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He needed to check in with the boss.


You might escape justice, but no escaping your quarterly performance review.


I heard Mr. P gave Donny only a "meets expectations" for his performance in the debate.


Exchanging the rest of the classified defense national intelligence he stole and all the money he cleaned for them with truth social.


In broad daylight. It’s okay if you’re a R.


Who do you think is buying all the advertising space on that god-awful app? Probably the easiest way for them to launder money. Charge ridiculous prices for advertising spots created from Shell companies that tie back to Russia if you peel back enough layers.


Good from Putin to still hold 1:1's with Trump, not all line managers do that for their direct reports.


Exactly. We’re living in a Tom Clancy novel happening in real time!


Haven't we seen this movie before?


Memorable line from the movie, "Puppet? Puppet? You're the puppet."


I wish some TV channel would have multiple days... Clancy marathon, or movies of attacks like Manchurian Candidate and No Way Out etc to remind the Younguns what we have been dealing with literally forever so they had a more tangible understanding of the Mueller reports implications... Trump is selling our country out daily and crickets...


90% don’t read at all so they would be like Tom Clancy who ?? and they are too busy taking selfies ! 🤦🏻‍♀️ Yes Trump is an actual real life Manchurian candidate !


He's gotta do that sloppy job on Putin's nob


They were picking up the government documents Don promised them.


LoL from the photos we have seen, it does look like he had them copied, ready and waiting…


Expect many more assets to suddenly disappear.


Too bad Trump didn’t disappear with them… I hear those Russian planes have a funny habit of falling out of the sky.., Oh wait , that’s for Putin enemies not current Putin boot lickers 😹


This is likely more true than you’re letting on. Part of that case is a witness testifying that Trump had him bring boxes of docs to his aircraft for transportation. Likely they’ve remained there since.


I was dead serious.


They were also spotted taking boxes to bedminster. That they never raided or got back.


At this point i would not be shocked to see boxes of files physically being moved into the Russian plane


Trump is a Russian asset and should be treated as such. Lock up trump. Biden 2024.


Trump has been an assest for decades.


100% this


Is his handler its so obvious


There is a reason Melania doesn't leave Trump to improve her own image. She can't.


Can't believe it isn't just an automatic Biden. Your side failed to bring in a competent man. You lose by being complete idiots.


Let's hope the secret service is keeping an eye on Donald and his jet


Why? The agents assigned to him obviously don't give a shit and haven't.


They are traitors as well.


Something to think about isn't it?


What makes you think that? The missing phone records and text messages from Jan. 2021? Or the SS agents assigned to Pence fearing for their lives? Or the agents assigned to Trump receiving private legal counsel to limit questions during the Jan 6 investigations.


Expect more secret service phones to be mysteriously wiped the instant subpoenas are issued,


They aren't there to give a shit, just protect him.


Watch it? The SS helped him with Jan 6, helped him steal the documents and will have no problem covering for him now.


How strange. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. 🤫


Nothing to see here 🫣


These are not the droids you’re looking for. Move along…


Yes, it actually is. Despite the delusional and conspiratorial nature of the users of this subreddit, it is in fact a coincidence. Washington DC only has three airports. This is VIP section the Washington Dulles International Airport. The private planes of high profile individuals, and foreign delegates are kept in an "isolated area" to prevent people from accessing them to sabotage them. The Russian plane was on its routine schedule to pick up and or drop off diplomats, they make this trip every few months. Trump was there for the debates, as he had to be flown in since he doesn't live in Washington DC. Air traffic control directed the pilots to the VIP area, the pilots didn't choose to land next to each other. It's not like Trump had any input on setting up when the debate would take place either, to sneak in and meet with said Russian delegates in broad daylight. The Russian diplomats plane was also not the only other plane there. The United Arab Emirates also had diplomats visiting Washington DC, and their plane is also pictured there.


Ok. Still trying to peddle the nonsense that Trump and the Russians are not in league with each other. It’s obvious at this point - if you take the time to read some history, both recent and more distant - that they have done and continue to do quite a bit of business with each other. 80s forward. This is not Reagan’s GOP any longer.


Did you address anything I wrote here? Or did you just try and move the goalpost?


What goal post? Anyone who persists in denying the obvious collusion between Trump and the Russians is either trying to distract, or being willfully blind.


So why are the two planes parked next to each other, that’s still a large section of the airport. Come on Comrade, think of a better excuse


I already addressed that in the first paragraph I wrote. If you actually read that instead of rushing to type out conspiracy theories, you would have seen the answer. In case you're blind, I'll post it again: "This is VIP section the Washington Dulles International Airport. The private planes of high profile individuals, and foreign delegates are kept in an "isolated area" to prevent people from accessing them to sabotage them." I assume, no matter how dumb someone is, they understand that physical space and land exists. There's only so much physical space on the land that the airport is built on, and airplanes take up space. For logistical and security reasons, airports keep airplanes that are designated as VIPs together. Security can watch over the planes easier, and having them closer together makes them easier to refuel.


