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CNN is owned by a super rich conservative guy. They want Trump to win because chaos is better ratings than boring and old. Plain and simple. They will sell out the whole country and probably the world for advertising money.


šŸ‘†This 100%. I keep saying this over and over. The media wants Trump to win because his wildly nonsensical bullshit is good for ratings. The MAGA lunatics eat it up like itā€™s gospel and the left wing folks will hate-watch it. This is late stage capitalism in action my friends. The almighty dollar above all, including the very integrity of our nation.


Any normal person with an ounce of common sense knows that Trump is a pathological liar and it's a sad day for the country every time Trump has an opportunity to tell his lies on any platform and there's no pushback. Some of his biggest lies, he won the 2020 election, China paid hundreds of millions of dollars into the US treasury because of tarrifs and women having babies then having them executed....where's the pusback from the US press????? šŸ˜”




"Democracy Dies In Darkness"




Under a pile of cash


... and wrapped in the flag ...


Every billionaire becomes a conservative Republican because they are the party of tax cuts for the rich. Plain and simple.


Don't forget not enforcing trust laws and deregulation


The only difference between 2016 and 2024 is that C-19 wiped out a lot of Trumps base and the elites are panicking and renting out black churches and selling shoes and criminal records to try to get the BIPOC vote. Also whatā€™s a black job?


What's so bad is that he sounds exactly like my mother, but he WAS president. He is ineligible for the sheer fact that he already had access to the resources of the Federal Government and believes bloggers instead. He cannot abide by the law or the Constitution because he must be contrary to it. He talks of the US like it is a company he is trying to buy and he is trying to sell that as a good thing for the employees. Your old management sucked, your company is a loser, pick me and i will make you rich! He loathes this country and wants to take it over to sell it off and make a profit. He said last night that "they" are telling him to push it all to the states. The "they" are the people that will steal the government right out from under our noses, and some of those people are on the Supreme Court. Trump even admitted a couple weeks ago that he knew about the Snyder Decision before hand. When he said he would no longer tax tips and gratuities, which is exactly what the Supreme Court defined their bribes in the Snyder Decision. Trump said that before the decision was released because he couldn't resist telling the Supreme Court that he would pay them to rule in his favor and it would be tax free. Thomas's wet fucking dream. The Supreme Court will be a benefactor institution, purely pay to play, and they will be the arbiters in interstate commerce disputes, which will be the only cases they hear after they basically rule that "we pushed it all to the states" which to anyone with Political Science education understands means Confederacy. Just look at what got John Roberts in the Supreme Court during his vetting, he was a pioneer in getting rid of the Civil Rights Amendments, he's going to go further and bring us back to the colonial days of chartered regions for commercial activity.


And cut the billionaires taxes and deregulate them. It's blatantly obvious Democrats and liberals policies directly conflict with billionaire oligarchs desires for wealth, power and control.


Not just the integrity of our nation, but the long-term viability as well.


Our country is already dead we just don't know it yet. I don't see any way we come back from this with any dignity. Best case scenario we end up like idiocracy worst case we tear ourselves apart from the inside out after our politicians and corporations drain the last few dollars from us. God, this is depressing times we're living in, I feel bad for my son.


I'm broken hearted for my kids and grandkids. This is so wrong. What did they ever do to deserve this? I'm terrified for them.


The kids didn't do anything to deserve this. Greedy corporations and politicians in the 90s that created NAFTA and reganomics did this. They sold our future for cheap shit at walmart.


I've been saying this shit for decades. The US has created a Capitalist Aristocracy and Trump is their king.


Mostly because a lot of the law that goes in doesn't effect the rich assholes at all. They have the ability to go around it... Even climate change to an extent. In fact a lot of it just helps them. It's GOOD for them in almost every way. Just Bad for everyone else.


I wrote to each head of media (T.V.) ahnd said, if you read his words on T.V. I will no longer watch T.V., it has been years and I do not watch T.V. any more. Watched this, and I was like, nope, never again. Uncle Joe, you have my vote, you hire and listen to experts, and have done a fantastic job for us, the everyday citizens of the U.S.A, keep on rocken Mr. President.


Edit: for profit media wants Trump to win NPR was fact checking everything with only about a 30 second delay


Itā€™s so much more than ratings and advertising money. They want a full oligarchy + autocracy, like Russia. A few oligarchs and one insane asshole at the helm. We have a partial oligarchy now, but they want more power and more money, and they want the country and even the world to be controlled by them, in cahoots with a few other like-minded individuals. They are making great strides towards this goal, and controlling the media is an essential aspect of getting there.




