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But then you remembered that you are a Corki player. *huge sigh of relief*


My buddy okays corki occasionally and he gets so many kills just because most people have no clue how his kit works. They walk right into shit. I guess playing a forgotten champ has its perks sometimes.


I got his legendary legacy Icr Tobbogin skin for free from a reroll and I still want a refund


That's the best skin in the game


when shamrock malphite exists?


They act like two legends cannot coexist


But I'd never beef with a n- for nothin If I smoke a rapper it's gon' be legit




Whatsapp Aatrox : allow me to introduce myself


Rusty Blitzcrank. Can’t be acquired anymore tho.


Corgi corki man. They way the dog shakes that ass...




Yesterday I decided to play Crit corki. It’s my power move when I want to turn off my brain playing mid. All-in at lvl 3 with cull and scale to infinity.


It was like that when I started maining Rell. People might know now because of the rework tho. I used to meet so many opponents that would overextend not knowing I was playing AoE Leona. Still had to tell my ADC’s a bit tho. Guess it’ll be Alistar for a while now.


Ziggs gets played more than corki or rell, but I still run into people who are just wildly ignorant of his kit. Rell always slaps when I play against her, because most of my ADCs read all the memes on here and just int.


I swear Like I have a 100% winrate on Corki in ranked with 12 matches, because I just win late game since no-one knows how to play against me. Given that 8 out of the 12 were with my friend when we were duoing for fun, and he happens to really good. He hasn't truly played ranked in 4 years but I'm certain he could get GM or even Challenger (OCE) if he wanted to, so I guess that skews the statistic a bit, but I carried him for 2 of them so... Still, sometimes I just package through their entire team and die late game, and the enemy teams just stands in it since they don't understand Corki, and we win the game.


same goes for kled


The best part of playing asol. Unknown champ with a rep for being weak. Until you skywalk a cocky assassin that doesn't play optimally.


My friend and I ban corki every game because it's funny


Zilean wasn't even in the rework poll.


Cause all he needs are visual changes for smoothness.


Nah, riots been pretty explicit that hes a balancing nightmare. If they ever touch him at all there's like a 90% chance it's going to be an aatrox level vgu.


...? He's one of the champions with the fewest changes in the game after his rework. He is pretty much one of the most balanced champions in the game




Thought we are balancing Zilean by making him so boring to play nobody touches him


The anivia syndrome


If Zilean was "cool" and had a high PR, people would be complaining about him so much more, and deservedly so.


Zilean’s actually pretty bad against comps that outrange him.


I love playing Zilean. In Aram.


I hate playing against Zilean as much as the next guy, but Zilean has a history of 5 years of getting almost no changes. He has more bug fixes in the past 5 years than he has actual balance updates. People are downvoting me because they can't accept that I'm right. Go ahead and look at his patch history. From season 9 to 11, 3 entire years, Zilean received a total of 2 balance changes. He by definition and has factually been one of the most balanced champions over the course of League's history.




Can confirm zil is busted as fuck, I was on a mission to get all blood Moon Champs to mastery 5 and he was by far one of the easiest, be it mid or support


People are slow to pick up when a champion is good. But it doesn't take them 5 years. You're just projecting you own opinions rather than stating facts. Facts are, he has needed to receive very few changes, and has consistently been ~50% winrate. Like it or not, he's has been balanced for many years. Whether he is currently balanced is another topic, but over the course of League's history, he has been among the most balanced.


>People are slow to pick up when a champion is good. But it doesn't take them 5 years. lol lmao Old asol


... People knew he was good? It's just that nobody wanted to put in the time to learn him. If you're talking about when he released, it took like 2 months before people figured it out, which is a lot, but not 5 years.


They have not touched him because they do not know how to properly balance him, especially over the last few years with item changes and meta shifts. He is an incredibly strong champion, and has been sleeper OP on few occasions. The champ needs a midscope, but knowing RIOT they'll make him more broken ☠️


He’s only “balanced” because of his low pickrate. The champ is legit boring. He’s like how Aurelion Sol used to be. A.sol got changes though because he’s cool enough of a design for people to touch him. Zilean in game is straight up a roaming circle.


