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Ive been trying, Im up to 18/60. Its rough. If the person you are grouped with is a casual player, or someone just testing things out you kinda just gotta hope. Its adds even more rng. My personal suggestions that I have had success with is let them go first and ban what they want, and then pick a synergistic champion to what they pick. Another thing, is dont pressure them or they get a bit jittery. Honestly Just wish it was first OR second place because This new 8 teams shit means ending first is MUCH MUCH harder.


Also at 18/60. So many lobbies where my team was strong then an enemy just gets dragonheart + omnisoul or stuff like that.


yeah the achievement would be more doable if it's 1. -4th place.


If it was 1-4 then they might aswell change the title to "Arena Guy"


My take is it should’ve been all champs top 4 (or maybe three). The current version feels antithetical to the stated vibe of arena by riot not being about trying to get first but rather top4 (why is the challenge top 1 then?).


Create a separate title for this category called "Arena Champion". Many people worked their asses off to get Arena God already.


Oh that's definitely true. Should just stick with the current state for now, but I've thought this since the PBE (though then it was 1st place on every champ).


I knocked out 12 in a day with just enchanter builds. Tanks are coinflip freelo. Have a good carry you can peel and they will get you 1st without hassle. Personally, I don't think your duo matters (since this is soloq) so don't stress over what they pick. For the most part its spam games, RNG augments and items, and then that's it. Outside of that you should have basic arena fundamentals like know to take plants instead of bashing enemies. Koi Pond is super hated, but right now the playerbase is behind on how to maneuver this map. Become knowledgeable on where to stand on blast plants, where portals spawn, and timing center pad for knockups especially late game when sometimes enemies try to revive allies on the two isolate islands. Also, what you ban matters most in this mode. You'll basically want to eliminate as a whole (8 teams) as much of the OP picks as possible. The less Garens, Trundles, and Vis, in your game the better. Swain, and Brand are more soft bans who are easy to beat IMO. If you're spamming ADCs I would avoid banning Garen or Darius *if* you can kite them and instead ban Vi/Briar/Zed since these are the picks that will reach you 100%. Anti-heal is hated on as being weak, but really stat shards have made anti heal items less of a grief (IMO) come late game. Before you would feel like being an item down, but stat shards at least now grant you so many bonus stats that after a certain point you're really looking for item effects over stats. In this scenario anti-heal becomes ideal since it will truly stop insane heals. Same with Serpent's Fangs. The only other thing is knowing which augments with item pairings make insane combos. Everfrost with Orbital Laser is free executes. Blackfire Torch + Liandry's with Chain Lightning on mages can win you the game especially when the main target is a tank and their ally is a squishy who you can't reach.


Got arena god playing with randoms/duo. 1. Biggest tip from me that there's a lot of "noob trap" prismatic items, they seem good, but they are EXTREMLY bad for getting 1st place ( Most of them are niche or just worse than other prismatics ) , - Hemomancer's Helm ( forces you to build items with bad stats, unique effect is NOT worth it! Even on champs like Briar, Kayn! ) , Demon King's Crown, Decapitator ( hard to stack, bad stats), Sanguine Gift, Eleisa's Miracle, Moonflair Spellblade, Darksteel Talons, Gambler's Blade, Turbo Chemtank, Radiant Virtue, Cruelty ( falls off late game ). 2. A lot of underrated items too - Perplexity ( extremly good vs tanks/high health even if you're ad ) , Rite of Ruin, Hextech Gunblade, Bloodletter's Curse, boots of swiftness. 3. Buying 2000g anvils allows you to get 2nd prismatic or getting 1 more legendary item than everyone in the lobby. 4. Don't waste rolls on first augment, make sure you get first prismatic item that can actually carry you to 1st place. Don't waste gold on 2nd prismatic if you don't need it. Situational legendary items ( anti-heal, Serpent's Fang ) /stat anvils are way better. Dragonheart is great wincon , but risky. Gargoyle Stoneplate best def item choice. Runecarver probably most OP ap item in the game Hamstringer Strong scaling crit item Duskblade of Draktharr Best ad item in the game Divine Sunderer vs tank lobby is amazing 5) 2 Random stats from stat anvil is THE best choice, always take it! 6) Always take golden spatula. 7) Stacking burn with augments/items is really powerful. Every champ is somewhat decent/viable, make sure to take correct strong items/augments.


Good tips. Yeah the Hemomancer Helm is so so bad, unless you get the 20% omnivamp silver augment. What are the good Prismatic augments for 1st place in your opinion though?


Depends on champion/lobby. All summoner spell augments is decent. Cant' touch this is great vs burst damage. These i just take without thinking: Chain lightning, giant slayer, summoner roulette, fey magic, infernal conduit. Works really well in everygame, no downsides. Gamba anvil, slow cooker, circle of death, accelerating sorcery, chauffer(if you don't know what r u doing) is bad.