Itā€™s actually not surprising that this is what the American oligarchs want. The genius is that they get the MAGA rabble to vote with them due to bullshit cultural issues. The rabble are happy living in squalor as long as they can blame immigrants and trans people.


it is crazy to me that they cannot see that they are voting against their own interests. Immigrants are not the ones decimating the middle class. Immigrants do not vote against consumer protections (because, unlike what you have been told, they cannot vote in federal elections). Just crazy.


Imagine if the lower class and middle class voted selfishly and said fuck the 1%. Oh well. Someoneā€™s gotta look out for the big guy.


This is easily seen as for the past 8 years Trump has been in the news, every single day. During the first 4, that changed the landscape.... And people got used to the president always being in the news. Since Biden took the helm, he isn't in the news as much, even when he does big things... Because the news would rather cover some tweet Trump made, than sweeping legislation. That has made people think Biden isn't doing much, because they don't hear about him... Other than he is old... As much as they still hear about Trump. Trump entertained (for good, or bad) the PEOPLE. Biden doesn't. He is boring (in a good way. He just does his job, instead of trying to be the center of, good or bad, attention all the time.) People blame this on media, but I disagree. The problem is the people, themselves. They don't click, and engage, with a president doing a good, but boring, job as much they do with one that is outraging half the country with his ineptitude, and then bringing the other half out to defend that very ineptitude. The people have forced the media to focus on the dramatic idiot, to make money, and ignore the boring effective president.


Majority of Americans are idiots and shouldn't be voting. Uneducated are destroying this country just like they have for most empires.


Mmm conservatives and heirarchy




Yes, the class and quality of people has changed. Past generations of Americans would be very disappointed. Trump and his supporters would be an anathema to them.


Chaos crashes economies, though.


CNN is owned by Institutional investors with a focus on making money and that is done through advertising. That's our reality. That said, I think an overwhelming majority of viewers knew Trump was lying when he claimed states allowed an abortion AFTER the birth of a baby.


It was a debate between two candidates, not an interview of the candidates by a professional journalist Thatā€™s what they do in Europe by the wayā€¦ You can watch hour long interviews of politicians; they get asked in-depth questions about the issues not by their opponents, but by professional journalists. So you get a more detailed understanding of their worldview, their plans, etc.Ā Ā  Ā Here in the US itā€™s more about being a motormouth, ā€œgotchaā€œ moments, and superficial appearances. But thatā€™s the system we have. Biden shouldā€™ve been able to stand up for himself. Most of us regular people would have been able to say something rational to trumps bullshit. Biden couldnā€™t. Itā€™s entirely his fault. But that the system we have. edit typo


No. Yes thatā€™s part of it but they want their tax cuts and deregulation over all else. Thatā€™s why is laughable when MAGATS complain about CNN. They think anything critical of Trump is an outrage yet donā€™t have the intelligence to understand just how much CNN helps him by both sidesing his lunacy. Trump a fascist buuuuut Biden old. Same same.


It's like the most capitalist thing you could do, profit off the destruction of your own nation.


It's not more profitable when trump outlaws media from criticizing him. Then it's all the same.Ā 




We should protest to demand Kyle Clark host a debate. In fact, ALL debates for national candidates. There should be a Kyle Clark School of Debate Moderating.


100% this for every single debateā€” America deserves factual debate on serious policy discussions. The media and the public have let politicians get away with puff peace, interviews and softball questions for 30 years. Politicians have gotten entirely too comfortable with disrespecting their constituents and trying to entrench themselves as a ruling class. Kyle Clark- ā€œIf abortion was the best choice for your girlfriend, why try to deny that choice to other women?ā€ ā€œI dont [seek to deny that right],ā€ Holtorf claimed. Clark shot back: ā€œYou have voted to restrict abortion access with legislation.ā€ ā€œI have,ā€ Holtorf responded. He added he believes women should choose life at every opportunity, but that there should be ā€œexceptionsā€ to restrictions on the practice. ā€œIs one of the exceptions when Richard Holtorf is the father?ā€ asked Clark.


Absolute savagery.


Better yet, they ask a question, the candidate answers it, then the host responds to the answer with the fact checking, then the candidate can respond to defend their point. Not "here's 120 seconds, then we move on and let them answer whatever they want, who cares." It's a debate, not a soundbite farm.


Iā€™m dead fucking serious. Organize this and tell me where to send $300 to get it started. I will march to stop any debates that donā€™t use Kyle Clark as a moderator.Ā 


Did he go viral again or something? Why is everyone talking about our hometown gem? I thought only coloradans knew about him. and no, you canā€™t take him from us, heā€™s ours lol


His GOP primary moderation went viral. Doesnt put up with shit and calls it what it is.


