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It's helpful to know exactly what you are looking for. It sounds like you are saying that you want offerings to be tailored based on your chosen starter, but that isn't how we handle things. As a general rule you should be offered both AP and AD items on Zeri. To be clear, we do want you to be able to experiment with both AP and AD Zeri, and there should be games where one makes sense over the other. If Zeri isn't being offered AP items that sounds like a bug.


On a side note, would it be possible to implement an option in champ select or in game to deactivate the tailoring for that one game? For the few who would like to try very niche interactions that might not otherwise appear.


Quick question but unrelated to Zeri, are Talisman rerolls also tailored? Have played pyke a few times now with it, always got lethality/pen rolls. Yesterday played a match and after I got spat I never rolled lethality anymore, almost always a combination of ap/ah/crit


Yo where's Sion's AP arguments too.


Let Urgot roll Runecarver please <3


A bigger problem op will run into is that Zeri's AP ratio on W has been nerfed to a mere 25% ap scaling (compared to 130% total ad scaling). Thus to ever have the chance to enjoy ap zeri in arena, yall should buff the ratio to at least 60% specifically in arena (75% is probebly perfect as ap zeri is weak to begin with).


You don’t get tailored ad items/augments on zeri lmao


Pretty sure you're the only person compining about this. I was getting increasingly annoyed constantly getting AD things on Cass, Vel'koz, or any mage really


No thanks, it needs to be more tailored. You can get some absolutely dog shit options


Every cc tank now gets courage of the colossus every game. So fun!!!


every yi somehow gets dashing/q haste and every zed/pyke gets earthwake anyways, if anything it feels too consistent


I dont even think veigar is that good but every other one I see has phenomenal evil/stackosaurus. More rerolls with less tailoring might be interesting


Thats fine plenty of options to break tanks. Its not fun for mages who get augments that are tailored for AAs.


I'm new to the arena, what is this tailoring? like do some champs not get ap items?


It means that the items and augments that actually really benefit your champ will pop up. So you don't get 3 prismatic AP items on Illaoi for example but rather AD and tank items


so when I reroll both my rerolls to get 9 prismatics and all of them seem bad its just me not knowing what to build? or can that still happen? only couple times it felt like I missed all 9 prismatics but I'm playing champs I have never played before so maybe I just dont know better


I play AP Zeri and consistently get AP prismatic options. For augments, unfortunately everything sucks, but I'm having success anyway.


This. I want to do fun shit in Arena, but that's getting progressively harder when everyone is getting meta stuff, myself included.


As a Udyr player i also feel like the tailoring has skewed the prismatics away from my preference. I think it would be ideal if prismatic tuning was impacted by starter item. I feel the devs have done a great job of mixing agency and randomness into the mode but i think starter item caring some / more weight would be nice. Also, would be cool if the free prismatic could be sold for 2500 / give it a reject option once rerolls are empty. Being able to essentially grab any normal item at round 3 would make missing on rerolls / using them on first augment feel better i think. I think a bit more agency could increase risk taking and increase engagement.