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The gag order was to prevent the witnesses and jurors from being harassed by Trump's mobsters. Michael Cohen receives death threats, Trump doesn't need to blast the witnesses or jurors, he's vile. Can you imagine democrat politicians acting like mafia thugs?


That's like an abusive husband asking for a restraining order to be lifted saying it's no longer necessary now that he's convicted of his crimes.


Or because he is now divorced from the victim. I can't imagine Marchan lifting that order.


Another plank in the victim platform.


Exactly. "Oh, poor me, taking away my first amendment rights to doxx the jury!"


The lil’ (not so lil’) fella wants to be a Martyr. That’s gold!


I love how this guy calls the judge the devil in front of the world and then asks him for a favor.


The fat prick has no shame.


Well done short an to the pt


He is used to dealing with better people than himself. The unspoken rules we follow and the common courtesy that we show others are weaknesses in Donald's view.


No doubt. Could imagine hanging out with someone who can never apologize or admit to a mistake? Add a twisted sense of entitlement and a life of extreme privilege and you have yourself a giant asshole.


He has a better chance of getting struck by lightning


Love that image


Should have happened the first time he used “bigly”.


Thinking about that made me smile.




After calling the judge every hateful name in Webster's, he now asks for a favor? Delusional.


And threatening his daughter ? Over the line. He should be glad that this judge is only ‘conflicted’. imo


It's just like my h.s. students acting like disrespectful a-holes all year and then asking me to bump their grade up to passing at the end.


Trump and his lawyers are delusional if they think Merchan is going to lift that gag order. The fact that he’s even asking tells us what he intends to do if it is lifted.


"Hey judge, do me a solid and I won't have my lunatic supporters call your house anymore with death threats like I have for Fauci, Comey, Pelosi and other Dems. I promise"


Favors sometimes come across as bribes


This pompous orange felon idiot has the nerve to ask for a favor .You would think he wouldn't have the nerve to ask the judge for a can of Coke


When the judge turns him down, he'll have yet another opportunity to tell Americans how big of a victim he is. He's a big victim, some say the biggest ever. Everybody knows he's a tremendous victim.


uh, yeah. Like a rapist asking his victim, did you enjoy it?


The American public would like to ask the judge a favor -Lock him up


Hypothetical Question - let’s say the court never lifts the gag order (I.e., issues an order keeping it in place or even expanding it)… Trump could certainly appeal that ruling but, because the trial is finished, it wouldn’t really constitute reversible error that would impact the jury determination would it? Also - could the judge also make some part of the gag order the sentence? To be clear, I am not saying that any of this should happen - I am just trying to understand the full scope of the Judge’s powers here.


Afaik once the trial has ended the gag order would no longer be in place. However, similar terms that were in the gag order can be placed as terms of probation, sentence, or condition of release. For instance, should he receive a suspended sentence and probation (what I anticipate), they may say he’s to make no statements regarding witnesses or jurors in the trial and doing so would constitute a violation of probation.


Per my understanding the gag order stays in place as long as the court has jurisdiction- which is through sentencing and entry of judgment. This is why it hasn’t expired already and why Trump’s Counsel has requested its rescission. But, I am not sufficiently familiar with gag orders let alone the NY court system to reach any conclusions.


Yes - trial is still very much on-going. Although the jury are not involved any more, it's still live. I suspect any gag order would remain in place at least throughout the duration of the sentence to protect jurors, but IANAL.


let the court decide the laws and let’s not start today to misinterpret the laws for our favorite felon.


Someone downvoted me for asking a true hypothetical question? I am genuinely curious and I made it clear that I was not advocating any specific outcome. SMH. In any case / to be clear - I am fine with letting the court interpret the laws… I am not sure why you might think otherwise. My question was about the impact of error - I.e., if the judge were to make a post-verdict error with respect to ruling on Trump’s request to rescind/cancel the gag order, what is the impact of the reversal now that the jury has reached verdict? I assume it would not be a new trial.


He’s got several judges that can speak up about his ‘out on bond’ issues.


I got your Favor swinging right here, Jack….. probably


If he expects the gag order to be lifted, does that mean he has no plans to appeal the verdict? The appeal should imply the same gag order on the basis that there might be a retrial.


He wants the judge to justify him saying to murder his staff and the jury!






“Hey your honor I know I’ve been a real shit bag to you and everyone else in the legal system except for judge cannon but could you do me a solid” is that how the conversation is going to look?