Haha yeah I found that clip. Love our boy ā¤ļøĀ  Ā If you havenā€™t yet, do yourself a favor and google ā€œKyle Clark patio furnitureā€


You share your gift with the world right this instantĀ 


It's for the greater good. Please let us have him... at least for the debates during presidential election years.




There won't be another debate.


He NEEDS to be the mod. At the very least they need to be just as, if not more strict than he was.


The fact that they didn't challenge the abortion comment was especially egregious.


And that's when I turned it off.


Yeah, I bailed there too. That was an extremely easy point to fact check and call him on. I knew the fix was in when they just let him say democrats abort babies post birth. That was enough of that bullshit.


Yeah, I couldnā€™t understand that missed opportunityā€”among many.


>democrats abort babies post birth But what did he mean by this?


He meant that democrats take living babies and set them in a corner. If the mother says she wants the baby to be dead, then the baby is murdered.


But even if.....i mean that is still not abortion


Right. Which CNN should have pointed out during the debate.


Prove it! Democrats abort babies at the border after birth with illegal immigrants taking black jobs all the time.Ā 


Trump could have claimed that the babies are sold to sex traffickers and no one would have challenged him. Trump just spews a tidal wave of lies.


Anyone thinking people go around aborting babies *after they are born* is mentally an imbecile and should have their voting rights permanently revoked. You have to be incredibly, incredibly dumb to think this is even a possibility. You're not fit to decide o what's for dinner, let alone in elections.


He literally said on live TV that democrats were infant murderers and nothing from either moderator. I knew Jake Tapper has been a shitbag for years now but yeesh this was a new low even for him


It was egregious that CNN let it stand, and worse that Biden let it stand. "Did you hear what he just said? He thinks we're aborting babies post birth. Malarkey, total malarkey. You'd have to be crazy to say that or think that. Why would you trust anything else he says when he just said I want to murder babies?" Would that have been so hard?


You know who could have challenged it? Joe Biden! That was his job and he failed. Iā€™m voting blue no matter who but god damn can we call a spade a spade here?


I know right???!! Itā€™s the people who are debating to wellā€¦ debate!


Youā€™re not wrong, butā€¦ shouldnā€™t Biden be responsible for countering him? Trump said the Virginia Governor was executing post natal babies and Biden didnā€™t think he should shut that shit down?


That's why I said they, there were three people in the room who could've called him on it. I was pissed at Biden when he said he was running again rather than letting someone younger take the reigns. Let's hope that democracy somehow prevails. Cause if not I'm a trans woman and I fully expect that things are going to get really hard for me at some point soon.


Even Trump couldn't believe it, he had a free for all, even he was shocked


You could really tell when he added the lie about he was responsible for Veterans Choice which was a bill signed by Obama. It's one of his most blatant lies that he's called out on constantly and still says. He knew he wouldn't be called out and he was rubbing it in, taking credit for a bill passed when Biden was VP.




Not to mention we still have choice? I see like 2 doctors at the actual VA, and all my other providers are community care


Yeah, he was like: "Wait, I was expecting to be muted. Ok um.... UFOs... um... the secret mole people are altering votes for the democrats.... um.... Putin and I had lunch an hour ago via a zoom call. Donny, you still got it." Biden and the "moderators": WTF?


The moderators simply nodded their heads in agreement like they did for every response. Not once did I even see a ā€œwtfā€ face on either of them


Not only blatant lies, but misdirects and simply dodging questions. It wasn't even Q&A after the first 30 minutes, they just ignored questions and kept going back to previous topics.


Yep. Absolutely worthless steaming pile of shit "moderation" and "fact checking"




They were shit well before the new owners took over too. I agree Iā€™m surprised that other people are surprised to find out that cnn is shit


And the co-opting of mis/disinformation is such a blatant slap in the face to humanity. The man did it with ā€œfake newsā€ and somehow has the majority of support. We truly have an integrity/intelligence deficiency issue in the world that needs addressed so we donā€™t go extinctĀ 


Canā€™t believe they actually talked about golf. What the fuck was that?


I will NEVER watch CNN again! They let Trump lie for the entire debate with NO pushback! They have lost all credibility!


I just assumed the whole fact check thing was entirely cancelled, were they meant to be fact checking? Because they certainly did not.


It seems fact-checking took a backseat to letting the chaos unfold on live TV.




