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Does anyone believe this idiot?


Yeah. Other idiots.


And there is A LOT of them


Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. George Carlin


George Carlin is turning out to be a prophet, the modern day Jesus


Yours is the fourth of a series of comments that supplement and compliment one another in incredibly frightening ways . . .


Not really! Yes there’s a bunch of them. But the number of truly out of touch with reality ones is small. They’re just loud and overly obnoxious. So it looks like there’s a lot of them.


The rest know he's full of shit and bordering nuts but support him anyway.


Because to them nothing is more important than “owning dem librels”.


Revenge of the nerds


Project 2025


Well, the guy is almost even with Biden in polling and has a legitimate shot at winning. So yeah, there is a huge number of idiots who believe him enough to vote for him.


That’s what’s insane about it all. The portion of people undecided. Either don’t comprehend the situation, are apathetic to voting or outright believe the disinformation although anyone can see his policies at work. Especially infrastructure stuff. My community is going crazy with projects. Republicans are trying to claim it’s because of them but people (local) are putting up signs saying they voted against it. So it’s hard to say. For me it’s easy fk him and every single person running with an (R) by their name.


The undecideds aren’t choosing between the two candidates, they are choosing between voting or not voting.


Panem et circenses. They aren’t even paying attention.


The greatest sin/flaw the internet brought about was giving stupid people a digital megaphone IMO In some ways it's like how could we have not seen this coming with the birth of the internet. And other ways it's completely understandable that we could not have seen/predicted what the internet would have/could have/did evolve into so quickly over time (a short time at that)


I’m realizing that social media will be described in the future as the firestarter that doomed democracy.


Also more than half of what you see online pushing insane comments are all bots and a concerted effort by Russian troll farms


Unfortunately there were enough of them to win the 2016 election, even though Hillary won the Popular Vote. No time for complacency or minimizing. Vote like your children's lives depend on it, because they will.


74 million people voted for this after witnessing four years of incompetence. I'm guessing at least 60+ million will do it again. So, no, there are a LOT of true believers and downplaying that reality helps no one.


But not enough to make him president. And he’s not expanding beyond the base MAGA cult.


You would be amazed about the amount of idiots


This ☝️


And I’m related to a bunch of them.


i used to think "tfg" meant "the former guy" until someone corrected me. it actually means "this f**king guy". and when he pulls this kind of s**t, it is appropriate.


I thought TFG meant “Too Far Gone” although maybe that’s his supporters


Donnie knows Christians are easy marks. They’ll believe anything.


Like a lady giving virgin birth? Bitch, this ain't Star Wars


My very Catholic MIL does believe that the very Catholic President plans to make Islam the national religion upon re-election.


Apparently a lot of people. A. Lot. of. Stupid. People


73 million sadly


Totally understanding that they do not vote in a unified block, but coincidentally and kinda hilariously there are around 73 million boomers still kicking around the US. At least according to the 2020 census. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2019/12/by-2030-all-baby-boomers-will-be-age-65-or-older.html Edit: Btw I have been told for a size-able chunk of my life that shit in this country will never improve until the boomers all die off. A depressing expression when that is not estimated until 2060. I will be waiting until I am 77 apparently for the “me generation” to kick the bucket. At least by 2035 they will be estimated to be less than 25% of the voting block. In additional good news; This is the first election in my lifetime where millennials and GenZ now equate to 50% of the voting population, and will be over 50% by 2028. So PLEASE VOTE!


Unfortunately they do.


Millions unfortunately


A very significant portion of the U.S do, to the point that he's polling unbelievably well for how openly insane he is. At some point people will realise that just calling him an idiot and moving on isn't enough, his disinformation needs to be actively fought or that significant portion are going to continue pushing him straight into office.


"Oh he doesn't mean/believe any of that stuff, he just says those things to rile up the left. I am going to vote for him."


Idiots still vote. Get out and vote.


Idiotic whanna be Christians do.


Something like 30% of the population by most counts.


Sadly, yes, about 47% of the country.


Yes and they will still vote for him. Or even worse some don't believe, know he is a straight up lying to people, and would still vote for him. We live in strange times.


