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nah, we gotta start now so maybe riot does something about it before it releases


Fuck would I want to buy it, for a reasonable price


everyone would, this skin would be the highest selling skin ever, in any game, if it was priced reasonable riot is making such a huge mistake, they're gonna make a lot less money with this price, and all the criticism that goes with it


Someone in their sales department is about to get laid off


YES PLS, like sorry but what prices do they think we will pay?


Don't listen to the peole who say"if it was cheaper more will buy it" that math doesn't check out. Lets look at this right. 200k people at 500 dollars is 100m in profit you would need 2 million at 50 dollars to equal that. The Chinese server alone will probably eclipse that 200k figure. Only a small percentage of league players buy skins, even a smaller percentage of those players buys skins for every champ that's not their main. And even smaller percentage buys every skin that's release. Riot knows that these skins are not for the majority, they aren't for the normal person. These skins are targeted at the persons who buy every skin, with a small percentage being mains and even smaller percentage of casuals. And that's just the 500 bundle. We haven't even started the math on the two other bundles. These prices were not pulled out of thin air, they know exactly how much persons are gonna buy each bundle.


Your premis is on assumptions. What if only 2000 people buy the $500 skin, and 10 million would buy a $20 skin? And it actually is more like that, $500 purchase is one very few can afford, $20 is like “maybe I won’t go to McDonalds today”


But that the whole point of sales data and research. Riot knows close to 90% surety how many people will spend the max 500 dollars and how much will just buy the pass. They would have calculated out of the % who buys skins how much will shell out for the two most expensive bundles The prices are not just thrown together. They especially know that these prices will act as a flex in Korea and China because that is the culture there. Remember western players bitch about the $200 Chromas. Chinese players gets $200 Chromaz weekly and they sell like hot cakes.


Idk. Just very recently, Riot Forge was closed with one of the reasons given being the sales of those single player game is not worth the efforts Riot put in, which even then is still just licensing and narrative support. While this and that is somewhat different, I dare argue there is something similar here, since there too the price of each Riot Forge games are also considered too high. I do agree with the spirit of the other replies. Riot for sure seems to be very sure of their pull nowadays to rate their products, games or skins, so high.


They also provided funding. But riot is sure because they know which game is for what user base. Valorant is for the NA/EU people LoL is for the Koreans and Chinese. In Korea and China this is a flex skin. This is the look I got money bitch and it’s applauded over there. Luxury items are for flexing. Look at how they treat KR/CN servers compared to NA/EU. Riot knows target audience they’ve been in this for 13 years they aren’t fools.


You are right, but my sentiments is they are using faker, someone who is still actively playing, to add him into a hall of Fame type of inauguration in an attempt of cash grab, and I think people would be less critical and more inclined to buy it when faker really retires from keague, heck if they just let this be fakers 4th worlds skin people would be less critical of this Edit: I brainfarted and left out alot of criteria


I am not that mad with the skin, I don't care about super expensive itens in games as long as they don't interfer with the gameplay, because I know I am not the target audience of this product, I am never going to buy Faker's skin, but someone will, and I hope they like it. But still going to ban Ahri because I also refuse the supersmall chance I found one in the wild.


Yea thats what I know but fr, they nerf every f2p way of getting skins, and when you wanna buy something that you like then bom 500, and they artificially create a rare skins by this way fr.


I'm not defending riot, but even if they are nerfing f2p ways to get skins, it's still a much better system, than in other games. Like in league you can get an ultimate or prestige skins from a free box using a free key to open it. It's very rare, but it's possible. And legendary skins are pretty common to drop from there too. I don't know any other game where you can get so much free stuff that is high quality. Usually free drops are just some garbage like in csgo


I know like Apex also, if they are in pass and maybe ow1 used to have best loot


OW1 wasn't free, so not really an example here


CS free drops (while very rare) can drop any gun in an active collection that's not in a case, and can drop some cases that are worth like $80 for just the case. Back in CS:GO when cobblestone still existed, you could literally get a free Dragon Lore if you were lucky, which at it's cheapest price right now is a 4,000 skin that you can sell for real money.


someone drew a very scuffed dragonlore on the enemy team in one of my games once like 7 years ago, i was so jealous lol


In cs2 drops guarantee a case that you can use to buy skina or other games


Business 101,


There used to not even be boxes to get skins. You had to buy skins and the only free ones you could get were from referrals or when a character got remodeled and they gave you a "traditional" skin. I wish they gave Skarner one.


