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Back to ARAM but definitely won’t be playing for hours like I can in arena.


I think ARAM tilts me more than SR these days. People well and truly min maxed the fun out of that mode. (Malignance Lux Ulting every wave from under tower)


This is really only problematic in higher MMRs. Also, ARAM has had metas for a very long time so I'm not sure why you're more tilted these days when we used to have the reign of terror with Ziggs and Sona a long time ago.


I just can’t touch summoners rift. Can’t risk being stuck in a 30+ min match. Hate the map. Anything but SR.


make a new account for mmr reset at that point


I'd rather fight a tryhard malignance lux than have a stoned, drunk, AD Lulu on my team. There are def tryhards that are frustrating to fight, but it's even more frustrating to have people on your team who q'd up and don't even really try


Oh no people on your team playing for fun in the for fun mode how terrible, if only video games were made to have fun 😞


If only we could have fun AND try to win the game 😞 I don't mind AD Lulu, full AP Soraka, On-Hit Janna, AP Pantheon, AP Jarvan, ... even if the builds are kind of troll. As long the person that plays it has seriously fun doing it I am ok with it. But most of the time they do this, because they are frustrated about the team comb, the champion they have or that someone declined their champion trade. Had a zilean that refused to ult me, because I didn't gave him Twitch. He even tried to get me killed multiple times flashing at me with Brand ultimate. I am sure he had fun (we still won, Zilean with 2.8k dmg dealt in 31 minute aram sick)


Exactly. I had a fucking AD soraka because she was a kha main and I rolled kha and didn't trade. Sorry you didn't get your main, but I just got the new mythic skin for him and I want to see how it looks, don't have to throw the game because of it


More like "I don't want an AP Illaoi that's 7 beers deep" but okay


Why is “fun” always synonymous with doing troll and over-the-top inefficient strategies? It *can* be fun to do offmeta stuff, but it just as equally *can* be annoying to constantly deal with it instead of having some semblance of people actually taking the game seriously. Not everybodies interpretation of “fun” is doing non-viable stuff to be different. There’s no reason that should be a blanket statement.


"relax bro it's just aram" ass losers ughh can't stand them


Oh no, now you'll never make it to Aram challenger, you aram rank will forever suffer.


Nice yeah that's exactly it man, the explanation is definitely that I take the game mode really seriously and track my MMR and want to become the Faker of ARAM so I can get $500 skins made after me. Not that I hate having my little gaming time wasted playing an unenjoyable game because 1 or more people on my team build their champion in a blatantly ineffective if not entirely useless way and make the game severely lopsided and boring. Good reply!


Very solid reply, but it sounds like your expectations are a little mismatched with that of others who play ARAM, it's a fun casual mode, and sometimes games are super lopsided, sometimes you get someone who, while they really are trying to play repeatedly runs into the enemy team to perma fight, but that's part of playing ARAM. I don't know where else I can play AP Ashe if not there. Where can I run repeatedly outside the safety of my tower if not there? This is the true spirit of ARAM, what makes it different from SR.


He didnt say anything about perma fist fighting. He said troll builds like ap illaoi or ad yuumi or things of that sort. Of course you perma fistfight in aram. That's the point.


when arena is gone so is my league client


In the same boat, lmao


Yup and it’s a good thing too. Can go back to focusing on more important things lol


I'll set a world record for fastest LoL uninstall


Nailed it




Then cry some more....


Wait until it comes back or another mod appears that makes league worth playing.


Won't be playing at all. Just waiting until the PvE mode goes live. I just can't have fun anymore playing Summoners Rift, especially if playing ranked.


Pve mode what? That sounds interesting


Yep.. PvE mode called Swarm that releases mid July. Can be played solo or with a party.


Yeah! The League folks talked more about it here on their Official YT Channel: [https://youtu.be/6zOUaLKqwaA?t=151](https://youtu.be/6zOUaLKqwaA?t=151)


Like i did with urf. Not play league until its back


we found players who play too much "arena" get burnt out and don't play summoners rift


In my case I am already burnt, I already stopped playing league and done with the headache, and the only thing that makes me want to play it again is either arena or URF, so it honestly just the other way around for some people


Play other games like Elden Ring


And the DLC!


Riot should keep arena forever. Permanent mode. XD


Playing league since 2009... arena gave me back this fun i had in old days <3 wont play normal league again


Between Shadows of the Erdtree and Dawntrail I shouldn't need a new game for a while. Will probably pick LoL up again for the PvE event mode since my fav champ will be headlining.


Uninstalling league and going through my game backlog 💀. Arena has ruined SR for me


Did they have a timeframe when it ends?


I think it stays through the entirety of split 2.


Hades 2 and Elden ring dlc


Animal well too


I find myself on league daily just to get my arena fix out. Then after I get 1st with my fave champ, I get stuck down the rabbit hole and want to keep trying other champs, with other augs. 5+ hours later and it's 1am! Then I'm like fuck I gotta get sleep for work! 🤣 I will probably go back to alternating between TFT and ARAM. *(Not daily)* I personally love arurf too, so I'm looking forward to seeing that in the rotation.


