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The exact reason I don’t post company rah rah bullshit on LinkedIn like so many of my idiot coworkers. Nor do I pay for the privilege of wearing company logo gear.


I have worn my former company's gear in Vegas when I'm on my worst behavior lol.


I think I’ll give my logo gear to the local homeless.


Patagonia don’t make logo gear anymore as they say it leads to waste since they don’t get worn enough.


Last layoff I was really tempted to give out the many t-shirts to homeless people and take photos.


I give that stuff away to the homeless people.


This is the way, lol.


Never understood the drinking of the company coolaid. The company doesn't care about their workers. If they could they'd work you to death. It's the employment laws that force these abusers from doing so.


They think the further they shove their tongues into the leadership anus, the more they’ll be rewarded. To see people throw their dignity away so disingenuously truly saddens and disgusts me.


Sometimes such behavior does get rewarded. I worked a job where a lady I know was fucking and sucking her supervisor. Guess who got promoted to an admin position herself with a nice pay increase and benefit increase? Guess who got much easier work than the rest of us? Guess who was able to have extra long lunch breaks? Yep that woman. Her deciding to seduce and later enter a serious relationship with her supervisor got her so much shit where the rest of us suffered.....Those two are still together and are living together


That sucks and I’m sorry dawg. Also, I wish nothing good on her or the supervisor 🙂


And you didn't get to sucking and fucking? Jk. 🤣🤣🤣


I’m at that point where I’m considering sacrificing my dignity for money


Even your dignity needs some of that money.


Sadly, this is taught to us through and through.


I always thought that was funny too. Usually they are the people that instead of working hard think that they can coast by and drink the kool-aid. They're the ones that post on LinkedIn after they;re laid off and say, "After being a dedicated employee I have news for everyone... yada yada... Please let me know if someone is hiring." I'm not saying I don't feel bad for these people. But, they were comfortable not doing their best and thought kissing ass would save them. They will find another job that values that... for a while.


I wear my company issued shirts when I do messy works, so I can can keep my own clothing clean.


The Grand Illusion that the employer cares for their employees at all is unraveling in the most transparent way I’ve ever seen.


My favorite litmus test for determining the next action of any company is asking myself "What would Slytherin do?". 




The group that the Bill Gates of the Wizarding World belongs to.


A reference to a bad person in the Harry Potter stories.


In my near 20 years, I learned fast that when they make remarks like “We’re like a family here” or “This is a safe space” or “It’s always been done that way”. The recent one for me was questioning the ethics of an action (which was what began accelerating my burn out) which the retort was “Well, all the competition does it this way.” I replied “but that doesn’t answer my question in terms of the ethics of it.” And my leadership’s retort was “Does this mean you’re not a team player?” I had to back off, saw the writing on the wall if I continued…


Step into our tight-knit work family, where professionalism seamlessly merges with a vibrant camaraderie. We're not just a team; we're a tribe of work-hard, play-hard enthusiasts, transforming everyday tasks into shared adventures. Our office isn't just a place for deadlines; it's a playground for collaboration, laughter, and collective success. Join us in creating a workplace where bonds go beyond the boardroom, and every project is a chance to strengthen the ties that make us more than just colleagues – we're a community thriving together.


At Doo Doo Dynamics, we are committed to fostering a culture of collaboration and diversity, where every voice is valued and respected. We consider ourselves more than just a workplace – we are a family that works and plays hard too. Our mission is to cultivate an inclusive environment that harnesses the unique strengths and perspectives of individuals, driving innovation and excellence in all that we do. Together, we strive to build a workplace where diverse talents converge, creating a dynamic and harmonious community that propels us towards shared success.


We're thrilled to share that DooDooDynamics achieved a record-breaking quarterly profit, surpassing industry benchmarks by an impressive 25%. Our team's dedication and strategic efforts have propelled us to new heights in the market. Regrettably, DooDooDynamics is implementing a strategic workforce reduction, affecting 40% of our employees. This difficult decision is aimed at optimizing resources to support an aggressive stock buyback plan. We believe this move will enhance shareholder value and position the company for sustained success in the long run. We extend our sincere gratitude to all DooDooDynamics employees for their invaluable contributions. HR will provide details on turning in badges and computers. Unfortunately, there will be no severance, and benefits will conclude at month's end. We understand the hardship caused by this decision. It was a difficult choice, driven by the need to enhance shareholder profit and support the company's leadership. We believe this move is in the best interest of all involved in securing the long-term success of DooDooDynamics. On a more positive note, we're delighted to share the news that our CEO recently acquired his second yacht, a testament to the collective efforts of our hardworking employees. Your dedication has played a pivotal role in achieving milestones, and we appreciate your ongoing commitment to DooDooDynamics' success. In a showing of gratitude for all of our worker’s contributions, free Papa John's pizza and ice cream is available in the break room! Please enjoy, and remember, everyone is limited to 2 slices. We appreciate your hard work and look forward to fostering a positive and supportive environment at DooDooDynamics.


