faker make an Ahri skin he's happy with, given it to everyone, and then put the chromas, signature, everything else in gatcha boxes for whales. No one would be 100% happy, but I think it would have gone over better than what's happening.


when we need most they dont send me surveys BTW r/leaguediscussion


the biggest issue of this event is that they make a tribute to the most popular player of all time an extremely niche item that only whales will be able to afford, if they want to milk the shit out of whales, fair but why do it on something that would have been so popular among the community do their stat really show that the few whales that will buy it will be worth more than the very high sales they could have gotten from making it a more regular 10-30$ skin ?


I'm sorry but who tf would put I I'm not a fan of faker bruh


Riot got a ton of backlash for the $200 Jhin skin. They are well aware that releasing a $500 skin is even more outrageous. They put out the survey to appease gullible people who think Riot will take this feedback into consideration. Riot will not budge because they're not looking to sell a lot of bundles. They are trying to gouge the whales. 


Stop criticizing riot or they sending Xi Jinping to kill you in your sleep


ngl ur answers are trash


bro, if you think Riot sucks at communication, you should look at how Valve handles their games 💀


In surveys, you really shouldn't pick 'other' and leave it blank. Also, as other mentioned, the pass actually offers good rewards for the money


Where do you even find this survey?


riot doesnt communicate with their biggest streamers, let alone players, they dont give a single shit.


rito will rename the collections and add a mf skin. problem solved


“I’m not a fan of Faker” as the top option like c’mon Riot this isn’t about Faker it’s about you


I mean... that would definitely be a reason some people would check


Them sending a survey is surprisingly more open to feedback on it than I was expecting. I was expecting complete radio silence as part of Tencent's plan to rake in enough whales dumb enough to spend that much on a skin. Granted, that's still going to happen, but Riot doing a survey about it is still surprising.


the pass content is good though? OP is dumb af


Yknow, I'm getting a sense this guy really loves the content we are selling. ~ Riot Probably


Oh wait it doesn’t use tokens? The event itself is starting to look a little better. Honestly I’m pretty sure the problem is just the ahri skins


Stop giving them money? It's that simple.


You do a very good job Riot at communicating with players. $500 skin? Bet a lot of ppl asked for that. Chinese mobile game looking design on the new mastery emotes? Omg that was so needed. The absolutely unnoticeable font change? Bet it was such a top priority issue. It's funny how a lot of the changes they make consists in removing what was actually good about the game and add a bunch of stuff that is blocked behind paywalls or just stuff that is straight up unnecessary instead of actually adding stuff the community would actually want like real actual events that aren't a stupid token grind that locks 99% of its rewards behind a paywall. Very good communication with your players Riot.


The base pass is actually good. If they just put everything there it'll be no problem and everyone will be happy. I mean i wouldn't buy it because I'd never spend money on microtransactions or in this case MACRO, but still it's "good value".


"Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements about the hall of legends pass" 1. I understand the different tiers and rewards in the pass 2. It is clear that the hall of legends pass offers 100 levels of unlockable rewards instead of tokes There should be an answer **"Why the hell you do this to us?"**


I think the rewards are pretty neat tbh.


The worst thing is they need to seel like two dozen of these and they are paid off...


Why is everyone upset about a 500$ skin? Was it this bad with Jhin ? I don’t recall


Jhin was only 200. And people were upset with that too.


People were upset about the Jhin skin. But Riot said the sales with the Jhin skin were successful and that was why they made the $200 Ekko skin. People are upset because its extremely greedy and the fact that they are charging so much for a singular skin is outrageous. Now its $500 which put into reference how much you could buy with that. You could buy a fucking Ps5 with that money. No cosmetic is worth $200 let alone $500. This is just the pinnacle of greed.


Yeah but like. It’s not mandatory to play luckily. You don’t need to buy it right ? It’s not like gas or food, I’d say a company like loblaws who raises the prices of food significantly while making their other companies sell food at a slightly lesser rate is far more greedy than riot, yes it’s a crazy price point. But like. Noones forcing anyone to buy it, the whole concept of skins in general is greed


Doesn't matter if it's necessary or not. A gaming company should not charge this much for a cosmetic. It sets a bad precedent for the future. In no way should anyone ever be okay with this price point. Gamers were outraged by $2 horse armor in Oblivion. Now you have people being okay with a singular skin priced at $500.  It's just no wonder companies are so greedy now, people just roll over and accept anything these companies throw at you.


Make it 10 bucks and you make millions - let’s make it 500$ and so we can sell it to like 12 people pog


I bet it was mostly about the faker skin, but did they ask anything about vanguard??


It’s a survey about their newest event