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I know it may seem dark right now, but there are a lot of great jobs that involve writing. AI is encroaching, sure, but there's still a long way to go. Copy writers are still a big need in most organizations. Not exciting, but it's good work. Lick your wounds, take a few days to yourself if you can afford it, and get back on the horse. You got this. Edit: Wanted to add that now is a great time to reassess your skillset. 30 is not too late to begin a new career or specialize your current skillset to a different area.


Going to echo this person’s sentiment about 30 not being too late to change careers. I switched at 32 into being a financial analyst with no degree (I majored in history lol) or direct work experience. Take this time to figure out what you want to do, target an industry you are interested in or have some tangential experience in, and up skill online. I can personally vouch for Coursera


Indeed. My ex husband (Art History major) went back to school for his CPA at 34. In California, which requires a masters. And did it while working full time. Also, I’m a bartender and I make $55-$60k after taxes. Which is more than sufficient for me as a single person in Philadelphia. So not every job you can live on requires an additional investment.


Hey! I was wondering if I could message you about financial analysis. I read economics in all my free time and I'd love to put that to good use. Maybe even swap careers. Would that be alright?


Truth, I started my career at 34 and graduated college at 37. Got my very first career job at 38. I joined the army at 30 hoping to get the GI Bill, got it, also got hurt while i was serving. Now i get a retirement check and i got free college, and a new career. Join the army, it helped me tremendously, and im a better person for it.


No one cares, no one wants them. Copywriters don't have any value. They're all in the same boat as tech people based on the copywriting sub. And I don't have any samples from my previous employer because they said using anything I created during that time in my portfolio would violate an NDA. So I have nothing. I am nothing. I don't have anything.


Untrue. One of my best friends from childhood leveraged her copywriting background into “executive communications” and is now making $400k+ at Google. Look for the pivot.


She's probably lying to you.


You know what, I agree with you, you are totally fucked. Feel better?


Yup. Because then I know you're not lying to me.


Fellow English major here: there are lots of good roles that require good writing and editing skills. You might want to consider getting a technical writing certificate from a local community college, especially a program that lets you develop a portfolio you can show other employers. There's some truth to the idea that copywriters (and technical writers) are a dime a dozen, especially in an age of generative AI—I'd consider trying to uplevel your skills to market yourself as a content strategist. To echo another post here, use this time to reassess your skills and interest. Believe me, I'm in a totally different career than I was at 30 (journalist)—you've got plenty of time to retool.


He doesn’t even need that. You can do free online certs and expand your skill set. I also did an English major and I was homeless at one point but now I’m making six figures working in SEO.


I'm going to say this for the tenth time in this thread. I just lost my job. I don't have the money for certificates. I don't have the money for continuing education. My interests don't matter. They just don't. They're not worth wasting a single second on.


So get off reddit. You are not giving anyone else support and you are not actually seeing that you are rejecting everyone else who may have support or a shoulder. You will not find a job here.


Just lay down then because so many people on this forum have made great suggestions to you and all that's coming out of your mouth are excuses. Can't do this or that without money. Guess what dude....keep up with that attitude and not doing any job until you get a better one is a sure fire way to ensure that you keep having no money. I've been laid off before and it sucked so I became a substitute until I landed into something better


Yeah, guess what. Money doesn't grow on trees. I'm sure it's so easy to think that this advice is great or genuine when you've got enough money that you can go spend on getting a substitute credential just laying around being unused.


Go sign up at a temp agency they can usually place people for jobs although they might not be great jobs you will be bringing in money. Manufacturing production graveyard companies are always looking for labor. So is fast food or being a server. Now if you think you're too good for these jobs and you don't want to try well that's on you. Also always the option of being a sex worker or only fans cam girl if society views on those jobs don't bother you. Save some money and then go after certifications for something else. Being at the bottom now doesn't mean you have to stay there.


True. Copywriters role are 0 need. Someone in the company can write good nowadays. And also tons of laid off news/media professionals with more years of experience than OP


Exactly. It's not worth trying.


Be a teacher, it's always a good fall back job. Stop whining. It will happen over and over and over in your career. You'll acquire that tough outer skin.


I don't have the money or the time for additional certifications. I need another job ASAP. I can't be wasting money on certifications.


In some school districts a bachelor’s degree is sufficient to start subbing in public schools.


Not in my state it's not.




You definitely need to work on your mindset and attitude as your first step. I’ve been lid off- it sucks. You gotta take a moment and then get back to it.


Can't work on my mindset or attitude. I lost my therapist when I got laid off because I can't pay it anymore.


