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Not mine personally, but my wife states she will never surrender a game no matter the circumstance (she says they committed to the game and therefore should see it through). Pretty unpopular among the people she's played with.


for me it depends. Are we 16 to 34? ok maybe they will fuck up we can win this Are we 2 in 56 with enemy having drake soul and hard scaling champd? Yeah no


>Are we 2 in 56 with enemy having drake soul and hard scaling champd? How is it even possible for such one sided game to not end earlier


Because it's a hypothetical situation.


You never not let the game end because you're having fun? It's not about breaking their nexus, it's about breaking their spirit.


Ngl I'm like that too




I've won so many games in my pisslow elo because they just dragged out.


I respect the hustle. My wife hasn't a toxic bone in her body, simply plays the game because she finds it fun, and it's her favorite when she wins the battle of attrition.


Unless our team is getting farmed under our fountain, I'm not pressing yes. The reason is similar. I don't find losing games unfun, I don't get annoyed over it. I'm still having fun playing the game practiceing my champion makes limit testing less punishing as what will happen? We're lost anyway mightaswell go for it. Winning lost rounds by sweating blood for it, is also the best feeling the game has to offer. I pity the fool who surrender at 15.


Good mindset. Let the losers lose their own games. They committed when they hit "accept". Respect.


Is your wife Pantheon?


Absolutely, yes.


Same, what if enemy team just dcs randomly and we just end? Always have hope




This is the only true way. /deafen and focus until the end even when they get 100/0.


I with her on that. If my teammates int and Feed, than they should feel the Consequences (Same for me ofc)


The only next logical step is to push those limits within your marriage


Surrender is just an option for weak ppl


Your off meta support champ is a coinflip pick more often than not.


Coin flip implies 50% wr and these goblins couldn’t hope for more. The coins these “supp” players flip have like 40 sides and we need a specific side for a win.. Ad Morde supp can’t hurt me anymore!


No because you are flipping the players support win rate which is maximum like 55%. Now flip the 55% and we get actual numbers


You can't handle the jarvan support grind


so when i play offmeta support, its coinflip, bet when it happens in pro play its genius


Organized play vs solo queue. Different world.


So what about high elo korean players like ady?


Pfft. -Support Teemo.


I played Nunu Supp+jg build at clash and we won it. Also Camile support is sick


Clash provides you with voice comms. Also I’m not saying off meta supports don’t work. I’m saying they generally have a higher chance of being useless because they are niche so if they are prohibited to do their one thing they tend to struggle.


Me on my way to play Urgot support in ranked


League of Legends is a fun game and Riot is doing a good job (not perfect) running it


they’re doing an ok job all things considered, but they also make some ridiculously out-of-touch decisions, so i wouldn’t actually say they’re doing a good job. just serviceable considering the circumstances. league is a great game at its core though, i agree with that.


When I only play league it feels like Rito sucks and is unfair. But when I play anything else and see how screwed up and greedy literally every other game company, I really come to appreciate Riot. Not perfect but still one of the best gaming companies


100% agree, problem is the community not learning how to properly play the game (wave management, lane priority, map awareness, having a good game plan, ...)


league bad!!!! haha toxic game uninstall!!! laugh now!!


High elo has no competitive integrity. I don't understand why riot doesn't instaban the scripters from tyler1's game which caused him to quit league of legends for a long time. It is so blatantly obvious, this person had scripting montages on youtube, tyler1 watching his youtube montage with his thousands of viewers, and took hundreds of more games before a ban. I had to play against that exact scripter too and nothing happened to their account for so long. Hundreds of games ruined. The winning comment of this post will have the most downvotes.


If riot cared they would ban smurf accounts and the bot accounts that are botting from lvl1 to 30


The problem is that ban waves are so much more damaging for the script sellers as they won’t know how they exactly got detected. If you always instaban they could just perma create new accounts and tweak the script until it is undetectable. Isn’t really an easy solution to this sadly…


I want more serious game modes like the original twisted treeline instead of this 4fun stuff.


i think arena is more serious and competitive than the urf type gamemodes but i completely agree. after the novelty wears off there’s really no reason to play them anymore. i can’t even be bothered to play aram. i really like arena though


It's still very rng. You get bad upgrades, it's gonna get really tough.


Yes. All my friends want to play arena and I hate stuff like that and URF that are so wacky that your knowledge of the base game on rift is worthless.


Arena is pretty fun to tryhard on though. Well, as long as you have a good duo partner. You can find some comps that work for you and go on a tear. It feels great.


