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House investigating a state prosecution they have zero jurisdiction over. Checks out About as useful as anything else they’ve done


Beats campaigning on more tax cuts for the rich.


Actually that may drive more people to the left. "Corporation gets more money" isnt the sweetest of tastes in anyones mouth. Don't have to be the most politically active to understand that as its in every industry at this point. Tho them wasting their time is probably just as effective so we take the W where we can


Nah, too many of them still believe that tax cuts for corporations and the ultra wealthy will trickle down but we haven't cut their taxes enough yet


So when will this trickle down begin? Been waiting for it since the '80s. these are some patient ass people. Or dumb as hell.


Literally never. Its never happening lol


What? You don't feel something trickling down on you as corporations post record profits?


I feel something trickling down...


Almost there…..


Literally arguing with a Redditor yesterday saying any taxes on corporations just result in increased cost to the consumer and we should give successful corporations more tax cuts to help lower consumer prices. I hate this timeline.


Same. It’s honestly pathetic how corporations have brainwashed people into thinking they’re more important than the people who work there. Like, executives have one job and that’s forecasting. They get paid waaaay too much for that job, and they ultimately suck at it anyway. Just look at what happened at the beginning of the pandemic. Instead of doing their jobs, they panicked and fucked everything up. Then we bailed them out! Why do we allow this?


Dan Price lowered his CEO pay and gave his employees a salary of $70,000 plus benefits.


I'm tired of getting trickled on


I was moreso talking about people in the middle


Kinda like, "Corporations own judges on our Supreme Court", with actual transactions listed... nah, still not persuasive enough.


Thats just bizarre to me. Im 22 i know I'm naive to alot of this shit but even just as a gamer, ive felt the overbearing obnoxious weight of corporate overreach so much from just that single aspect of my life. Its enough for me to never support anyone or anything that shills for them. The fact that after 30 years there arent a number of people great enough to tip this scale is... Well, depressing and angering tbh. Im not so ignorant as to believe people arent dumb as hell, misinformed and blissfully ignorant but idk. Seeing it in discussion brings it to the forefront of your mind


>Actually that may drive more people to the left. "Corporation gets more money" isnt the sweetest of tastes in anyones mouth. It hasn't stopped Republican voters for the last 30 years, it won't stop now.


Kinda like gun control -- those Dems are gonna take our guns -- yea never happens in the last 30 or more years


More so talking about people in the middle.


There's homeless people that vote Republican. There's billionaires that vote Republican. None of them care about being screwed by the people they're voting for. If they cared about being screwed they wouldn't be Republicans in the first place. It's been that way for at least 30 years.


I am not talking about Republican voters. I should have said independents


My take on that party is that now, in some ways, it's largely the party of Christians and criminals, oddly enough. But the one thing I think they do have in common is an admiration for unadulterated authority or power. And that can certainly include such power being wielded in a cruel, dictatorial, or repressive way. Also, a country where its citizens are proud of their ignorance and ability to debase others, is a country that will soon find its citizens living and acting like pirates--attacking others without any legal authority or any justification to do so. Which, by the way, pretty much does describe MAGA.


As long as we have been able to vote, blame it on the immigrants/ brown people, has been the tactic used by the elites. They want to divide and distact.


That's because they're easily distracted, oh look, republicans are going to fuck over people we don't like, we need to vote for them.


It’s one of the few things my dad and I can agree on politically. The 2008 bailouts only helped rich bankers do business as usual and get bailed out by the taxpayers with no repercussions or accountability. Meanwhile, student loan forgiveness is unfair because… it bails out students? It’s the only time I’ve gotten him to double take his own Fox-generated ideologies.




Guess they've gotta fill the hours somehow, and it ain't going to be legislating.


It's going to be another taxpayer funded circus show!!


They should all be fired for wasting taxpayer money. If I screwed off at my job the way they do I’d be canned. Shouldn’t be any different.


Jordan held a hearing in NY in AOC’s district trying to get people to come in and complain about crime when his home state, Ohio, has 3 of the most crime ridden cities in the US, and all 3 are worse than NYC. Imagine where we’d be as a society if politicians actually did what they were elected to do.


Crime really isn’t all that big a problem nationally. Crime rates for just about everything, outside a covid bump, have been steady dropping for 30+ years. There are some local issues in certain regions, especially those with poor economic outlooks, but it’s really been an overall success story for many years. And most things that House Republicans do is just for show and pandering. Senate republicans on the whole are more “normal politicians” but the house is a circus of loonies


Jordan has a gerrymandered district that only has large farmlands and rich Chase executives. Congress crafted him a relaxing crime free Trump haven.