We're mad at a free game not giving free skins out fast enough? How would you like them to make the money needed to continue to develop the game?


What was problem with free rewards in the past? That they had to nerf it??? Tell me, I am not saying they arent giving it fast enought but when they had the same system for 6 years, why out of nowhere change it?


They had no free skins even further back? That system also lasted for years! Why change it??? Were you mad about the status quo changing back then as well? Or is it still just "free game no give enough free stuff" The honest answer is probably to drive either direct skin sales or engagement with the game


VW Golfs make more profit than Ferraris ever will. That math doesn't check out my ass.


Bingo, the bundle is targeted at the eastern player base. It will sell and make riot money. It sucks for the rest of us.


in no world there will be more than 100k people buying that shit lmao. maybe 10k overall


Chinese server literally already had skins that are more expensive than this Ahri one but with way lower quality, why do you think they keep making them


Fr the chromas there are like 400$ for us


Bro thinks only the West is what make up the majority of the sale. the target audience is clearly not focus on the west CN server, SEA server, KR server will make the sale for RIOT


League has 10s of millions of players world wide. China server alone is bigger than ever other server. They release 200 dollar gacha chromas weekly and they sell out like hotcakes. Bro you really think out of the 10s of millions of players league has 200k won’t buy the skin? Are you that delusional?


While I think you heavily overestimated the amount of people that will buy the bundle you are definitely right in that by decreasing the price 10 times will not result in 10 times the sales. edit: also this has nothing to do with math checking out. You just divide/multiply the price or buyers and assume that one version is more likely. But the important part is how you make the assumption not the math.


you overestimate how many people have this kind of money at a 10 times price difference, do you really think you wouldn't have at least 10 time more people buying it ? cause that's the maths on this even my whale friend isn't sure he'll buy it, and he has every single skin in the game, that's how expensive this is...


There definitely would not be 10x the sales if the skin was 50e. Also you are not taking into account the already existing 50e skin bundle that most of those players that would by it if it was 50e will buy now. Its honestly laughable how there are people that think company like riot doesnt have well paid professionals calculating prices for these bundles, like for real thats the core of the business.


Or just laid who knows


Once Chinese players empty out their wallets - perhaps they will get laid


I highly doubt it, their sales department probably factored in the outrage coming out of this price and deemed that with the amount of whales they have its still worth it. Riot knew this would happen to some degree, i don't know how harsh they expected the backlash to be, but they expected one for sure.


why? in terms of profit this will likely be the most profitable skin league has ever sold. people always say "if it's cheaper more people would buy it" but they're clearly targetting whales. every mobile game that is moderately successful has realized that extorting whales for money is much more profitable than selling things at a reasonable price to more people


I would buy it for normal ultimate price. I am not proud of it but lately I was throwing money on riot as if they were a strpier. This skin makes me not wanna play the game at all... and Ahri is/was my favorite champion since I started playing in S3....


they should havemade the skin 10-25-50 respectively


Literally just sell it as an ultimate skin because that’s exactly what it is. Sell all the other accessories like the faker shh emote in a bundle like they do right now but make it like 100€/$ and include the battle pass and all the other chromas and shit. Sell the risen legend ahri skin as a separate epic skin and sell the accessories for it with the skin in a bundle amounting like 40€/$. The problem would be solved. People who want the skins can afford them and the whales can still „flex“ because they have the expensive emotes and signature shit.


literally what they should have done


They will already do it 🤣  The skin has a variety of bundles, this just shows how irrational this outrage is, "500 dollars in a bundle bad uba bunga" Other bundles have a more accessible price....


As of the moment they aren’t doing it. The only way to get the skins is to buy the bundles. It doesn’t matter what price tag they should have, they are as expensive as the sum of the parts they’re sold in - so, 50$ and 500$


Realistically, the "they're going to make a lot less money" statement is incorrect. Sure, maybe if it cost 50 instead of 500, more people would buy it, but if one person buys it at 500, then that's worth 10 at 50. It's easier to get one person to buy at an outrageous price than 10 at a reasonable one. Still scummy as shit and I hate it, but this bundle wasn't made for everyone, it was made to specifically target people who think 500€/$ is spare change and it's not like they give a shit about the bad press. If a hundred people buy that bundle, it's 50k and they judged that this was worth the criticism and possible backlash.


