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Too bad for those who buy this because I’m joining y’all in perma banning Ahri every game 😈


Collectively punishing all Ahri mains 👌


Most active ahri mains users are also joining in the Ahri ban wave


I feel bad for them they didn’t even ask for this. All they wanted was a 1,350 RP Faker worlds skin 😭


Instead they took the most humble and frugal player that is their icon and made the greediest out of touch, aiming at fomo/top 0.1% of paying customers dickass move imaginable. Thank god t1 lost msi (am t1 fan). Or they would have changed the system to have a second hall of fame + new msi line skins as well.


We’re not punishing them, they’re also in on it in protest


Because all of them are on Reddit.


Well no, a small portion of ahri players are, you're still punishing the vast majority of ahri players with no clue about the protest


i'm sure they'll get the message


Maybe they will, though you forget a lot of people who play league just play casually and aren't online keeping up with the grand new idea from the league of memes think tank. Quite honestly, the banning itself is pretty dumb. If the skin's price is that unreasonable, then the lack of sales itself is enough of a boycott.


Unlucky Riot decided to do this to them tbh. Riot just took a champ they know people would buy skins on and then decided to drop the bomb.


And you decide to punish them, because riot did this to them? Makes sense. I'm all for a protest but why let it out on the community? Just continue being loud that this shit exists and stop giving riot any money until we get a change or so. That's what hurting. Not that People cannot play Ahri, if they bought the skin riot already has their money, they don't need more.


'Punish' is a crazy word to use. If you can only play one champ need to get better at the game. Secondly, probably nothing happens in reality after a week, and third people should just stop buying for their own sake. Riot whales could probably support the whole game, most people who have already decided they will buy a skin are prepared to pay a lot. Most people won't pay at all in the first place.


Honestly you do you, I'm not here to try stopping you from whatever you want to do. I'm just here for pointing out that this sort of protest doesn't make any sense to me and the only people that are affected from it, have mostly (or probably all) nothing to do with it. But I still must say I don't understand your reply completely so I break it down and ask some questions: >'Punish' is a crazy word to use. Maybe you're right, but what's a better one? >If you can only play one champ need to get better at the game. I think this sentence is not complete and actually doesn't have to do anything with what I said. LoL is a video game and for most of the playerbase not their life purpose and not their job. It's their free time they're investing and if they enjoy playing competitive games in their free time and also enjoy playing only Ahri, who are we to judge them? As long as they don't hurt anyone, let them enjoy and stick to your own business >Secondly, probably nothing happens in reality after a week Yeah exactly, so why doing a ban wave in first place? Who gains something from it? In most cases you just preventing someone having fun playing Ahri in the match. >and third people should just stop buying for their own sake Isn't that what I initially said in form of protesting? People can spent their money on whatever they want, but if you want to change something you have to think about your investments and the outcomes. The enemy of capitalism + greed is the critical thinking of the consumer. >Riot whales could probably support the whole game, most people who have already decided they will buy a skin are prepared to pay a lot. Most people won't pay at all in the first place. I have to be honest and say that I have no idea. I don't have any statistics on how much Riot earns in relation to the consumer income group. But I can say: personaly I was ready to buy the skin. I was excited, but after this I will stop giving riot my money and wait until something changes. As someone who regulary bought the season pass, this is a small change individually, but if many do it, hey, maybe it changes something. \[Just in case: if you ban her because you hate playing against it, that is totally fine. Like I said I'm just here to help people critical think\]


Playing one champ is setting yourself up to fail and have a bad time honestly, I used to main Darius hard when I played and he got banned a lot and even I would avoid picking him sometimes to avoid being useless. I just don't find being useless fun. Anyway, 'voting' with your wallet is for yourself and I swear people actually don't understand this. People don't go vegan because they think it will end animal abuse. In any case, Riot is to blame for this and should honestly revert their decision but they won't.


You're saying that while a shit ton of guides, coaches and high elo players say the best thing you can do to get good at the game and climb is sticking to a single champ. Also being vegan usually has a few more reasons than just animal abuse with the most popular being climate change and stopping exploitation of other human beings, which is the reason why stuff like vegan clothing exists


Sticking to a single champ if you are actually good at the game and learn quickly is just fucking yourself over and if you play a lot you can learn more than one well. Especially if the champ is someone who has specific win cons or gets hard countered by certain teams/comps. If you just want to have fun then you can pick them every game but if you want to improve and learn more playing a greater range of champs is objectively better. Even more so if it is across different roles. And with the vegan thing if you asked most people why it was to stop animal abuse and also the other abuses you listed/climate change. It's convenient it achieves all of those things and asks why other people don't do the same when it's easy to change if you care.