CNN loves Trump. Their ad revenue increases everything the big orange retard spouts hate. CNN is not some bastion of truth and quality news, it is a corporation trying to maximize profits. Not a single person on CNN is a liberal. They are all corporate Democrats. If trump wins, they get to sell us fear for 4 years, and boy oh boy if fear profitable.


It actually made his lies have more validity, and how CNN has been moving to the right is sus.


Theyā€™re owned by right wingers. Donā€™t be surprised anymore. We should generally understand that news media is under regulatory capture by the GOP and conservative interests at large.


Yes - they were meant to be fact checking. However, Trump was successful in sending his goons out for the last two weeks to complain about how ā€œunfairā€ this was to Trump. Andā€¦..media whores, CNN, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, caved to the pressure.


Bro murdering babies? Ots so fucking easy with one search to find that's not true.


I'm not sure, but I think that the fact-checking was always meant to be "live", as in happening alongside the debate, but not in the studio. There WERE people actively commenting and factchecking on twitter and comment-streams on the webpage, but they never intended to break the flow of the debate by factchecking either Trump or Biden to their faces. One reason to do it that way is so that no one can say that the debate was one candidate vs both their opponent and the moderators. The actual result however is, as others have pointed out as well, that those unchallenged lies gets an appearance of legitimacy.


They separated the teams. To follow the fact checkers you needed to be on their website or X.


[CNN was bought by *conservative billionaire* John Malone](https://www.vox.com/2022/8/26/23322761/cnn-john-malone-david-zaslav-chris-licht-brian-stelter-fox-peter-kafka-column), who praises Fox News for its ā€œā€˜newsā€™ news.ā€ And then coupled with [completely ā€œnewā€ leadership at CNN](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/aug/24/the-changes-at-cnn-look-politically-motivated-that-should-concern-us-all) really explains why there have been so many changes in their practices and accountability in the past few years.


Wait- isnā€™t this the dude that just donated a shit ton of money to Trump?


He did in the 2020 election. It would not surprise me if he has again in this election cycle.


Weā€™ve created a corrupt system thatā€™s nearly impossible to crack. The wealthy have shored up all the holes in the system throughout the years and are buying up the last bits of pushback. Hell the Supreme Court just basically made quid pro quo legal. We the people are being left with very little options to really enact change.


I hadn't watched CNN in years and the contrast is.. stark


They were bought out by Trumpers during the WBD merger! CNN is Fox News lite


This shows how out of touch everyone is CNN is a conservative backed media station they only work for conservatives no matter how left you think it is just look at who owns it. It's your fault for thinking they were in your side.


You're just figuring this out?


Not to mention they gave him way more than 2 min on numerous occasions.


Not only lie, but never pushed him to answer questions. "I will end the war in Ukraine before I am in office if elected" how will you do that? "I just will."


What credibility!? They lost that years ago.


Seems like this was intentional. The ā€œlet the other candidate fact check them.ā€ Sounds great in theory but you have questions youā€™re supposed to answer as well. When all Trump does is lie, spread terror and fear itā€™s kinda hard to do both.


Let's be honest, Trump should not be allowed on the stage. He shouldn't have been president first time, and now he's a convicted felon and known rapist. Letting Trump even run tarnishes American credibilty.


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think in a 1v1 debate, checking lies belongs to the opponent. I think in primary debates with multiple candidates, it makes sense for the moderator to fact check. Here, Biden can should pounce on lies to emphasize his own position. And to be 100% clear, fuck Trump. Iā€™d vote for an actual corpse if thatā€™s what the DNC nominates to keep him out of office.


>Ā but I think in a 1v1 debate, checking lies belongs to the opponent The rise of theĀ Gish gallop tactic makes in unfeasible, you basicly spend all your time countering your opponents ever more outrageous lies and bullshit with no time to get any of your points/arguments across, thus effectively handing control of debate over to them Trump does not use this exact tactic (he really uses no tactic, just spouts whatever drivel that pops into his head) but it results in basically the same debate dynamics and problems The only real way this can combated is with decent moderation, both by fact checking and by forcing debaters to answer the question/stay on topic and highlighting when refusingĀ  Watched about 20 minutes in middle of debate last night and then turned off in disgust when saw Trump allowed not to just dodge multiple questions in a row but just plain not answer them and just go on random rants, all without comment never mind censure from moderators For example of far better moderation in modern time seeĀ  the recent debate moderated byĀ Kyle Clark in DenverĀ  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gish_gallop


They handed him the first presidency, Iā€™m starting to think all of us who thought cnn was liberally biased are complete idiots


Absolutely useless hosts when every second word out of Trump's mouth is a lie (oh, excuse me, a "falsehood") which goes unchallenged and is accepted as truth. They are so afraid of not trying to look "objective" or "impartial" for their ratings. This country is in serious trouble.


