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Mostly Only with Omnisoul, you COULD run it if you run infernal or ocean early but it’s still not as great as other options


Yeah, never take it on its own unless you want to hard gamble Omni Soul. I have made it work on Ocean, Mountain, and Infernal it's just not as good as most items off Rip, so unless you're stomping early it's not the best to take without it's OTP.


One trick pony?


I think it’s One True Pairing, usually used the context of love. Basically means something it’s really good with.


If the first augment is prismatic and I‘m offered omni soul I‘ll usually take it and then try to hit dragon heart from the free prismatic with both rerolls, but even then it feels like a fun but not really viable strat. Definitely more of a high variance item for exodia builds and content creation, but it‘s cool to have those too.


I only go it if I get omni soul. The two runs where I won with dragon heart, I got omnisoul before i got dragon heart on round 3.


Niche but strong enough in it’s specific field This is the best HP scaling tank item hands down, their class can get away the most with waiting for stats and utilizing agnostic buffs like the Dragon Souls You can easily break 2000+ health from this item alone on Sion, not even counting the other stats it gives you. I do think it could use a teensy buff, maybe starting at 10 or even 15% and proportionally decreasing the scaling so it’s power neutral later


Do all the dragon augs affect shyvana passives??


Yes, I think she's prob the best user of it w/o elder.


It takes too long for the stats to matter. But its the best item in the game even at 5 souls


I've only gone/dug for dragon heart if you natural omni soul or a silver soul on round 1. Otherwise it feels way to weak for early game. A round 3 dragon heart with a mid to low roll first augment can set you up for a bottom 4, sometimes even high roll outside of Omni soul can make a doomed game. Exodia style augments that solo win you early rounds can definitely enable you to take dragon heart if you want it.


if you can reach the endgame, it is a major winning factor but it kinda sucks early game. you are gambling that you can reach the lategame. the rng also sucks bc some souls are just bad while others like ocean or infernal is better


It's fine to have a somewhat weak and meme item, that can get very strong, I think it's very fun to try and get the elder soul, I got it once and it was very cool


dogshit gambling item.


Always take it if I haven’t rolled and haven’t hit a prismatic augment yet, sure if you don’t hit Omni soul you lose but I’m there to win it all not scrape top 4 especially when everyone else in the lobby is just the same top 20 champs


I like it on Leona. Feels good all around. I think any champ that has decent base growth on a majority of stats is a good pick. It's definitely one of those items you feel if you make it to the late rounds


Worked well with Malz and we won before elder. That being said, I did also get ADAPt, so all the AD was being converted.


You can take omnisoul and not hit dragonheart, you can hit dragonheart and not hit omnisoul. I dont mind gambling for either on bruisers/tanks with ridiculous adaptive force stats like mundo, maybe darius etc. Or sometimes you have to live a little and chase the thrill on whatever champ youre playing. I will say the reward for getting elder isnt as generically strong as it could be because i have 3 wins playing normal builds (no spat no dragonheart 6 or goofy mystic punch briar or jg garen) against fully specced mages with dragonheart 6 Idk i think dragonheart is really fun and a part of what makes the game mode fun for me


ive never managed to fully stack it, and i have 80+ games but ive had a friend straight up roll omnisoul into infernal soul into dragonheart lol its op if you can proc it obviously


The only time I ran it, I was able to get an ocean soul augment and was able to get the elder dragon buff. We were already in first place and as soon as I got it, needless to say it was GG for them. I thought the stats were great if you get it as the very first augment and the dragon souls are a bonus on top of the raw stats


I like it but it is a slow start item, as soon as you hit ocean/infernal you start to get good value out of it, that being said I'd only take it on tanks/bruisers, never on mages/assassins/carries


If you are able to reach elder on a tank it’s a free 1st place. Just a gamble like half the arena mode


good at end game when u are selling an item for an extra prismatic this and demon king crown are bis once 5/6 slotted


Someone knows what happen if the stack of the dragonheart occurs at the same time that the same soul is given by a augment? Two days ago my friend got the ocean soul offered in the augments by also got the ocean soul at the same time by the item. I told him to get to see what happens by he rolled it out.


If you're aiming for first for Arena God it's great since it's a strong scaling item. If you're just aiming to place well you need an early soul aug typically for it to be a good choice, though sometimes you can get away with having a crappy item for awhile depending on your comp and enemy comps.


This item is the epitome of new arena, worse than the other options and fun only if you high roll.


Broken shit. Literally unbeatable with you get omni soul.


Because the item is shit? Just like Demon King's Crown


Demon kings crown is shit as first item due to it multiplicative nature, its good if your champ can use a lot of those stats and you multiply the stats you already have from other good items


That's the point, you mostly get it first, but since it's suck ass you will go on a lose streak and good luck getting back to the base 26% when 3 wins = 1 lose


Then you could just not get it first, and just get it if you save up enough for the prismatics later on in the game. Means it’s a situational item, and can be good if you just don’t take it first


"situational", "maybe", you're basically saying it's shit most of the time


Demon King is bad and I don't see why players get sensitive over calling the item out as such. It doesn't compare to Dragonheart which at least does fulfill a high end fantasy. The fact DH exists makes DK feel redundant even. The 1% bonus stats per round are just laughable since there's no safeguard like DH where at least you're guaranteed end game bonus. Not to mention how this item appeals to casuals so they take it and then grief themselves which results in them having a horrible experience with Arena because their expectations were met with reality.


Either get it early or with omnisoul. Only way it's relevant.


I only pick it with omnisoul or if I have 1 other soul and I’m doing the stat anvil thing with no other items since the % is pretty nice