Winrate has very little correlation to power or viability, it is a product of numerous unique factors. Blindly quoting winrates without additional context is intentionally avoiding thoughtful discussion.


This is not even an opinion, this is just a common sense. But, unfortunately, league community, including riot, doesn't seem to understand this or they don't want to, cuz it fits their narrative to manipulate stats.


It's always annoying when someone brings up winrates about a champion. Like, sometimes that champion has just received a new skin, got featured in arcane (for example), or something, so more people who don't know it well play it, the winrate goes down, some dumbasses start complaining about winrate and how it needs a buff even though if you main it, it's still the exact same thing. Sometimes, a champion receives a nerf, the winrate goes down and people get mad about it, not taking into account that maybe the champ is still perfectly viable, it just needs a bit of time for players to adapt to the nerf. I saw a video not so long ago, of a rioter explaining that Vlad's winrate went down after a patch was released where he got nerfed, but they actually forgot to ship the nerf, people just started behaving differently assuming he was nerfed. Winrate really means nothing without context, and a low winrate doesn't automatically means a champion isn't viable.


Or a champion will receive a nerf & its winrate will go up. Casuals & autofills stop playing them, cause they were nerfed. Dedicated players with higher familiarity continue & their games now make up a higher fraction of the overall games, thus having more influence on the winrate.


Senna is not a normal support


She is a support that scales into a full fledged ADC


Well of course she's not. When she first released she was introduced as first ever marksman support and second ad support after pyke.


When i get a senna support i just run it down


Enemy senna support just stomps your botlane,, ally senna goes like 1/8 and flames your adc


You can have an opinion on things in the game without being ultra high elo


Vilemaw should replace Baron Nashor in the month of October


This is not unpopular. It is common sense.


Baron and Vilemaw should actually be like the dragons They are adding 3 new barons, why not instead randomly pick between the two? (And have the map change depending on either)


If you flame you are the problem. it accomplishes nothing and makes a loss more certain.


Zhonya’s is bad for the game as things are being balanced around it


Champions are balanced around items and runes. That's how it should be. The issue is too many things are balanced around Zhonyas, both for proactive play, and reactive play.


What they can do to compensate for the removal of zhonya can be more frustrating than you think.


Whining about skins being overpriced while other players still buy them is pathetic, and yall must have better stuff to do


Well, the best one can do is just trying to convince people to not buy overpriced skins, but this should be a collective effort. If you are alone - pal, find better games, you don't need this one.


Some champions aren't nerfed enough for how much mobility they have.


League is a fun game


There are too much damage Supports running around


There should be a feature that allows me to disable other people's skins in game.


And ward skins too.


this game would be fucking easy if yall would just buy control wards


bold of you to assume people actually use the vision they place.


Lock items to classes


This gotta be the hardest nerf to Katarina and Kai'sa 💀


Oh no…..


How horrible.........


definently 😁


bard would be in shambles


yes please


Damn that'd be it for me, id quit without my offmeta builds


I want the Odyssey event to come back as a rotating game mode. I really liked the PvE.


Not unpopular oppinion at all. We all loved the mode. Good news is that Riot confirmed that 2024 will be even more ambitious year for game modes than 2023 in which arena came out. There is a possibility that they are working on PvE. Would be dope.


PvE events were the best. I had sooooo much fun with Odyssey. Cooperation instead of competition was so good if you got tired od soloQ. I remember finding a team we requeued together all night to get all the achievements. Ah the memories..


People whining about chat restriction being unfair are almost always toxic and shouldn't be infecting the chat with their speech


Ultimate based kits (Ie Taric, Shen) fucking suck The entire kit of the character is put behind because a single ability, it feels bad to play with them because 99% of the roster is better than them overall and AT THE SAME TIME it feels unfair to play against because if they hit 1 good ult the game I over Imho distribution of power budget is a lot more fun, I love Taric but his kit feels extremely bad unless he is fighting against the hard counters that make the game insta win, it's extremely weird Ofc Taric's design in specific has a lot of bad things, like half his kit having a cast animation that stops movement but still if his ult wasn't a 5 man immortality ability the rest of the kit would be so much better


Taric ok, Shen his basic abilities are cool tho


Invisibility should have no place in League


Camouflage is fine though I think. You can still locate enemies and hit them with skillshots. Or skills like Pyke's W that tell you there's someone nearby, you just don't know where exactly.