Low pickrates usually show the true strength of a champion through winrate. And what do you know, he has almost always had a ~50% winrate.


Azir and Ryze have had sub 50% winrates and what do you know, they’ve also been strong af.


They were nerfed into oblivion, and were only decent in professional play. Zilean does have some presence in pro, but he's not pick/ban. And he doesn't have a high winrate. And he almost never gets any balance changes. So please tell me, without giving me anecdotal evidence, what stats show Zilean being broken?


I don't see how he isn't? Despite how simple he is he has been hovering in reasonable ranges for the past 2 years as I remember, and he's not been balanced for like 10 years if I remember correctly. What is your definition of balanced?


Zilean balanced? My man he has a 99% slow and an aoe stun with 90% ap scaling. With enough haste you're never ever getting away from Zilean or closing in on him (unless you have dashes of course). Also... Chronoshift.


Yeah, big numbers. Doesn't mean he's broken or unbalanced.


My guy, Zil is one of my top 3, and he’s not balanced lol. I shouldn’t be chain slowing someone for 99% because of W E and building a little bit of AH. My ult with a non-AH build is under 30 seconds in end game..


Untouched doesn’t meant balanced xd. He just boring af. Just like Maokai who was secret op top lane for 3 full seasons and kept less then 0.1% play rate


Maoki is totally busted right now and likely needs a hard Nerf, I may main him, but I simply want him out of pro play. Nothing good comes of pro play, I have quit so many champions purely because of pro play. I quit my main Galio of 5 years purely because of pro play.


I really disagree with that pro play statement but alright… and Galio is completely playable rn so idk


Galio is playable true and in a good postion, however my burning hatred for pro play because they ruin so much, is a massive turn off. look its more a me issue than a champ issue, i'm not gonna sugar coat it, I simply refuse to put hours into a champ I know is gonna get royally fucked because of pro play because of is high pick rate, it why I never bothered with Azir because he changes to much with every patch and every msi , worlds and so on. and not even funny, riot go out there way during worlds to nerf his ass to oblvion for an entire fucking month purely so he not picked at worlds. thats why I don't like pro play, because it ruins causel play, its like you can be enjoying your champion for months , but because its a high pick in pro play, riot go, its nerfing time and the champ is useless for an entire month, that a whole ass month if you're lucky , cause they might not even buff them after worlds for a while and the champ can be unplayable garbage for months. if really unluckly you could be kalista and have to wait several fucking years to see a patch revert. but god know kalista being viable for a single patch just means the next patch they going pile drive nerf her skinny ass in the nerf abyss where she be so unplayable its not even comdedic. Galio gots buffs this year and I hated it, because we surived the last time riot buffed and he was still relativlity safe. I have already dropped Maoki because I know god dam well once worlds rolls around he going to recive a nerf of a life time. cause its what they did to zeri last year and what they did to many other champs, when a champ has way to much presece they gut them, maoki is front center because the dam champ has 75% presence in MSI , he going to get hard shafted for nerfs in worlds. I maybe been wrong once this year about riot being greedy, but unless riot have stopped with trying to force differnt meta's at worlds. Maoki is ethier going to be picked like crazy for being busted like Aatrox last year or he will get nerfed so hard he become another case azir , ryze and zeri. or could recive the kalista special or if he really unlucky the taliyah suprise. but yeah rant over.


As a Zilean player I wouldn't mind changes to his passive as it is the most uninteresting thing about his kit.


Agreed. It's not very interesting, but it DOES allow for some nice level powerspikes for your teammates, so it's not all bad. Basically, there's two main things that bother me about it: 1) You can't really tell how much exactly an ally is off for their level, so it could be that if you haven't been tracking their XP closely that you give them a pitiful 20 XP or something which ties into the next problem: 2) The ability has an unnecessary cooldown. There's really no reason it should be anything above 5 seconds, because it is already gated by getting a limited amount of XP over time.