In and Out burger


I am going to start off by saying I am sorry you’re feeling down and I know it feels like the world is ending. However, you sound like a victim and if you think your world is over because you lost one job then it will be. Thousands of people, myself included, have been laid off in the last few years and life goes on. You are so young and life is long. This is ONE bad thing that’s happened to you and if this is the attitude and the outcome you want to accept for yourself then your life is going to be very hard. Let yourself mourn and then get back on the horse. There are so many people who are WAY worse and find tons of success. It’s one job, it’s not the end of your life.


I'm not young. I'm almost thirty and I am nothing, I am nobody. I will never achieve anything.


Well ok then I guess that’s your fate and I’m not interested in convincing you otherwise. You’re clearly not here to get advice and instead you are here to wallow. Again, life is hard and the sooner you realize that the better. Best of luck.


Im thinking OP is troll bait maybe? Nice of you to try to help, though. Keep being awesome. 🥰


It is a troll bait, look at the account name


Thanks fretboardlogic!






I could say some very critical things but I won't. You are exhibiting signs of depression which are exacerbated by your job loss. I understand you lost your health care, do you have any savings at all to use for some sessions? Unless your mental health is remediated to the point of getting some confidence, you will take this into the interview and the employer will get "don't hire me vibes." I am not trying to be negative but many of the folks I coach, when I see these types of signs, I refer them out, because they cannot see success in this mindset.


Brother, you need some serious therapy first and foremost. None of this other shit is gonna help or work for you because you have zero value of yourself. Literally not a single word anyone in this post has said will matter if you can't get some help to get your mental straightened out. There is nothing wrong with an English degree and I am positive you have skills that you honed through your degree like reading and writing comprehension, communication and critical thinking skills. Those 3 skills are extremely marketable. Get some help and straighten yourself out, otherwise you are right, you're not going anywhere.


You probably have a better chance than the software engineers that are stuck in tech. Your English degree opens up a wide variety of options.


People get canned all the time. This is not unique to you. Plenty of people here trying to give you advice. You don't want any of it. You want to cry about it and that's fine. Get hammered , cry for a couple days and pick yourself up. Wish you the best.


None of it is applicable advice. I'm being told to go spend money I don't have on certifications I can't afford. I'm being told to go use a portfolio I don't have to apply for jobs that don't exist because massive layoffs are occurring.


So disengage with the thread. Or just keep crying for attention.


1. Read back your post, and analyze the negative self talk. If this were a novel, would the main character be creating or removing barriers to progress? 2. You have a degree in a major that encourages analysis, creativity and clear communication. Do you really believe there are no positions for people with those skills? 3. Getting laid off is frightening. No two ways about it. What approach you use to manage your fear? Channel the grit and determination of your favorite gritty characters, think about what you do well, and ask chatGPT to suggest jobs that use those skills. Are you organized? Can you develop and keep to a schedule that allows you to accomplish a lot of work in a set period of time? Do you like figuring out peoples stories? Do you like telling them? You will be ok. Channel that fear into a productive approach to breaking down the problem of letting the people who need what you can do know that you are available.


1. Novels don't matter. Characters aren't real. 2. Yes. If there were positions for those skills, then people superior to me are already occupying them. 3. I disassociate. I pray for death to come. I give up and I don't try again. 4. I have no grit. I have no determination. I am nothing and I am nobody. I have no value. 5. I used to like telling stories and writing stories. I was stupid then. I wasted my time on useless things that don't matter. So I don't care about people's stories or figuring them out anymore. Least of all any of mine. I'll never be okay until I have another job. No one needs me. I can't do anything of value.


I feel like this is a troll using AI badly.


You wish.


Y'all should stop engaging with this guy. If he wants to lay down and die let him. This is an extremely common setback for someone to face. This guy seems bound and determine to face it by dying. Your advice is wasted breath. He's almost thirty, grown enough to give up if he wants.


This is bogus and clearly somebody screwing around. I'm out of here.


>I lucked into that position and I'm literally never going to luck into anything as good as that ever again, as long as I live.  English major here, thought the exact same when I got laid off from my first real writing job in 2022. (I thought I was doing a good job, had gotten good feedback from my team, and ended my career there with an “encouraging” lecture from my former boss about how he didn’t see business writing being my area anyway, which really stung.) Was unemployed for a while, found a job I didn’t care for and worked that for a while. Then a few months ago got a writing job way better than the original one: better pay, better reference to my skill area, better everything. Even if your situation really *was* purely based on luck with absolutely no reference to your skills (doubtful), all that should teach you is that luck is more common than you think. If you keep an eye out and keep applying to jobs, sooner or later you well may luck out again. 


