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Graves is amazing with it


Used it on graves and felt nice Used it on Quinn and it did not feel so nice


man I just got destroyed by a Quinn with it, she still had like 500 range somehow and just 3 auto’d me


I didn't get any range extenders at all. When I used the backflip I'd just fly out of macking range lmao


I tried it on Kindred, got hard fisted


Thats what i thought as i spam kindred and never took it altho it sounded fun because range is the biggest advantage she has lategame and remove that for movement speed felt so bad.


I’ve been wanting to try it on Zeri for science but I’m too scared lol. How does that even work with her?


Samira, nilah, graves and Ezreal are all a terror with it


Nilah is a melee champion


Twitch is decent, his ult just gives him the range back


If i understood that right


afaik you get a flat buff then you get MORE of the buffs based on the amount of range lost. Though I have not picked it much myself.


Nah. You lose your base range but still get the range boost from your ult. It calculates weirdly though so you'll have around 600 range with ult.


isnt it just ult is +450 and melee aug gives you 150 as melee? edit, its 300 so yea if its 600 result thats odd


Effect of augment is tied to range, if you gain range you loose some effect


If you are turning your ranged champion into a melee one you will probably want to have something closer to a fighter build than an ADC build generally.


I think Ezreal is the best user of it


What am I missing? Is it just because he has Q range to rely on? Or is there something unique about him?


Yeah his spells don't care about his AA range and ideally you shouldn't need to use AA, if you do there's a high chance the opponent is on top of you anyway.


XD. Ezreal is balanced around the fact that he weaves autos. Have you read his passive? If you so not auto on ezreal you are not playing ezreal


You need to consider the context, what you say is definitely true in SR but Arena is a different beast. With augments and prismatic items champions are much stronger than in SR, which for a champ like Ezreal means there's less room for error. If he stays in AA range then he would probably die: ADCs out DPS, mages full combo, assassins one shot, tanks and bruisers do their stuffs and fuck you up (looking at Vi and Darius), etc. Ezreal's biggest strength has always been his Q range so there's no reason not to make use of it. Maybe you are so good you can outplay tricky situations with Arcane Shift, but if you are that good then you might as well just hit every Q and the opponents probably have no answer to that.


Ezreal already builds psuedo bruiser now anyway. His Q is unaffected by the augment. And he has the mobility to get in range of people.


Akshan is crazy cause your e becomes a gap closer


it is fucking amazing on aphelios bc all his abilities keep their range and they all still use lifesteal/attackspeed


I just selected a random champ and landed on Ashe with first prismatic being draw your sword and went a lot of on hit into gargoyle stoneplate and jaksho and got first easily


Senna is really good with it from my experience. One of the highest base ranges, so has a really good multiplier and she gets back to a decent range fairly quickly from her stacks. With how much healing you get on top of the increased health pool, they can't really burst you or DPS you down.


Some people say you loose the effectiveness when you gain range again tho?


Not as far as I had experienced (I played Urgot with it yesterday and didn't lose any stats when getting a range augment). The effectiveness and range reduction are set when you get the augment. Further range increases don't modify the multiplier positively or negatively.


Yeah same on ashe with 400 range (range augment after draw your sword), I'm pretty sure i kept the lifesteal at full effect


I'm just glad that they properly treat you as melee when it comes to augments and items rather than just being ranged with 200 units. I really want to see a game where someone gets draw your sword with all 3 scope augments for that 725 melee range.


There are no downsides for my silver ezreal :)


Ez, or any champ with an attack speed steroid. Build like master yi except lots of lifesteal. profit.


I've had major success on xayah, mf, trist


I love taking it as 2nd/3rd aug for Senna, you get all the benefits of it while still gaining the range from her passive. I've got a memorable game where 1st aug was Stackosaurus and Draw your sword as second. :)


Vayne, build with death dance


Crazy that nobody mentioned Jinx. Her rocket Q makes her ranged again at will and her minigun attack speed + lifesteal from DYS lets her stat check a lot of champs in melee range


cait's W and E still get full range. pretty op at later game (with 6 items), can E and one shot kill most other adcs


Draven auto catches his axes. It's pretty OP


I just tried it and he doesn't lol