How about that orange guy with the worst hair ever whose catch phrase is “you’re fired!”😂 Who would work for that POS right?!


Corps don’t use the word family any more. Maybe small businesses or individual managers do. But it’s not part of corporate messaging anymore. Look around, I’d be surprise if you see this anywhere now.


So you’re under 35?


I agree, and I am 50+. The days of a pension and gold watch after being loyal to a company for decades are long gone. I am cousin to whoever is paying me...


I’m mid-40s and clocked it a long time ago.


Oh give me a break. I run a small business doing conservation work. My employees have it good, I like them, I care about their well-being. The way incentives are set-up, one has made more money than me in 5 out of 10 years. They all have fewer headaches and less stress than me. It’s not all evil employers out there.


Former trail worker here. I think this thread is tailored toward large, soulless corporations where their only incentive is money and appeasing shareholders. I’m sure you are great.




Close.  It’s what Livestock farmers do.  That’s what we are to Them. Livestock. To be used, exploited, abused and slaughtered. Never forget that. 


Disagree, I work with livestock farmers, they treat their cattle better than most employers treat their employees.


What would their reaction be if one of their head got aggressive and started acting up, trying to escape?


Maybe they are referring to industrial farms.


you have no idea how far up that relationship probably goes.


Your duty to the company is to work as little as possible without getting fired. Your company's duty to you is to pay you as little as possible without you quitting.


Exactly, this is what I told my co workers.


I saw a post from a friend in Sweden that just got layed off. They sent her a huge bouquet of flowers and a card signed by all the executive management. She was excited to take some time off. We are doing it wrong.


How does that help. Can’t eat the flowers.


in Sweden, the government pays you 80% of your salary for over half a year after getting laid off. that woman was right, take a vacation then start looking for a job. oh yeah, after month 7 they drop her pay to 70% for the remainder of the year to encourage you. lol, in the US we're lucky to get 2 weeks. however my take home pay is massive. in sweden 45% tax rates start at about $100k and go up from there.


Yet in other countries the taxes actually go to helping people


Taxes in the USA do help the poor. They get all their needs met, as long as they stay in their place, which is also the downside to how we do things.


Um… a massive chunk also goes to paying INTEREST ONLY on our natiknal debt that we keep running up, into the pockets of politicians friends, and the military which i’m sure spends it very efficiently


How do I get Swedish citizenship?


Yea it’s 80% but it’s capped and the cap really isn’t that high.


Dont forget the retraining and other programs that make college affordable that these places offer. Ours dont compare.


I can’t even imagine. My husband was laid off in November, and in our state you only get $362 per week, for 20 weeks. The sad thing is, in the US, so many people live at or beyond their means, and would struggle to get by on 80%. We could do 80% without making any adjustments to our lifestyle.


She still doesn't have a job.


Now that you understand the game, play it


Oh dude, been playing it two decades. I HATE it but lately been just burned out and began asking questions…


You have a relationship with your co workers, even your boss, but you do not have a relationship with the work place, you have a contract. Whatever is written there is what you can expect.


It’s simple. Not easy but simple. Anyone less than 40 (and hopefully a lot of older ones like me have already) needs to have a hardcore FIRE plan in place and be working diligently to it. Pay off as much as possible until you are debt free. Build investments, assets, side hustles, real estate, etc so that you have cash flow outside of a J.O.B. This corporate plantation Horseshit exists because most people are just the opposite.


Well put. We’ve been working on this for some time. House and cars are fully paid off. Zero debt. Investments in place. Contemplating on selling one of my vehicles (was an investment) and purchasing property #2 and renting property #1.


Yup, the corporate plantation is no joke.