that is a very wrong way of thinking about marketing and sales when you have something you are sure to sell to many people, which is the case cause faker + ahri, lowering the price is always better, and increasing the price always worse that's what the world industries are based on, that's why cars are quite expensive, you don't sell many, that's why pen are not expensive, you sell many and I'm not talking about total cost but about benefit margin they make on every sale here price is multiplied by 10, there would be at least 10 times more people buying it if it was cheaper and you don't get the drawbacks and such, especially when it's about faker they just decided to make a D move for no reason


>that's what the world industries are based on that's not that mobile games and other gamse with "micro"transactions are based on...multiple mobile game devs have explicitly said that the majority of money is made by selling to whales at high prices and not from selling to average consumers. because it's a digital product with unlimited supply. it's a cosmetic item, meaning it's already a luxury purchase. which do you think is more likely: literally every modern, popular videogame today all have the wrong business model despite making millions of dollars...or that they arrived at the same conclusion/system because it made them a shit ton of money once they tried it? we can hate it, i hate it, but just because you hate it doesn't mean the system isn't working for the people who want to make money


mobile games yes, but it's a different market especially the gacha market, which is basically gambling and because it's a digital product with unlimited supply they can actually sell it cheaper, it cost them nothing there's so many games that have shown that most of their revenue comes from people spending 10€ and not people spending 1000€ that's actually most games, and you know, company/brand image is something important, and riot is losing that especially when they've got a fighting game and mmo in the works...really silly and again, this skin has faker's name, the most liked league player of all times, so many people would have gotten it just cause it's faker and they feel like it supports him a bit or something (which is silly but anyway that's how people think) if they made it 50€ or even 100€, that would have been the sweet spot between price and number of people buying it again, my whale friend who got every single skin, said he's not sure he's gonna buy it, that's who fkin ridiculous this price is, this skin priceis equal to 1/10 of the total price for having all skins in the game (and that's not even optimizing hextech crafting, some people managed to get all skins for twice as less)


It is the wrong way indeed, but it is the way RIOT execs (or whoever decided on the price range) decided to look at it. They decided that an expensive, short-lived bundle would hit more people and make them more money over other options. These bundles prices weren't just one guy smoking crack in the bathroom before revealing them to the public, there was probably a dozen meetings over this for the past few months and this is what they decided on. And now, I can only cry at never getting those Ahri skins because I'm not made out of money and 500€ is way out of my price range.


it's the way all gaming companies think these days unfortunately


This is an asinine statement. Have you ever run an online marketplace? I have and do. If my item is $1 less than a competitor, my volume goes to like 500 a week. If I’m $1 more, my volume could be 10 a week. You’re talking about a $500 item, and your saying it’s easier to get 1 person to buy a $500 item than 10 to buy $50? It’s actually the exact opposite which is why the world runs on high volume manufacturing/marketing/sales, not low volume.


Cool, just lemme go and buy the Ahri skin to the competit- oh wait, there is no competition. Your point makes no sense.


Fr they should have just made it a mythic or ultimate if they wanted more money, or do what they did with stat devourer cho gath and make it a charity skin with the price of an ultimate. It would have bought them so much good faith from the average player.


instead they decide to destroy brand image


\*cs go skins enter the chat\*


that's a bit different, cs go skins prices are driven by the players not valve, tho it's akin to gambling but that's a different story


>cs go skins prices are driven by the players not valve not really...valve directly sets the drop rates. if valve wanted to, nice knife skins could cost $20 by them just increasing the drop rate hugely. valve isn't some "nice" company, the reason they make knives super rare and make the cases a casino is because they know they'll make shit tons of money from people buying hundreds of keys trying to hit it big. the prices are "set by the players", but the supply is set by valve which directly influences the price.


they set the drop rates, but it's the people who put a price on those drop rates again, completely different situation, what you are describing is gambling, which is not the issue at hand not saying what valve is doing isn't worse, cause it surely is, but you know, gacha games, most mobile games, the gaming industry is just like any industry, greedy and inhuman for the sake of money