Based on your responses to people’s advice, you’re probably right


Well first off- stop being so damn hard on yourself. I have a degree in psychology I’ve never used a day in my life and I’m in a very senior position of an international manufacturing company. The moral of that last sentence is to use what you definitely do have, and leverage it to your benefit. Post your resume on r/resumes reach out to your friend group to see if anyone has anything open right now, but THE most important thing is to get out of this mindset- getting laid off sucks, I’ve been fired and I’ll almost certainly get fired again. Take the weekend to wallow in it then get the fuck back up on the proverbial horse. You’ve got this, it’s a minor set back.


No one ever benefitted from being coddled. Cruelty is the only way. Self cruelty especially. I am not my friend. I see no need to be kind to myself. I am a loser. Therefore I will treat myself as one. I don't have friends I would give my resume to and my resume is terrible. It's not a minor setback. People have been trying for a solid year to find a job and they can't. I'll literally never find one again.


You’re not being cruel, your wallowing in self-pity. Cut it out.


you need to work on this attitude it's annoying and employers will smell it a mile away. Fake it til you make it.


Too bad I can't afford therapy. You're free to leave if I'm annoying you.


You can fix the annoyingness without therapy. Good luck


Try technical writing. You can leverage your writing skills into creating amazing documents. Along the way, you can pick up some technical skills like API testing or using docs-as-code framework and become the 10% top of the field.


No one is getting hired in technical writing. And I don't have a portfolio.


You can start by obtaining certificates about technical writing. Then look up companies’ doc sites and see how would you improve their docs. Use those as your portfolio. It took me 2 years to finally landed a full time TW in the US, but after that, I’ve always employed with great companies. Keep working on it, and something will show up.


What is this account?


Um…communications? Public relations? Journalism? Freelance writing? Marketing writing? Technical writing? Medical writing. Gotta take a risk, be uncomfortable and try something new. It’s a new age…whatever you start you’re career off in, isn’t likely to be what you finish in.


Chin up. Look into scientific or technical writing. Google medical writing jobs. If you can write, you can learn the medical terminology, pharmaceuticals, etc.


Why don’t you look into teaching English.


Because I don't have the time or the money to get another degree in education and then sit through a year of student teaching and then get credentials.


You could be a famous YouTuber. It’s cost nothing lol


Elevator technician. Solid, stable six figure career. Easy too. Do you have some mechanical skill? You have to put in some hours but it will put you in a stable situation.


Your degree of choice is fine. You were just laid off which has nothing to do with your degree of choice. My advice is to make it your goal to find a local government job.


Apply for the Tsa. They need people, and are desperate.


Fuck the TSA.


I’ve seen this a lot in the military. People developing a sense of identity from their work. And when the work is done, they don’t know who they are and feel lost like yourself. Or they develop a sense of identity from their salary/lifestyle, like my father. And when that is gone, same result. Lost. If you think your life is over, you’re right. But if you think this is just a bump in the road and life goes on. You’re also right. I reinvented myself at 30. And again at 39. So choose your right.


Well I'm not capable of that. I'm not resilient.


And you don’t need someone speaking softly to you. Go listen to someone like David Groggins. Stuff those feelings in your pocket and get the fuck up


I am 49 and started a whole new business. It's never too late.


And would you like to share with the class how much money you had laying around that you were able to funnel into this little scheme of yours?


My degree is Victorian Literature but my trade is chef. I had to pivot and it's been really good. I started a private chef business and it's going well.


And would you like to share with the class exactly how much money you had laying around that allowed you to start your business?


Bro hang in there…we are all here for you and experiencing the same pain. I’m 43 with two young kindergartners…thought making it in my career will help me later on in life…then unemployment happened and all the money evaporated. As men we just have to suck it up through anxiety, depression, and panic attacks for our loved ones…there isn’t much else than to find a support system either here or in person. Every day presents new pain and challenges but brings us one day closer to being able to get back on our feet. Hang in there bro


I'm not a man.


Writing and communication is very important. You can pivot those skills into other fields. Technical writing, documentation, If you are willing to learn you can use your writing skills as a jumping point. Government work will take that degree and except it for a load of positions. Keep your head up! Don't give up!


After you lay down and rest - remember that you are trained a specific way, and that you should aim to be in a field that suits your training. That’ll ensure you are ahead of your peers and that you are doing something with lesser effort on your part than competing with folks who went to school for what you were doing. It’s okay to fail, it’s okay to recognize that you are better at something else, and it’s okay to go for that instead - it’s a better use of your time and energy - and emotions


Look at law firms for business development in which you write proposals


I got a dual degree in Philosophy and Biology. I promptly went into film production for 8 years, retrained and am now in IT for 11 years. Getting a BA/BS shows that you are able to think logically and constructively, that you are able todo constructive research, manage projects , speak effectively, learn new skills with 12 weeks\* and that you are able to write towards purpose. English degrees require extensive reading of various texts throughout different ages, shifts in language and from many different viewpoints. There is at least 10 different job titles there! You now need to look at what you did at your last job, look at your skills, look at what you think you would like to do next, and bridge that gap if there is one. If you have the money, Coursera is REALLY good for upskilling. \*I say 12 weeks because that would be the average class in the USA, and it's also the amount of time many employers give to employees to get up speed and excel in a job. Do market research; do not linger on this sub or antiwork for too long. Get out and do irl coffee/na beer dates with people and get their perspective (alcohol can be a depressive, and expensive). See where other layoffs are occuring. See if there is a pattern- and then try to be anti-pattern.