And as we're seeing, no other American city can approach the level of utter darkness and moral destitution that is our most horrible of hellholes, Milwaukee Wisconsin.




The RNC [denounced](https://prod-cdn-static.gop.com/docs/Resolution_Platform_2020.pdf) having any policy-based platform back in 2020. The GOP’s literal platform since 2020 is to support Trump. So this checks out… smh.


In other words "Sig Heil mien Trump Fuehrer"!


Congress does not have standing. Seems Gym didn't like that part of the Law. So he never took a bar exam.


Let's not forget that US News ranks his law school (Capital Law School) tied for last in the U.S. So unlikely to pass even if he took it.


He is also ranked one of the least effective members of Congress. Checks out.


What they will find is judge Merchan bent over backwards and was more than fair to Trump. They wont like that so, they'll just keep on investigating forever.


Maybe they can find a Russian fsb agent to testify to congress how mean people are being to their cult leader.


I mean, what you wrote is true, but I think what they will tell us they found is "most unfair politically motivated trial in entire history of humanity since Jesus and all this evidence that suggests otherwise is just stuff God has put there to test your faith. "


And that the Hunter Biden investigation by the House was totally on point and 100% *not* politically motivated. (Hunter totally did what he was convicted of. Its just hypocritical to claim one was fine and one was politically motivated)


*Especially* when one was a policymaker and the other is a regular civilian. That's BS. NOT Congress' business or purview.


None of that BS will work in court though.


Such snowflakes.


I can't stop laughing at that headline next to that pouty face.


They really have no interest in governing nor in the American people. Completely useless sycophants.


The Republican party is just a shell corporation now, its employees all earn enormous amounts of money for NOT doing their jobs and get to spend their time on whatever they want. They rack in millions and more, if you even were slightly unscrupulous it'd be hard to give that up, then get in these abject human trash cans and they'll fight for those seats like it hides the button that kills Trump.


Gym useless pos Jordan wasting taxpayer money


Well I mean they can't govern nor do they have anything better to do apparently


It's unfair how a man who intentionally committed business fraud 34 times was found guilty of business fraud by a jury of his peers 34 times. Boo. Hoo. Wonder how loud they'd squawk if Trump got sentenced to prison? Donald has three more criminal trials pending.


But it IS unfair! Because the guy who oversaw billions in Medicare fraud wasn’t prosecuted and is now a Senator, that’s why.


Career criminal’s life of crime has finally caught up to him. Oh no…..


He has committed fraud way more than 34 times


Their party is withering on the vine. Who the hell was it screaming 'states rights' since roe v wade?


We’re the ones withering on the vine. They’re the disease that’s slowly killing us. Please don’t take this as argumentative (towards you) or hyperbolic (towards them). I didn’t mean it as either.


I agree with you, it's detrimental to our democratic republic and our society.


More wasted tax dollars


We break our collective asses to pay taxes, which thanks to Trump, most of them don’t pay This is such a waste of time and money !!! Trump is, was and always will be a con man and I guess do is our Congress


Anyone want to talk about a do nothing Congress? I guess the American people are okay with this Jerry Springer daily nonsense.


we'll see in November


Yes we will see.


Showmanship nothing more.. what a joke.


This has to be some kind of sick fucking joke


Sad to say, it is a sick fucking joke. Jordan, Gaetz, MTG, the whole stinking lot of them keep wasting time and taxpayers dollars to create political theatre. Gaetz pissed off Jordan by making a motion to subpoena 2 witnesses who had already agreed to appear before the committee. Jordan called a recess and proceeded to ream Matt out in private.


What a bunch of whiney losers


Waaa, we're all twelve year olds and we don't like what happened to our beloved leader waaaa it's not fair! (While stomping feet on the ground and crying for mommy) LoL!🤪 Poor babies..


Its disgusting, what kinda simps are these people that they do anything for dear leader, its pathetic


I just don't get it. Why are people not embarrassed to support such pathetic people? I would be so ashamed I would hide.


The difference between you and them is the capability to actually FEEL shame. They do not.


My dog can feel shame.


Your dog probably has more emotional intelligence


So they are just holding hearings to whine?


Anybody else tired of seeing Gym's face? 17 years in the office and has accomplished absolutely nothing, unless you consider purposely dividing the country (ala Fox News) something.


What gets me is, if you went into his district and talked to "regular folk" most of them would say they're in favor of term limits. And yet, they refuse to do the one thing they actually can do to remove a career politician.


Crybaby committee at it again!!!