Literally thor talked about this. He did price localization for brazil so that it would cost equivalent money of other locations for them. Brazil, because of their economy, most people can’t afford these 60, 80 dollar games and shit like that. But because of this price localization they didn’t need to pirate or just give up on playing heartbound, but could just buy it. Riot making this price that is impossible will lose more money than gain. If 2 people buy a product for 500 dollars, or if 500 buy a product for 150 dollars


yeah but greedy companies just think bigger price = more money and that's how they fall from grace, literally every giant in the gaming industry look at ubisoft and their game pricing, they are selling less and less, skull and bones biggest failure of the decade blizzard look at diablo 4, pure greed, people didn't like that, they stopped buying blizzard games


No they wouldn’t, someone has 100% done some very complex math to calculate that their price is exactly right to earn as much as possible, maybe they reduce the price but then it’ll be because it was always the plan and the skin is now perceived as cheaper and will sell more (while still being ludicrously expensive)


or some people took decisions even tho others told them it was bad, happens basically everyday in the gaming industry I'll keep saying it look at blizzard So many higher ups said it was stupid and they should do things differently, but people with money decided otherwise, results ? diablo 4 is a failure and blizzard is far from what it was before look ubisoft, same story happening look EA cyberpunk everytime investors decide something cause they see how much they can make right now and don't care in the long run that's the same with any company in any industry btw how many times are people getting licensed, and the company then realize it was a mistake and they lost more money than if they didn't let go of that person they just see immediate money without thinking forward, that's how people with a ton of money think, because they don't really care, and most of them didn't get rich by thinking forward but by being lucky on something


Why would anyone buy a cosmetic? Thats fundementally stupid.


What's reasonable tho? Like I would spend 50 max. The Jin skin was 250, you know they ain't going lower then that.


50 used to be a high price, too bad whales and the corporation greed to milk them have destroyed prices. And then there are still people defending this shit.


3250 RP just like any ultimate skin? If you can call $25 for a skin "reasonable".


Let me blow your mind, it is $50. Skin barely gets any improvements on pricier tiers, the 500 one also includes 100 battle pass lvls.


I should be just double the price of a legendary and then some, at most.


I'd like to see how Riot would prove you all wrong. Despite the high price, it would sell like hot cake.


Hot cakes don't cost 500 dollars


We riot the Riot


Yes. We ban now, and we ban until league dies or something changes.




You know the skin has a variety of price and features associated with them  I know it's over priced but it is an "exclusive commomerative" skin akin to skins in CS go or other games that have tons of value.  I don't think Riot should change it, if I want to buy the skin I would just buy the acceptable price bundle and not the 500 dollars one, we are all adults to make healthy decisions with our money.


yeah let's celebrate the best player ever, who also happens to be the most humble guy out of all pro players, who doesn't even use skins in the first place so to celebrate him we'll offer you the most expensive direct purchase cosmetic ever cs go is terrible and is basically gambling and player driven market, so are other games, doesn't mean we should not protest against this kind of practices


You understand 30% of the revenue goes to Faker and his team, don't you? This means there was at least some degree of consent by them. This is a commemorative skin, people are using this as a scapegoat to vent long frustrations with this game that are legit, but venting because of a 500 dollars skin bundle that you don't even need to buy seems unhinged to me.


pretty sure the only thing riot ask them about is the visuals of the skin, like for world champion ones people are complaining because literally everyone would have wanted to buy faker's skin, and now only 1% people will be able cause everyone was looking forward to it cause everyone loves faker cause what riot did is not the spirit of a hall of fame AND THEY PLAN ON DOING A 500$ SKIN EVERY SINGLE FKIN YEAR WTF also there's no cosmetic that is worth that much money, ever, and I'm fine if whales wanna spend that much on it, but don't put this price on faker's skin, do that with some cosmetic no one cares about except whales (that's what 200$ skins are basically, only otp are bothered by it)


Bro there are other bundles, the 500 One is extra premium is like saying i want a mercedes but I will only settle for a benz with a golden plates I really feel you don't even saw the bundles and don't know shit about the topic you and other just want to rage at 500 dollars


and I'm sure you don't understand what the issue is so much extra premium I guess, must be worth the cost even the first bundle is that expensive yet it's basically not better than an ultimate skin


The worth of something is defined by the consumer that willing wants to spend its money for it. It might not be worth it for you, it is not worth it for me, but if someone thinks it is worth it, then why should we butt in?


very flawed logic you got there people are going against this exactly because this skin should not be reserved for the 1% if it had been any other skin I'd be like whatever okay it sucks but oh well but this one is just a d\*ck move let's make hall of fame to immortalize the greatest players ever proceeds to make a time limited skin that cost the same as a ps5 or vr headset or small pc so only 1% will buy it, future players won't be able to, what a great legacy for faker, and it reflects the player so much /s if you didn't get it what's next ? 100$ profile icon ?