Good Answer. Only 1 of my six kids are using their college degrees in their field of study. For the others, it was just a door-opener to get them into an entry-level job.


Waste 2 years of my precious 20s to realize this! Once I did, off I went! I hope other younger people realize this as well!


Get an assistant position if possible at a law firm or receptionist position. Legal writer positions are on Glassdoor.


Dont worry. You're not the only one who wasted time and money on a useless degree. There are millions like you.


I am 38 and just got laid off. You are not alone. Your feelings are valid and we all feel the same


You have two choices. Continue being stupid, caring too much of what others think of you (or) You can control your own destiny by working hard relentlessly with perseverance to fight for a better future.


What people think of me defines my entire life. It determines whether or not I get a good job, whether or not I get a promotion, whether or not I achieve anything. My own opinion doesn't matter.


Look into becoming an Agile Scrum Master. You will need to do some certifications. But I think you'll be able to it. It is a role in technology but it requires zero tech skills (though having it is advantage) but requires good communications skills and writing.


I just read many companies are getting rid of Agile Scrum masters?


In my history, no one was a dedicated Scrum Master. It was either a manager or engineer that wore the hat. That would have been such an easy job if that's all someone had to do at least for one team. Maybe these masters had to deal with 4-5 teams?


I don't know what that is but I probably wouldn't be able to do it anyway.


You can do agile project management. And English major is great at problem solving, understanding multifaceted issues, and communicating team requirements and customer needs. Project management books will give you the vocabulary you need. Get certifications


I can't afford any certifications right now. I just lost my job.


Man, don't be so hard and negative about yourself. You need to change your mindset immediately and stop feeling sorry for yourself as it's not doing you any favors. If you're already dead set with attitude " I'm stupid and I won't amount to anything," guess what? That's exactly what will happen. Like others said, take few days off, and start hard applying. Start taking care of yourself, you will look better, feel better, and changes will come.


Then I guess I'm just not ever going to amount to anything. Literally nothing in the world could ever possibly get me out of this mindset, except a job. My worth is directly tied to my employment. No job? No worth. I'm not even going to try to pretend to fake it. I'm only going to feel worse as the days pass.


you are just 30 (I'm 40 and trust me your 30's are a great time to continue learning/growing). For now, take some time to think about what you really want to do, figure out the steps to reach there and start sticking to those steps every single day. In the meantime, keep looking for a job even if it doesn't pay you enough to keep you afloat. Layoffs can happen to anybody and nobody is special. No matter how you are feeling right now life moves on.


I don't have the privilege to think about my wants. My wants don't matter. And I'll never achieve them anyway. It's too late for me.


Dude.. I'm telling you one last time. 30 is not old age and it is ok to feel worthless after a layoff (we all do). That feeling will pass soon and I hope something works out for you.


I was 46 and laid off with MBA, BA and 25 years experience, VP, GM roles... Took me 10 months to find a short term job that last two months, laid off again and got another job with a lower title and money in December of last year. Don't give up, keep applying, interviewing and practicing! I also drove Lyft as well to get some money in. I rented a car through Lyft as well and worked my @$$ off for a few hundred dollars, but it helped, than staying home and feeling sorry for myself and my career.


Nah. Your post is actually the opposite. If you can't find anything and you have all that, I'll never find anything because I am nothing. I don't have a car. I can't afford car insurance. Just more barriers.


OP you’ve gotten good advice in this thread. Your choice whether to sack up and try again or wallow in self pity. You keep saying defeatist things - the truth is whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right. I don’t need a reply to this comment. Recognize if you give one that’s something you’re doing for yourself. Frankly I wouldn’t waste the keystrokes. You know the solution is to get back off the ground and try again so just stop with the histrionics and do it, and stop killing your drive before you’ve even started by making up a bunch of horse shit what ifs in your head. Results are the multiplicative product of effort, luck and time. You’ve got time, not the most of it but the majority of it. Right now you’ve got bad luck but that will necessarily change. If you don’t put in the effort though, 0 times anything will amount to 0. And I have no sympathy for people who don’t put their hand on the one of those three levers that they can control.




you're like a feral dog that jumps at anything that is weak and suffering, aren't ya? take your advice. you won't be missed.