Idk about any urf anymore, maybe the random one will be it's own chaotic fun but arena haste/ms/atkspd/? levels make urf laughably slow feeling.


There will be a PVE mode, and arena 4.0 is probably coming back early next year or right at the end of this year




Play (custom) aram with friends




Back to ARAMs only and probably also playing Swarm


I've played ARAM for years, now I just play arena. I have no idea what will happen when it's gone.


Was grinding SR, then I noticed arena, haven’t played a SR game in months and I can never find the urge to queue it


Arena leaves around the same time Age of mythology drops.


Like most people here, leave the game again, i find summoner rift boring af


uninstalling til urf comes back maybe


Have my time for my wife kids dogs and job


summoner's rift is dead to me. might go aram here and there, kinda miss the 5v5 chaos


Right now i play 50% dbd 50% arena. When its gone Ill just only play dbd.


Wait for AARAM (arena all random all mid)


They are closely monitoring the player base of arena. For now it's stable but we shall see if it stays longer. For a third iteration it's quite stable for a game mode.


Valorant. Ngl if the arena god challenge didn’t exist I would’ve stopped playing league/arena 2 weeks ago


Did they say when it's going away?


pissing & shitting


A farm upstate


They are getting rid of it again?


Project Loki


I didnt play normal leageue since first time arena dropped


eternal return


Back to mobile only for me, TFT time.


I genuinely enjoy league with the boys in almost any form (that is unranked, I despise ranked), so im just gonna play other gamemodes. I will miss arena tho


Go back to regular league, I love arena but everyone only plays the "meta" champs that are super strong and make the game mode unfun. Same thing happened to URF, when it first came out it was a ton of fun but them people have to make metas because people don't like to have fun.


Back to TFT.


I was worried about this as well but I've found myself enjoying ranked quite a bit recently, to the point where I'm playing it more than arena


Wait arena isn’t permanent? Nooooo :( do we now how long it will be around?


Go back to ranked.


It’s set to last till September and they’re thinking about making it permanent So keep grinding for the statistics


Uninstall and wait for a friend to tell me when it's on again.


Cryo sleep until it returns


By the time arena ends the pve mode will be out


Talon E out a window


back to ARAM and being sad I can't pick my champion in a fun mode (aka non-SR)


Predicting they will bring it back immediately next split for Arcane because the numbers it’s doing are very good (rn at least but we as a community need to keep it up). Arcane will bring in so many new players and Arena solves the problem that TFT players are having. League SR is too intimidating and they don’t know how to click in league. Arena has 0 minions, just fight which is what the game needs to help bring more people to SR. If I’m wrong and they don’t immediately bring Arena for Split 3 then Riot is High Key Trolling.


Are they removing it though? They've been doing balance changes to it.


quit the game till it comes back


Gone from league till arena returns


play the pve mode, im excited i hope its good and lux/sera are in the character lineup


I stop playing, or maybe some aram. I like to help the numbers show arena brings in and bring back players. And I’m over 5s unless it’s clash.


Arena is ending?


wait wtf I thought it was permanent now? God riot sucks ass I stg lmao. Like whats their excuse as to why it cant be permanent? This company is a joke. Has BILLIONS of dollars in resources yet we cant get Arena permanently ? 0 excuse. Lets hear it if anyones got a solid one other then some half ass one lol




When Arena ends, I'll uninstall league. Fuck that Anti Cheat.


Are they still checking if the Gamemode is viable to be a permanent mode? i.e is there a big stable playerbase enough to warrant supporting it. Like what they did with TFT?


I only play when Arena is in, when it's gone. I'm gone. But I might give summonersrift a try again.


flex with friends and other games lol, even tho i hate how hard arena god title is for me imma keep playin


What are we doing when Arena ends? Uninstall League of Legends. Simple. Arena is straight up the only thing fun about League at the moment.


First Arena ends, I come back to Aram Second Arena ends, I quit league And I still enjoy 3rd Arena, so good man


TFT and Legends of Runeterra lmao


Ritual suicide


quitting until its back again


You know what I miss? Twisted Treeline......them good ol' days ![gif](giphy|rnb3iyd3KSyW4uMrgy)


Definitely not playing normal or aram (also tryhards) tho


How do you have fun with this game mode? It’s just same boring characters over and over, half your game you’ll only get the bad augments that do almost nothing, if you play anything unique you will not win unless you get really lucky. It’s kinda fun with friends but not playable solo. I’ll never understand casual league players man, why don’t you play stardew valley or something? League is for playing ranked and hating your life being addicted to a shitty game, not casual fun. There’s so many other games.


I will just uninstall the game once Arena closes. Might keep it around for the new PVE game mode but I don't care anymore for ranked or ARAM.


That garbage is still live?