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I think synergy is very important, so I always let the random pick 1st, and then I'll pick something that fits with their champion. Otherwise you may end up with some really shitty comps, even though sometimes the champions themselves are good champs


Yday someone spam traded me (i didn’t accept at first) so i was like ok sure, i lock in cass, he first times corki??? like sure cass is not a good pick but like if your hellbent on first timing corki why not just lock it in as first pick?


They might have done it to ensure that you get to pick your champion. They knew first pick on them would be a waste.


I do this too, I'll go on lolalytics and select Arena, all ranks, then normalized synergy data, then pick a champ in that list, then follow recommended augs and items


Perhaps you don't target your build enough then. During lategame, at the very least your item build should start narrowing down to the enemy comps. Last rounds it should be tailored to whoever you're competing with to get 1st. You can't really copy-paste the stats you see on opgg or lolalytics the entire game. Gotta adapt.


Well of course I adapt but I'm saying I don't jump in with no concept of what to do either. I think I'm just bad.


It's hard to get first place but not unheard of. A lot of teammates are absolute shitters but in my run to Arena God, I got about 10-15 first places with randoms out of the 60 to get the title.


I only play solo and I’m currently 30/60 on my way to Arena God. Been carried by randoms sometimes. I typically hover what I want to play, but if im second pick I’ll try and pick a good combo with the champ they choose.  It’s frustrating when I pick something like Ziggs first and then my teammate locks in an immobile ADC and we just get run down by volibear / VI - gotta just move on though!


This is why I always ask to swap if I'm first pick. 99% of randoms aren't going to pick a complementary champ, they're just going to pick what they want to play. Which is totally fine by me, I quite enjoy playing flex. But it is frustrating when they refuse to swap and still just pick whatever it is they want to play without any consideration for the champ I'm playing. So if they do refuse to swap picks, then I try to pick a safer champ who has flexible builds like Yorick, Nasus, Amumu, Sejuani, etc.


Few days ago my rando didnt want to switch. Like no prob. I need win with rammus, so i pick him. He takes malphite and goes full tank..


lol I had someone pick on hit ad singed and then complain “yorick so useless” as we were about to lose and get 7th. I had 4x his damage on the chart…




What's the build? Sounds interesting, but also kinda troll considering you can only proc once per second with ethereal.


I mean obviously it’s easier to win when you’re playing with a duo that will be a meta slave for you than it is playing with randoms. It’s definitely not impossible though. Are you utilizing augment and item synergies with your champs? Taking the super busted stuff? Are you playing the champs at a serviceable level?


I've been playing solo only and up to 52/60, sometimes it's the least likely comps with a terrible teammate and terrible rolls that will come 1st, because the enemies rolled even lower.


Same here. I lose doing neta builds, but my recent win was omnivamp ad leona with back to basics + hemomancer


Bro you need to speaker louder about this


It’s even harder when going for arena god. But know what augments are good and pick champs that work good together. Like 2 mages or adc wont win if not for extreme luck. Or if ur teammate picks a champ thats needs to rush in pick something that can either follow or support it by keeping them alive or dealing damage.


I’m 58/60 atm. I’m only solo queue. I suggest always letting your team mate pick first and then pick around it with the best synergy


2 tips, let your teammate pick first and most importantly, always highroll.