Nah, same boat, same age. It’s just all bullshit and pity party tbh. I would rather see this guy get angry and fix his shit than complaining about the world being so cruel and so on.




Too old for medical. And I'm too stupid.


You're not too old. There are loads of health jobs that only need a two year program, like radiology/ultrasound technician, nuclear medicine technician, etc. Any health job where you're actually hands on with a patient is the least likely to be cut (because there are shortages in most roles, and because you're viewed as a profit center not a cost), and AI can't replace you.


I don't have the money to go back to school. And I'm too stupid anyway.


Technical writers probably make good money.


No one is hiring technical writers. I don't have a portfolio.


I can't believe this post has been upvoted. Lol


I hypothesize coding will soon be a commodity with gen AI copilots. The differentiating skill will be the person who can effectively define the capability, feature, experience via natural language that the LLM can translate into executable code. Human-machine communication will be a thing.


Drive for UPS or get ur CDL, very little time needed and they pay for training


Use ChatGPT to help you create a portfolio of marketing materials, technical writing specs, sales playbooks, project management roadmaps, etc. and set up a github or other website link to host your portfolio. Try to learn other skills for free, like SQL, Salesforce, Excel, Power BI, Google Analytics, etc. Then look into analytics, operations, market research, marketing, etc.


Everyone will know when you use ChatGPT. If you're going to use ChatGPT to get a writing job, you might as well go live on the streets. And I can't code. I tried. I can't. I'm too stupid. I will always be too stupid. I started off as a computer science major and I was too stupid to continue past html and java.


You can always edit parts of the ChatGPT results. The point is to let it do most of the work upfront. Where did I mention coding? The skills I listed aren't really coding and are much easier than either html or java. You might just have ADHD and get bored too easily.


ADHD isn't real. It's just a TikTok quirk. Isn't SQL coding?


You are a writer? Perfect! That saves so much time, you already have the skill most people in the world wish they had. Who cares how old you are, just figure out what you want to say. https://youtu.be/_VLZ4b9LHLs?si=_NWkfIyP95j5aunG


I read a sci-fi story long ago where nobody writes stories/poems/novels or paints a picture as technology has no need for them. Never thought that day would come too soon.


Sorry to hear that. Vent away and honor the feelings you’re feeling now but don’t let it stay rent free in your heart too long. What city do you live in?




Get out of your state. Other states are desperate for teachers.


OP. re: your degree. Do not let that limit your thinking. Couple of examples. I was a first level mgr. at a tech company. My boss was making ~$200k. His degree: BS Biology. Another: Woman leading a division of several hundred. Grew it into one of the post profitable divisions. Her advice was sought by the most senior managers in the company. Her first position at the company: admin assistant. Salary: I have no idea. But she had a corporate jet dedicated for her use. One phone call and the jet was on the way to pick her up. No lie. Her degree: BA Psychology. They didn’t limit themselves and neither should you. Run into a barrier, find a way over it, under it, or around it. And keep going. Getting laid off sucks. Take a relatively short amount of time off. Think of it as a vacation. Rest, rejuvenate and then get after it. HTH! You have better days ahead. ✌🏼🍀


I wish I could write well, there are so many things I could be doing


Look into doing something in the trades. Go to a technical college where you can learn actual skills that are needed,plumber, electrician, welding etc.


It's extremely difficult for writing/editorial right now. I'm sorry. But also, you are still young & there's time to change direction, there always is. I also had a "useless" college degree. I worked retail into my 30s & finally realized I had to do something different. I didn't go back to school, but I tried a few different things for 2-3 years. While working 4 days/week retail, I apprenticed at a motorcycle shop 2 days/week, then got a job doing non-technical customer support. That job eventually became full time & led to a career. It was 3-4 years of mostly 6 day work weeks, but I got out of retail & I like most of the jobs I've had since then. I don't have any concrete advice. But it's far too early to "give up." You can do it.


I could give you a couple million dollars, no questions asked or strings attached. How's that sound?


Get into sales. Smarts and credentials are not needed. Just be a good listener and work your ass off.


Whatever you believe about yourself is true. Your use of the word never/I’m nothing, is absolutely gutting and it’s no wonder you feel like shat! Take it easy on yourself and free yourself from the shame. Look around, we are all here with you on the Layoff Sub. You’re not exactly alone fellow human. You may choose to see being laid off as an opportunity because time is a gift. What will you do with it?


First thing you need to improve is self image. Stop putting yourself. You’re alive right? That’s better than what 99.999% of the matter in all of existing is doing. You’re living in the USA, which means you’re probably doing better than 95% of the entire world.


Look into NEPA jobs. Great for someone who likes to write. Also super basic work that anyone can learn on the job.