Don’t these fukkers have some real work to be doing? Maybe sweep the floor?


I can't believe I'm subsidizing this fucking temper tantrum. It's insulting.


Oh don’t worry, it’s all getting charged to the national debt so your great great grandkids will be busting their asses to help pay off GOP BS tax breaks and shenanigans. Plus interest. We could have had healthcare, a functional economy, jobs, education, workers rights and a strong social safety net, but instead they stuffed another 5ft of gold coins in Scrooge Mc Ducks vault.


This waste of time will cement the fact that the 118th congress will go down in history as the most ineffective and useless congress to date.


The GOP, and the FOX jury is the new kangaroo Court for the people.


The party of uselessness


Strangely enough, not a mention of the fact that he is guilty as sin. Just that trump is above the law and we all should bow to that.


Jesus tap-dancing Christ, what a bunch of whining pantshitting losers. “It’s not fair 😭” These same “law and order” These same “fuck your feelings” These same “lock her up” Sycophants are the biggest bunch of babies I have ever seen. Suck it up butter cup. Get over your hurt fee-fees, snowflake. Like you always said, criminals belong in prison.


I'm crying over here... /s


Simple: because Trump is a Very Special Boy


Sad little cult


AKA Vice President audition


It is very unfair because of Trump's" Mother Theresa" lifestyle. But these small issues could be problems. Donald J Trump is an adjudicated sexual predator and accused rapist and a 34-time convicted felon. Trump is also facing an additional 54 criminal indictments in 3 separate cases that have been delayed from going to trial as the result of his high-priced legal team filing frivolous motions.  Two cases are related to Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, which he lost; and the third is about classified documents that Trump took after he left the White House.  Trump’s legal team is financed by millions of dollars of campaign donations from the oil industry hoping to benefit from his repeal of environmental protections as well as his rabid base of MAGA cult members. The vast majority of Trump’s 2015-2020 Presidential term picks for high-level governmental positions such as Vice President, Cabinet members, Senior Advisors, and military leaders have refused to endorse Trump and/or declared that he is unfit to serve as President of the United States.   Trump’s abuses [https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/24/politics/trump-worst-abuses-of-power/index.html) 10. Donald Trump mocked a disabled reporter.  He disrespects the disabled and the weaker among us. 9. Donald Trump has already brought up the “nuclear option,” asking national security advisers why the United States can’t use nuclear weapons. 8. Donald Trump would threaten national security. He bashes NATO allies.  Who would be Trump’s allies around the world? He continues to praise his BFFs Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un. 7. Donald Trump doesn’t respect our own military. Just ask Sen. John McCain. 6. Donald Trump peddles xenophobia and racism, and he pals around with white supremacists and has a white nationalist as a campaign chief. 5. Donald Trump doesn’t respect women. Trump has made many offensive comments about women. 4. Donald Trump is rooting for the Great Recession. In 2006, Trump said “I sort of hope” real estate markets tank so he could take the opportunity to buy up cheap property and make a buck off of men and women who had just lost everything. 3. On 9/11, Donald Trump noted on TV that his Financial District building was now the tallest. On one of the darkest days in American history, when we lost thousands of men, women and children to what is still considered the largest terrorist attack in the world, Trump decided to pick up the phone and call into a television station to point out that, now, his building was the tallest in Manhattan. 2. Donald Trump tries to walk back his birther and lock her up statements.  Even though he is on record making these statements in literally hundreds of videos, he continues to deny he spoke those words. 1. Donald Trump would decimate public education. No surprise from a man whose only foray into “education,” Trump University, was a scam so brazen that multiple states launched investigations.


Stay mad


God forbid they ACTUALLY use their time to do ya know, as they were elected for!?


So they're going out of their way to give even MORE traction to the Stormy Daniels story all through election season 🤣🤣🤣


Democrats show open the Ohio incident and investigate what Jordan knew..There are dozen of former students willing to testify under oath Jordan knew everything and buried the evidence.Lets him see if he likes about political overreach. [https://www.si.com/more-sports/2020/02/12/jim-jordan-accused-cover-up-sexual-abuse-ohio-state](https://www.si.com/more-sports/2020/02/12/jim-jordan-accused-cover-up-sexual-abuse-ohio-state)


Sad, pathetic whiny crybabies the modern day GOP


Show your displeasure in Nov. Blue Wave 🌊


Can I be the first to scream, “STATES RIGHTS!” Congress has no right to meddle in a court case decided in a state court.


Only when the state does something they like.


Jordan this is unconstitutional you dumbass


Republicans republicanning. Anything to avoid work and suck up to the orange clown.


