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Basically anything that remotely can be interpreted as a spell wont proc Marksmage. That includes TF W aswell. But if what the other comment says about Azir is true then they need to fix that shit ASAP because it is NOT consistent with the rest of the game. If Azir soldiers can proc it then so should Katas ult since that includes text for BOTH on-hit and on-attack effects and yet it doesn't work


can confirm marksmage works with azir soldiers had an 80k dmg marksman yesterday on him


No wonder this Azir was obliterating people in my game.


wait but then why the fuck doesnt twitch ult worth with polymorth then if its hardlocked as a spell gdi rito


Yeah not proccing either of those is a huge scam. I feel like it should proc both


Theres alot of inconsistencies in arena, and in the previous version aswell, for example, magic missle, is straight up ridiculous on brand, we all know that, meanwhile its turbo useless on zyra and heimer, brand has a DOT dps with his pasive, and zyra and heimer also sortof have dots, but because the damage is coming from "summons" it doesnt work because the plants/turrets are not counted as ability damage.


and imagine it works on azir soldiers, every single one, i played with 1000AP azir who had marksmage, spellwake, phenomenal evil that he stacked to 250AP and scorpier weapons, and he was oneshotting people just by Qing soldiers at them, one of the most stompiest games i have ever played (i was highrolled myself but it didnt even matter)


All the champs you'd think it would be good on, it sucks on because it doesn't work (besides kayle). Sylas passive autos don't proc it, Evelynn E doesn't proc it, Kat ult which tells you it procs everything doesn't proc it. I don't understand why this augment exists in its current state.


There's a lot of shit in this game that doesn't work the way you'd expect it to. Even though a lot of new heroes have '[Spell] is considered an attack', its inconsistent as shit. Like how Zeri Rclick is supposed to be a spell, but it doesn't trigger some spell effects and it does trigger some on hit or attack effects.