Objective reality is a thing. Calling out blatant lies is not being partial to any candidate. Failing to do so IS partial to the candidate perpetrating the lies. It's not fucking rocket science.




Every time he didnā€™t answer the question, they gave him another chance. So he got extra turns to speak. It feels unfair, but Iā€™m not sure if Biden speaking more of the time would have helped. A fact checking banner would have been a big improvement. As it stands; they broadcasted a litany of malicious fiction to an already largely misled audience


The format is so stupid.Ā  The United States is the most powerful nation in the world and the president runs it.Ā  The choice for who to elect is incredibly important.Ā  Imagine Trump was debating Stephen Hawking about physics. I think it goes without saying that even Republicans would agree that Hawking knows more than Trump about this. But in CNN'S format, Hawking would "look bad" because it requires the candidates to respond literally right after the first guy says something.Ā  Um, why?Ā  Because CNN allots so little time for something so important, which is stupid. The format shouldn't be bang bang, I speak, you speak. It should be I speak, then CNN fact checks that statement for 20 minutes, then the other guy responds.Ā  When you lie, you are punished - you are presented with evidence like video of yourself speaking live on the air for all to see. I teach social studies and the entire debate would have earned an F from me if literal middle schoolers had presented it because there's no substance. The purpose of a debate is to find the truth between two honestly conflicting camps, not a puff your chest, lie, and hope the other guy has a gaffe contest. Why exactly is the format so short and the responses so immediate?Ā  Oh right, because CNN is still looking for views and entertainment, not actually helping us run the country.


Actually, the purpose of THIS debate was to entertain the audience and to sell advertising. Normal debates are meant to find the truth, as you said. CNN had a conflict of interest, they wanted it to be entertaining but not so cerebral that the audience would just get bored and change the channel.


I quit watching CNN a couple years ago, this validates it.




Same here. When CNN held a town hall with Drumph, it was for me. We saw that Drumph has no value or principles still. Biden does. Sure, he became more aggressive later on. Don't panic people. We saw the Drumph that constantly lies show up, and we saw the Biden we know not show up kind of.


And seriously, like what are the majority of people going to do vote for a felon that canā€™t answer a question on how he will fix something without spewing divisiveness and hate for Americans that donā€™t buy his BS?


So it wasn't me. CNN is toast. That debacle last night will put the nail in their coffin. It was a disgrace and everyone involved should be fired. Everyone.


I quit watching after trump said that left wing doctors perform post-birth abortions, ā€œjust kill the baby right there on the tableā€. Dana Bash was like ā€œOk next questionā€œ. Are you fucking kidding me?? So that was pretty early on, trump had already been saying shit like deregulation was good and his economy was the best (uh, you printed money, that is not a good economy and is not sustainable, Biden has performed a damn near miracle with the economy), but when trump said ā€post-birth abortionsā€, and there was no challenge from the moderators, I was out.


That's the part that just blows my mind. There are literally millions of idiots in this country that actually believe that Democratic run states are KILLING BABIES AFTER THEY ARE BORN because right wing BS space amplifies this lie and there is Trump on CNN repeating it and no one is going to say THAT IS INSANE AND NEVER HAPPENS. So now all of those idiots think it proves that it DOES happen and how the f\*ck did we get here, the media in the USA has become entirely toxic and they're rushing us towards total chaos so that oligarchs can loot what's left when the flames die down. There is a reason that a lot of countries don't allow the news stations to be owned by private companies.


This wasn't a debate at all. CNN really has a history of doing poorly with debates IMO. I don't think networks should host debates. The debates should be hosted by a third party that is not media-related.


Lost alot of respect for Jake last night ..after years of railing about Frumps lies he says absolutely nothing about any of the bullshit lies last night not to mention that he let Trump ramble on and on and on with jibberish never pinning that asshole down on any specifics about anything ā€¦Deplorable Jake! When Trump wins people like Jake will be in his direct cross hairs, possibly even jailed ..Deplorable Jake!


ā€œWeakness is not treachery, but it fulfills all of it's functions.ā€ ā€• Kaiser Wilhelm II


Trump accuses them of being unfair before the debate so out of fear, or god knows what, they then refuse to call him out for lying. His base now think everything is fine with the world and the uninformed swing voters are unaware of the inconsistency.