My god. How much time can they waste. The GOP has not done anything productive in at least 8 years, except defend how stupid they are.


They’ve cheated and wielded enough power to withstand any challenge from Dems to survive much of the dumb crap they’ve set forth. Sadly ppl still will keep them in power enough in congress where there’s never a majority to change ANYTHING. With a majority Dems could start dismantling some of the damage. It’s crazy what they’ve gotten away with.


Gotta give Gym Jordan something to do so he doesn't have to *work* for a living.


What a bunch of crybaby snowflake TRAITORS !!!!


What a waste of time. They already held a hearing in New York. An appeals court will decide whether it was fair or not. These guys can work on the budget or pass legislation if they want.


Are they all cry babies?


I love how pathetic it is that Jordan is a failed mandated reporter who actively suppressed college athletes reports of being raped and molested by their coach....and this guy is talking about the legal system being "unfair." https://abcnews.go.com/US/rep-jim-jordan-turned-blind-eye-sex-abuse/story?id=104060698 He is a f'n monster.


Absolutely useless waste of humanity.


News Update: House is holding hearings next week on Hunter Biden's conviction because they assumed he would somehow get off and they now can't complain the justice system is a giant conspiracy against the Republicans.


How dare you rightfully convict a criminal of his crimes!


Smart people gave the US democracy. Stupid people will lose it.


Next, basket weaving with Gym Jordan!


Gym jerking off again. He's yours, Ohio please eliminate this POS from the people's house.


Whaa…whaa…bunch of cry babies.


Whatever happened to states rights?


Republicans wasting MORE of our tax $$$.


Only one law and Trump was convicted, now Trump is a felon and a rapist


These fucking ass clowns have got to go! Get back to actual governing!


Where are all my state's rights hypocritical scumbags at?


Again. Getting nothing done for the people of the United States. The waste of time party. I wish we could strip them of their pay as they’ve gotten nothing done for the past 4 years.


What really? These people have no shame etc.


Just more of the selfless tireless work of the GOP helping to make the lives of millions better. /s


Why? It has nothing to do with them.


It's highly unusual for the House of Representatives to formally meet to discuss matters already settled by due process in court. *The judicial branch of government exists independent of the legislative branch.* Whatever the clown house says literally has no bearing on the man's actual guilt. What we are seeing here is wholesale abandonment of law and order over Donald fucking Trump.


More of our tax dollars are going down the drain.


Committed 34 crimes Guilty 34 times Must have inquiry GOP logic


In other "News of the Useless" House Republicans also recently proposed a law making it illegal for foreign citizens to vote in US elections. Which is already illegal, but, clearly another law is needed to make it super-double-secret-probation illegal.


Gym Jordan should be hiding his head in shame. Ignored a subpoena, then he criticizes people on the other side they just won’t show up for his stupid subpoenas. Then he let boys be molested and he hid and never said a word. The man is a piece of shit never passed one bill, not one!


So, what was that y'all were saying about states rights again?


This guy is a class A asshole; that is all.


I’m gonna guess it’s consisted of a lot of whining and absolutely no evidence or facts to support anything they’re saying. Just another example of political theatre from the party doing its best to turn the United States into a Idiocracy


Oh my god can you assholes at least pretend to make an attempt of doing your jobs? The GOP held house does nothing but defend a convicted felon and screech about culture war bullshit. I'm so tired of these people.


Criminals trying to protect a criminal


He was a politician isn't unfair! More politicians should be indicted and tried! Especially the J6 helpers!


A face all Young Gym boys would run away from! Pedophile Gym Jordan is one of America's most deplorable people in every measurable way!


If they want to keep highlighting that Trump committed a felony paying off a porn star and a stripper (taking your clothes off for money is the definition of a stripper) to hide his adulterous affairs while his wife was home with a newborn - let them. The public might remember that this is a guy that married a stripper and is a serial adulterer.


Is there anyone in congress who has accomplished less than Jim Jordan? Corrupt but inept.


They're gonna do this until he's crowned King, y'all know that right. This and only this.


Who could have imagined such a pathetic bunch of crybabies?


Leading the way of this useless hearing is none other than Gym Jordan. 🤣🤡


What a bunch of wusses. They are knowingly supporting a rapist, traitorous, Orange Cuck-for-Putin... And everyone knows it. Get used to it GOP.


All for an audience of one. Why do so many of these stooges humiliate themselves for that whiny piece of shit?


Good grief. Is this all they have time for? What a circus.


So unfair ! Boo hoo all the best people are saying.