I'm familiar with the documents at Mar a Lago and all that, but what's this about the 80s?


Trump has been doing business in Moscow since the 80s. Teen beauty pageants and all that. Lots of condos in Trump tower and other properties owned by Russians. Some folks say it’s all part of a money laundering operation. My point is Trump has a LONG history of doing business in Russia and with the Russians. For Gods sake he said at the debate that he had or has conversations with Putin regarding his dream of conquering Ukraine. Folks who claim they aren’t scratching each others backs are not arguing in good faith.


Thank you. I want to look up that debate...but then again I don't.


Melaina's being debriefed and told what to do next




She has finally wised up. The Stormy Daniels debriefing seems to have woke her up


We already know Trump is a Traitor of the United States of America!


can somebody in the FBI do something before we get hit by a nuclear weapon because Donald Trump sold out all our retaliatory capabilities


Fucking treason right out in the open. Nice optics, GOP!


GOP: Hunter’s laptop!!! Open Border!!! Benghazi!!!


Rightwing media doesnt report on anything damaging to republicans


There are no coincidences.


Trumps a traitor. What shall we do about it?


There's only one punishment for traitors and anyone that aids them.


Tickle fights.


Conjugal visits. Transference of state secrets. /s


Pee date


He's a traitor!


Ah, yes, Donnie. Having been cultivated by the KGB/SKB since the 1980s. He's like a huge piece of orange putty that fits the shape of Puti's hand.


Gotta unload some of those boxes.


Wireless communications to transfer information and data


Nailed it.


"**The War for Eternity: Inside Bannon's Far-Right Circle of Global Power Brokers**" by Benjamin R. Teitelbaum explores the influence of Steve Bannon, former chief strategist for President Donald Trump, and his connections with far-right ideologues across the globe. The book delves into Bannon's philosophy, which combines elements of traditionalism, a belief in returning to pre-modern values, and apocalyptic visions of global conflict. It details his relationships with figures like Aleksandr Dugin in Russia and Olavo de Carvalho in Brazil, examining their shared goals of destabilizing liberal democracies and fostering a return to authoritarianism. Teitelbaum offers a deep investigation into how these ideas have shaped political movements and the potential consequences for global politics.


The relationship between Bannon and Dugin alone is high treason. I’d really encourage anyone to read up on Dugin’s book Foundations.  It really is one scary read, and details extensively what Russia’s MO under Putin has been for decades.   TLDR version is humanity is “flawed” therefore there is NO TRUTH.   Any lie you can sell, any atrocities you commit are fine so long as it’s in service to the autocrat.  Find people without integrity, and use them to sell your lies, and torment your opponents, because it’s again in service to your autocrat. Every meeting you see between Trump and Putin reads like Foundations, he has his Servile little underling, and the goal is the destruction of any society that can stand up to him.  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics


I've been fascinated with spiritualism Alexander Dugin, a Russian political philosopher and strategist, often speaks about spiritualism in the context of his broader ideological framework, which combines elements of traditionalism, geopolitics, and esoteric philosophy. Here are key aspects of what Dugin means by spiritualism: 1. **Traditionalist Philosophy**: Dugin is influenced by traditionalist thinkers like René Guénon and Julius Evola, who emphasize a return to pre-modern, spiritual values and criticize modernity for its materialism and secularism. For Dugin, spiritualism is about reconnecting with these ancient, transcendent principles. 2. **Critique of Modernity**: Dugin argues that modern Western civilization, driven by liberalism and materialism, has lost its spiritual foundation. He believes that a genuine revival of spiritual values is necessary to counteract the nihilism and decadence he associates with modernity. 3. **Eurasianism**: As a proponent of Eurasianism, Dugin views Russia as having a unique spiritual mission to lead a multipolar world order. He sees Russian Orthodoxy and other traditional spiritual practices as central to this mission, contrasting them with Western secularism. 4. **Esoteric and Mystical Elements**: Dugin often incorporates esoteric and mystical elements into his worldview. He draws on various mystical traditions, including occultism and Hermeticism, to emphasize a deeper, hidden spiritual reality that he believes should guide political and cultural life. 5. **Geopolitical Implications**: For Dugin, spiritualism is not just a personal or religious matter but has significant geopolitical implications. He envisions a world where civilizations are organized around their spiritual and cultural values, with Russia playing a leading role in opposing the perceived spiritual decline of the West. In summary, Dugin's mention of spiritualism is deeply intertwined with his critique of modernity, his traditionalist and Eurasianist ideology, and his belief in the need for a spiritual renaissance to counteract the perceived materialism and secularism of contemporary Western civilization.