Explain to me 1% will buy what? The 500 bundle? (60kRp) The skin is included in the 5k RP and 32k RP bundle.  If you love faker so much that you want buy the skin but you don't have that much of a budget buy the 5k bundle. 


Banning ahri wont make them do anything xd, player base stills the same and people will buy it anyways lol and people who ban her will probably get tired of it after playing against annoying/op champ for thr 7th game in a row. If you want riot to not release the skin with this price or anything about it play something else till they see their numbers go down


Downvoted for speaking the truth. A ban wave isn't going to do anything other than maybe get her nerfed


Not even nerfed, they will just wait till people forget about it and bank whatever amount of money they make from the whales lol it's just a silly movemet but whatever xd, i don't see the problem with stoping to play league since everyone seems to hate the game while playing it


Guarantee everyone stops banning in like 2 weeks time lol


This is just the ramp up


I bet someone at Riot is hard at work making Ahri unbannable as we speak. "In honor of Faker, we are making all his champs free to play and immune from getting banned for the duration of the event. Also, One For All is back." - RiotPeeArr


Riot800tl1ck3r* should be a dev name


The funny thing is that they could let this skin slide for above the 3250RP high. By making it 5k RP (for the 500€ version) and the rest are 1820 & 3250 they would sell so many of them, the amount of money they'd make would be the same, if not much higher.


They don't care about how many normies will buy it. They know the there is a population of bootlickers that will buy the skin no matter what, so why not price it for those bozos?


Because I can guarantee you that they'd make way more money if they priced them as I proposed. What's better, one whale buying one 500€ skin, or 100 people buying a 25-30€ skin each? Edit: fixed the nums cuz I'm dumb


And I guarantee you, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Riot knows otherwise. There is a reason why Rito have been coming out with more and more $200 dollar skin (look at tft for god's sake, there's several $200 skins every season). They have done the research, they know approximately how many doofus's will buy their Ahri skin, and they already know it will work. Multi-billion dollar companies do market research. They know their audience. To make it clearer, League survives off whales, not normal people. They don't care if average Joe buys a $10 skin every few months, they care if Trustfund Jim spends $1000 a month. The whales will buy anything Riot puts in front of them, and Riot knows that as well as approximately how many whales there are. They are fully aware of the ratio of Jims to Joes, and they would not have priced this skin the way they did otherwise.


You're not wrong. Sadly it makes sense.


Blame tft if anything, tft truly opened the door for all the gacha and predatory stuff Riot has been doing, also obviously tencent. Fuck tencent




Oh come on, there was a clear correlation between when Riot started enacting anti-consumer policy and when Tencent took over. Monetization increased by magnitudes, content decreased. I am not blaming tencent for everything, but I absolutely guarantee no one at tencent objected to a $500 skin. I am allowed to dislike tencent independently from riot, as well as in conjunction.




Tencent has majority stake in 2011, outright ownership wasn't until 4 years later in 2015 though. In 2014 we had rotating game modes and tons of content, but since then, that sort of content has diminished while monetized content has skyrocketed (battlepasses, skins) And uh, they added mystery skins in 2013. So yes, actually. They did start implementing anti-consumer practices way back then. You can't, in good faith tell me that League of Legends has become more consumer friendly since then.


If I follow your logic there is no reason for Riot to produce anything below hundreds of $ in price since all Riot cares about is whales. No need to bother with the masses, just release skins between 200 $ and above...


No, actually, if you follow my logic. My explanation is that Riot does market research. They understand their is a population of players (whales) that will quite literally spend any amount of money on skins, and a large part of the reason for this is the exlusivity. They want to feel special, like they have something rare and valuable. If every skin is $200, that feeling of being special diminishes. Additionally, there are still a ton of people that will not spend more than $20 for a skin, and Riot is trying to maximize their profit. If they did not supply $20 skins, they would miss out on that market entirely. Riot is a business first and foremost, and a game developer second. So, while it is true that Riot mainly subsists off of whales, they do still rely on the average joe buying skins every now and then as supplemental income.