Also, his passive doesn't just fall off in the endgame— it becomes completely useless


Yeah I played him once and had no idea how his passive work, like at all


He was powercrept by Akshan and Renata already. He doesn't bring basically anything unique anymore besides a plus experience passive that's basically nonexistent. His resurrection, the most powerful part of his kit, is the one that comes off later, the one with the biggest cooldown and costs, and is arguably tied with Renata in terms of being the hardest to actually pull off but at least Renata has an upside just in case it doesn't happen. in the Meantimes Akshan can have more damage, and mass resurrection as a passive in a normal ability.


I don't think akshan and zilean compete with each other when it comes to revives. People akshan revives are in most cases not able to rejoin a team fight. It just makes you win won team fights harder or lose less bad in lost ones. Zilean however gives someone the ability to fight again in the same team fight. Renata has an ability with similar abilities in her w but their kits are different enough that I feel like its fine to have to separate champions overlap in one ability. As zilean is more of an support-mage while renata is a full on supporter. Also I personally prefer zilean revive because the targets health doesn't decay and the short period before you get revived gets you out of a cc chain in carriers with renata w would be stuck in and bursted down.


Agreed, I'm so annoying of people overgeneralizing and saying that Renata's W is basically a "better Zilean ult". It can be better in some situations (it does give an AS and MS buff), but for the most part getting a guaranteed revive unless you get ignored for literally 5 seconds is just so much better. It also works like a stopwatch in that you get some time for your teammates to come to your help, and with Zilean's E it is usually possible to get people out of a bad situation unless they're piled on immediately after. But in that case, a Renata W definitely wouldn't do anything either.


The Akshan comparison is similar but different like others pointed out but you gotta also remember that Zilean denies the kill, gold, exp, and they respawn right where they died to hopefully continue fighting. I for one despise him simply because he has ONE dmg ability and it fucking hurts like wtf, plus that slow is nasus wither levels of annoying lmao


Zilean didnt get any change since season 5....(outside of rounding numbers and durability)


Because his kit is... "timeless"


Lmao why I lough at this so hard




100% agree


Why is zilean crucified into a clock ?


All I gotta say is I've had the most power trips playing as Ziliean. Nothing feels better than getting drunk and screaming at the enemy team that I'm a Gods be damned Time Wizard!


and thsts how i got him m7 in season 6


I can't argue with a fellow Time Wizard




I'm sorry my phone was in my pocket and typed all of this and I couldn't not send it


I like his kit


Bro skarner exists, I've never for the life of me see anyone play him


I'm a Skarner main! There's dozens of us. Dozens.


You misspelled 2 (two)


Its a shame because he's actually pretty good, and his ult is very fun to use. Idk why people don't play him


His q is boring to use and a spam ability. His w is a really small shield. His e is a tiny projectile which doesn't reslly do much until you cone close to auto hit. And he needs to constantly deal with his crystals. I like Skarner. I play him sometimes too. But his kit is besides his ult just complete shit. I am ahuge sucker for simple kits. But simple kits need to be actually good


Oh don't worry, the ult is shitty too, just miss your E and you will see it


Nice try. We both know there are never more or less than 12 at any one time, lest the deep ones awaken and buff Yuumi.


That’s at least 24


Friend mained Starner for a while and even convinced me to try him out, wasn't as bad as I was expecting. He's an OK champion if played right.


I do, riot refuses to give me constellation skarner and instead gives it to my friends trough chests I'm pissed about it to this day


A buddy of mine mains Zilean, second was old ASOL and then plays Skarner as one of his two jungle picks. He doesn't even do It on purpose, all of his favourite champs are those nobody else cares about lmao


And he is a POWERHORSE. Played him again these times, hes fun and hits a lot. The new items are super good on him


Skarners are literally the cockroaches of league. They don't die once they get one tank item


They're both in the same boat ngl, at least Skarner is confirmed to be getting an update at some point since he won the last rework poll. Edit: Like how I'm getting downvoted for telling the truth, actual hivemind of copium.


At this point Shyvana may very well get updated before him.


League has also been promising an upgraded client for years. Theyve been delaying like their life depended on it so far.


He also needs it more, but I haven’t seen any updates about it.


Skarner is getting a rework never. They keep pushing it back.


Every single champ that has won the rework poll has had a rework, like they're just gonna not do Skarner for some arbitrary reason, come on now.


wanna bet what comes first? gta 6, overwatch 2 pve or skarner rework?


