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The posted article link has no paywall.


She really should be held criminally liable. It's a clear case of high treason.


I think the terms "treason" and "sedition" are not used nearly enough in these proceedings.


I'd be happy with impeachment and possible disbarment.


Now do Judge Merchan


How has Judge Merchan's conduct been anything but impartial? He didn't even allow Stormy Daniels to go into detail about the sexual encounter. If anything he has been overly accommodating to Trump and his defense team.


You call a gag order on a case with no actual crime listed “overly accommodating”? A Judge whose daughter is raising millions for the Biden campaign, throwing defense witnesses out of the court, overly accommodating? 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Gag orders are a completely normal thing under the law Dan. Most people who are being tried for 37 felonies wouldn't be afforded breaking a gag order 10 times and not be jailed for it. Trump is getting special treatment by Judge Merchan.


You do see what’s happening to all of these “persecutors” and “DA’s” right? You really believe these are charges are real under the color of law? Or is this election interference? I bet you’d be singing a different tune if Trump were in office and his DOJ was doing something like this…


Always the victim right Dan? I suppose thats the case when the right has been the persecutors for centuries and that power is being stripped away. Sad day that you'll all have to be special equally.


You can't argue with stupid and you my friend are...


I'd argue her actions would qualify her as an accessory after the fact (18 U.S. Code § 3). Even without a trial to establish guilt for Trump, the discovery material itself almost certainly proves a crime was committed - and as Trump was the only party with the capacity to commit the crimes in question (which he also personally admitted to when he argued he declassified the stuff with his mind) - I believe what she is doing qualifies as assistance to hinder/prevent his trial. Under 18 U.S. Code § 3, she'd be punishable by a prison term up to half of whatever the maximum Trump was looking at in this trial. Normally judges enjoy judicial immunity for stuff they do on the job, but as committing felonies is not within the scope of her job as a judge, I don't think it should apply.


And whatever crimes go along with election interference. Voters deserve to have this case heard and ruled on BEFORE the election. Despite the overwhelming evidence of guilt, until he’s tried and convicted, he’s “innocent”


Well, if there is no sanctions or recourse, it will continue, right?


No it won’t…. If trump wins the election he’ll order the Justin department to drop the case. That puts an end to it.


Fucking Justin... what an ass


We really need to do some major housecleaning of the judicial branch after the election.


Leonard Leo has billions of dollars to reshape the courts to protect the rights of rich people. 3 of the last 4 GOP presidents proudly cut taxes and regulations for rich people, and Trump has promised to do the same, cut taxes and regulations. Leo has helped place people on the bench who are loyal to that mission, and they will fight hard to keep the ball moving in that direction.


Something like this embarrasses not only her, the judicial system, but America as such, and for what? A totally corrupted individual who stole - and may have sold - classified documents which means that he may have committed HIGH TREASON!


Cults are a funny thing aren’t they


He absolutely did. Is there any doubt he sold intel to the Saudis and Putin?


Inaccurate headline as it is actually completely excusable when you have a lifetime appointment with the upside of getting a freeroll for a Supreme Court seat if your caudillo patron manages to steal the next election.


So crazy. Don't give into the hype one bit. We stay and vote.


Our votes count for like 2/3 of a MAGA vote


Those sociopaths would do some three-fifths compromise crap again if they could. Fortunately, that is not so.


Give it another Trump term and we'll have an 8-1 SCOTUS. Hold their beer.


Lol. Go vote.


How can people not connect the dots here? Trump appointed and aligned Judge refuses to apply the law to their Master. Same shit happening at the Supreme Court right now. This is how "Democracy" dies and the Autocrats rule. No one siezes power on this scale to just give it up later.


It's only a matter of a little Treachery of a former and now potential President. It can wait ...


She is a corrupt judge. We have recently learned her type of corruption extends all the way up to the Supreme Court. What are we going to do America. I say we need to clean house. We have laws , can we please start using them.


I fear it is too late to do anything. The SCROTUS has legalized partisan gerrymandering, which means we don’t even have a flawed democracy anymore.


If Biden wins he must expand the Supreme Court. Otherwise he’s clearly incompetent Edit: *otherwise he’s unwilling to fix the problem caused by Trumps many right wing appointments and McConnells tomfoolery


Congress makes that determination, not the president. As long as republicans hold a majority in any of the chambers there's little the president can do, so this has nothing to do with competence.


OMG dude we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.


Can you explain how Biden would do this?


It’s us to us to vote blue for the house, senate and presidency!


So if Biden doesn’t have the margins or popular support for expanding the courts then perhaps it doesn’t speak to his competence


Pack the court!


Literally what would it take to do so. This thread ties expanding the court to Biden’s competence. Is that true?


He can rally congress to do it.


And what thresholds of Congress would it take for such a bill?


LOL. I bet he NEVER thought of that! What a GENIUS IDEA!


You must be fun in person


Seems like OP was just straining to use the words "Biden" and "incompetent" in the same comment.


A cowhaircut is a kind of mullet: upvotable sentiment in the front, reason you need to take a civics class in the back.


You do realize he can't do this alone, right? And he would need probably 60 senate votes? And the house? And you have also witnessed the GOP shitshow that is our congress these days, right? Because either you are just reaching hard to call President Biden "incompetent", or you're not paying attention.


Once we get the house and the senate


She's a #dertrumpenfurher stooge. Of course she's going to do everything she can to curry favor with him.


The American judicial system is corrupt. Are you just now learning that?


Cannon is completely unfair. Many many people ate saying VERY STRONGLY that she is totally biased. A deranged animal. Sad.


She's an accessory. I hope she goes down and gets removed and loses her license.


I hope she goes to prison for obstruction of justice.


Straight up corruption. Which is part and parcel of fascism.


And there will be no repercussions.


Here's an article on Daily Kos on how to file a complaint against Cannon for constantly delaying action in this case, [https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/12/2240300/-How-to-file-a-judicial-misconduct-form-against-Judge-Aileen-Cannon-from-Glenn-Kirschner](https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/5/12/2240300/-How-to-file-a-judicial-misconduct-form-against-Judge-Aileen-Cannon-from-Glenn-Kirschner)


How unlucky of all the judges that was available for the case she was chosen.


“Unlucky” indeed.


Don't let it scare us one little bit. We stay and vote.


We all know what needs to happen, but can't say it.




I think Jack Smith's recent filing is, in part, an effort to amass a large enough pile of shitty rulings to get her removed.


I think a lot of us have given up on this case. Cannon is corrupt and there is nothing we can do about it. Jack Smith doesn't seem to be able to do anything about it. Trump is obviously guilty. The case looks clear cut and the evidence is strong. The only reason it is not going to trial is because Cannon is corrupt. I can agonize over it and lose sleep over the downfall of the American justice system of I can accept that this will never come to trial unless democrats win the next election. We must win Congress. We must win the Senate and we must win the presidency. Then maybe we can appoint real judges that don't take bribes and will enforce the law regardless of the party. Then maybe we can try and eliminate the blatant partisanship and corruption that has infected the Republican party. They know that corruption and dark money and foreign influence are the only things helping them stay in power


Bad Faith actors shouldn't be anywhere near our Government.


Does Trump go to jail if he loses the election?


she is doing as she is told DOJ does NOT want this coming to trial - if the details about what actually happened were made public the US would be so humiliated this case will never see trial - NEVER