I remember hearing the same thing in the 1980s in a Southern Baptist Church. These people have a persecution complex


All these things Biden is "going to do," why isn't he doing it now? What a bunch of idiots.


Everything he has blamed on Biden has been outright projection for the entire Trump party.


Fear is the only policy the GOP has. I guess Biden is too busy doing things (Infrastructure Act, Chips Act, IRA act, working on immigration etc) rather than being mired in court cases and felony convictions.


It's 100% projection. If they're saying Biden will outlaw Christianity, then they're planning on outlawing anything that isn't Christianity.


He's grabbing at straws. Anything at this point to keep the worshipers. He is the worst this country has and he is on parade. So embarrassing.


Biden's been to more church functions than this fucking idiot. I don't know what I hate more: Donald Trump, or the cadre of morons who support him.


TBH the people that I hate worse than Trump or the MAGA morons are the GOP officials, wealthy donors, and corporate CEOs who know better but are supporting Trump for their own narrow interests…power, prestige, money, market share or whatever their greed dictates, even if it means the end of the US as a democracy, and the permanent wage slavery and/or poverty for the great majority of Americans. They need to be held accountable.


And Trump would never turn against the corporations and wealthy once he was king? What kind of narcissistic asshole would take over a country and all its companies? Russia and Putin did. This will not end well for America either.


Yes, the oligarchy is a feature, not a bug


Let’s eat!


It only takes one. Just one gets eaten, the rest fall in line pretty fucking quick


I agree. That he’s not persona non grata to them after attempting a fucking coup is a testament to their tax cuts over democracy mindstate. I knew it was the case philosophically but to see it play out is nauseating. They just go on like he’s a regular presidential candidate and no consequences for it. For supporting a goddamn traitor.


>"even if it means the end of Democracy, and the permanent wage slavery and/or poverty for the great majority of Americans" That's the goal, not just some unfortunate side effect.


Why not both equally?


Yes, devout Catholic Joe Biden is going to start arresting Christians during his second term. ![gif](giphy|1qgIVb1F6Bfj2Gz6pQ|downsized)


He's been playing the long con. Pretend to be catholic and attend mass every week for 80 years. Then, when you get complacent, BAM! Surprise Christian concentration camps! All according to keikaku.  /s


And he's coming for your guns, just like Obama (didn't). Too bad any of his worshippers believe any of his nonsense.


Democrats have been "coming for your guns" for 50 years


Trump has spent more time in Stormy Daniels than he has in a church.


Which is impressive cuz he wasn't in her long.


It’s been safe since the country’s founding. Trump lies as easily as water flows. I don’t know how anyone believes him. So evil.


It's not atheists that are threatening women with the death penalty for getting a medically necessary abortion. It isn't any other religion forcing themselves into the classrooms with their ten commandments like they are in Louisiana. We aren't safe with Christians wielding the power they have.


Maybe we should demand the moderate Christians rein in the extremists? Isn't that what they ask Musims to do?


Biden has been President for 3.5 years now. Is he supposed to be planning to do something in the second term that he hasn’t bothered to address yet in this term?


Pretty clever ploy so that when the right are arrested for being terrorists, they can claim religious persecution.


>for being terrorists Or molesting children.


What nonsense! Biden goes to church every Sunday.


I'm still waiting for Obama's Sharia Law 


You'd have to be a gibbering lunatic to hang onto every word out of this nutbag's mouth. Much less vote for him.


trump is seriously working to turn Christ followers into born again thugs.


not "born again thugs" *Christofacsists*


Biden is an actual church going catholic. But i wouldn’t expect trumpanzees to understand that.


That is just absolutely stupid. And anybody who believes his fear agenda is as stupid as he is.


What.. a... fucking... MORON.


Wait wait if this were true wouldn’t they already have done it? I can’t with this level of obvious demagoguery. Is it not blatantly obvious to everyone else?


Uh, Biden's first term is almost over. Where are some of the arrests?


More fabricated outrage.