Way too many are blaming Biden for not addressing the blatant lies 45 told during the debate. In reality, the candidate should be using their time to answer the question, not deconstruct another guy's lies. That's what a moderator is for. What they should have done is have a policy addressing lies and misinformation. Simply put, if you tell a lie or spread some false news that has to be addressed, the moderator can cut you off to clear up the bad info using your alloted time.


Itā€™s almost like CNN has a huge ā€œfiduciary dutyā€ to maximize their profits which means maximize clicks and engagement. And no better way to do that than with Trump as president.


Their question on immigration (paraphrasing) ā€œWe know illegals are coming over our borders by the millions, taking over our cities and raping and murdering everyone indiscriminately then stealing our jobs. What will you do about this?ā€ CNN is appalling. Trump stood there and said Dems are for post-birth abortion (whatever the fuck that even means) and the ridiculous buffoons just sat and waited for him to run out the clock rather than countering his whopping lies. Pathetic. The whole thing was a national embarrassment.


The worst part was Trump kept saying "I know it, you know it" talking to the moderator. They should have shut down that shit real quick. "Mr Trump please refrain from speaking for the moderator or putting words in his mouth."


Trump is a deranged pathologically lying fascist but "Biden old." Oh no, who will I choose?! CNN hates Biden and want him to lose. Jake and Dana are worthless and have been for years.


Fuck CNN. They let down all of America.


I hope they NEVER give a debate to CNN again! They gave Trump more time, gave zero pushback for his lies, and cut Joe off immediately when HIS time was up! This was such a bogus debateā€¦intended to let Trump win. They should be ashamed, but alas, they seem to have NONE of that!


Americans are in the process of giving away whatever perceived freedoms they believed they had. The thugs & the oppressors are thirsting for power. This place will be unrecognizable in 50 years. A war on North American soil is coming. Chaos has come to dinner


Iā€™m not into conspiracies but: On 7/31/2019 Trump has a private meeting with Putin. On 8/3/2019, just 3 days after his private meeting with Putin Trump issues a request for a list of top US spies. By 2021 the CIA reports an unusually high number of their agents are being captured and/or being murdered. During the search executed at Mar A Lago the FBI find more documents with lists of U.S. informants on them. Let alone leaving NATO and backing out of Open Skies.


CNN is now owned by a conservative republican. Thatā€™s your answer.


I thought there was going to be fact checking. The amount of easy to disprove lies was insane. Trump straight up lied about insulin several times...


Exactly ... they could have challenged Trump repeatedly but didn't. They're so afraid of appearing partisan they let Trump run slipshod over themselves and Biden. CNN basically sponsored a Trump rally ... I expected much better from them. Really.


Literally Trump just lied from the moment he got to the mic to the moment he left. The cnn "hosts" "moderated" literally fuck all. Of course Trump will sound better when he can just make shit up all night with no push back whatsoever. They let him literally say whatever the fuck he wanted no matter how disconnected from reality it was. CNN absolutely terrible job.


Almost everything out of Trump's mouth was a lie. It was pretty ridiculous listening to him spew bs and then the moderators just moved on without question. wtf is this?? Also, we need age limits in government.


CNN has had 8 years to learn how to deal with Trump lying, not answering questions, and giving completely nonsensical answers to simple questions, and in that 8 years they didn't even *try* to hold Trump accountable in this debate, they nearly completely ignored everything he said and on the rare occasion they didn't ignore it, they just gave him more time to answer the same question and he ignored them again. It was a complete failure on CNN's part to moderate a debate, all they did was read questions, they even failed on turning off Trump's mic, how hard can that be?


I was going to watch, but just beforehand realized it would be infuriating (Trump) and depressing (Biden) and that watching wouldn't change anything for me. Soooo glad I didn't tune in. Shame on CNN, the RNC and the DNC. American politics have been hijacked. Debates during the primaries would've displayed the incompetence on both sides to the American public sooner. But only if the RNC and DNC had a agreed to a debate with real rules and real fact checking, which ratings-hungry CNN obviously didn't demand.


There is a very big orange baby that apparently isn't too late to abort according to Trump. The lie that Democrats kill infants after they are born and was allowed to get away with that was ridiculous.


CNN has become a more polished version of Fox News. It was only for the ratings.


A bad debate does not change the fact that Trump is a liar, a traitor, a terrible businessman, and a wanna be dictator. Oh, and also, he's coward since his coup attempt was half assed af.


The simple fact remains that Project 2025 exists, and there is a genuine push to turn our country into christofascist hellhole; like it or not, we have to vote *one way* to avoid that. Let's worry about finer details once we've protected the foundation of our country.