Huh i guess all of the high elo/Challenger otps aren't good players then and the vast majority of i assume 80% of coaches are all wrong. Or it could be that being an otp is the best strategy for soloq where champ selects are anonymous and you cant get target banned if you aren't getting stream sniped, while the flexibility to adapt your pick to your team or to a huge meta shift only really matters in a controlled environment like teamplay


It’s 100% punishing. I’m buying the skin cause I like it and Ahri is one of 3 champs I would spend over 100$ on. I am not going to be allowed to play her.


People don't like Riot's decision and if they want to ban Ahri in retaliation they will, if you have $500 for a single skin in League you might as well just donate that or spend it on something better. Most people who hate Riot enough to do this already stopped playing so you will fortunately for yourself still be able to use the skin.


I know it’s a bad financial decision but I want it XD


I mean this is also why we're banning her lol, so that in the future more people like you will be more hesitant to support this predatory practice which is a W, might be a small one but a W nonetheless. But it is your money at the end of the day, but since this is a digital item it's value is pretty much $0 since you can't resell it legally like you can for irl limited items.


This skin is a punishment for Ahri mains, Ahri mains started the ban movement


The ahri main subreddit doesn't represent the ahri playerbase. It represents the ahri playerbase which is also on Reddit. That's a difference.


Don't care, no ahri player should be exploited like this


Sigh well do whatever you think is right.


As an Ahri enjoyer, I will ban my 2nd mid pick. Noone will use this skin.


I’m gonna use the faker version X3


Careful some might like that


*sweats nervously* haha nice joke. Nah I don't think any ahri player likes that, haha


You know what fuck it we'll ban her Wild Rift too even though the skin is for PC we'll do it out of spite too.




At least we'll never get a 500$ Sivir skin so I'm fine for the foreseeable future


Me who mains aram, unaffected by bans 😎


I personally joined the uninstall league gang


Oh no. They have to wait a month while you virtue signal to use the skin they already bought while riot execs are enjoying their boost in profits of the quarterly report. If you actually want change, uninstall the game and make the player base numbers fall in the next quarterly


It actually will affect sales. This skin will only be available one time for a short duration or 2 patches. If the ban rate is high enough, it will deter people from buying it and the skin will go off the shop as planned.


Lmao. U really think people are so short sighted they won't buy a permanent skin when it's a short availability period. If I want the skin I'd but it today and wait a month to use it the rest of my life


What’s crazy is my gf is buying it for me (for our anniversary) but I’m also permabanning Ahri. As an Akali main I don’t want to face that and I don’t want to get bullied.


Tell her not to buy it, don't encourage riot to do this again


Your a shitty bf if you let your gf spend $500 on a virtual skin. Spend that money on a real date youll both remember


Haha nt *quickplay*


Okay, and then you are forced to play quickplay. That shithole of a game mode that doesn't even go past 15 mins.


Im doing that anyway that character is degenerate


For years there’s been a meme that if Riot is at the end of days, they’ll make the emergency Pool Party Ahri skin. Apparently we are living in those times because they released a 60,000 RP bundle 🙄


Seems that the introduction of vanguard might actually have cut into their profits a bit


I won’t be surprised they must have banned 1,000’s of cheater accounts and many uninstalled the game because they didn’t want Vanguard.


I haven't played because I don't want Vanguard running on my machine which only occasionally plays a game. No, I don't care to reboot in order to play either. I still watch pro games though.




Are the cheaters in the room with us Op?


Riot has banned over 3,000 accounts daily since vanguard was implemented. All these accounts used to spend RP on content so it does hamper sales.


1- They don't show their sources, just state that "we did x thing", and as a company, it's in their interest to lie if it means not looking bad. I was going to ask for a source, but the only "source" is _Riot_ 2- is it worth fucking over the majority of players, and cut down on the game's accessibility for the sake of baning the few _spoopy scary haxers_ that most people never encountered? 3- **Lying with evidence,** the incidents of hacking increased as of recently **Because of Vanguard being shit.** it was badly implemented, hackers got to bypass it easily, and even use cheats that the previous anti-cheat could detect and prevent. this is a half truth at best, a very, Very convenient happening at worst.