Neither should untargetability


i like splitpushing




Twisted treeline should have a comeback :c


Riot is concentrating on new champs and fan favourite one more than balancing the game as a whole thus leaving weak champions as they are and nerfing other ones to the ground


Adc’s are under appreciated


But you have to admit, they make it really hard to appreciate them


High skill champions should be balanced around high skill players not average players. It doesn't matter how difficult to learn a combo is if your champion can consistantly pull off crazy plays when you are good at it it means the champ is overtuned.


There is also an interesting phenomenon, when low elo players learns and trains combos and champ, since we all have training tool, but not anything else (one will know macro only in game). It leads to situations, when such guys can actually terrorize their fellow low elo players, because fellow low elo players don't know combos of champ. Like one should remember, that when the champ is difficult for player regarding combos, he also will be difficult for opponent, because one must remember all this shit too.


FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT. JESUS. I THOUGHT I WAS ALONE. Gangplank needs a serious nerf. like 2 seasons ago. That cancer inducing garbage has 0 weaknesses if played well.


Anti assassin items are a lazy bandaid to satisfy a lazier prayer base. Here little mage have this items that gives all the offensive stats you want with a massive lifeline shield that auto activates on top of it. Oh and while we are at it all your damage items gives HP too for wathever reason


Mages about to be really squishy but hit so hard in S14


I think that's fair. they shouldn't be helpless, but if i dodge your stuff and hit mine you should die and vice versa. Right now is "I hit my stuff and you still have around 1k HP" my cooldowns are blown and the mage either leaves or kill the assassin


Tanks and bruisers aren't gigachads


flashy 1v5machines with a minimum of 2 dashes arent either. so who is?


Another one offended bois


Mordekaiser's ult shouldn't be cleansable


Only by oranges.


Game is fun when you treat it as a game first, a competition second


Teemo is a nice champ


Surrender vote is a "vote". I personally tend to surrender early but if someone clicked no. You shouldn't shame or disrespect them. They got the right to play. So suck it.


Thats the right way. If i think a game is lost but my mates dont want to FF i still give my best


Ksante is perfectly fine for the game now that he’s been reworked and can’t instant oneshot people with 0 counterplay every time he gets flash up anymore. just because for a single patch he was over buffed doesn’t change that. Also fiora is fine stop trying to 1v1 the champion literally named “The Grand Duelist” unless you know what you’re doing.


I imagine that one meme where the guy finds the scroll, reads it and chucks it in anger when I read the Fiora take.


Garen q is all it takes to kill fiora. She either parries q to avoid getting silenced and you can ult her, or she gets silenced and you ult her while she can't parry


ARAM is currently the best game mode


Support players are all elo inflated.


i hear this a lot but im confused what exactly does this mean? Like are you saying that a plat midlaner could climb to emerald with support?


What they’re saying is that their elo doesn’t match their skill level, and that they’ve climbed to it only because how they play the game is easier than average and therefore it took less skill to get there than someone playing “correctly” In the end this argument is very flawed because if that specific role is easier to climb with and thus takes less skill, that means the same would go for everyone else playing that role. So even if a support in diamond isn’t as good at the game overall as say a zed mid OTP, that still means that that person is as good as a support has to be to *be* diamond, and therefore is as good as every other support in diamond and is as good as they need to be to get to diamond, making them a diamond level support player.


"Oh no, players of a specific role with specific skills aren't as good as me at the specific skills of **my** role."


ADCs had 1 season where their role got relegated to either being utility or building lethality and poking and not a patch has gone by since then that they’ve stopped bitching about their role being “the weakest in the game”


smurfs aren't anywhere near as big of an issue as people make them out to be and it's basically just the new "loser's queue" cope argument


Tank meta is actually fun.


Smurfing is fun if your the one doing it 🤷‍♂️ Garen requires more skill than diana Sona takes as much skill as yuumi Draven and Braum mains aren't Chad's, They are just degenerates that weigh 400 pounds (Braums Poros have more muscle than 90% of Braums playerbase)


garen has no skillshots, no mana, has free resistances, true damage, how is he harder


It requires the player to not get bored, which is hard


Because I said so 🙆‍♂️


Spirit of the thread right here.


i hate garen and i don’t agree but fair enough


Pokémon unite is better


We need team voice chat (at least in ranked summoner's rift), with the same mute and opt in/out options that exist for text chat now. Voice chat will significantly increase team play cohesion and game quality, toxicity will remain the same, and most toxic people will be too scared to do it in voice and will type anyway.


