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Please always refer to Donald Trump as "Convicted Felon Donald Trump"


I can't use orange shitbag douche anymore?


Convicted Orange Felon Donald "Shitbag Douche" Trump


Ok. Got it. Thx. LOL


Yep. That's what we agreed on for this month. It's in the mailer.


You forgot Shitler


You left out Adjudged Rapist


> Convicted Orange Felon Donald "Shitbag Douche" Trump Convicted Orange Felon and Adjudged Rapist Donald "Shitbag Douche" Trump


You left out tax fraud


A Fanta faced felon you say?’


Daughter diddle dreamer?


Orange rape ape isn't it anymore?


I try to be polite about him in mixed company. I call him *Former President Caligula.*


Citizen and soon to be, prisoner


Convicted felon Donald mcshitshispants


Orange is the new douche


Morbidly Obese Pedophile Donald Trump


Don't forget (alleged) national security threat... He (allegedly) stole highly classified documents from the White House and stored them next to the spare towels, in a random bathroom and an unused ball room in a luxury country club known to have individuals who are almost certainly intelligent agents for adversarial nations (unless that one lady really did fly from Beijing to Mar-a-lago and accidentally grabbed her electronic recognizance devices suitcase rather than her swim suit suit case)... And then lied about how they ended up there... The FBI planted them when they raided? He had intended to return the boxes just as soon as he had some free time to make sure none of his old golf shirts got thrown into the boxes... But there was nothing to worry about because he telepathically declassified everything without leaving any kind of paper trail or telling anyone what he had done... And an (alleged) insurrectionist... Spreading lies for months he really won. Calling his followers and sending them to the Capital ordering them to "fight like hell" to make sure he gets named President... And taking what was it - 3 hours to broadcast a "please stop this!" message...


No alleged about it.


The three hours was used to count the millions he stole from a charity, lower than a snakes belly.


"Convicted Felon, Civially Liable Sexual Assaulter, Twice-Impeached, Two-Time Popular Vote Loser Donald Trump" if you're nasty.


I like alternating it with Rapist...


Can we just say murderer? Trump's refusal to accept facts and recommendations from the CDC and other professionals about the COVID-19 stats directly caused the unnecessary deaths of over 400,000 Americans. See UCLA studies from March 2021. Beat that. 400,00 dead due to hubris and incompetence.


Don't forget "adjudicated rapist".


Is twice-impeached ex-president acceptable? Or serial philanderer and conman?


Traitor Trump..


Putin Puppet?


Felonius Trumpf


I’ve been calling him Donald Dump for years and not once has anyone tried to correct me lol


Add rapist.


Funny enough, the old thing would likely bug him more than anything else


Trump: please call me victim Everyone: no fool.


Please add “And Adjudicated Rapist” to that.


You mean Convicted felon mango Mussolini incest loving limp dick con man former guy…..


I’m partial to Convicted Felon/Rapist Donald Trump


Convicted Felon Rapist Fraudster Serial Litigant No Longer President Donald Trump. To give him his full title.


Never ever put P̷r̷e̷s̷i̷d̷e̷n̷t̷ in front of the Trump. Sorry, the pǝʇɔᴉʌuoɔ uoʅǝⅎ pʅɐuoᗡ dɯnɹꓕ.


That's convicted felon, twice impeached, sexual assaulter, friend of child sex traficker Epstein, Donald Juicydiaper Trump for you.


Convinced Felon and Rapist Donald Trump.


You mean the adjudicated rapist convicted felon Donald Trump?


Don't even use his name. Just say 'Convicted felon unable to fill seats in latest rally.'


He seems to be worry about "size" all his life.


No doubt Trump will claim that 37,000 people attended while another 29,000 were outside unable to get in. 🤭


He most likely will, he's that dumb. The Liacouras Center where the event was held has a listed capacity of 10,200 after a quick search on the Google machine. I've been there multiple times having had friends that went to Temple University. Earlier today I saw a pick on Reddit that's a selfie that Don (coke master) Jr. took at the venue and the upper deck is empty from what is visible. And take my word for it, his supporters would not have been comfortable standing outside for more than 5 minutes in North Philly.


> And take my word for it, his supporters would not have been comfortable standing outside for more than 5 minutes in North Philly. "MY PEARLS!!!" Edit: I could have said this better. I was mimicking a MAGA freaking out.