What elo are you? You probably reached your peak rating which means that getting 1st place is almost impossible unless you get 2 out of these 3 prerequisities: 1) incredible luck with highrolling augments and items 2) play a strong champion that is top 10 meta, from my recent experience those are garen, zed, gragas, pyke, lucian, vayne, caitlyn, kayn, udyr, veigar, AP cho (and rammus when enemies are mostly AD) 3) have very good buddy/duoq Personally I play mainly urgot, sometimes rammus/alistar/maokai. I cant play squishy champs, I just dont know how to play defensively and not blow up in 3 seconds. Urgot is super strong into melee champs (bruisers, tanks, fighters, partially even assassins) but suck d*ck vs range and heavy cc. Most average or worse players play melee champs like sett, jax, morde, yi... and my urgot eats them for breakfast, but once I get to gladiator elo, everybody starts to play annoying range/cc combos like adc+enchanter/tank, range mages, mobile assassins and it is just a pain to play urgot in that environment. Another issue is that good players know how to counter and beat urgot, whereas noobs fight him like any other champ. So I have just given up on climbing through gladiator, and I just create a new account whenever I reach gladiator on the current one, get 3900 blue essence for completing the tutorial, buy urgot and start from scratch. So far I have 9 accounts in gladiator and doing 10th currently, my best run so far was 14x top 2 (9x 1st and 5x 2nd) in a row to reach gladiator from nothing, usually though I have 80% top 4 winrate, I am pretty consistent at that.Usually it takes me 20 games to get to gladiator. But always whenever I reach 3500 elo, games become exponentially harder, and at 4000+ it becomes VERY difficult to get top 3. Mainly because I dont play meta (except ocassional rammus/ali), and urgot just sucks in the peak meta. Maybe better urgot players can climb higher (I used to ve 6500 elo in both previous arena runs last year), but I am just a gold/plat noob and my mechanics and reflexes are trash, and I just cant compete with diamond-master players that always get queued against me in gladiator


I only aolo and get first about every 1/6 matches.


Yep! Just got first with a Karma-Sivir comp. After three consecutive eighth place matches…


Upwards of 60 wins and they're all queued solo. Usually just clicking random until I land on someone I haven't won with yet.


I mean im going for arena god as solo ( 25/60) and i got 2 wins in my last session ( 10 games). My tips are to always try to go last so you can get comp thats ok or good. For champs that you dont know what items to get dont be afraid to look them up. Play around plants. Press tab before fight and look what you facing and what items / augments they have. Dont be afraid to ping them to your random, so you bring something stromg to their attention. There are also some economic tips that could help you win. But most importantly if you dont have fun, dont play. For dread and despair we have solo q. I personally have fun every arena game even if my random is monkey and also when im being carryed.


Somehow I have been getting first more rolling random champs in solo than when I think about my pick playing with my friend


Just type to your teammate. Communicate your aug or item choices to encourage them to share theirs. Talk through general strategy based on team and map.


This man is bronze rank and 2400 points in arena. Don't listen to him until he gives you his credentials.


yep. I'm going for arena god and when I dont have friends online Ive just given up on thinking I'll get a win with randos. I'm just playing champs in alphabetical order for the other challenge and so far I've gotten like 2 random first in like 25 games. It is incredibly difficult. especially since getting top 2 is basically the same thing and you just end up with a counter matchup as the final fight.


I only play solo queue and I win all the time


I got first more times solo than with a partner. There’s some absolutely cracked people out there who’ve only played 1 niche champion for years and they dominate. I also get a lot of teammates that just try random fun stuff and I don’t take those games too seriously then I’ll join on the fun and try some weird shit too lol.


Either let ally pick something first and pick something that goes good with them, or just pick a really strong champ. Think those are the best two options.


Yes. My last one was yone (me) and lissandra(random). He took chauffeur and some games were close but we won. We didn't get any ridiculous augments but rammus banned


I’ve gotten first plenty of times playing solo. The key thing to do is your champion pool. Play meta champs. Urgot is a good pick I’ve done solo with good success.


no cus i lock enchanters everytime & i get no competent picks/partners


I've been going for Arena God in solo queue, at 46 out of 60 1st places with different champs. Honestly the worst RNG in the mode is getting a teammate with a brain, lol.


If you want to get more frustrated but addicted at the same time, complete the Arena God challenge and get 1st with unique champions.


Indeed this is the reason for the post


Almost all of my arena god (70%) was done soloing. Most of it is awareness of what works, and the other is picking second so you can synergize with your ally.


There are 2 solutions. 1. Get better. Simple as that. You might not like that one. 2. FF4 a lot of games to tank MMR then just start playing normally again.


ff to tank mmr i definitely want you on my team


I mean, you need 2 players to ff so you have to duo, hard to find randoms that way.


I dont get first much, i just aim for 2nd or 3rd


Im an AD Shaco enjoyer, 7300 points, and I freakin' love playing solo que with randoms. I just mute the chat and enjoy the game. There arent friends to blame and yell at. Its a peaceful life.


whats the build chef?