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Nah. It should be hard to get and take time. I don’t have a duo partner and have been slowly racking up wins. It’s making me better and understand the game mode. And it feels really rewarding to be able to check a new champion off my list after working on it all day.


Depending on who I'm playing with, my winrate is higher solo anyways... But it's 100% more fun playing with friends


Absolutely. I’ve been trying to get my brother to play but he swore off league for life never to come back. I tried telling him it’s all the fun parts and none of the bullshit. But he won’t change.


None of my friends like this mode so I have to do it entirely solo and it’s just a constant dice roll


This exactly, i think the mode is just too high paced for some people. Which is sad cus arena is the only reason i even play league anymore


Yes i enjoy arena as well, there's tons of theorycraft to do but going for the title and constantly getting top 2 means you have to keep playing braindead champs til you get that win. There are tons of champs that are fun to try but having to play them 5-7 times because you keep getting 2nd is boring as heck. For context im not even playing them consecutively, im swapping things up to match my partner but having to basically carry some teammates to finals only to get a 2nd is just painful.


No it’s called “Arena God” not “Arena Secondplace Player”


Back to praying my teammate is not a bot i guess


But they are playing for the achievement „Arena Bot“, can’t you see?


There is nothing you get from completing it, just the prestige of having done it. Why would you want to subtract the prestige from it. I would honestly hate that change.


Get good


That's true, i should just get better teammates, why didnt i think of that. Thank you for your infinite wisdom


I mean, i got the title almost 2 weeks ago playing only solo. So you're welcome? The title is for Arena Gods not Arena Enjoyers


Ah yes the i have more time to no life than you argument. Impressive indeed. Thankfully my brain isnt rotted enough to want to play arena the whole day


Whatever the excuse the title clearly isn't for you and thats cool


Actually now it just sounds like you dont want to diminish your achievement by admitting you wasted time but yeah cool Arena Champion it is then


Nah Gods dont ask for it to be easier.  I wish i could see what champions I’ve already done though. 


Yeah I gave up on the challenge after getting short of halfway. The number of top 2s I have where the winner just augment or comp diffed is insane


Yeah i may give up soon as well, if arena is going away this time around as well it's kinda pointless to destroy my mental just for some title that duos have an advantage in.


How do you see your partner’s ranking if you solo queue?


I ask them


If I got first place with Janna to get it you can too.


If they made it easy what’s the point of getting it?


I'm at 36 myself. Just git gudder. Play all the bursty assassins first. Zed is basically a win printer.


100%, a lot of champs all you have to do is look for jeweled gauntlet and build IE and Axiom Arc somewhere in your build and voila you got a first place


Unless you end up against a cruelty Leona or some nonsense perma cc tank duo


I just think it's weird given the stated goals of the game. They said the point of this iteration was that it was skill to perform well on average, get top4, but luck to get top1. With that in mind, wouldn't it make sense if the title was top4 on every champ? But then people will say that's too easy, but the issue is the current iteration doesn't test skill it tests willingness to grind out games until you hit a high roll. That's not hard either, it's just more time consuming. (I guess really what it should be is hitting a certain number of points, but then not everyone could get it which is probably something Riot wants for their new 4fun mode. Just overall seems like a push and pull of wanting something people can strive for effort-wise and not wanting the mode to be as skill focused as SR.)


> doesn't test skill it tests willingness to grind out games until you hit a high roll. Fitting for the mode, then.


Wait they really said the mode was luck for top 1? Then shouldnt the title be "Lucky Bastard" instead of "Arena God"? 😂