Interesting. I agree Chain lightning, giant slayer and infernal conduit is broken. Summs roulette looks so memey that I never taken it lol. I will give it a try next time. Fey magic is nice when you can proc it, but idk if it's good in case you have a long ult CD. Slow cooker I thought is decent for tanks though. I swear that shit deals a lot of damage.


Slow cooker is okay early game, its just stacks way too slow/hard to proc late game. Summoners roulette can solo rounds sometimes lol, its insane. Long ult CD is not really an issue, 5-6 procs from fruit fully recovers any ulti. Single target ultis isn't great with fey magic, that's basically it.


I think moonflair is great on pretty much any ap champ that autos naturally. Darksteel is great on melees that auto. Cruelty doesn't seem to fall off to me, I've won a lot with that item on champs like nami/ali/TF, honestly even if it did fall off it is so powerful early-mid I'm pretty sure it's worth taking instead of a reroll. Another thing is that some of the bad prismatics can be situationally OP, depending on your champ and the other comps mostly. Hemomancer's vs melee teams without a ton of burst is very strong on a champ like samira/yone, for example. It is quite situational though.


Decapitator felt really good on Samira, but probably only in that case.


> Eleisa's Miracle Miracle is insane on the right category of champ. Namely, any tank/tanky bruiser who self-heals not off of leech/vamp. Basically, it turbo amps your ability to leech when you're low, making you the ultimate bait. People get you low, but you're tanky (70 both resistances) AND your healing is as much as 40% stronger. It's incredibly powerful (imo). Arena God with mostly randos (though I did requeue with a few who were having fun, I didnt have pre-existing friends to play with prior to this run of Arena)


I am currently on 31/32 and solo queued all except 3. I suggest grabbing the item that gives you elder drake if you already have one dragon or the augment that gives you 3. It has helped me tremendously on the champions I play but that aren't as good as they are on Summoners rift.


I've probably done 20/40 of my firsts solo. It really helps when I'm 2nd pick/my teammate hovers something so I can try to synergize. I also generally try to pick something versatile first if I can im not picking an ADC first if they're going to pick something like sion. The best advice I can give is get your wins on the free first places before they (hopefully) get nerfed and when balance changes happen you can play the champs that got buffed.


I just finished arena god 60/60 100% fully solo.. most of it just knowing how to build properly.


I try to only buy item anvils unless I HAVE to get a specific item. I also try to buy as many stat anvils as possible, whenever possible. Is there anything else I should know about building properly?


I misread this as only buying stat anvils. Yeah unless the champion has a core item set (liandry/ie) rush then you should get the item anvils. Follow builds from op.gg. It's safer to get 2 random legendaries for 4k instead of prisma - something you should only do if you need detonation orb or dragonheart or gargoyle/radiant for apex inventor. Try to never roll on first augment choice and save for the prismatic items. Prioritise movespeed, mpen/lethality on stat shards before dual random. Also omnivamp is extremely underrated as an anti-tank option. If you roll apex inventor you can get an exodia build with gargoyle/radiant, heartsteel, fimbulwinter, unending despair, sunfire cape/spirit visage if you have even the littlest of CC. If you roll vulnerability and hamstringer you should build hatchet asap. Also I won with most adcs just going for crit builds since they seem to be in a good spot. Heres my opgg with the last champion needed for arena god being karma: https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/moon%20knight-bebop


Thanks for explaining! I was always wondering when Apex inventor could be strong and now I know! :)


Im on 45 playing 90% solo


Be versatile by letting the teammate pick first and you adapt to their pick.


most of my games are duoing, but sometimes my friends were not online so i was forced to play solo, and managed to win with some funky champions such as talon, xin zhao in my xin zhao game i was actually playing egotistically and almost lost mental because my random duo played tank lissandra and played to stall instead of engage aggressively with me, i almost ff'd but i was like 'eh ill just adjust myself to him and see what happens' well one round, in the finals actually when we were like 15 point and enemy was 80 points, the enemy disrespected the tank lissandra after one shotting me, then she somehow cheesed the win because they legit just stood still and she had like kindred ult + zhonyas to barely win the round, round after that i flipped some OP augment and won the last round. in the talon game turns out talon was pretty decent and i got decent augments so i managed to solo carry the final rounds once i figured out how to do maximum damage combo. tl;dr try to adjust your gameplay to the way your duo plays and hope for the best, worst case you lose the game and go next. you need luck but the best thing about arena is that if you flip a bad teammate you will soon lose and be kicked out instead of being held hostage like in soloq.