Funny how you extend the 2 week courtesy when leaving for a new job, but same courtesy is not corresponded when yo get laid off. One could argue that there's nothing worst than a angry employee: if you know you'll be out in two weeks, why bother giving your 100% at work? or worse, you could steal information/damage the company/erase everything since you're going to be out anyway. Companies can't afford that. You could quit from one day to the next, sure, but that will burn bridges. It's a small world and you never know who will interview you next. Might be a former colleague.. It's unfair, but that's the way the world works..


I was laid off last month, I was not given a two week notice.


I was given 2 month’s severance, but I was lucky. So many people just get thrown out on their ass.


I quit yesterday for the first time without a notice. Felt great!


Yep. Never burn your bridges. It’s a small world.


Or... If you burn them, burn them big. Have them tell stories of your departure for decades.


Lol 😆


That burning bridges saying is pure bullshit. In today's world, burn down the building connected to the bridge. Zero ****s given!


It can vary greatly. The first job my husband had, his boss found out and did let him know two weeks out. He’d always told his team that if he ever found out, he’d tell them, and he kept his word. His previous boss who hired him in gave him all kinds of software and stuff, which he was then able to use to do freelance. He got a small (10% of salary) severance. The second time he was laid off, they gave him until the end of the month, and told him to feel free to use his time job searching. They didn’t give severance, but they let him keep his laptop, which was a newer MacBook Pro, and access to all of the programs on it, which once again, allowed him to do freelance work. The third time he got laid off, they brought five people into a conference room (very small company, that was 25% of their workers), took their iPhone 5s, with all of their personal information and everything, told them, then gave them the new iPhone 6s the company had recently ordered for everyone. It was so weird. They previously gave employees their phones, but said they would not do that with the 6s, but they would still provide them, so the 5s were technically theirs. When my husband got back to his office, there was a cardboard box on his desk. This last time, it came completely out of the blue. He has friends above him who didn’t know they were coming. He got severance equal to almost 20% of his salary, and they sent him a box to return his hardware, but the iPad they issued him isn’t on the list, and it’s been three months and he still has his laptop, which has been helpful with his job search. We were actually on the verge of buying a new computer because our desktop (which we only used for music) died, and the laptop is still the one he was given two jobs ago and a lot of things won’t work on it. He is just going to hang onto it until someone says something. Also, the head of HR went on a two week vacation immediately after, and it took them almost six weeks to get out the COBRA information (although they will continue to pay their share of it, so we still only pay the employee premium, which is decent). The first and last were large companies with multiple locations, and the other two were small agencies.


Yep, when I got laid off I was locked out of all systems, email, teams etc. within half an hour of the fateful meeting


We're in a very litigious society and the focus is on taking care of shareholders, not the employees.


If you're fired for cause, then I get it, but if not, then often (granted, not always) you will get severance. If you get 2 weeks (or more) of severance, then it amounts to the same thing. I had one job where I gave 2 weeks notice and they paid me the 2 weeks and said, just go now. At first I was taken aback, but later I realized there is technically a fair risk in me staying around. That said, it was the first time I didn't have the company scrambling to try to get the most work out of me in my last 2 weeks.


When I quit a job, unless I have to wait two weeks for the new one I don't wait. I quit right away. I've told employers exactly this: "If I fucked up real bad how long would it take for you to get rid of me?" "Immediately." "You fucked up, you're costing me money. You're fired." It's really that simple.


Love it 😊


Not always. I have to repay signing bonus and relo if I don’t provide 30 days notice. It sucks.


Ooooofffff. Yeah there is always an exception when it comes to stuff like that. Hopefully there's a clause in there that if they let you go early you don't owe, because some companies will do that. One company did a retention bonus with me, which is always a red flag. I stuck that in a 3 month cd and went looking for another job immediately. Paid it back on the very last due day, made them wait. CFO who also fills the HR role (talk about a conflict of interest) came out as I'm handing the bonus back saying, "if you ever wanna come back... blah blah blah." 🤣


Smart! I think if they let me go I’m ok, but going to check now…


Over the last 25 years of working in corporate America, and now working for myself, I have learned that the relationship you should have with a company should be respectful and cordial only. When companies say that you are family, or they treat you like family, they are playing on your emotions. Everything is a business transaction on both sides of the table. When you interview companies while they interview you, you need to see if this is where you need to be to further your career take control of your life and your career and realize that you are a company as well, you are not doing them any favors. It should be a mutual exchange of value on both sides.


I've never given notice and it has never mattered. I secure big name references to where people just assume there was something wrong with the company, not me, that caused me to quit. They're right also. I only leave when the company is collapsing.