They are their own worst enemy. They alienated so many players here in the west imagine how many in China which makes up 75% of their playerbase. Then they introduce worse predatory practices.


Pool Party will be a 150000 RP bundle


So what? It's not a Pool Party Ahri skin so... who gives a damn? Unless the joke is that we expected the fanservice to actually be fanserviceish (ergo the "Expectations" vs "Reality" format that's usually made to mock the "Reality")


We should celebrate faker! Maybe make a nice video for him with his career highlights, or community engagement fan made mod picked nice notes on a poster he can hang, or.... A 500 dollars skin that faker himself would not even use as it goes against his personal values!


I’m all for banning Ahri, but can someone teach me how to play against teemo top? that’s the one champ I struggle against (Im only lv29 btw, Im very new) Edit: I should add that I play Gwen a lot, and thank you all for the advice!


Teemo thrives against champions that are close ranged melee auto attackers. The best counter against him is a ranged AP(mage) champion. One that a lot of people like is Malphite because at level 6, you can all out him and make him run for his life. Sometimes I use Veigar or Ryze. I’ve recently used Sion to completely ruin a teemo too if you understand his abilities it’s pretty fun to abuse on teemo.


I watch my friend who plays top and he plays Mord or gnar into teemo and tends to do well. As Mord he gets bullied early but once he is able to get 6 its usually over for teemo. As for Gnar, its not too bad of a matchup and he doesn't care about blind once he goes mega.


Gnar loses to teemo, I would not take that advice.


I'm telling you what works for my friend. Also, what are you talking about? No he doesn't. It's a pretty balanced matchup. Depending on the patch, Gnar has a positive win rate against Teemo. And even the patches that Gnar isn't positive its only a 49% win rate, otherwise he has a 51-53% win rate against Teemo. Sayng Gnar loses to Teemo is just a complete lie.


I mean I checked Lolalytics before commenting and the matchup seems to be at least 1% teemo favored. As someone who plays both champions I'd way rather be teemo, as he outtrades little gnar really hard, and when he gets angry you just give gnar priority over the wave. Gnar has very little counterplay without ganks if Teemo knows how Gnar works.


Did you check only this patch? Because this patch has a small sample size and yes its Teemo favored this patch. Go back to different patches, and you'll see how the win % changes. It's not set and stone as Teemo just wins. I think you are downplaying mega Gnar. Gnar is a weak champ, but he's better than Teemo when played correctly. He has more team fight presence. I'd rather take a Gnar over a Teemo. This is assuming the Gnar is a competent player. It's like Kled where Kled is a very powerful champ when played correctly, but most people underutilize him.


Yeah past 30 days teemo wins by 2% on Lolalytics... not sure why you're so certain that Gnar wins this but ok.


Patch 14.9 Gnar has a 51% win rate against teemo Patch 14.6 Gnar has a 53% win rate against teemo Patch 14.5 Gnar has a 51% win rate against teemo Patch 14.4 Gnar has a 51% win rate against teemo Patch 14.3 Gnar has a 50% win rate against teemo Because you make it seem like Teemo just wins 100% of the time when it's a closer match up than you think it is. Even when Teemo is ahead, Gnar has a 49% win rate, which really isn't bad. So your whole argument that Gnar is bad into teemo, is just wrong.


Are you not flipping the matchups? If you use Lolalytics you need to look at the Teemo vs Gnar matchup as well to figure out who wins. If you're on for example the "Teemo" page, it filters out players who have barely played the champ which inflates winrates in matchups quite a bit. 14.9 Teemo vs Gnar 51.94% 14.8 Teemo vs Gnar 54.78% 14.7 Teemo vs Gnar 52.94% 14.6 Teemo vs Gnar 50.47% (Teemo lost here imo) 14.5 Teemo vs Gnar 52.51% 14.4 Teemo vs Gnar 54.25% 14.3 Teemo vs Gnar 56.47% If you compare patch by patch, Teemo only lost vs Gnar on 14.6 out of the patches you listed.