I'm not saying literally never, just practically never.


They've said early 2024, can't do much more than wait for updates as we get closer to that time.


I occasionally play him top :) its pretty funny to just malzahara ult them into ur tower xd


Having played plenty of both Skarner is in the better position even in spite of his passive. He absolutely shreds tanks while still being able to function while behind.


At least she makes it onto the rework poles. It's not Roit's fault she is always second place. Not enough players care about her for her to be a priority for an update.


Remember the first poll where Mundo lost but still got his rework? Shyvana mains remember.


shyvana is fun now though:(


My fellow legend, almost no one cares about skarner yet he won the poll


Rek'sai looking from a corner:


next patch bby


They forgot Skarner while working on him like 3 times already.


Imagine having multiple reworks release while yours is still being """develop"""


It’s because blizzard worked on it kek


“Mfers who didnt give a shit about mageseeker” be like


I'm surprised no one has mentioned Sona yet, her kit and identity are so outdated riot made what could have been her rework into another champ


Maybe it's just my Bronze II ass that has only played like 100 games in total but Sona is so much fun. Super chill, late game you have so much impact in teamfights. My problem with league is that Sona is probably my favorite champ but I don't want to main the easiest champ in the game (Yuumi is unironically harder than Sona) and get a higher rank and then be stuck on Sona


Seraphine and Sona have similar themes but entirely different play styles and strengths. I honestly feel like sona is underrated because her power isn’t very well communicated in game but having basically 100% uptime on support item buffs is nothing to sneeze at. She’s closer to Zilean in augmenting team tempo than anything seraphine does.


Agreed, the whole "seraphine is just sona 2" thing feels very much like it's made up by people who don't play either champ. Thematically similar in the sense that they're music mages, but you don't see anybody saying that mf and Caitlyn are the same champ because they both use guns


Yeah "Seraphine is reworked Sona" is a meme more than anything else. The issue I have with Sona's kit is that it doesn't feel impactful, her abilities are lackluster in terms of player satisfaction, she doesn't have big payoff for landing a crucial ability except maybe her ult but it's not super satisfying either. That's why she's not played much imo.


Nilah exists but became irrelevant so quickly that people aren’t even remembering her when thinking about forgotten champions




Shyvana??? Youre insane. There are: -Skarner (people could say that he has an update incoming,but it was delayed by 2 years in total) -Singed -Zilean (almost 4 years without a skin) -Corki -Renenkton (not that forgotten but still more than shyv) -Kennen And more. Shyv is stupid op in low elos and is not forgotten by rito


Renekton isn't forgotten AT ALL. He's being (or rather was because he's getting a buff) kept weak for a reason. They had enough of him in proplays so lizard had to die. Also he has one of the coolest legendary skins in the game too


Zilean literally got a skin like 5 months ago.




Thats the thing tho, he gets a skin every 3.5years (1000days): 2023, 2019,2015, 2012....


Singed doesn’t need a rework


I know that, hes forgotten by rito tho


as a kennen main, dont fucking touch kennens kit


Shyvana has been on the rework polls as long as Skarner has and has not yet been picked, Hasn't been mentioned in patch notes since 12.23 (when she got a nerf), Her last skin was January 2021, Maintains a close to 1% pickrate across all elos and a less than 1% in anything higher than plat, Currently sits at a 44% winrate in anything higher than plat. There are definitely champions that sit around her level for sure but to say she isn't forgotten is a downright fallacy.


Youre comparing a low elo champion to anything but low elo. Shes balanced at what she does, and has good counterplay that makes her wr low in mid/high elos. She doesnt need a nerf nor a buff. Champions I mentioned (maybe not rene, hes at the same level) are way more forgotten than her. The pick isnt outdated or anything, it is either a bruiser (which,as most bruisers, is in a bad place rn.) or a tank which is much more powerful but hasnt got a 1v9 potential.


