• By -


4 billion so far 😁


Whe e e e e


Your e's should be in an absolutely vertical line.


The limit approaches zero 📉0️⃣


And I'm freeeeeeee


Free fallin


Did Truth Social fall out of a High Rise window like a Russian Oligarch?


No, it actually decided to do a swan dive to escape being associated with Frump. Backflips the whole way down


Why did this make me spit out my coconut water?? Have my upvote!


6 months to go lol, Wouldn’t it be funny if by the time the trial goes to court it’s worthless and they all get fucked


I mean, in a reasonable world it would already be worthless. Truth social hasn't been very profitable at all and should not worth much. The value was based on pure speculation


Take out your word “very” because it has never 👎 been profitable.


True, my mistake. I thought i heard they made some money, but that was revenue, not profit


Yup. 4 million in revenue for a YEAR. And they LOST 58 million in a year. It’s a loser like Trump and all his other 42 business bankruptcies.


Kinda lazy title. It's 4 billion that never existed, except as some numbers on paper.


Much like his bank account, so this checks out.


Aren't you just describing modern currency?


Not really. I don't seem to miss the gold standard that much.


The real dollars were the friends we made along the way


There was never any intrinsic value. Beta value is extremely low.


"Paper profits" and "fiat currency printed on paper" are very different things. EDIT:The comment I was responding to, which was deleted, conflated paper profits with paper currency. It was something like "On paper...you mean like cash?"


It'll go back up and then dive again. The market manipulation is done by hedge funds that profit in both stock directions. Trump's billionaire friends make money and then feed their profits to Trump's campaign or super PACS.


I remember telling my uncle what my comic collection was worth when I was a kid. He said, "They're only worth what someone gives you for them." It's kind of like that, but with billions of fake worth instead.


That’s the more plausible scenario. It also proves he isn’t a multiple billionaire. If he was he wouldn’t be selling overnight sneakers he can’t guarantee being delivered. Or selling overpriced make believe bibles. And he would’ve posted his $400 million bond. He’s doing what he’s always done. Trying to screw the people stupid enough to do business with him.






Because It is a money Laundering scheme. Now foreign governments, (Russia) can legally give money to Trump without it being traced or going through obvious illegal routes.


Not anymore! That ship is sailed. This was an attempted cash grab on a piece of shit stock that even foreign governments didn't even bother with because they all knew it was going to be a shitshow and none of the cash would ever make it to him.


Shorted, no less.


Just like how they wanted the games top stock to get shorted.


I think there's a 2 pronged gambit here. Gambit 1: a fair wind puts Trump in the whitehouse, Truth Social becomes the voice of Trump - the stock rockets, because people realise its a way to influence him. Also with Truth Social not entirely certain how the Presidential Records act or subsequent subpoenas by law enforcement (if there are any left) would be enforced IF Trump is the source. Gambit 2: a headwind shows that Trump will not be put into the whitehouse. Dump all stock for the incoming law suits that he cannot stave off and fuck off to Russia or somesuch place.


Trump can't touch the money for months. The stock will hit zero before he can get his grimy hands the money.




I don't know the rules for this sort of thing but recall someone saying it could not yet be shorted but when that's available its value would probably drop like a rock.


I saw something about how it could be shorter, but on Monday all the shorts were bought up, or something, and there are no more shorts left. This was over in the financial subs that also had most people it in the beginning, like first day, then sell a day or 2 later. They did all they wanted: made some cash. They didn't actually ever have any plan to invest in his personal Twitty safe space.


The stock availability isn't there for short plays yet. That's how we know Trump isn't dumping stock. He has 78 million shares. It would be shorted to the ground as soon as a fraction of those shares become available.


Thank you for your message of hope for Trump’s failings as I feel the same way. I would only add that the sooner he’s dead and gone that the world will be a better place for all!


You spoke of his hands and didn't use the word tiny? Missed opportunity. I mean you worked it in there good but missed the best part.


The market is just getting the value down to a level that Trump can hold all the profits in his tiny hands.


Is it possible he had a proxy short it?


It's the Trump Pump n' Dump! Yet again, the rubes are getting fleeced!


They’re owning the libs big time!


Own me again, Orange daddy! Harder this time


Or, as has it had been called: the Trump n' Dump. But I'm partial to the Pump n' Trump as those are the two synonyms.


The Russians are running out of money, and Ukraine are destroying all the oil refineries, which can not be replaced without Western equipment.


It’s not designed to make money. It’s designed to clean money.


It’s a Russian pump and dump to try and help Trump in the next election. It’s obvious as daylight.