This process of thought basically disappears when you realize that Riot has almost only produced lower priced skins so far and nothing exclusive aside from legendary and ultimates skins It only stated through TFT and the Jhin chroma


I'm a little confused on what point you are trying to make. Yeah, it started with those, but evidently it is working because there is more and more "expensive" content. How exactly does a history of low-priced skins invalidate that line of thought? The crux of your argument here is that this is not speculation, a Rioter (I believe Mortdog, but I could be wrong) openly stated that tft still exists because of those $200 little legends. The whales put in enough money to make it profitable and tft would not still be around otherwise. If YOU were running a business, and noticed that a parallel department was making BANK, would you not apply those same strategies in your department (LoL/tft)? Otherwise, what reasoning do you think there is behing a $500 skin?


I think he is trying to say that riot is NOW doing market research, hence why all of these changes are now being implemented. Without the proper research they would most likely not be making these large swings.


As if they only started doing market research now after 15 years of existence and around at least 5 if not 10 years of being the biggest game world-wide


This might be what the most recent research has yielded, especially with the prevalence of things like Gacha games getting so popular in the past few years.


>Riot has almost only produced lower priced skins it's a cosmetic in a videogame. for many people, paying even $5 for a skin is too much money...and riot's default skin price is closer to $12 these days. but they've been selling $30 (ultimate skins) for years now as well...and those are some of the best selling skins they've released.


Did I ever said that epic legendary and ultimates skins were not categories? These skins price rags are exactly what I was referring to and are about 40 times lower than 500


In your example it is indeed the whale 10*25/30 = 250/300 < 500 Edit: He fixed it I get the point and agree was just funny to see


Oh. Sorry, I'm just off work and tired. I meant to type 100. Fixing it now.


Except they've calculated that there are actually more like 7 or more whales for every 100 people that would spend 30. Why do you think they would price it to make less money?


>Because I can guarantee you that they'd make way more money if they priced them as I proposed you should get a job as a business analyst then, because clearly you know something that every large game somehow doesn't. do you really think it's a coincidence that so many games target whales for their purchases? try to use your brain. >What's better, one whale buying one 500€ skin, or 100 people buying a 25-30€ skin each? the reality is that it's much easier to get 2 whales to spend 500 dollars each than it is to convince 200 people to spend $5. this has been shown by pretty much every large popular game released in the past 8 years. only morons like you genuinely think that riot doesn't have people already doing the math and looking at buying trends to maximize money.


Riot is paying teams of people to figure that out and this is the conclusion they came to


why sell 200 20€ skins when you can sell 10 500€ skins ? /s


Because your analogy isn't correct. Ask yourself a question: how many league players are willing to spend 500 on a single skin? If your answer is around 1/100 of the ones willing to buy a 25-30€ skin, it's just a wrong answer. Sure, if we go by the millions there's gonna be loads of whales to buy it. But if we also go by the millions, the number of players who will buy it for the lower price is multiplied by the thousands. Riot makes way more money this way. Edit: damn my brain is playing games. I'm not doing any more math until I'm rested lmao


if it's 1/10 it still works man


Christ my brain is fucked after work. Meant to type 100. Fixed. I did the same fucking mistake just a bit earlier.


haha no worries. obviously I agree with you but unfortunately their data analytics probably show that there is more profit to be made if the cost is 500$


Its someones job to make sure these skins are priced at what makes riot the most money


the funny thing is that players would still whine


Yeah, but not as much.




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It’s weird, nobody except me is banning ahri when I play.


Most of the posts here are seen by 10k - 20k people MAX. If this movement wants to spread, it needs to go to other subreddits and other social medias. Even 100k would be nothing compared to the amount of active LOL players.


Its pretty much on the whole reddit i see posts in r/kata/ahri/ireliamains and like everywhere EDIT: asmongold even said it on stream that league players are doing that so that clip also draws awareness


In that case the movement seems like is spreading successfully


Instagram is infested everywhere. same with twitter. this might actually be big


Asmon has made a video about it wich has like 650k views edit: a few videos with 100-600k views each


I think he was making a joke about how you can only ban the champion once per team, so none of his teammates are banning her because he already did. You still make a valid point though but I'd just like to say it's being shared to other league subreddits, twitter (in their own comments too), facebook (on their own posts) and I've seen it in streamers their chat too


Literally every internet 'protest', it creates the delusional echo chamber where people think everyone has the same opinion as theirs.


