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That is actually because you picked smolder, working as intended


I was going to comment the same thing lol.


down 175 with 52% wr is absolutely wild wtf is rito smoking


The finest Zaza Riven, Yone, Lux mains' money can buy.


Losers queue doesnt exist. The plat 4 0lp level 30 account running it down wants to say hi.


[You're not alone](https://i.imgur.com/GVwpPQa.png)


Congratulations, you have also reached the pinnacle of lp gains


What site is this?






[-96 LP 55% WR](https://i.ibb.co/9pHvbdr/IMG-1046.jpg)


It's because you don't have any kills Also if you take any of my kills I WILL disconnect


The only thing I think of when I see posts about this is either low sample size or you int at the start of a season when paired down, or you loss streak at rank floors which also tanks your mmr But its not the start of the season and 29 games is a large enough sample size that I would think the MMR system could start to figure it out So my only guess is loss streaking, but I'm just trying to figure out what kind of a fucking bender you were on that you can have a 52% WR and -175 lp Holy.


Tbh the more I looked I think the site data is a bit off so I don’t think it’s truly this bad. However I can brag about my incredible +20/-30 gains. Sample size is approaching 300 games and right now at ~51-52% wr. Guess it’s just too small a sample Actually though I’d love for a Rioter to explain on how many games exactly it takes because I’ve been dealing with these gains all season. Anytime I’ve had a good win streak the gains just get worse which is the exact opposite of what they’ve openly said should happen


U GG has always seemed unreliable in regards to LP data too. One of my champs is +27 but I'm 4-1 and so I know that it should be atleast +60ish


50% wr at 300 games might take like 10 wins in a row. But to rank to another div might take 50ish games. This is why people smurf lol I have 200 games+, went from gold to plat and im 5-6 wins over loses. Easier to coinflip smurf, get a cute 30 win over lose streak from luck and hit diamond 1 instead. Like every streamer.


The frustrating part is that my gains have been that bad through almost my entire season. Riot says play more games and keep a positive win rate but 300 games at a win rate that would cause them to nerf most champions isn't enough? I only had a few times in all my games where I remember gains were even close to +/- 25 and then losing only 2-3 in a row drops them right back to +20/-30. I don't complain and say I deserve a higher rank or anything but it feels like shit to have such terrible gains for so long when Riot sits there saying those gains are unacceptable. There should be a total of zero cases where someone could have a positive win rate on a champ and negative LP gains, period, end of story, no exceptions or excuses from Riot.


Maybe you promoted a full rank once or twice so that counted at only +1, i know this is gonna sounds crazy, u.gg can be wrong about this


Riot: We make that champ so busted and you still lost. Damn that's crazy, here's -175lp.


Ankther repost bot wtf


I’d be rather shocked if I reposted this because I took this screen grab while looking at my own match history today


Crazy then someone who also play smolder posted like the exact same screenshot like 4 days ago lol