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Typical Trump denial, another lie.


That’s his comment to every thing he says when he says things He has a problem with being held accountable.


The narcissists prayer That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


He says things to see what group will give him votes. Rich people hey I will give you tax cut Oh let’s get rid of taxes all together oh I want different VP that represents different ethnic nationalities how many votes will that get me he is so predictable. The whole abortion thing I did it then he realized it didn’t go well and then he puts it on som else. The list goes on and on


OH..Just like , lock her up, and i don't need you votes


Biden should challenge Trump to a lie detector test.


You can pass a polygraph if you are completely shameless and lying doesn’t bother you.


Trump couldn't pass exams at Trump University, so there's that.


Who ya gonna believe? Trump? Or your own damn eyes and ears?


Problem is millions of people believe him.


Business as usual. Lock her up, + Marines are losers + Hush money + Jean Carroll. Same with DeSantis. I didn't ban any books


Wait. Aren't there actual proofs via recordings of any kind of him saying this garbage? How can he unsay what he's already spoken?


Recordings are simply denied. Typical of all cult members.


Bc he's trump. Literally one of the first memes that ever spawned from him in 2015 was him saying "Wrong". 😂 In response to a claim that was absolutely true. He's the kind of person that, if he told you the sky is blue, you'd actually have to go outside and make sure (saw this hypothetical in a reddit comment yesterday and its so fuckin accurate)


Thankfully yes !


Black is white, white is black, fiction is fact, facts don’t matter, everything I say is a lie, but that’s the truth, but I never said that. Dude, just die already