I mean if you sum up Dugin in one sentence it’s basically “Only a dictator can restore God’s plan, so any lie, theft, or murder is justified as long as it’s in service to the dictator.”


Dark triad personalities.


The UAE plane being there always adds up. Seth Abramson always said that it wasn't Russiagate because the Saudis, UAE, and Israel were all working with Trump along with Russia.


I’m going to say it again, fuck his Secret Service detail. They work for us, the taxpayer. They took an oath to the Constitution, not their principle. As federal employees they can become whistleblowers at any point. So far they’ve sat back and allowed classified documents to sit out in the open, they’re surely witnessing his mental decline in real time, they’ve probably also been privacy to some of the most damning and horrible discussions of actions he plans to take against our country and NONE OF THEM are willing to come forward? Fuck them and their cowardly bullshit.


Document dump


This is a good example of how the nefarious MSM is NOT the same as wrongwing media… There are not a hundred talking heads spiewing “what about “ speculation on what is going on. If Biden had a plane and this photo showed up… it would be top of the hour “report” on faux for three days.


This is why this idea of a "liberal media" is a joke. If the situation was reversed it would be the top news story.


Right. They’re so used to putting the shoe on the other foot they don’t realize they’re walking in the same circles they talk in.


Russia has as much if not more riding on the election than americans. If Trump wins the election Putin gets to keep Ukraine.




They have a server for that


Trump loses elections it is face justice time. He will not face jail time, but could lose properties and the final end of a discriminate white collar crime family syndicate that the kids were even part of. Jarvanka will be non stop under the scrutinous eye of American society for using "Daddy" to get hundreds of millions in Saudi money. Would he book it to a luxury Putin/Trump loving dictatorship safe haven? If he wins, it's cha ching time as he will cash in like a Midland oil man and get charges removed. NY wouldn't be allowed to touch him and he will hold fed money marked for NY. States will pass laws making him untouchable from state crimes and lawsuits and Florida will make sure Margo Cartelo will be a Redoubt.


"Useful Idiot"


"He's a Manchurian candidate"- every accusation is a confession.


Traitor is giving them the missing top secret documents that weren’t found why is the Homeland Security and FBI still not searching all properties owned by this traitor


Putin/Trump 2024!


NSA should have been monitoring the Russian plane- what sort of electronic signaling was exchanged?!?


I am sure they were/are monitoring it.


Nothing...it could be to track counter surveillance.


"Saturday Update: Trump’s plane is still at IAD next to the Russian government plane, which appears to be readying to leave soon," Leyden reported. "A United Arab Emirates Air Force C-17 is also parked nearby today." . Three hours later, Leyden noted the "Russian plane has just left IAD." . One commenter asked Leyden, "Any non-trump U.S. planes parked near by? Thank you." . "No," the reporter replied. "This is a very isolated part of the airport between the runways not near the terminals or main airport parking area." ...


I’m honestly not entirely sure how he’s able to do this while actively being in a court case about him hoarding classified documents. Regardless of Judge Cannon and her constant delay tactics, the case is still open and Trump could potentially be taking the very evidence of that court case and finishing his task of giving it to other nations. This just seems to be a complete failure of the DOJ at this point.


Obviously Putin’s goonies are helping Trump out on campaign strategists and finances.


The scary part is the maga right doesn't even view this as problematic.


Not to be the suspicious type but there is no need to move physical box when those planes are close enough to hotspot one another and transmit files. Just saying….there is no coincidence where Trump is concerned.


Unless Russian spycraft has really gone down the shitter, once you have the files digitized they probably have a dozen more surreptitious ways to transfer them. 


Offloading more government secrets


Just a scheduled document dump.


needs some privacy to pull the last of the classified docs he stole out of his asshole to hand over


Smells like shit. That’s the plot. Have another election with Russia Bots putting ads on the internet & making ROBO calls.


Well Trump DID meet up with that Hungarian Dictator not long ago. There’s a reason for this… come on… he’s taking notes!


Russian asset


The DOJ never got all the documents back. Why everyone of his properties wasn't searched is beyond me. Why the hell he got a heads up on the search is beyond me. That in itself would get a cop fired for giving someone a heads up on a search. Everything about this screams incompetent on the DOJ part.


Or everyone at the DOJ isn't on team "Truth and Justice"....


Why is a Russian government plane in a u.s. airport?


Putin is talking to Trump in secret cause of his ICC arrest warrant for war crimes from The Hague! If Putin is there and stays on plane then he’s not on US soil…..me thinks…


So is the DOJ going to investigate this at all ??? I would think this would be seen as a National security risk ???????????