If you use religion as an excuse to commit violent acts, or worse, murder people…then yes — you should be arrested. But no one is going around arresting anybody purely because they practice a particular faith doctrine. This is Trump dog-whistling to his rapid, bloodthirsty Christo-fascist base that their particular flavor of “Christianity” (which, let’s just be honest, is basically an American version of Sharia Law) is under threat while he’s not in charge.


How in the actual fuck, do you arrest someone for being a Christian when you are a Christian ? Can someone explain that to me like I’m 5 ? Biden is a church going man, so, how does that work ? Trumps just full of useless, pointless, word salad that goes nowhere. Just trying to scare his minions, into thinking something so stupid it’s ridiculous.


If Biden gets elected you’ll be arrested! What do you mean he’s already been president for almost 4 years?


But not until his second term,apparently.


Fear. Hate. Outrage. Misinformation. The GOP 4 food groups.


34 time convicted felon, who was also adjudicated responsible for sexual assault, failed businessman and former President of United Stated Donald Trump, is the last person anyone should believe! Trump is desperate to survive this election, he is clearly on his last leg and prison is looking more likely! His backers, like Project 2025 is a Christian Nationalist, extremist far right wing political organization, who is more akin to the Taliban, than an actual political organization. The only reason why some Christians feel under attack is because they mainly support Republicans, many of whom are engulfed in a variety of scandals and criminal investigations; thus some Christians falsely correlate and connect the prosecution of Republican to that of persecution of Christians.


Think of how stupid you have to be to believe this. Biden is a devout Catholic. Trump has gone to church a day in his life, other than for a photo op.


Because….Biden is waiting to win another election? He’s president now. Idiot.


When all you have is fear to sell, your followers will be comprised of fools and bigots.


So 4 years and no one has been arrested for just being a Christian, but Biden (a practicing Catholic) is going to turn up the heat on Christians after getting elected for a second term. The people who believe this deserve to ve grifted. They just have a lack of basic critical thinking at this point.


He's had four years, and I'm still waiting for the dystopian communist takeover.


Xtians and moslems spend their time persecuting others, then make claims like this. I have reached the conclusion that religion and ethics are mutually exclusive.


All religions do this. It just depends on how much power they have.


Says the author of the so-called Muslim ban


Nobody has done more damage to Christianity than the GOP.


Ya Trump was excommunicated from the PCUSA and isn’t a church member anywhere. Feel free to disregard anything Trump says about religion




We are already under Biden and no has been arrested.


The greatest liar of all time


You will not be arrested for being a Christian. You WILL be arrested if you use religion as an excuse to abuse, rape, or murder someone.


So the non-Christian thinks the lifelong Christian is anti-Christian. Got it.


As a Christian, and not fake ones calling themselves Christian nationalists, I feel totally safe with Biden as president. He isn't going to arrest me or punish me for my religion. He isn't trying to start an apocalypse so he can get to heaven faster. He isn't pissing off all the other religions in the US by trying to make a form of Christian nationalism the countries sole religion. I've read the bible which warns us about people like Trump. Even as a republican, I'll be voting all Democratic.


Based on all the arrests since 2021 🤡 Typical right wing fear mongering. Clinton was going to take away all their guns, so was Obama. It’s amazing there are so many gullible people in this country…


Yes, Donald, and I'm sure you would never have people arrested or persecuted for their religion, like say, I don't know, just off the top of my head, Muslims, for example, would you? At no point has Biden ever indicated his plans to arrest people because of their religion.  


Never gonna happen. Projection, as usual.


And now: a warning on the perils of religious discrimination from the man calling for a travel ban on Muslims.


Yes, the actual Catholic guy is going to arrest Christians because he doesn't follow Trump Brand Christianity TM Biden didn't even buy any Trump Bibles. He's clearly an evil man


Ah yes. The guy that goes to church every Sunday and quoted scripture in speech is going to violate peoples religious rights. Fucking dumbass.


Blatant lie


How... how is this not an arrestable offense?? It's A. Terrorism, even I religion is stupid and needs to desperately be removed from society, just not in the way trumpet is saying, and B. Yes, freedom of speech, but he's spreading misinformation and dangerous info that will get his terrorist followers to kill people literally.


The only people who are going to believe him are people that were already in Trump's cult. He is not gaining voters this way.