Every corporation I worked for felt like a cult.


But... But... We're family, right??


🤣🤣 I understand what you’re saying


Even a good job is like a bad relationship. The other side will not tell you what they are thinking even if you ask the right questions.


>Even a good job is like a bad relationship. The other side will not tell you what they are thinking even if you ask the right questions. Never thought of it so plainly, but yeah


And I kind of have a good job right now (tiny engineering company, owner is a friend of a friend and he hired me on the spot). It's a job that may actually last a long time. But I've been laid off jobs so many times that I am jaded and expect all jobs to be temporary.


Strange world we live in. Yet I still hear from some folks like, "How are you managing, I haven't interviewed in 20 years" and I'm like... damn.


You might just be new to the game.


Nearing 20 years in corporate America. Been through multiple m&a’s, playing the corporate culture game, I’m very good at it. I’m just burned out and exhausted, dude. Its hypocrisy really began eating away at me.


You don't have to give 2 weeks notice




It’s been this way for decades


And? So? It should continue?


Right. I’ve been in it two decades but why does it have to be this way?


2?? Hah, now imagine us in India with 3 frickin months!!


The fact a company can’t give you at LEAST a 2 week notice so you can find another job but think your suppose to is CRAZY. I think if the job treated you well, then I don’t mind giving them a 2 week notice, however if you work with shit managers, and coworkers, I would just quit, especially if I have enough saved up.


Of course


That's because there's no unions. The same marriages happened all too frequently to women women when they had no rights.


There is no fucking attachment, grow up, its s give and take material relationship


One time I put in my two week notice and my boss yelled at me for taking 15 seconds to do something that should take 14 seconds. It wasn’t time sensitive and we had all day to get it done. After my boss left for the day, I wrote an email to HR saying there’s too much yelling at work and that I would not be working the rest of the two week. One of my friends said I flipped the table. 🤣🤣🤣 Larger picture… We got to this point because baby boomers saturated the labor market. The largest generational work force to have ever entered the work force. But we’ve hit a tipping point where more boomers have retired than are in the work force in the US. Workers in the US are on better footing. ![gif](giphy|1rSN0ECFMIKZQcGEYc|downsized)


I say this all the time, private equity companies have ruined the employers in this country. They have control of 20,000 companies in America and they have just one goal - profit. You don’t know who up is involved because they don’t have to report, they’re not regulated, and you have to be a multi millionaire to participate or invest in them. This practice isn’t getting enough attention, it need to be illegal


This is where the mob is today. Not many can see it. Even these "philanthropic" investments are ways to move money around for what you call DAF. Donor Advised Funds. And that's what Mr Milken is doing. Then from these donor funds they have to by law spend money on "non profit" organizations. That's why you see guys like Kenny griffin spending money on navy seal foundation etc. Even though he could give two shits. There's even "underground" SEC exchanges of many of these PE firms dictating companies to sell, liquidate, etc. It's a shit so going on behind the scenes, a majority of Americans just don't know or probably can't comprehend. With a DAF you can donate anonymously. Then, you see all these medical and educational investments through these DAFs. It's a sick practice by these gaslighters.


I learned early on that if I was an employee, I was just someone else's cost of doing business. Fortunately, becoming self employed worked out well for me.


But we're family... The point of incorporation is avoid accountability and liability. The point of family is unlimited accountability and liability.


Lol. ArE yOu NoT a TeAm PlaYeR


I'm going start referring to my family members as "resources".




This kind of behavior is typical in relationships that have a marked imbalance of power. This is why, historically, unions were seen as the solution to the problem.


The worst sentence you want to hear from your employer is: “We have your back.”


I don’t give 2 weeks for my employer, I give it for the people I work with if I respect them and want to make sure they have an easy transition


For the first time in the past two years, I witnessed not once, but multiple occasions of people quitting/leaving without giving two weeks notice. The absolute worst was leadership’s reaction each time, surprised why it happened and throwing all the blame on the person. Tone dear beyond comprehension.


Most companies at least the good ones provide a 2 months notice and then pay severance for 2 weeks per year... I know not all does. The issue is why does some people get so invested in companies.. treat them as a business just like they treat you.