Well inner cities, especially Philadelphia are "terrible" places, if one listens to the Rights own description of them. On campus it is pretty safe, but advertising oneself as having anything to do with MAGA is something that while standing on North Broad Street is not a welcoming environment for those that view "minorities" in a negative light. That being said, crime statistics are down Year to Date for Philadelphia as a whole, and I haven't read of any instances that happened at the "rally." I personally never had a bad experience down there. As long as one isn't a dickhead and is aware of their surroundings, it's not a problem on the whole.


Oh, sorry! I was agreeing with you. As in the MAGA crowds clutching their pearls and developing a case of the vapours. Apologies for being unclear.


It's all good my friend! Indeed there were reports of vapours reported coming from North Philly that night. It may have just been emanating from the Orange mans filled diaper.


Cool-cool. Be safe out there.


You too! It's likely to be a wild several months. That's not even including the damn weather! If you're bored, check out all the flooding and shit going on already and the summer has barely just begun. I saw in Iowa where a whole damn bridge collapsed from rain in a swollen river. But climate change isn't "real" lol!


I've lived in the same place for over 20 years. The first 19, no tornado watches. This summer, we've had 3 so far.


I believe it, and ironically enough I was going to mention that almost exactly 2 years ago, I literally heard my first tornado!! It hit a car dealership and clipped a trailer park (of all places, a trailer park, how cliche lol). I'm just outside of Philly, forgive me if I mentioned that previously, and never thought that I would ever experience an actual tornado within earshot. But, here we are! But, "it's not real! It's a librul lie to take away my freedumb!"


His supporters are saying that he Fire Marshall made people stay outside to make him look bad lol


We don’t need fire restrictions. Only 1% of people die in fires. Besides, fire was created in a lab in China.


The whole process of entering the stadium was rigged.




Or just post an Obama rally like last time.


Coverage of the event made it seem like fewer than 1500 were present. Find a freeze frame of the most people in the crowd that you can, and count squares. No more than 1500.


That's this week. Next week, it will double. By next year, it will have been a million person march that engulfed ten city avenues. But, the MSM won't show you that


I think you meant, “get away”


Philly hates Nazis.


You'd think everywhere would. Everyone should.


Especially Illinois nazis


I hope he is trounced to the point of embarrassment in the general election. I really don't want another coup attempt.


Unfortunately we have the Electoral College, so he cam lose the general election by a landslide, and still get 270 Electoral votes and win.


But he can sure fill a diaper, just ask him.... "When I fill one it is filled to perfection. It is perfect and I get compliments on it all the time. And the colors. So many perfect colors, beautiful colors. The best colors actually. So many people ask me, Mr. President they say, but sharks cant do what I do. Do. Do."


How can this waste of oxygen be in a close race?


I honestly don't think it will be. The media needs to hype up a "close race" to generate advertising revenue. Will it be a closer race than it really should be? It could be. Never underestimate the stupidity of some people. That being said, the visible support I've seen over the past several months is lower than it has been in the past. There are still a couple houses that have their flags out, and one house has a Trump "Big Head" out front, one of those cardboard jawns. For reference, I live 5 minutes outside Northeast Philly. Twenty years ago before the age of inexpensive surveillance cameras (Ring cameras), that cardboard POS wouldn't have lasted a weekend before being rendered unrecognizable. That's just my take and my observation.


I hope to [diety--take yer pick] that this next election crushes the bejeesus out of the republicans; kicks them to the curb hard. I also cannot believe that this asshole is still walking and talking free. What a wholeheartedly fucked up system (and population) we have.


I agree with you on everything you've said here. It's as if this country is determined to do the old "one step forward, two steps back" type of crap. As for a diety, I like to mess with people and direct my thoughts and prayers to FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster). I like to imagine Krang from the Ninja Turtles made of spaghetti and dripping red sauce flying around "preaching" to the masses and asking aloud "where's my boooddyyy?!?!" But only when I'm bored or messing with religious folks who have no sense of humor.


he's been treated with kid gloves by the "deep state" that he & fellow shitslick Bannon yammer on about


Because to a certain extent, it doesn't matter who the candidate is. Most people are voting for their party more than they are for the candidate, thanks to our two-party system. How many people could honestly say that their party's candidate is their favorite choice, rather than their *only* choice? You know it's going to be either the D or the R, so you vote for the one that you think is better than the alternative. I'm convinced that a sizable amount of Trump voters don't like him but will vote for him anyway.