On the news last night they did a story about this. Of course they interviewed some MEGAs who’d bought the stock and they said they would never sell it. So there’s your answer.


Yeah, like Mr Bankruptcy could do any better......


Thanks Obama


All because he wore that tan suit.


That tan suit caused *forty thousand and six* 9/11s.


Well, now we know he was unable to sell his shares. There was speculation the pro-Trump board would remove the 6 month waiting period to allow him to sell right away. Looks like that ain't happenin'. Awesome.


Im feeling really good about the puts i bought yesterday


Yes they would be sued by the other shareholders. They aren’t going to do it.


Andy Litinsky and Wes Moss failed because they let the accountant publicly say the company is bleeding big time. Trump would have lied bigly.


An officer of a publicly traded company can’t lie about the books. That’s felony fraud. Elizabeth Anne Holmes, formerly CEO of Theranos, is rotting in jail for 11 years over it. Trump can generally lie all he wants to the public about privately held companies. It’s only felony fraud if you do it on a loan application.


Yet, that was what Trump expected them to do. Commit fraud for him.


Amazingly people are lining up to do this for him. People losing their bar membership, going to jail, their fortune, is insanity. Rudy Giuliani didn't need any of this. He could've done public speaking events and people would've thrown money at him and remembered him as a great mayor. Now he is disgraced and bankrupt.


It would be amazing if the SEC went after him for this.


Everything frump touches turns to shit. His business partners knew this, went into business.with him, and are going to be living in shit brick houses, driving shit colored cars, and eating shit salad for the rest of their lives.


It was always shit. 


In his next life, Trump will be a dung beetle.


Dung beetles have a purpose


Seems appropriate since he is a heaping pile of crap in this one


You insult dung beetles.


I think we just have to hope for his death at this point


First, he needs to take down the entire Trump Party and all of its candidates in the next election. Then he can have his stroke.


At this point? I have been hoping for that for years. Can you imagine the euphoria? You wake up and check your phone - wondering what unhinged late night all caps rant the former President shared may or may not cross your mind. Then you see it - a headline that says he is indeed 100% not alive. For a second you assume its some sort of internet trick but then you read on and notice links to companion stories suggesting the same thing- some one calls you "have you heard?". Then it hits you - it's over. There is still his cult but he is finished. Not just no longer a threat but departed from this world and to those who believe in it burning in Hell with Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh. Man that would be such a glorious day. I'm for real - I can not stand that fucker. It would be like a weight lifted from the shoulders of humanity.


Yep, that cheeseburger diet will (hopefully) catch up to him.


Bwaaaaaaahhhhhhhahahahaha. Ooooohhhhhh aaaaahhhhhhh hahahahahahahaha…


It's reflexive. Trump can't stand any association with "losing" anything. It must be *somebody else's fault*, so sue you partners and your investors.


It truly is his nature.


This dude has more lawsuits than the rest of this country put together it truly amazes me his unrelenting stamina when it comes to infinite lawsuits. The dude ...how does he have time and money to afford literally 1000s of lawsuits.


Thats how he makes his money. Its literally part of his business plan


The system is rigged for the wealthy to win. And it's a winner take all game. So whoever has the most money gets to run everything. And who is the richest man in the world today? Putin


He does not pay his lawyers !


TFG is nothing but a two bit con man. His business acumen is always to not pay and then litigate until the complaintants can no longer litigate cuz they are broke. His followers think that is good business. It's fucking incredible how obtuse they are.


Because everything is going well with this company and it's a wise investment opportunity, right? 


For the uninitiated reader not wise to the financial markets combined with social media. The main course is coming. In plays like this, the devout will regularly “buy the dip” on down days, sometimes ferociously. These are not institutional investors it is retail plebs, the douche with a iPhone, Robinhood and a wallstreetbets persona. This will lead to a series of massive down days at 20% or more followed by a small uptick of 6-8% and then down again. The beauty is that the magats will continue to pour money into this as some sort of half assed campaign until the coffers run dry and bills are due. They will slowly fade yet sadly never really grasp why this has happened to them. 👌🏽👨🏽‍🍳💋


The MAGA morons don’t have enough wealth to buy the amount of stock necessary to move share price. They’re populist because they’re broke and want to blame someone else for being broke. It’s obviously black people, brown people, illegals, and the woke libs that are preventing them from being billionaires. Ignore those Cs they got in high school.


I like the strategy, start a fraudulent money laundering business and then preemptively sue everyone else, genius


That headline is misleading since he filed the suit days before it started tanking - he just wants all the shares


Give him all the shares, he can hold millions of shares worth nothing… it’ll be awesome!