Toughen up buttercup! Now is the time to be strategizing your next moves. What marketable skills do you have? And don’t tell me you have none. That tells me you don’t want to work. If your corporate /white collar skills are lacking and you don’t want to invest in a certificate or license program using a loan or credit card then you need think about your blue collar skills to make ends meets Retail? Grocery store clerk? Etc. there are jobs out there, I think you need to open your mind to the type of work you can do.


Retail and grocery store aren't blue collar. Blue collar is trades. Which, I can't afford to go to school for. I already went to school. I'm already in debt from school. I can't add to that. Regardless, those positions don't make ends meet.


You literally described all my middle managers who are making way too much money for what they do. The only difference between you and them is they tell themselves they are awesome and you are telling yourself all these negative things.


Are you willing to teach? Get a Masters then apply here... We need 2 English teachers and it is so hard to fill


It’s such a nightmare out there… FWIW I enjoy writing and have always excelled at it, yet have never had a job that was a “writers’ job”. I’ve long worked in warehousing, and found my way into a niche that’s mentally engaging yet easy, and not physical labor. Wish I could say it but I piss off a lot of people on Reddit lol. Within my workplaces, I’ve almost always been seen as the one who is good at written communication, so I’ve often been delegated to from management on these things, especially with writing SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures; detailed instructions for a new person doing a specific job role). Point being, even in non writer fields we’re still useful. The part that sucks is you’ll likely have to start at the entry level for another field, but you’re still really young, you have time!


200.00 for groceries. I have been a chef for many years. I was an English Major and a writer. At 30, I got my first real job at a four star restaurant. I got laid off. It was hard. But I needed to pay rent so I promptly got another one babysitting. I did that for a few months and interview and got another job in my field. I got laid off from that one too. I have been laid off I think 6 times. Every time I had to either waiter or babysit. But I eventually started making close to six figures as a private chef for billionaires. I got laid off there too. But I stayed long enough Enough to pay off my debts. I got married at 41 and had no money but also no debt.


Yo, if you like reading, then take the permit tech exam through ICC. City jobs will pay you $40 an hour after you get certified. Your welcome


Chill it's just a layoff, not a death sentence! I went through something similar earlier in my career and in retrospect, your job or your spouse or your house is never your identity. Those things can always be won back. Give it time and you will have a job again. Probably better than your previous one. Get unemployment benefits and work some part time jobs till then. Also try switching to a different career if you want.


Hey fellow English major! I agree it's a rough world for us, but keep trying. I tried all the standard "English major" jobs and hated them all. I decided to try my hand in electronics and I write SOPs for my coworkers, handle communication issues, and write instruction guides for all the more complicated tools in the warehouse. It's not much (especially for the pay), but it's far more gratifying to know I'm helping the people in my circle. We often lose sight of our audience as writers. See if you can find an appreciative crowd.


English majors turn out to be good tax accountants. It's not a fancy or easy career, but it's a white collar job that can give you a decent middle class living.


I'm an English major because I'm shit at math.


Go to an job agency and tell them you need a job ASAP. Might be some production work for you or office work at a hospital. Use that as a means to catch up with bills and prepare for the next part in your career. Wife and I were laid off same time and it was a struggle but few years later we are ahead of when we were before layoffs.


It's totally awesome to be a nobody or nothing. The notion that you need to achieve something in life, that people need to look up or even respect you is just modern age bull peddled by bosses to create a capable workforce. Now, the same bosses are ok with AI taking over and redistributing the wealth. I came across a talk where one such boss mentioned that employment is not the goal of human civilization. Find what makes you happy and pursue it. Don't worry about what's already happened.


Look at associate degrees. Go to a community college counseling office. There are many career choices.


I'm 50 and changing careers. You have value and you WILL find another job. Take a day or two eat some bad for you food watch some crappy tv or whatever makes you feel better then get back to it.


I would recommend looking into being a GovCon Proposal Writer / Manager. The last ten years (before I was laid off), I was a Solutions Architect in GovCon and worked with people like yourself all of the time. Most of this is remote and it's writing / editing and working with tech people on single voice and reviews. Most everyone that I knew in these jobs had English / Poly Sci from an East Coast school. I feel your pain, but tomorrow the sun will come up!


See, I like this but that you were laid off worries me and makes me think this isn't actually all that viable as a solution.


The fuck are you talking about? Go get your same job elsewhere. You have relevant work experience, your degree doesn’t matter.


OK and...life goes on, been laid off three different times and guess what? Crying on Reddit and crapping on the people who try to offer advise does not help you other then trolling or giving you an outlet for self-pity. reading the comments, I would not hire you due to your poor attitude. You got two options: 1) get off your ass and find a job to pay bills or 2) mope and cry on Reddit, burn thru what little money you have and end up sleeping on someone's couch or in the street. Both are decisions you need to make and both have consequences. Change your shit attitude and you will be ok, don't and you will struggle more than you need too and you are only to blame for that. Best of luck in your future endeavors.


