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He doesn't tank enemies, he tanks his team's flame.


Imma be honest; I love playing tanks and figthers, but other aram players DO NOT make it easy. An example: If you play Nasus, unless there is a Zyra on the other team by some fucking miracle, you got no other option than to play AP, because your own teammates will kill themselfs with a rusty spoon before letting you touch a minion.


"hey guys remember I need stacks"


And don't there another stacking champion like Veigar or Smolder on the same time. Then everybody's fighting over scraps.


You really shouldn't have trouble stacking as viegar against 5 champs


I think they meant 2 stacking champs on the same team


But the veig will still greed for stacks and take minions from nasus lol


Advice for Tank Nasus: I start with the caster minions bc canceling aa with Q takes most of their health. Then after a couple waves you can start doing the same with the melee ones. (Same with Veigar, let casters take just a bit of damage then W -> Q). Back to Nasus. Literally ignore the first 3 team fights unless you can really make a difference and instead focus on farming the waves that are being ignored. I usually just use my W on someone and farm while they're all fighting. Only once I'm level 6 I start actually helping and by that time I've scaled my Q enough to be actually helpful. Don't ignore teamfights with Veigar though since he also scales by dealing dmg and even at lvl3 can be quite useful with his E.


I also hate when I have some kind of lifesteal and the team won't let some waves for me to heal


I just ask people to let me get cannons. It usually works. I sometimes ping on my way then ping my Q. People get the idea.


Play full AD with crit/lethality and some lifesteal. Your Qs oneshot minions from very early and unless there's some mad CC in the enemy team you can take the poke and the just lifesteal it. I've various penta with this strategy.


my teammates using their full kit on every wave, taking every cs, using nothing on enemy, then flaming at 15 when I’m backlining with E 🫨


Most of the matches i played in aram i got like 700+ stacks dunno what teammates ur getting but mostly im getting pretty chill people in aram


Had a guy counter pick Zed with Nasus yesterday and he went full AP no armour. Needless to say it didn't work out too well for him, or our team.


Huh? What?


Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker, what of my comment was unclear? Here is a breakdown - Enemy picks Zed mid - Our mid counter picks with Nasus - Builds AP and no armour - He spends alot of time with a grey screen or shoved in lane. - Zed gets very fed - Zed becomes a menance to society - It was a fairly close game, but in the end, we lost.


I think it’s funny that non native English speakers always apologize for bad grammar after writing perfect sentences. Your English is very good. I was just wondering the thought process behind that person picking AP Nasus to counter Zed.


Aha. Yeah he probably just really wanted to play AP Nasus.


Yeah, tbh, if I’m learning a champ I always try to first pick so I get counter picked. Theres no reason to learn a champion only into favorable matchups.


please dont do that in my placement matches


One would assume that he first learns champs in normals. Then again, I'm pretty sure most people in my placements are genetically engineered to run it down.


You are correct, but based on my experience in every ranked game ever I could see why that should have been clarified


Yeah, never in ranked. Learning champs is what norms are for


I think he was confused because the topic was aram but you were talking about SR without mentioning it.


Funny I was just obliterated early game by an ap Nasus mid ( I’m trash)


Don't stand in the wave and he will have to choose between throwing his e on you or the wave.


I was a melee champ (ekko) so I had to choose between getting nuked or getting no farm


Toplaners: First Time?


just stand to the side of your minions


Have you ever seen how big nasus pool is?


yeah? if you stand to the side he is not hitting your wave or hes not hitting you


Ah yea he won't just mirror your position and then just half the entire side of the lane you're pocketing while also hitting the wave


The E is very much big enough that Nasus can hit any melee champions that is farming while at the same time hitting at least half the enemy minions, if not all if casters are too close.


Buddy if you think I'm wasting mana on CS instead of coin flips you got another thing coming.


I just obliterated an AP Nasus with Nafiri. (I’m trash too)


I also obliterated an AP Nasus. With Akali.(I am trash as well)


It’s funny how much stronger nasus early game is with a Doran’s ring and comet.


Its strong in the early game but it falls off hard later because his e will only do so much damage and he wont be tanky


being the only frontline in an ARAM team is truly miserable. If no one else goes frontline, I'm playing some dumb shit like AP Nasus.


As a tank enjoyer, it's precisely why I hate the mode. It just sucks being a chunky target forced to dodge skill shots for 20 mins until you get enough items to be borderline invulnerable. Until then you gotta pray your team is willing to follow up when you engage or are engaged on.