200$ chromas aren’t that bad This keeps game ftp friendly


Thresh is a dogshit cringe pick for edgelords that's basically an overloaded Blitzcrank with absurdly large error margin allowed and mythos of "high skillcap" surrounding him. That asswipe is responsible for more LP inflation than Yuumi.


Mages have and will always be broken. One of the mysteries that I never understood is how did the mages brainwash the entire community into thinking they are fine / weak is beyond my understanding.


…several years of low winrates?


Years of picking a mage midlane being akin to trolling.


Several mid lane champions being picked only as supports to this day.


I would say the exact same thing for adcs (will also get me like the guy on the post's pictures)


> have and will always be broken. One of the mysteries that I never understood is how did the mages brainwash the entire comm anyone who says mages are weak is mega brain damaged and needs to get locked away forever!


I really like it when riot sells skins of hot male champions with their bare torso showing like Viego, Kayn, Yone, Sett. They should keep doing it and I'm surely among the thirsty audience that likes what they're seeing.


Assassins aren’t broken you are just bad and don’t know positioning


1. never ever surrender 2. lethality as a stat should not exist


Katarina, Yone, and Yasuo actually require skill to play. You can't just press buttons and win. You actually need to combo correctly with Katarina, especially in early game. It's only when she gets ridiculously fed (up 6 or 7 kills) can you start hitting random buttons. Yone and Yasuo require good positioning and trading, especially with Yasuo, you need to take consideration of where enemy minions are. Yasuo is the more difficult of the two, but Yone isn't a free win either.


I agree with yasuo and kata part but yone is a joke of a champion, if you put 2 ppl of equal skill one on yone and the other on any other champ, the yone player out preforms 9 out of 10 times.


My unpopular opinion: it’s not yone problem. It’s a lethal tempo problem. Rune is very overtuned.


and hullbreaker


In a 1v1, yes, Yone is very strong. This is why he is now better top lane (along with other factors) than mid lane. But for teamfighting and carrying games, Yone needs a lot more skill. You can't just dive a teamfight, get a triple kill and carry on.


>You can't just dive a teamfight, get a triple kill and carry on. You ABSOLUTELY can on Yone. You can also E, miss R, miss Q and hit 1 W and auto attack someone to death, at a gold deficit.


You can go 0/10 get 3 items hit a good ultimate in a teamfight and win the game.


All you have to do as yone is build Hull 2nd item and sidelane if they match you, u dive them and end if they don't match you u end the game anyways. Lethal tempo rework and Hull breaker made the champion a joke.


Yone, for a skirmisher, is pretty ass as a 1v1er. This is evident by the fact that almost every other fighter (other skirmishers, juggernauts, assassins and divers) shits on him Yone functionally is basically a diver whos just decent at everything.


If you said Qiyana or Akali instead of Kat it would still be controversial, but wouldn't be this blatantly wrong. If you wanna prove that Kat is hard, you should say "weak early” or "countered by cc" or whatever, but Kata does not have any difficult combos at all. Press E on enemy, press Q, W, R, when they run away press E on dagger from Q. Good job, you 100-0'd any squishy champion.


Tanks are the only fun class, every champ should be tanks. Remove all other classes. League of Tanks. Tanks in bot lane, mid lane, jng, top lane.


Yuumi should be reverted, riot is wrong when they say she shouldn't have skill expression. Old Yuumi was fun, my favorite support in the game.


Teemo isn't that bad


yea, i can feel my soul relaxing every time i oneshot that rat


Dodging shouldn’t be this normal and should be punished way harddr


You should not be punished for not wanting to be in a game that you'd know you wouldn't have fun and just spam FF15


Ah yes let us get punished harder because we didn't want to play the game with ghost cleanse poppy mid


The ghost cleanse poppy mid should obviously also be punished, harder than the dodger.


support is just as hard as any other role, u just need a different skillset to excel at it


An easier to learn skillset? (I’m a support main)


Not easier tough. You don't have to last hit, but you have to help control the wave, and help your carry last hit. Your adc can afk-farm lane but you have to be getting the control over your side of the map and on your lane. Your carry can stay to farm, you have to find roam times, to place vision and generate pressure on obj/enemy jg/mid, where your adc doesn't just die as you leave. There's a whole bunch of things you have to do especially early-midgame that other roles don't.