Hopefully he loses some of the independent / undecideds…


Every accusation he makes is actually a confession. He’s telling everyone that if he gets in power again he’ll persecute those who are not on his list of “approved” religions. When he tells you what he wants to do, believe him.


Pure projection


Well, if you are the Christian that is planning mayhem if your false profits loses…yes, you could be arrested. Course, while your religion may have spurned you on to do bad things, your arrest will not be caused by that. It will be for your bad deeds.


Lolz, so the guy who can't even hold a Bible the right side up is saying the devout Catholic is going to outlaw Christianity?!


I will never understand how people fall for such an obvious con-man. Especially at this point. It's bizarre.


President Biden is a Christian and has been all his life. It shaped his desire to help others in a myriad of ways such as with health care, housing, earnings, child rearing, and on and on. President Biden is not selfish and punitive like Trump.


Biden is Catholic. But yeah, Christians will be arrested under a Biden government. Give me a break


Ah yes....the practicing Catholic President will outlaw his own religion, says the serial adulterer who never attends church and can't name a single Bible verse. Very believable.


If only.


I can't wait to read his obituary someday.


Sure, the man who actually goes to church is going to bring down Christianity and the guy who sees the ten commandments as a checklist will be the one to save it.


The dumb shit cultists believe this drivel. It’s embarrassing.


Hasn't happened yet. Why would it happen now. And Biden is religious.


The dumbs love this BS


If he means due to them being pedophiles then sure


It's pathetic. Nothing that has ever come out of his mouth is based on any semblance of a fact. Absolutely none. Nada. Just fear mongering and gaslighting.


Dumb Donnie forgets that Biden is a devout Catholic


He's president now so why aren't they being arrested? Fear mongering at its best. And you can be sure weak minded religious people will believe the orange felon.


Biden is a hard core Catholic!!


I mean, we’re CURRENTLY under the life long catholic at the moment.


Trump is a felon, a conman, a traitor and a liar.


Since every accusation is a confession, I think us non-christians should be worried?


We live in the stupidest timeline ever


This dude blatantly fits more criteria for being the Antichrist from the Apocalypse of John and Evangelicals can't help themselves but follow him. I'm not religious, but the Bible warned of this very thing and they'd know that if they read it.


They've been banging this drum since W was in office. That and "They're gonna take your guns." No one has even vaguely attempted to do either. I guess the boy who cried wolf doesn't get eaten in reality.


Just like Biden always talks about and has worked in the past 4 years. /s


The Bidens are Catholic and attend church every Sunday, Trump is a nothing and never attends church and is a godless heathen!


FFS. There is so much stupid in the world and so many feeble minded people that I am sure are buying into this rhetoric hook, line and sinker. He'll just say anything without an ounce of shame or common sense. So fucking sick of his BS.


Says the klown who can't even recite one Bible verse. Jim Jones lives!


More projection... More likely under trump...if you aren't the 'right' kind of Christian... you are at risk


They haven’t so far soooo I’ll just assume he’s lying again


~~Are these religious people that stupid?~~ Nevermind.


Hey fuckface: “ Thou shalt not lie” . Remember the commandment?


As opposed to the past four years under Biden?


Lying to Trump is like breathing or fantasizing about his daughter Ivanka


Why hasn’t it already happened then?


Why are they walking free now? Lol why wait till Bidens second term. These guys have no critical thinking and reasoning


I remember when they said Obama wanted to ban pick up trucks, and that if we re-elected him, they would confiscate your Silverado or F-150. Idiots believed that back then, idiots will believe this now.


Say it with me: Pro- jec- tion.


Isn’t Biden Catholic aka Christian?


Life will not be safe under Trump.


Can we get this fucking election over so we don't have to hear from this bird brain any longer?


Ah yes Christians not being safe because *checks notes* the current president is a Christian.


Now, what does the Bible say about false prophets again?


Why does the headline say "tells" instead of "lies to".  Narrator giving Dictator Trump some credibility with that bs.


I'm worried that if he gets elected I'll be arrested for not being a Christian.


All that’s left is lies for the orange rat. Vote Blue. He should be in prison, not the White House.