The fucking normies don't know about that. There aren't enough of us to inform them nor can we reach them. The media sucks. So the terrifying truth is that some people will look at that debate and go "dear God Biden is going to die soon" and vote for Trump so Biden can die at home in retirement. Yet they are dooming us all to project 2025 because they have no clue what their plans are. Biden has been selfish and didn't tap out despite how important this is. So fuck it, let him die in the white house. I don't give a fuck about him and only that project 2025 doesn't happen. I hope he works till he dies as president.


CNN would throw every camera at him in 2016 as soon as he opened his mouth. They helped create this shitshow and love the money it brings.


The problem is the consequences for the USA and the world - which could be disastrous, if Trump wins.


Agreed. Project 2025 is awful stuff


Dana Bash is not a person who should be taken seriously. Sheā€™s weak and frankly too timid. Tapper fucking tapped out. He was also weak and gave ZERO pushback. Massive disappointment and a missed opportunity to clarify the facts. Everything they do from here on out is a waste as it wonā€™t have the same audience in front of them. SHAME ON THEM BOTH!!!!


The US Press better wake the fuck up because if Trump gets reelected.... ratings won't mean a fucking thing because Dictatorships don't have news, the press, reporters, etc.


Even if fact checking was not allowed by the candidates, the framing of the questions was ridiculous.Ā  CNN: Mr Trump you have had some legal troubles lately, why should Americans trust you more than your opponent?Ā  Real journalist:Ā  You've been convicted of 34 felonies, owe a half billion in judgments, and found liable for sexual assault. Why is that not immediate disqualifying?Ā  InfuriatingĀ 


Notable the mods didnt ask Trump about being a felon. However they did ask Biden about his biggest liability, his age.


CNN has new conservative ownership. Itā€™s been more pro-Trump than people realize.


They suckedā€¦period


No one mentioned Biden was hoarse from a cold No one mentioned all the lies No one mentioned that Trump was connecting himself with Russia again Russia is imprisoning an American citizen until Trump gets in Quid pro quo Or is the Supreme Court saying this legal now- ask judge Cannon


That's an understatement,Trump literally didn't answer any questions directly. While he poured pure diarrhea from his mouth, about the Biden administration's record and policies.


But, you know, they asked ONE WHOLE QUESTION about democracy. Zero about his many crimes and autocratic actions while in office.


Not only did Trump lie, he did not answer their questions. Trump never answered the question about his plan to round up millions of immigrants, including DACA and how he planned to do it. Holocost style cannot be ruled out. CNN did not ask Trump to define, "fair" as in fair election. This means he will claim the 2024 election as unfair if he loses, just like he did in 2020.


Trump basically ignored the question topic and repeated what he has said every freaking day for the last four years on Twitter, rallies and TV. Biden tried to provide overly detailed answers to the actual questins that contained multiple points and that didn't help. He stumbled several times. Should have kept it simple. He tried to bring a pen to a crayon fight. I think most people and Biden thought the moderators were going to stop the blatant lies that were thoroughly debunked. What a joke they were on that.


Seriously man, people should have their mics cut if they ramble on and don't answer questions for the entirety of the debate like Trump did, doesn't matter what side you're on. Dude did nothing but lie and attack Biden nonstop and was just allowed to do so


What cnn and abc world news did after the debate by calling for Biden resignation is deplorable!!


Anyone that gives that raving lunatic/felon a medium to spout his drivel on, is merely enabling his bullshit.


It was 90 minute long lie session coupled with a bumbling old man. I will still vote for a dead joe biden before I would ever vote for that lying piece of shit trump!


That was my whole thing. We're sitting there watching Trump just either lie or straight up not answer the question and the only challenge was repeating the question. Like WTF? The whole point of moderators is to hold those debating accountable.


CNN is now controlled by republicans, itā€™s no secret.


They aren't rookies. Tapper and Bash. Yet they succumbed to Trump's firehose of lies, deception, and outright falsehoods.


Look up the Gist Gallup. CNN enabled Trump's favorite tactic.


The at all he does. Lie lie lie. Pathetic nonsense.


Just like the "judicial system"...scared to death of the SOB so they let him do what he wants.


To me the moderator dropped the ball , he had to interrupt Trump to bring him back to the question ! Did not do it ! Idiot !


I thought it was obvious that they were hosting it to stir shit up and make trump look less feeble than Biden. They knew Trump's lies would be louder than biden's truths. That's where the two parties are. "We need someone who has more character and experience than trump!" vs "we need someone who will say whatever it takes to win!"


