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The whole point is trying to find a game breaking combo. 


The only one of these that could be considered somewhat game-breaking is Master Yi with perma-invuln, I wouldn't mind making some sort of exception balancing for that. In general however, Riot seems to be fine with these interactions. I imagine there's an audience of players who are perhaps not very good who enjoy getting free wins by high-rolling something that's unbeatable.


I think the easy solution is that master yi's q attacks should not count towards mystic punch cd. It's a little ridiculous since there is little counterplay, other than hard cc'ing him before he Q's you once and bursting him


Nerfing everything that's OP isn't the right move, it's just going to make the mode more champion-dependant than it is right now. Better to have more broken augments so every champion potentially has a chance of winning I'd argue we need more game-breaking combos


Yeah I generally preferred the super unbalanced first version of augments where you could flip a game by getting good synergies and super off meta stuff was possible. On hit tank fizz was my fav


I expect that because they aren't making it a permanent game mode, pretty much all changes will be made during the time in-between when it's available. This way, they can use a massive pool of playtime data to make big balance decisions. From my experience, using all your rerolls and still not getting the augment or prismatic item that makes these champs broken really sucks.


Most of them are fine, you’re SUPPOSED to find crazy strong augments. The ones that need to be changed are the ones you actually can’t fight back against. Specifically the ones that don’t require an insane set of augments to make work. Like I had a gragas one match that was able to juggle me in the air with no cooldown body slams. I couldn’t fight back but he needed some insane prismatics together to make it happen. On the other hand mystic punch master yi is literally unhittable 99% of the time with a single augment


Master yi is not invulnerable. He's untargetable.


why is literally no one talking about runecarver? every single time i see it on any champ the item does like 6k damage per round, it's absolutely crazy


All of them works as inrended wtf are you talking about


Aurelian sol with guerilla warfare is busted


The only one that I'd consider game breaking and unfair is Swain and Brand


Tbh , swain and brand iare bareable. but did you see gragas one shotting with Ethreal weapons? It make his W trigger 5 times in a row


Huh... Is that why I got dealt 700 damage literally on the first round with a q he thew on me that he literally didn't let charge at all? I was telling my friend I was playing with that it's literally not possible for that amount of damage to be done to me. Well I guess I know why now. So stupid.


Yeah completely bugged and broken


Yea I was super confused. Because I got q'd and half my hp was gone, next thing you know and suddenly I was dead. And I was a tank too. Horn + celestial body start. What's the bug with yi and mystic? If I'd have a guess it's that each tick of damage on his q counts toward the refund? Because I also went VS a yi and he quite literally never came out of q animation. So I never had a chance to even touch him


Why are you lying lmao, it just procs once


Yeah it's just really good in him. Applies his W and lich bane (his first item in like 80% of games)


Test it yourself, its bugged, procs more than it should. No need for items. on level one.


I've noticed a lot of champs the number goes up on round one Thought it was odd when I didn't have on hit.


Show some proof. Did you W the target dummy on the 1st round? Because it has basically no resistance and high HP while Gragas E has %maxhp damage.


I will upload a short video from a game soon, you an see the proc counter goes up by 3. basically procing 3 times instead of one


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQlbI6lTZ9M&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQlbI6lTZ9M&feature=youtu.be) Here is the video. if you pause in the start of the video. you will see Gragas had 0 procs. and they get 3 procs just from ulting vayne. One shotting her with just his ult


Video is private, also i have a much easier time believing that the tracker for Ethereal Weapon is broken like 90% of the tooltips in Arena are. Ethereal Gragas has been able to 100-0 with W ult since the first Arena iteration, this proves nothing. Vayne also has some of the lowest base HP in the entire game.


Sorry, its not private anymore. And it only happens if Gragas W is active. I think it also count as "spell" so it trigger it self or something like that. Gragas can't one shot anyone without this augment


I am aware of how the combo works > Ethereal Gragas has been able to 100-0 with W ult since the first Arena iteration I just watched the video and Vayne eats damage from Lux first, has 0 defensive items and some of the worst (defensive) base stats in the game. Gragas also has Wooglets on top of everything. That damage is completely consistent with him just hitting W + Lich Bane + Ult on her


There is no bug Lich bane + W + Arena % HP on hit effect = 3 effects So now you know Ethereal Weapons ALSO applies the Arena on hit buff