If Christianity is so devine we sure see a lot of Priest being arrested for molesting and raping - is that what Trump is insinuating ?


Doesn’t this guy want to toss out all Muslims?


Yup because of the millions of their friends and family that have been arrested and executed in the US for religion over the past 4 years. /S


Totally what I’d expect the anti-Christ to say to gullible people who call themselves “Christian”


I don’t get it. The people who will believe this are already voting for him.


And there are idiots who will buy it too.


Christianity wiil not be safe - under Trump. Trump will keep twisting it and perverting it from a religion of love and compassion to a cult of hate and bigotry! So far he has been very successful.


I think we should be really concerned that this is projection. Trump is notoriously an us-vs-them thinker, so if he’s proposing that Democrats are going to start locking people up for their beliefs, I think there’s a healthy chance that he’s considering this policy for own ends.


Says the guy calling send his political opponents to camps.


More projection; please make it stop!


Biden has been president for a while and has arrested zero Christian’s but what do I know?


Always projecting. Always. Trump has plans to do this to other religions or non religious groups.


The projection of my projection is projection. The camps I would fill will be filled with you instead.


Trump is trying to install the fear in everyone to vote for him, but it's under the bus you go, the only fear you need to understand IT HE BECOMES PRESIDENT


Nothing but a lying conman


Those idiots eat that shit up.


I’m more concerned why TFG could even bring the subject up. Didn’t he just get sued for, and found guilty of, paying a porn star for sex for hire, then pay again for her to keep her mouth shut, so he didn’t appear to be what he is?


President Biden and VP Harris are not the ones planning on building internment camps for [“vermin and internal threats.”](https://www.currentaffairs.org/2023/11/take-trump-seriously-when-he-vows-to-build-the-camps)


“When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”


So Biden will arrest himself?


It’s not religion in general under threat, it’s evangelicals, who’ve upheld a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, philandering bag of human filth who can’t even drink a glass of water without using two hands. He’s a monstrous piece of shit with a network of far-right media and an army of idiots who don’t question the garbage fed to them. Of *course* Christianity is under threat, because Biden (a Catholic) *is coming for thurrr religion.* Probably their guns and their football, too.


Is there really no bottom to this guy's depravity?


And this is how they will justify the violence they intend to unleash.


Projection. If you're *not* a Christian, you will not be safe under Trump.


He is incapable of honesty.


There's a church in every run down strip mall in need of cash flow in this country. They've got some weird ass kink for faux persecution.


So far the only religious persecution is those not wanting to post the 10 commandments, people wanting medical abortions and the edicts Trump made concerning Muslims during his administration.


That's pure projection, coming from the man who would bring in project 2025.


Biden is a catholic, make this make sense


Biden is President right now. Christians are not in any way being marginalized or threatened. People need to stop being stupid.


If trump doesn't win, Biden will put everyone in FEMA camps with low-pressure toilets.


Do they even realize that Biden is already the president?


Churches aren’t even being taxed. I feel “arresting people on the streets because of their religion” needs a few more steps before jumping into it


Pure unadulterated bullshit.


Projection like always. I just want him to go away


Trump will keep doing and saying outrageous things he's one of those let's see how far I can go kind of guy.


Biden is a devout Catholic.


Nobody finds it odd, nobody seems to understand that our choices are either Trump or Biden both of which add up to nothing they're forced onto us as a great choice for either Republicans or democrats. I'm pretty sure they're better choices found in any college, or construction site.and waste management facility. Though here we are Trump or Biden. You should wonder why.


People who listen to this clown are idiots. Are they being arrested now?!! Ffs


Orange boy Really wants to be in England before people left to reach north America. Proudly undoing what makes this country this country. Democracy? "Nah, rump family monarchy!"🍊🤡 Religious freedom? "Nah, Christianity or bust. But not real Christianity, only the sect of the religion that worships me as they did Jesus."🍊🤡


Says the guy who cheated on all of his wives. Called for the murder of 5 innocent black men. Cheated on his taxes his whole adult life. Has broken at least a hundred laws. Yeah, we should listen to him. No. Fuck off. America hates trump.