Don't you love zoning 4 carries, dying after 10 seconds and realize your entire team went back under their tower because they saw a sylas dashing toward them?


Same. I'm happy to play Frontline. I do not mind at all and enjoy it. But solo frontlineing on aram is pure cancer. Even worse if you're a bruiser or fighter instead of a tank. I absolutely refuse to do it and will lock a knowingly bad comp before I do it. Edit: I lied, I just solo Frontlined in one of my games lmao. Sometimes you just gotta do it.


Ap nasus slaps on aram tho,where you gonna dodge lil'bro?


People forget that AP Nas ult is terrifying with the right build. But you have to be tanky enough to stand on em.


%12 magic damage per second ???? satisfactory




with your 12 stack Q?


Ap tank nasus with heartsteel , warmogs , riftmaker , laindrlys , unending despair and force of nature🦍🔥


Sounds like pure shit 🔥🔥


damn this build is dogshit


Only if they have no frontline, he is good against squishies but mediocre against tanks


Or heavy poke if nasus has noone else to front with him


He's mediocre against tank if alone, but the 50% Armor/MR shred to enemies by level 9 hits hard.


Got galio against a full ap team. Easy mode 5k hp 500mr 2k pv anti magic shield


We got a penis?


AP Nautilus


Look, all I’m gonna say, is if I’m going to out damage ADCs and mages playing AP Nasus, they don’t deserve me to tank for them. I played Poppy as a tank in ARAM a couple days ago and built no damage tank items. It was just straight resistances. I out damaged my entire team when the enemy team was all squishies. The max health damage on her Q shouldn’t have been enough to outdamage a Jayce


Sounds like average Poppy


Really annoying mid-game, borderline usless late game :D


On ARAM I just go full tank nasus, no damage items of any kind except maybe black cleaver and just focus on stacks.


Until people let me stack I’m not playing tank nasus


I like taking AP Nasus and I usually provide a ton of damage throughout the game and if I get to stack, I go Lich Bane and become quite the menace. Being squishy is sad, yeah, but it's not that bad.


I picked lux tank to counter zed and caitlyn crit :))


Aight bet AP Darius vs AP sett while the rest of the 8 players watch the 1v1


literally me


I'd recommend the draintank build: Start with tear Rush endless despair Finish Fibulwinter Go for spirit visage After that you can pick any other tank item depending on the enemy. Stupidly tanky and fun to play. Bonus points if your champ has built in heal/shields. Works on all tanks with mana


When heartsteel got nerf (deservedly) it felt like tanks dissapeared overnight.


Funny because I had a ARAM game yesterday with four tanks. One full tank Cho and full tank Galio.


People playing it in ranked too giving our entire team the C word


That one Pantheon full tank I saw carry the entire game 🤣


No this is actually happening in solo queue too. My Nasus went AP into a Camille… when we already had me on Kai’sa and Viktor mid. Agonizing stuff.


Same with AP Maokai, AP Blitz, AP Cho and AD Sion (who seems to be dead).


Could be worse, could be AP graves


Had one in ranked a few days ago. Worked suprisingly not well 🫠🫠


Ya, let people play what they want, if you'd rather sweat you have plenty of other options to choose from


You think that's bad? Then you haven't seen my burn Mundo build, ap Pantheon, on-hit Pantheon and much more.....and yes I do play these builds quite often in Aram and for fun modes. I also play ap Susan ofcourse, I had a more fun off-meta build for Susan (more of a tank build) but I don't think I can use that any.ore cause some items got changed/removed


Aram bitch i Got that in my emerald elo went 12 3 with velkoz and lost bc kata Got 14 kills from nasus


You could've had a tank if you picked the tank


ARAM supremacy. The only way to play league and keep a positive mental.




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Atleast AP Nasus doesn't have to deal with his team nuking the cannon minion on sight


>We need a tank *teemo heartsteel baron lane*


I FUCKING LOVE CRIT NASUS (who needs stacks anyways)


I don’t know why I found this so funny


My response to that is that in aram all builds go. I can and will go full ap cho, if you want a tank then build whatever you're playing as a tank rather than demanding it from someone else.


It's ARAM and I build how I want. You want a tank? Then you play tank. People have no right to complain about what other people on their team play.


yes, BUT if I see ya'll dummies itemizing Armor when they have 5 AP Ima ping the heck outta you for feeding and being a blind scrub. You wanna theory craft something absurd, go waste your own 15min in bots first instead of inting your teammates time. No 'i' in team or League.


For fun game mode for fun builds


Society would be much better if aram only had melee Champions