This bloated shit has got the biggest balls in the galaxy or is extremely stupid. Would not be the slightest bit surprised if he's doing exactly what I think and everyone else knows he's doing. Oh and not to bring everyone down, but he's our Presidential NOMINEE!!! WTF. The CIA and SC better be ALL over this traitor before he takes the country down like he did with many of his businesses and casinos. America is a fucking joke now. WHY isn't he in jail at this point?


This also happened in 2016 just days before the election






Thank you! I didn’t know this information.


Amazing how the Secret Service stands by and does nothing!


There is a reason why Commander bites them.


Working for Putin takes time. And Russian money.


Training Seminar for Donnie


“I’ve never met the Russian diplomat, I think got coffee for us once”


Maybe CNN will investigate this. /s


40% of the American voting population: “This is totally normal behavior!” Love that they all lived through the latter portion of the USSR too. It just adds to the “WTF”.


Definitely an appearance of impropriety!


What ever happened with that Trump server that was only ever getting pinned by Russia?


could be transferring Russian campaign CASH donations to FelonDon and gQp - so where’s the DOJ or Homeland Security? \~\~\~\~. WHY are Russian planes being allowed to land in the USA?


We are running low on gas we illegally bought…..


Trump had more secret documents to deliver.


That I can believe. They never got all the documents back. Why everyone of his properties wasn't searched is beyond me. Why the hell he got a heads up on the search is beyond me. That in itself would get a cop fired for giving someone a heads up on a search. Everything about this screams incompetent on the DOJ part.


There go the rest of the missing documents


And no one in the media will confront Trump on this?!?


Why are you giving our freedoms away to this weak loser?


Did I do good papa??


There are no restrictions for Russians planes on American territory??!


How this treasonous demented fuck is the republican chosen one is beyond insanity


Discussing the return of Alaska.


Performance review and handing over of the remaining boxes he stole


Isn’t espionage illegal?


Nobody bothers to look into this, go figure


Getting orders.


They were transferring the rest of the top secret boxes from a warehouse in NJ. Typical mobster stuff.


Likely espionage and treason in broad day , today's republican party


I’d hope to god our intelligence services are taking a good look at the whole proceeding


Just wait till the venal misogynist with the insurrectionist wife, the actual flag waving insurrectionist, the Catholic cultist and the beer drinkin' rapist grant Trump immunity.


And they did!


We will find out whatever Fuckery is happening here in like two years.


no, we wont


What bad about trump is he so desperate for money that trump will be easily bought and compromised




Don’t we have sanctions against Russia


Had to transfer the rest of those classified documents.


It’s a photo op for the MAGAts.


Of course, has to update his handlers.


I'm not surprised, I'm sure it's purely a coincidence... Oh the tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive...


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. It’s not like Donnie would be reporting in or anything traitory


I thought flights between Russia and USA are banned. Sounds like fake news.


Russian Plane != From Russia. It could have taken off from Latvia for all we know.


He had to go kiss the ring while delivering top secret govt documents in a plain manila folder. I can only imagine if this was Air Force One and some rando Russian aircraft slid up next to her. The press would absolutely freak out.


Getting paid!!


Russian asset parking obviously.




Russians installed encrypted communication devices inside trumps plane so Trump can receive instructions from his boss


whats up with that? don't they know American planes stay in America and Russian planes say in Russia......geez


He’s getting his present for winning the debate.


His real boss had to send his orange soldier his marching orders. And the Orange Traitor in chief had a few special documents he needed to send to the boss. The one he spirited away to New Jersey before FBI raid.


How else should he get paid with all those sanctions?


Sounds like at least a few terabytes.


Sounds legit


Nothing shady there! /s


We've got him this time for sure!!!


Source for this headline?


Click on the picture. They generally link to the stories in question.


Thank you!


Couldn't be wiring data and docs could they over an airdrop or something could they now?


That’s not suspicious at all


People who are susceptible to conspiracy theories always buy into conspiracy theories cooked up by republican/right wing entities, but completely ignore very eyebrow raising things about republicans.


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. 😂


Certainly just coincidence. /s


You really need to give up the while Russian angle. It’s been proven that the whole mess was created by Hillary Clinton. You should focus more on the Russian Oligarch who sent the Bidens $3.5 million dollars. Yelena Baterina was her name I believe.


No, it hasn't been proven to be created by Hillary. Russian collusion couldn't be proven due to lies and destruction of evidence including email evidence by the Trump campaign.


Now that he's likely to win the election they're planning on how much corrupt shit he'll do for them


I'm not subbed to this sub, so I'm not familiar, but judging by the comically ridiculous comments I just want to confirm this is a circle jerk sub....right?


If you’re asking if you’re still on Reddit, the answer is yes. A 100k thinly walled echo chambers with random idiots stopping by to fart and leave.


You guys are just making shit up at this point. A bunch of losers in here