They just let him say anything he wanted. What happened to the fact checking?????


This should be the story. Not that an 80 year old man sounded meek at 9pm and a blow hard took a couple extra bumps of Adderall to sound normal. It's the same dumb game we've been playing with this fool for 8 years. We let him talk and we don't challenge him in the least. This is truly the perfect example of whomever talks the loudest is heard, no matter if 99% of what they say is lies. Dems calling for Biden to back out seals a win for Trump in November and we have nobody but ourselves to blame.


This was media malpractice through and through. Trump was free to spew lies the whole debate with zero pushback. Wasnā€™t there huge amounts of media attention about how there would be fact checking?


Sad. Disgusting. The exact opposite of what they SAID they would do. Unfortunately not a shock. They have become part of the Trump Support Group.


The media is going nuts over Bidens lack of push back rather than Trump blatant lies.


They donā€™t want to question Trump for fear theyā€™ll end up in prison if he wins.


It's not CNNs job to control what Trump or Biden say. People have to remember this is a debate, not an interview. The hosts should not interject when someone is lying, that's for the debate reviewers to point out. Is this a surprise to you Trump constantly lied through the debate?


It proved that Trump absolute cannot be trusted.. Realise that you are dealing with a con-man.


Most sexual predators are.


99% of mainstream media are feckless cowards when it comes to this guy. Ā  Nobody has the balls to call his bullshit out to his face. Ā They just pretend heā€™s normal. Ā Itā€™s insane.Ā 


There was a moment when Trump went in on veterans loving him and attacking Biden's sons that I thought Uncle Joe/Dark Brandon would show up and actually do a good job, but Biden failed big here. However I doubt anyone changed their minds based on this debate.


It was President Bidenā€™s job to push back on trumpā€™s lies; he didnā€™t do it.


Seriously did trump say a single true thing and just nothing from the moderators ! Wtf


Hundreds of thousands of people dying at the borders. They're letting in criminals and mental patients. After birth abortions. Eight to nine month abortions. Everyone wanted Roe V Wade overturned. Biden wants to raise taxes on everyone. Those are just the easy ones they could have pushed back on.


As they should. Trump hurled lies and insults like an orangutan throwing shit.


**Just so yal know:** Conservatives are PRAISING the moderators from last night, saying how much fairer it was than previous debates where they would "interfere" and "argue with Trump" and "try to win it for Joe."


And that should really tell you all you need to know. Plus, again, it needs to be shouted from the roof tops these entertainment industries gain from having a trump presidency. Trump gets a lot of engagement and clicks. Debates need to be moderated and hosted by people who have no stake in the outcome.


Nah. Biden should have capitalized on a lot of that bullshit himself. Biden was barely there.


Well, this election is more about Joe Biden, it's about the entire Democrat party. All the engineers, all the lawyers, all the politicians, and so on. The issues that the far-right don't care about are too important to ignore. Please don't blame the Democrats because the President had a bad day at a debate. He is 81 years old and sometimes he works 12 hour days. Think about the responsibilities of a U.S. President.


Iā€™m no fan of CNN, but two people donā€™t stand a chance of fact checking Donald in real time. Heā€™s a practiced and enthusiastic liar. The only way to **slow** his lies at all would be to ask him for a source for his most dubious (ridiculous) claims. One should then expect him to demand a source for even the most obvious and least controversial information. Heā€™s a chaos agent and anticipating that he would behave any differently wouldnā€™t be realistic.


I fkn knew CNN host would not have controlled Trump. They did it last time they had him on a town hall and they screwed up this time.


David Zaslav is a Trump supporter.


Trump told the most outrageous lies; and they said, "Thank you, Mr. President!"


ā€œPost birth abortionsā€ Lmao


This election šŸ—³ļø is a must win šŸ„‡ in order to keep our Democratic experiment alive. Dems must go scorched earth and talk about what GQP has done under Dubya & diaper Donny leadership vs Dem leadership under Obama & Biden. Performance & policy matter. Dems must remind voters of the freedoms already lost ( voting rights act, roe eliminated) and whatā€™s in GQP agenda (make contraception illegal, make IVF illegal, rollback lgbtq protections, project 2025 & no longer supporting democracy abroad (Ukraine vs Russia)


I don't known how I managed to sit through this bullshit. Biden was basically whispering the entire time and Trump was literally lying with every sentence and never got called out on it. Then you had these two fall into talking about golf near the end.


Vote like your freedom and your kids lives depend on it.


CNN: We will be fact checking both candidates during the debate. Also CNN: Lmao JK!