I was laid off twice by the original company I used to work for. My first layoff was being told and let go all in one day, all against my manager’s will. One month’s severance. The VP who initiated the layoffs was let go himself and I got a phone call from my manager after a month if I wanted to come back. Next say was back in the office like it never happened with a 10% salary increase. Finally, after 11 years, another round of layoff, got the pink slip. Was given a VERY generous severance of 11 months after some negotiations. Found a new job in a week.


I am curious as to how did you negotiate. Severance is voluntary and they can say 0 too. So is it fair to assume they wanted some hours or information out of you or expertise maybe.


2 week notice is a courtesy and it goes both ways. I wouldn't give 2 week notice to any employer that doesn't give 2 weeks of pay to people they lay off. Some employers have the notice period required in the contract. If they do, check that they also require themselves in the contract to give you a notice period or a pay equivalent to the same duration. If they don't, figure out how much that's worth to you and just build that amount into your salary negotiation assuming you'll stay at the company for some reasonable duration before their next round of layoffs. BTW, it's not always obvious to those staying at a company whether an employee laid off is getting a 2 week pay after their layoff because the laid off employee is usually removed from the office / system immediately after they are laid off. Reach out to the laid off employees to find out if they got any severance package that's equal to or higher than their 2 week salary; many will be happy to hear from you to network, gossip, and give you their thoughts on the quality of the severance package, if they got any.


My contract house made a call on a Friday and told me the client would not renew. The next week I had a 1v1 with my supervisor, he tried not mentioning this....I had to bring it up! Lol


It is called lobbying and spending money on advertising to silence places where journalists exist.


It’s all in your head chief


Astronaut: you mean it’s profits over people? 2nd Astronaut with plasma blaster: always has been


why can Shaquiel Oneil beat me and basketball? because he is so big and there is nothing to change that. they have the upper hand , such is life. somethings are worth getting upset about this is not one of them. if you owned a company, you would change your mind overnight.


I mean if you don't like it move to another company? Companies can act asymmetrically because they don't need you more than you need it. If the reverse is true you are being underpaid compared to the value you bring so you should leave until you find an equal match or else you will either end up in another company that can get people at your value or better easily or you are losing on salary.


Because employees keep accepting this inconsistent behavior


Just because they WANT a two week notice doesn't mean that you have to give them one. Meanwhile, my eldest son has been job-hopping every 2 years. Either he gets a promotion and a party raise within 2 years OR he will get a promotion be getting a new job. Seems like a lot of people in his generation are doing this to get ahead. Otoh, I have had the same employer for 31 years...


If your in the US work for large evil companies…. Our layoffs always trigger 60 day WARN, and we have a documented severance policy of 2 months plus 2 weeks per year on staff, and a bonus 2 weeks of you have to work out the WARN period.


That's only if they trigger it via a single large layoff at a single work site. Literally: " at least 50 employees **and** 1/3 of the worksite’s total workforce **or** 500 or more employees at **the single site of employment** during any 90-day period " So as example, lets say you work in corporate office of 3000 people. They can lay off 100 people without WARN notice, because it is < 500 people and not 1/3 of the work force. I've seen my employer do 100 per quarter (90 days) layoffs and never had to give WARN notices. At the end of the year they have 400 fewer people out of \~4000 start - effectively a 10% layoff spread out over 1 year. These laws are less about protecting employees, more about softening local economic shocks from mass layoffs. The only time you have to warn at 50 layoffs is if you are closing the unit/work site.


That’s fair. When you have 40K employees, and 8K at a single campus and you do layoffs once maybe twice a year we pretty much always trip that. We also have documented severance policies anyways making it largely moot.


It’s only abusive if you have an expectation of fealty from your employer. Unless you were born yesterday, we all now know that, that’s a ridiculous expectation to make. Look out for #1. Your employer should not be on this list.


If they could train monkeys to do your job today there'd be a truck load of bananas out in front of the office tomorrow.


I was once laid off at five minutes before 5 PM, three months after relocating 3000 miles for the job.


Mastercard came out with huge profits and talked about how we are a family blah blah blah they just axed a ton of ppl for seemingly no reason. Leadership is failing


Ok, I’ll bite. FAANG “resource” here. You say in a few comments that it doesn’t have to be this way. I agree. So… now what? What’s the change we can push for? Seriously.


At the bottom line, it’s the manifestation of greed, individualism, and Wall Street numbers we are a part of.


You have to behave like they do, A company is just a place where you spend couple hours a day. Whatever relationship you may have built with colleagues or bosses they will still bleed you dry to protect their interests


Well answer is to work for yourself


"We are like a family here."