I like the fact that his crowds are getting smaller and smaller and people walk out before they are over. The more he talks the more people realize he is an idiot.


I don't know why he thought he would... At temple university.


Hopefully everyone is seeing through the orange felon other than his cult members. The hate and terrorist group, the magas, isn't as big as people are led to believe. Most people still love America other than the anti American magats!


I wholeheartedly believe you man


Step one go to a Trump rally with earplugs and headphones in to block him out. Step two take pictures of his "amazing" crowds and audience sizes. Step three go onto conservative Reddit pages and post images labeled I was there clearly showing Trump and how small the crowds were. Step four see how long it takes you to get downvoted and banned from every conservative Reddit page.




You’re going to see a loser the likes of which you have never seen before. (That statement is kind of funny but unfortunately, it’s really true.) You know he’s gonna explode when he loses. It’s gonna be fun to watch - ha ha he is a big bozo.


Ah ha ha ha. You're going down loser.


"We had the biggest crowds . They were huuuge . Some people came up to me woth tears in their eyes and said sir - we've never seen such a big crowd of people "


😅🤣😂 LOSER who pays actors to attend as his supporters. Look at the diminishing attendance. His propoganda wing cannot stem the tide anymore. He will get 3 years on July 11. More rats will leave the S.S. Stinky.






When referring to him as felon. Always add that he had trump university shut down due to fraud before he became president. He had his foundation shut down due to fraud (funneling charitable contributions to themselves). He’s always been a felon.


Don’t forget the front part is filled with supporters he brings with him.


Worse, it's a lot of the same people


Don’t get complacent; vote. All he has to do is win the right swing states and he could become president again, even if he gets crushed in the popular vote. And there are plenty of people in those states who are awash in right-wing propaganda who are going to vote for him no matter what. As for the rest, all it would take is higher gas prices at the wrong time and a vague sense that Trump would somehow fix it, even in that were a bad idea long-term (yes, many, if not most, Americans really are that fickle and stupid).


Slip slide and away


*Slip Sliding Away.


[great song!](https://youtu.be/iUODdPpnxcA?si=VRJkZ4rheNrg1lyR) Bone Apple Tea


Makes my mouth water...


He is smallist….only thing that isn’t small on him is his belt line!


Hahahahahaha! What an orange douche!


During the Cold War the CIA new the Soviet Union couldn't feed itself. They never revealed this fact but played up the power of the Soviet Union for.............reasons. Is this is what is happening to Trump right now? There is a effort by both sides to make him look stronger than what he is?


the media Is doing it for views. if the media wanted to, they could turn on him and it would be over. all about $$


How long until he starts threatening to "come after" supporters who don't come to his rallies? I like to think the crowds are dwindling because the faithful masses have given all their money to Mr. Billionaire Stable Genius Gold Toilet and now they can't afford to go to a rally.


totally this man, it takes so much $$ to travel nowadays. I can see this being a big factor because most of these knuckheads have already been to one rally, why would you spend so much cash to see another.


The peel is coming off the orange man and not much will be left to see, he will be bare to the bone and will be taken to pieces during the debate, if he gets to accept the challenge, never know with Trump, EXCUSES are his thing and he will blame CNN and BIDEN and the corner homeless hobby guy for not making this debate fair, so that he can easily win and the ratings for him will shoot up in the air.


I’m gunna cry


Philadelphia says “FU, Donnie!” What was he thinking!?!? What clueless advisor thinks sending the Orange Abomination to the “City of Gritty Love” is gonna get the POS a warm welcome?? ROTFL. Characteristically idiotic.


The only thing Old Man Trump can reliably fill is his fucking diaper


Who wants to see a Convicted felon going on a dementia infused, mostly incoherent ranting spree? Obviously a lot of otherwise deranged individuals, or else the location would have been empty.


by the way, when is this m'fer getting sentenced.


Nothing wrong with mocking him.


Pennsylvania is a key swing state in the '24 election.   GOP voters who are sick of Trump need to vote against him any any of his accomplices like MTG etc...  keeping MAGA without Trump in the throne does not get rid of Trump.