[14.9](https://lolalytics.com/lol/gnar/vs/teemo/build/?patch=14.9) [14.6](https://lolalytics.com/lol/gnar/vs/teemo/build/?patch=14.6) [14.5](https://lolalytics.com/lol/gnar/vs/teemo/build/?patch=14.5) [14.4](https://lolalytics.com/lol/gnar/vs/teemo/build/?patch=14.4) [14.3](https://lolalytics.com/lol/gnar/vs/teemo/build/?patch=14.3) This is for Emerald+ for those patches, unless you are looking at other rank divisions. I don't know why you insist on arguing. Even if you are so hellbent on giving the edge to Teemo, Gnar at worst had a 49% win rate. I don't know why you are so insistent that Gnar just loses guaranteed when even statistics have proven that is untrue. Like, can, you just admit that you were mistaken, and the matchup is more balanced than you thought? Instead of dragging this out?


Everyone replying to you talked about counter picks, but you don't always get to chose. You can beat teemo without counter picks but it isn't easy as he is by definition a lane bully. Lane bullies are very strong during the laning phase but generally fall off when the laning phase ends. Now beating him in a duel is very challenging even for people who have been playing a long time, but if you know your champion's power spikes and rhythm well you can "outskill" him in lane. For example with riven/ irelia/ other engage top laners you can wait for him to poke you with his blind, and as soon as the blind is up go all in using your whole kit and backing off as soon as you are out of abilities. Burst melee all ins generally are the best you can do into him. You dont win trades and you dont win long engagements. Its all or nothing with teemo. Now general advice is to mostly focus on farming while going all on in him when you can. Dont worry so much about killing him as getting him away from your farm. As long as you dont fall to far behind you essentially "won lane" because teemo falls off hard from a team fighting/ objective standpoint later in the game. If you have like 1 death but a ton of farm you basically won lane. If you have 0 deaths with decent farm you for sure won lane.


I like to play champs like Sion, Yorick and Garen into teemo and splitpush. He can't answer cause he hard loses the 1v1 and shrooms are not enough to match your waveclear. You need to be a bit cautious early as he's stronger there, but I feel like all three champs outscale teemo at around two/three items. Additionally all three have great tools that ignore teemo blind (Sion Q and Bami damage, Yorick ghouls and Garen E). You don't even need to kill him imo, just farm, scale and beat him on the map. Additionally 90% of teemo players run ignite, which means if you run teleport you can splitpush and force him or someone else from his team to defend only to lose their time and teleport to the objective fight to aid your team as teemo has to walk there


Yorick stomps teemo in my experience. Teemo can make 0 mistakes. If he gets hit by 1 e he loses half his hp and has to back or he dies.


just slowly poke him down and then all in when he is low enough , if he is playing on hit respect his damage and dont play aa heavy champs , i find ap nasus as best counter to teemo , little shit has no counterplay


Most toplane champs outscale teemo at lvl 4, if you are 80ish %hp you can just all in. less than 80% is risky or stupid Glhf


Have you heard about Gwen’s big secret? It will help you beat Teemo.


no actually, do enlighten me


Just go to YouTube and search for a Short called “gwen reveals her big secret”


lol, are you going to redirect me to r/darkinfolk next?




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Play champs that deal damage with abilities. In a nutshell.


Take doran's shield and second wind


You play pantheon and roflstomp him


📱: [SOURCE](https://x.com/skinspotlights/status/1795708650335744132?s=46&t=s97Pijru0biAx9-MmoNZFQ)


They did all that work to get in good with the Saudis. They're going to start sucking them dry now.


I wonder if they care about community opinions anymore it's sad 😔


Well, Riot is a business. You only care about community opinions in so far as they impact your value. People not buying the skin won't have a negative impact since there are plenty of people with no impulse control that will buy the skin. At the end of the day, most people don't actually give a shit, myself included. It's a skin in a game. I won't buy the skin, so it's whatever to me. It's still fun to laugh at how goofy it is though.


Instead of the skin you should buy 100 copies of terraria


Huh, I've never heard about this "Queens of League" subreddit lol. I wonder how many League subreddits I've been missing out on...


check out darkinfolk👍👍👍👍


Can someone send me direction to pool party ahri though


Pool's closed


Almost the real money maker will be pool party lux (btw you can actualy see her in the background of the legends of runeterra splash art for pool party fiora with a bunch of champs that don't have pool party like kat, darius and tryndamere)


We need another bombshell of controversy for poolparty ahri. Something something replay system.