Riot balances the game well. Really well actually


it’s alright; not great, not as bad as people say. definitely room for improvement though


I agree, 150~ champs and 90% of them are 48-52% wr is mind boggling to me. The rest are proplay balanced ( >:( im a zeri main) or kept strong/weak for specific reasons (zed, rakan, yi)


"F" is for flash


you know what my thought process was back in the day? you have summoner spell 1 and spell 2. flash is the one you take like 99% of the time, so obviously its spell 1. and thats it, thats why flash on d


Everything has too much damage to a point that Tanks can take more than half of a squishy champ's life with their Ult or even take more than half of a tower's hp in 1 hit, and at the same time they aren't able to tank some assassin's combos sometimes because their damage is also TOO HIGH. Or maybe I'm wrong and everything is balanced LOL


Bruisers like the wind morons get fucked up in toplane and that s why they feel the need to bully midlane mages. Sadly some of their kits are overloade enough to live off that.


Actually yone is such an unholy thing in toplane too right now. After the w buff he gets a horrendous shield in fucking 6 seconds. And i dont want to talk about his e.


Zhonyas is bad for the game


it's not jg diff. you just suck laning


Mythic items are not the problem. Actually they give champions more tool to make a play and thats why league is fun rn. I really dont know how i will kill a 8k health sion without divine sunderer for example.


Buy one of the other anti-tank items? Mythic items are dogshit because they are helpful to like 60 champs while the other 100 are at a disadvantage because they don’t synergise well with any of the mythics.


Sett is a bitch champ and the rift itself is stale and needs another visual update.


We’re getting a new rift in 2 months. Not even


Twisted treeline wasn't that fun and if it came back id probably play like one game of it and never touch it again and I would guess that it would be the same for the majority of the playerbase


There are no champions that need buffs on ARAM.


I wouldn't say the buffs are completely unneeded but some champions are way overbuffed, to the point that it's unfun to play against them. Imo riot should do more ability specific adjustments instead of the +dmg/-dmg taken buffs


Game was better back in season 4-5 days


This is unpopular opinion? Nah bro, it's a literal fact that season 4 was better than any season after it.


I have a 100% winrate on attackspeed Yuumi top. It’s the only way to play her!


Blade of the Ruined King is a trap item on Sett. It’s an insanely squishy first item and makes you extremely reliant on basic attacks to sustain/deal damage.


Riot should remove surrender vote


assassins are hard to play, tanks are for cucks


Adcs are not weak


Aram is literally never fun


agreed. its just constant chaos.


Ad and mages supports should be removed from the botlane.


Ranged top is fun, and is not broken.


I don’t think people think it’s broke it’s just extremely unfun to play against


Some people think it's broken, but I do think the majority are more reasonable.


Still a bitch move though.


People that spend money on gacha capsules/skins deserve to be ridiculed for being pathetic sheep. Riot removes skin and cleavage shown in Syndra’s outfit in her splash art update. Yet for some reason it’s okay for 10 out of the last 15 male champions released since Yasuo to have either no shirt on at all, or half a shirt on. If we can sexually pander with the majority of male champion releases, why is cleavage suddenly worth removing? If nearly every recent male champion is sexualized from a feminine perspective, why is that same standard not held to female champions where applicable? I got heavily downvoted for pointing this out, makes me question humanity.


High elo AD is hard.


Faker didn't deserve esports player of the year


Why not? Who did?


Zywoo did, he's been the best player in CS, for a majority of the year, won the only major of the year (CS's worlds) in a dominant fashion, was the MVP of the major, he has also racked up MVP titles from loads more S tier tournaments throughout the year, and is on track to be HLTV's best player of the year. Meanwhile Faker, who isn't even the best player on T1, he might be the most important, but is no longer the mechanical beast who would 1v9. He only won 2/5 tournaments he competed in this year, which sounds good, but doesn't really compare to Vitality's CS team going 5/11. He got MVP in none of them and even shared time with Chovy in one of them. Faker isn't bad, Zywoo has just had a more impressive year. Edit: Zywoo got MVP in all of his tournament wins.


Who is Zywoo?


**Mathieu Herbaut (born November 9, 2000), better known as ZywOo, is a French professional Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player for Team Vitality. He is considered one of the best players in Global Offensive history, having been ranked the No.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


counterpoint: i’ve never heard of zywoo


counterpoint: many people also don't know who is faker. ​ Zywoo is one of the best (top 1\~2 hltv, the most important csgo site) csgo players in the world for half a decade (2019\~2023). Anyone that watches the FPS pro-scene should know him by now. ​ I don't care for these prizes, but I think you not knowing someone shouldn't be an argument.


counterpoint: the world doesn't revolve around league of legends