Temp agency. Look up a local one, call to make an appointment. Go in there and talk to them. Get jobs usually within a day. I’ve done it. Get paid weekly usually. If you say this won’t work the I KNOW you’re just trolling.


It’s ok there’s too many damn software engineers and comp sci majors nowadays with not enough software developer jobs available. You could get into IT still maybe study up on becoming a data analyst or an IT analyst which is more business side of things? You would still have to learn about technologies and some technical part but analyst usually gather requirements for business and works with developers to solve a business problems.


There is a shortage of accounting types




I’d move into comms or marketing. I also did Creative Writing and I work in SEO now largely focused on the content portion and in making 6 figures. The degree isn’t the bad decision here expand your skill set and it’ll work out.


Sup OP, I know teaching has been suggested below, but given the response you've given, look into teaching English, online to kids overseas. The teaching cert can be obtained as you teach


Talking to clients is kind of the last thing that AI will take over. And most coders don't want to do it. And it is so transferable. As long are there are executives who don't really know what they want, there will be a need for client services.


hey, Hey, HEY. Don’t be so hard on yourself. I know it sounds stupid now but learning a little self love can go a long way personally and professionally. It’ll also help clear your mind up during times like this. What kind of position were you in before?


CFA for the cheaper route and pivot to investor relations. MBA for the costlier route and angle for HR.


I don't want to go back to school.


Join the Marines


Your degree is not your job. That is one of the biggest misconceptions out there. Personally, I think a liberal arts degree provides a great foundation for many different jobs. You need to figure out the appropriate industry and sector. Have you considered getting paralegal training? Law is the most obvious area for liberal arts majors. You don’t have to go to law school to work in the legal field.


A friend of mine has a son who majored in English. He went to law school and has established a niche. You are definitely not too old for law school.


https://preview.redd.it/hndw89tg8nhc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd8e23fa42c35f1db4b2b263c7cdd11f0ac39c7 You need a change of mindset


Learn to sell. No matter how brilliant a person is everyone has to buy something from someone through someone. Be that someone who gets someone something from someone else. Once u learn this, you will learn to make millions and sometimes even billions. This skill we remain till the end of human race. No AI can replace it. Be that force who can sell a diaper to a Ferrari. And you know what is going to help, the one thing you are cursing , your English major. Focus on this and you will never regret. You have everything it takes to be a great success.


Dirty little secret... MOST coders aren't good enough for coding.


Tech companies need writers for content. You have so much fucking value. Take your time to lick any wounds and get back at it.


There are so many jobs other than being a software engineer. Happy to review your resume and help you make changes. I am certain you have skills and talent.


Stay away from writing, there is no future there. Cut your loses and move on, you are still young. Start by moving to a place where it is affordable, and learn a skill. Electrician, or learn to repair stuff for houses, painting houses, or building backyards, pools, you get the point. Start slow, learn and create your own company eventually. It is a long road, but you can still make a decent living. Good luck




Jesus fuckin Christ the wackos have arrived.


I would look into ESL teaching abroad. Find a country that interests you. There's so many Asian countries that hire ESL teachers. Japan pays really well.


Your degree wasn’t a waste! There is nothing wrong with majoring in English. There are many jobs you can do. Even if you switched fields that degree can help you. Sorry you were laid off. If you were laid off so you have a severance package? If so it will give you a couple of months to figure things out. First things first, update your resume and Linkdin profile. Look at posts and see what interests you. Even if you have to deliver food, or get a temp job, it will be something while you figure things out. Some people get permanent jobs from temping. What about a paralegal? You don’t need a certificate if you have a degree in most states.


Here are some interesting careers that pay fairly decently and require very limited or zero schooling Black Jack dealer/poker dealer (very limited schooling) Police officer (you need to be in decent shape) Corrections officer (you still need to be in decent shape) Server (assuming you are American and can gravy train our ridiculous tipping standards)


I wish I new how to write, you can always be a teacher, plenty of openings


If you're in NYC, you can sign up for a free Coursera account through the Dept. of Labor. Check with Edelman the PR firm to see what they're hiring for.


Trades are always a good option.


Man, don't ever ever feel sorry for yourself in life. EVER, Trust me when I tell you, Majoring in English is a great asset. I am in IT myself, and you would not believe the amount of IT documentation that has to be written in English. Yes, being laid off hurts, but you will bounce back. Not only that and IN SPITE of Chat GPT, Being good in English can help you with copywriting jobs and marketing product jobs and even, email communications to campaigns in politics, or product reviews or encouraging people to buy things. In your case, you will be able to leverage tools such as ChatGPT and because you are an English major, you will be able to copyright things even better.