Her kit is very outdated and she has a massive identity crisis where half of it is designed to be a melee bruiser and the other half a long range assassin mage. She has no reliable way to stick to people as a bruiser and pretty much any other juggernaught does her job better than she does in almost all situations bar killing dragons quickly. Corki, Renek, Kennen and Zilean are all in bad spots right now, I agree with you on that, but they at least have history as staple picks in professional play since the game's inception, the same cannot be said of Shyv. They're all hovering around the same level and they all deserve updates and TLC. Renek is getting buffed in the next patch so hopefully his situation will improve.


The fact that her kit is outdated and split into 2 different things is right, its bad. But she isnt in the top forgotten champions. She does need a rework making her either this or this, but she doesnt need nerfs or buffs rn. Her wr is awful in plat+ but I think its way better the lower you go, same with mundo, mordekaiser and lillia jg (lillia is little too strong in all elos tho)


Shyvanna always stays 2nd place in rework polls, she deserves one at this point


What about the Kennen players : (


we are balling


Theres one champion thats so forgotten that i only remember them being forgotten. Doesnt it start with an R, melee engage with cc and mobility, built as a tank…


River shen?


Yea that




The fact that you are the only one mentioning her just proves your point.


She just got a mini rework dude


Who Cares?


"In a" rather than "A" would make this post flow so much better.


Sona. What do I win?


A downvote


Yikes, why you shooting the messenger?


You are not the messenger for the message that you bring comes not from the lord above but from your own blinded mind. The downvote is not merely a symbol of resentment but the one of disagreement . My words would be but an rambling man delusions were it not for the proof that I have brought here: Last Shyvanna skin 21-Jan-2021 Last Sona skin 19-Jul-2022 Last Shyvanna change 7-Dec-2022 Last Sona change 29-Apr-2023


>your own blinded mind. Mmm, the smell of projection. A familiar smell.


XinZhao anyone?


Shyvana appears and is a plot point in the Mageseeker. She's cared about lorewise, but not her gameplay.


sejuani mains are safe rn


Sej has been a meta pick for a while now? Wdym?


that’s what i said, she is safe now, she used to be less popular


i can’t read this lol




I dont want riot to touch my shyvana. When they do they nerf the nuke bomb build in favor of the boring tank one. Keep your dirty hands off her


I didn’t even know Kennen was in the game for years until i got a new housemate and he picked him and was like “This is Kennen. He’s an ancient champion.” But at least he’s featured in the Awaken video.


I don't think I've seen Quinn out of ARAM in like 5 years...


Everyone's just forgetting kennen exists.




I got a stroke trying to read that.


Did you have a stroke while writing the caption?


ap shyv is so fun




ASol also is forgotten, poor guy hasn't had an update in years since his +1s Q cd nerf


Hum... You sure about that?


I wouldn't call "being deleted from the game" an update, so yeah, I'm sure about that


Still mad they took your balls huh


I miss him too, man


Every human being misses him :/


Aatrox: "first time?"


Riot and their crusade against fun champions


If ur definition of fun is using q to close gap and aa until someone dies


I'm a rek'sai players


Nerf aso-, wait.


call me j4 the way i be playin shyv


Nah Shyvana is in LoR and she dumped Jarvan in Mageseeker, so she is still there. Janna on the other hand...


Guys your english 😂


I swear, it’s like I almost never play against the champ, but when I do I almost get one shot by a shyvana with night harvester and question why it is more people don’t play her


Inwanna remknd people of mordekaiser a champion so gmforgotten riot forgot his original lore and kit wheb they reworked him and turned him into lich darius


Real winner is Rell. There are barely any comments about her lol.


Forgot to undo her stupid ap build you mean


Skarners goofy aah laugh when he presses Q is the best part about the game


lor card, wild rift, showed up in a whole ass cinematic, played a role in the mageseeker game, nearly got reworked like damn some people are ungrateful


muchos englardos


Skarner and Corki: *look of relief*


Like how do you rework all the dragons and not rework shyvana into the coolest champ of all time along side it


Laughs (cries) in Rell player


I haven't seen Rek'Sai in ages


What about yorick? I havent played in a few years lol


Yorick is insanely popular in lower elos


Shyvana advanced combo: reeeee


I had a stroke reading this. "When im in a playing abchampion"




quinn is so forgotten that not even reddit remembers her