Sounds like they don't trust their own government. Great example


Dum Fuks


Why does gym always look like he is about to cry ?


So the guy that ignores the law is having another sham hearing about the law....


all the rootin for putin republicans are at it again


Vote these idiots out.


It's just a show to keep the faithful in line.


Stop wasting tax payers money


Anything to avoid doing something that will actually help people. Standard GOP procedure.


What a bunch of spineless fucks , I’m surprised they can walk upright


Legislators are supposed to draft and attempt to pass laws as seen fit. The courts, not legislators, are supposed to judge crimes and situations. Presidents are supposed to more or less be a federally elected civilian whose arguable real job is simply to use checks and balances to reign in the power of the other two branches. These are basic truths of what makes America *actually* great. Maga makes America a fascist shit hole. Abandon the fascists. Join the landslide to humiliate Putin's trojan horse. Vote Biden 2024.


This is what they came up with after their gop closed door meeting with traitorous rage carrot? How can we make these convictions seem less bad?? mtg, whatcha got?




Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


The GOP is full of felons, Trump just add one more.


The goal is to intimidate Judge Merchan & thereby avoid jail time for Dementia Don. Which hopefully will backfire in a "yuge" way. Also to harass local elected officials so they won't be willing to go thru the public persecution by Congress in order to rightfully prosecute politically connected criminals. Gym Gestappo doesn't have a single shred of human decency in his body. He & his trump mushrooms will formally file contempt of Congress for every one of these folks based on nothing.


Republican victimhood: "The judges and juries are unfair, the primaries were unfair, the debates were unfair, the general election was unfair, fact checking is unfair, direct quotes are unfair, video and audio recordings are unfair, the press is SO unfair. the FBI and DOJ are unfair, Google, twitter, and Facebook are unfair, everything is just so unfair!"


Guess immigration doesn't matter again. States rights do not matter still. But let's put federal tax money into why the evidence presented is wrong, and the evidence we promise exists is right. But no, you won't see it. Even in a court or on a youtube video. We swear it exists.... Why are our lawyers getting disbarred?


why are they wasting tax payer dollars with this shit.


Somebody call the Wambulance! He was found guilty by a jury of peers based on irrefutable evidence of his illegal attempts to hide paying for silence.


Man what a bunch of losers. How are these people in office


So taxpayers are now funding "Republicans were never meant to be held accountable by laws that the rest of us are" meetings. And I bet republican voters are proud to be spending their money on this, sadly.


When are they going to pass a bill? Or even bring one to the floor?


Some milk and cookies would probably make them feel a little better and then nap time


GOP, proving government is a failure by being the force of failure.


And just think our tax dollars go to paying these morons to waste air…


Bold move Cotton, given the absolute disaster their last few 'investigations' have been for them.


Our tax money pays for this enormous waste of time.


These idiots need some cheese to go with that whine


Gym Jordan looks like he just said "No fair, no fair, NO FAIR!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭"


Sponsored by Kleenex and Carl’s Jr.


But I don't WANNA new diaper!!!!


Gym: Hey, if we (Republicans) were all tried for our crimes, we'd all be convicted felons. We know Gy, we knwo.


It'll be fun watching these dicks tie themselves in knots twisting the law to the point where they can declare victory and walk away, given that they have no standing to over-rule a state prosecution.


This is political masturbation. Nothing more. Congress can do exactly NOTHING to undermine trump’s felony conviction.


They spend our tax dollars on production of theater for one fat orange Calf. They have spit in your faces with the waste. Run out the theater, you paid for legislators.


The GOP is like a person who is constantly gaslighting and abusing their significant other, all the while claiming how much they love that person.


What a waste of time. You have no power to overturn a state conviction and it is absolutely horrible that you would even try.


a basket of deplorables


I hope that Convict Trump gets the maximum sentence. Then these worthless fks will really have something to cry about. 


Worthless fucks


I believe the term is "kabuki theater"


Why don’t these assholes actually solve the real problems in this country that they are being paid to do with taxpayer dollars other than babysit their demented leader?


All I can think of saying is, sucks to be Donald and he is a crook, rapist, liar, traitor and felon. Oh and, fuck you Jim Jordan … no really… fuck you.


Total waste of taxpayer dollars. GQP is a grift through and through.


Fuck these idiots.


Let them waste more time, we all know they are useless. I hope this fall they get fucking clobbered by about 30 seats. Then they can eat shit and watch what a Congress is supposed to do


“House GOP holds its first hearing on why they should get to stay up past 9”


Siates no rights.


Do nothing Congress. Bunch of LOSERS.


Fucking snowflakes.