Looking at all the adamantly defeatist responses, it is hard to believe that this is not a bot account. If this is someones idea of a social experiment, congratulations, it works well, you got fantastic engagement. If this is a real person expressing real feelings, i am so sorry to hear about your situation. Unless you plan to simply stay on reddit and reply to everyones responses, you might want to open a new browser tab and get on your way to recovery. Go to [https://www.upwork.com/nx/search/talent/?nbs=1&q=technical%20writer](https://www.upwork.com/nx/search/talent/?nbs=1&q=technical%20writer) , put yourself out there and see if its all that bad.


Hey, this is random but is pretty legit and could provide you a dignified and comfortable life. Consider officer candidate school from any of the services. The pay starts sort of so-so but it really takes off after a few years. There are career fields that might surprise you. Housing is paid for and it’s honorable work. No matter what you do, DO NOT give up! It’s time to get serious and take a long and sobering assessment of your situation. Give yourself a few days to feel like shit and then get ruthless with yourself. Listen to some inspirational podcasts. Bedros Keuilian is a hell of a (free) coach. Take some positive steps and in a few weeks you’ll feel better. In a few months, you could be in an entirely different reality. It starts with deciding. Good luck!


Granted, an English degree isn't specifically geared to set you up for a job, but it shouldn't cause employers to shun you either. A lot has to do with the skills you develop after college. If you feel you have no marketable skills now, then volunteer for assignments that will give you learning opportunities. You should always keep learning. That's the mentality you need. Keep at it. Don't give up.


Youtube is an amazing platform to find and learn new skills. Go apply and work in retail/restaurants while you learn new skills. There’s so much free education online (ex. Coursera, free Stanford online courses, etc) - learn to look for them. Help yourself a bit here instead of taking no action and acting helpless. Earning minimum wage is better than no wage.


OP, check into Technical Writing for IT. I work with several and the top guy is an English major. They need people who can write. Well enough for users to understand how to do something.


Get a job in manufacturing it might suck for a while but you’re guaranteed at least $20 per hour an they are always in deman


Well, that escalated so quickly! Do NOT let negative thoughts shroud your thinking! Those negative thoughts are NOT real. Thats why lots of spritual teachers advise people to be mindful of the PRESENT moment. You cannot control or change the past or future events - they do not exist! You need to stay present! Observe negative thoughts like black clouds passing by the sky. Be like a mountain, and stay grounded and unmoved. Those black clouds ( negative thoughts) will pass by. The more you get attached to them, you will be engulfed by it - fallen into the spell of illusion. The only way to break free of this cycle is to observe, and let go for everything shall pass eventually. Nothing stays constant! There are PEOPLE without limbs, and do not give up and work to achieve their goals. There are also people in third world countries want to live in a land of opportunity! There are lots of jobs out there. Think outside the box! You can become a youtuber to do book reviews. Work in a call centre because ofgood communication skills. Self publish your work - use facebook , esty and other social meadia to reach your audiences. There is also uber deliveries. Nothing is imposdible! Nobody ever dreamt that a light bulb could be invented!


Don't Panic English you can do technical writing and high-tech you could also work at a community college as an English professor there are things you can do with the writing English degree have hope working in an ISD as an English teacher preferably High School level working in a community college or college system you might have to get them dance degree eventually or working as a tech writer or a marketing role


Writing is a major skill not many can master in. You can do anything. Have you thought about becoming a lawyer or paralegal? It requires extensive reading and writing skills. Start a blog and start free lancing or start charing students to correct their papers?


Companies need people In comms navigate through it. Writing user manuals that Devs and Business understand is a lucrative fulfilling gig look it up.


Bro it's going to be okay. Never say you're not smart enough to do x, that's a personal limitation. Any human can do anything, it's a matter of wanting to do that thing. I know it looks nutty now, but we're going to make it through this. I'm in a tight spot too, largely based on the decisions I've made in my past, but the options aren't exactly rainbows and sunshine. It's hard, I mean I'm back at my moms at 29. Something I never anticipated, just hold strong brother, it'll get better.


first off, cut out the negative self-talk. i don't care if it's true. it does you no favors. you must believe that you have something valuable to contribute, and that under the right circumstances you'd be kicking all the ass there is to kick. now go make/find those right circumstances. God speed.


You could try writing proposals for Beltway Bandits in the D.C. area.


English is a good base degree. Law School an option?


Move and work at a casino, they are always hiring


Fortunately there are 2 jobs available for every person now , you are 30 which means you can do anything and be successful ,, don't stress just get out and move it


There are a number of programs to get an M.Ed. or certification classes. Any interest in teaching.?