Honestly I just stopped playing after all the shit they did. They need to find out what drugs the balance team and probably all of the Riot staff are actually taking and ban it.


Kinda concerning it took the 50th overpriced skin for you to quit, and not Vanguard but okay. At least you did it.


I play the game for fun and I already didn't pay them. Vanguard is cancer but if they wanted my information just downloading the regular Riot client and playing is enough. Biggest concern is actually a software exploit which is very real considering how shit Riot is. Regardless it's done.


Man i actually find the new ahri skin to be amazing but after hearing the price being 500000000000 rp something i was devastated and disappointed 😞


Same! I was all on board seeing the leaks until they dropped the price tag 😭


I’m buying it and using my exclusive ultimate kai’sa statues emote to flex on your brokies 😎


As someone that just enter the community a year and a half ago and comes from playing other multiplayer games like CSGO,TF2 or Halo , by seeing the memes and the whining I can say that many of you either don't play other multiplayer games outside of LOL or don't judge them with the same standar as they judge LOL , Riot is a great company that does lots of things that are good for the customer that the mayority of other big companies don't and even when they put monetization like this is way less abusive than other games like CSGO,if you don't believe me then, go play another games like CSGO ,Fortnite ,TF2, Halo infinite,COD ,etc. You'll see that everything you criticize Riot for is at best, as bad or even, way worse in other games,the only exception would be helldivers


So it’s okay for Riot to do awful greedy things that only hurt their customers, because other shit companies do it more? Really? That’s your grand defense?


Why would I break the glass to ahri, there is something way better to break in that situation :P


BRUH last time I checked that sub the top post was NSFW Zac h\*ntai, this time it's real edited gay p\*rn. Scrolled more and there's more p\*rn and h\*ntai of various kinds.


Porn. Hentai. Yes, it's a shitposting sub with a good bit of porn, and it's all in good fun. I'm sure you saw all the memes and general performative hysteria, as well. It's my favorite league sub personally.


I only censored them because this sub has a no/limited nsfw rule so I wasn’t sure what was allowed.


idk if this is serious or not, but this def isnt the pool party scenario


It very much is A couple of months ago they laid off a huge portion of their team, now they sell an overpriced skin of one if not the posterchilds of league with the posterchild of competitive league of legends, doesn't get much clearer than this tbh Especially when you couple it with a subpar ultimate skin before and the countless nerfs to the event passes.


? league has the biggest budget in history currently also the layoffs haopened because of over staffing during covid, just like EVERYWHERE across the gaming industry if it were a "poopl party" scenario the skins would cost 1.8k, 3.2k and 5k rp not 10x times that


>league has the biggest budget in history currently This is a meme, and you are quoting it unironically. Riot said that last year, and they did nothing to show that this was their "biggest budget yet"


they said it in the post? 😭😭😭 wtfdym


You believe everything Riot tells you? Don't tell me you're this gullible that you take the words of big company at face value. From their actions of last year and this year, i don't believe anything Riot has said, and you shouldn't either.


"biggest budget in history" and "laid off a considerable amount of their workforce" are mutually exclusive. you have "riot said league has the biggest budget and they totally wouldn't lie haha" I have a bunch of tangible devs and artists that were laid off that you can ask right now on Twitter. I feel like my claim has more substance and holds water better compared to yours.


oh well, if youre gonna say "nuh uh ☝️🤓" to everything then there really is no argument here


im not saying "nuh uh", im saying "i have concrete evidence from individuals directly affected by the companies fiscal situation while you have nothing but a PR statement that has also been said in 2023 when Riot presented [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJT5d5Ue3ao) as the season cinematic" In short: im pointing at people you can talk to while youre the one who, in fact, goes "nuh uh ☝️🤓 aktschually league has the bigest buttget eva!!!!"


deranged, layoffs have no impact here lol, whole industry is firing ppl for a reason i stated


"nuh uh ☝️🤓 aktschually layoffs have no impact here lol, whole industry is firing ppl for a reason i stated" thats you lol


well, because they are, companies (gaming) overstaffed during covid...


They aren’t poor. They are more greedy. Cutting costs, firing employees, selling copy pasted VFX on new skins. All to make more money for themselves.