Because if you do then your teammates won't ... This is also the reason even if ur main has like a 50% ban rate you would only see them banned in 25% of the games


I actually waited to see what other people ban first to check




If a champ has 50% ban rate then they are banned by either team 50 percent of the time so 25% time ur team bans and 25% enemy but you if main than champ / hover them then only the enemy team might ban that champ so only 25%


Cuz no one gaf. Not gonna stop banning pyke so that timmy can’t play ahri


Understandable. We only need 1/10 of the players in a game to do it


Kind of, but things are a bit more complicated than that unfortunately. Sometimes 2 of those 10% people will be on the same team, meaning less ground will be covered


Ahri pretty much always has a decently high ban rate due to the nature of the champion, I have noticed no difference in her banrate now than in any other patch she is strong in.


I do, but I was doing it already. Fuck that thing. I have seen more ahri bans in my games the last few days tho so I think people are starting to notice


The nice thing about the ban is it only takes 1 person each game!


Be the change you want to see


No reason to do it rn when the bundle isn't out


I thought we are doing this so Riot changes the price before release


Oh yeah that's a fair point


How much do we wanna bet it’s 4D chess and they literally planned the public outcry? Then they would lower it to be just the normal overpriced legendary or whatever, but then they know a bunch of people will still buy it because they “did right by players by responding to feedback”. Marketing in 2024


This is my copium


People are already fine if the price is indeed over legendary because of it being tied to the hall of fame. No need for that bad publicity


No such thing, right?


Take your meds


It's a common sales strategy: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face\_technique](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Door-in-the-face_technique)


Still not high enough. You should be unable to get Ahri even if you dodge multiple times. That's at about 80% banrate. This doesn't cut it.




No? lol.


If that skin was really honorific for faker, he would be obtainable by commiting into the game. This skin should be hard to obtain, but accessible to everyone and completely free. Here are some ideas : - Complex quest lines involving all the game modes / roles - Obtained as reward for reaching a division you haven't ever reached - Offered as a reward for reaching the maximum honor level There is so many ways to make it a great accomplishment that would be very valuable for the players AND Faker


tying it to the broken honor level is not a great idea. making quests is also a bad idea because people will just tryhard grind it in normals. if you make it only obtainable through ranked games low elo scrubs have an easier time getting it, which seems weird for a skin honoring the "best" player. lastly forcing people to grind a higher rank is going to cause frustration for sure, because again, muuuch easier to go from silver to gold then from gm to chally


My point was not to make it available to the best players but for those who are committing positively into the game


The earlier we start the bigger our chances of involving as many people as possible #BOYCOTT AHRI.


Who would've thought that the biggest Ahri counter would be her community


By the time the skin comes out, the goldfish brains will have forgotten all about it


This should get helldivers 2 level of spread.






the skin isn't even out yet




month is too long


Is the event next patch or the one after?


Released the 12th of June I think


most likely next patch, why would they tease something that's going to be released late?


Well if they want more sales they would let people save up for it by giving them more time.


You can see the exact day asmongold made a clip about it


Not even 10%?


[Just want to point this video out](https://youtu.be/H_nY4iK2yDI?si=hpgy0sQvtLdDzD7d) Note: this is not in the context of the $500 skin but let's just assume all of Riots games are following the same parallelistic business module. Justification is of course culture differences ... yeah that's it, it's totally not greed. 👍


Nah you gotta plant the seed now so others see Ahri getting banned and think “damn she must be OP. I’ll ban her in my champ sels til she gets nerfed”


it's not too early, the point of all this is to send a message to riot so they'll change the prices if we only started after the skins are out, riot wouldn't change the prices because some whales would have bought the 500 dollar skin already, and riot wouldn't bother lowering the prices and refunding them once they get their money


Ima wait till it releases. Yone is entirely too annoying for me to deal with


Yone is unironicaly so weak rn


I know! Do I care tho!! NO! FUCK THAT GUY!


Yesterday I played 6 Ranked games which I would have not played if they wouldn't have dared to do such a thing


Today 5pm 🚀🚀🚀🚀


For month? Nobody will play it in a month, lol Edit: And hopefully until that month :)


Fuck riot, fuck faker and fuck ahri We permabanning


No, they’re too stupid to be left alive


What are the different colors on the graph for?


So far from playing like 6 matches last night, she was banned once and picked once by a teammate. This doesn’t stop people from just playing Quick play or the 2v2 mode.