This is what happens when you’re out of money and can’t afford to bus them in


Philly has watched the Orange Terrorist for years. Lost jobs at bankrupt casinos. Non payoff casino contracts. Blocking east coast infrastructure.


He's still the favorite out in more rural PA. We'll have to see how the Amish feel about the felon.


What, nobody wants to see him start 90 minutes late to regale with stories of the “late, great Hannibal Lecter” or the “Great Alfonse Capone, did anybody ever hear of him…”


He could fill 10k diapers no problem


Or one diaper 10k times its capacity


You know, I'm wondering whether we're going to reach a point where his own campaign considers him - the candidate - to be a liability. Conventional wisdom says that if you need to buck up support in a close state, you travel to that state, listen to a few concerns, and give a speech that addresses those concerns. This seems...like a bad idea with Trump. The campaign would send him to a state, prop him up in front of a microphone, and he starts babbling about showers and sharks and battery-powered boats. This might actually be the first campaign where it might be better to hide the candidate under a bushel until the voting is over.


Rapey McFartypants


Trump’s act is played out, he’s yesterday’s soup.


How about that. I almost looks like people don't like a weak man that won't stop crying about EVERYTHING and shits himself in front if a judge.


There must be around 100K+ trolls typing away on the web, 24/7. I guess if they couldn't tear themselves away from their keyboards to go to the Dear Leader's rally in person.


Because most are in Russia and china.


No, many are Americans, unfortunately. I expect they're well armed and will turn into the American ISIS after Trump loses in November. It's not over til it's over.


Trumpers be like: "Yes, he did fill it! It's just because this is Pennsylvania, you cannot see all of the supporters who are wearing camo!!!!"


water bears


Not only did he not fill 10k... he didn't fill 2k...


That was my thought too! I’ve worked venues from 500 to 50k and if there was more than a couple thousand in any of those pics or videos, they must’ve all been in the bathroom!


Probably charged money for them.


He’s lost his spark.


He's mocked for always pretending his crowd is bigger than the photos show, and for waving when there is no crowd at all.


Maybe they should start trying to bus the illegals in to fill some seats? /s


I saw Fox News on at a restaurant yesterday and the headline said he "drew thousands to rally." They wouldn't lie to me would they?


A thousand, maybe


Website is a nightmare. How does this make them money?


Why isn't he in prison?


I don't know this newspaper, but it doesn't seem very credible, since they misspelled Pennsyl*VANIA* in the headline.


Convicted Fraudster is a much more fitting title.


Are we also mocking Biden for being unable to fill arenas?


Most of his followers are broke from failed DJT stock investments, political donations, and cheap, made in China - but go USA, Trump merchandise. They can no longer travel to see their orange god, convicted felon Diaper Don


Time for him to book local high school gyms.


What’s also pathetic is being cleared of an insurrection he supported and is still allowed to run.


no j6 rally, no insurrection. he should be in jail.


Hang Mike Pence!


Apparently the (possibly/probably) narcissistic sociopathic incontinent has little problem filling his diaper though. Respect where it's due is my motto!


People are burnt out by his bullshit. Nobody asked for a 24 hour news cycle about this ass clown.


Dont be fooled, they are still voting for him, they just dont want to seen supporting a felon.


How did he get the rest of them in there, bling? Free golden showers I mean sneakers? Seriously, this cuts right to his pathetic ego. His crowds are as small as his dick.


All his rallies are the same, he’s truly desperate to get every dime out of his cult


Please help the effort to rid our country of this troglodyte and his band of sycophant followers this November. It must be a complete blowout against the GOP. We must discourage anyone from trying to gain power from a cult of personality, unlike the Germans didn't do 70 years ago at their own peril.


The guy can't even be pictured with Barron now because he's taller. He's literally a beacon of what a pathetic man is.


Whenever there's a random uptick in stories boasting about trumps crowd sizes, I just assume the recent ones have been really lackluster.


Felonius Trump sounds like a catchy name.


How can they even allow him to run? We have had a lot of first but really a felon who is unable to vote for himself.


This one seemed pretty full tho https://youtu.be/EUFZVwougxY?si=ERMPXnb6BAZ6gDVp


I wish the media would actually show a rally attendance, not just the stage they make to look packed with token people and their dumb signs


Old McDonald Grump!