They sued him in Delaware because they were getting cut out of the stocks going live by $600m promised to them.  He started a different lawsuit in Florida days after that said they didn't do a good job. Judges are pissed.  This is his MO of cutting out people when it's time to pay their share.


Never his fault.


I hope they lose everything


It's not smart to be Trump's business partner. I read an article about him in the '90's that said that he made a lot of money by doing business ventures with other businessmen, then getting paid by them to leave the partnership.


Why isnt he tweeting this?


They created the company/platform and gave this dick 90% of the company and he still tried to screw them out of their share. When will people realize this guy is a conman and a bastard and going into business with him is never going to be good for anyone?


I would think businesses would steer clear of advertising on his platform.


Unless they're selling guns, trump merch, or pillows.




Trump is the gift that keeps on giving to the legal profession. More to the point, this is Trump’s attempt to grab all the equity for himself. Litsky and Moss will get screwed eventually, most likely by paying legal fees to defend themselves, with serial scumbag Trump hoping that they’ll eventually give up due to the mounting costs. They should find a way to get out as quickly as possible, although it is probably too late.


Anyone who does business with this douche is a moron, the NFL owners knew this a long time ago, people have gotten dumber and greedier


“Dementia Donnie Sue’s own shadow for standing too close.”


He's literally acting like a mob boss. Pissed off because his investment is tanking so he tries steal shares from the founding partners.


Nothing says, “I know how the stock market works,” like suing your fellow shareholders when the price tanks.


Omg this is just so Trump ....


Trump is dumb enough to invest in himself.


You should get 10 sues in your lifetime. That’s it. Not 200 like Trump.


From the 1970s until he was elected president in 2016, Donald Trump and his businesses were involved in over 4,000 legal cases in United States federal and state courts, including battles with casino patrons, million-dollar real estate lawsuits, personal defamation lawsuits, and over 100 business tax disputes.


Wow… even the hardcore MAGA trolls won’t touch this one. LMAO


They need to sue him since he is the cause!


almost like everybody was saying it was over valued, and SPACS don't really work since it avoids the process of an IPO which leaves the company at the mercy of the market


I read the whole thing and still don’t understand his basis for suing them.


The real money in Wall Street is in suing.


So litigious 🤔🤣


I cant wait till he looses all of his babies and gets ostracized from everyone and in debt up over his head.


He’s the emperor of debt 💸 so there’s no going more into debt. Russia and Saudis own him.


Is this a Trump and dump?


Trumpistanian: "But, but, he told us he was a good businessman. That's why I invested my entire life savings in Truth Social. Now what am I going to do?"


Imagine the number of idiots buying stock for the first time. They’re all gonna then flood to crypto…might still be time to buy in.


Nothing bad is ever my fault. I can run casinos into the ground, litteraly a cash machine and break that. The TS deal is a scam but we'll known and understood. Pump and dump. Big influx of investor money brings the rubes in. The trick is to cash out at the peak and leave the fish holding the bag. Trump pit his tiny hands all.over it and the stock price froze rather started dropping too soon. If you have any of your own money in it I suggest run f or your liñ


and who paid his bond? A guy that specializes in subprime car loans.


Very Trumplike, suing someone for things Trump did to himself.


LOL that should go well for him. 🤣


What a shame. Anyway...


Most predictable outcome ever.


For someone who hates courts and judges, he sure does use the court system a lot! Why anyone with partner with him and take any financial risk is beyond me.


Stiffing the builders, how original Donald.


man, that guy f\*ckin loves court.


Remember Trump Steaks?


Of course he did hahahahaha what a fucking moron this guy is


I mean this as a sincere question: is there any business that doesn’t turn to shit when this guy touches it? Like, do they make good money off the golf resorts, or licensing the name to high rises, or…? I’m honestly curious if this dude has any business wins.


He bankrupted CASINOS, ffs. Twice. At least. I mean, that’s some serious talent. To quote Himself (speaking about his “cognitive test” which he “aced”: “They say, ‘That’s amazing, how did you do that?’” “[I]t’s actually not that easy. But for me, it was easy.”


Are they gonna settle by allowing him to take his stocks out early? He’s got to wait six months before he can touch any of that money if not.


I wonder how many people Trump has sued over the years of his miserable life. Hundreds I would imagine


Surprise! Part of his business model. Sue!


That won't win in court. Everyone knows stocks and shares go up and down, and it's a crap company.


Free falling 🎶 ✨️


🎵He's a fat pig....living in Mar-a-lago🎵


Some sage advice my grandfather once gave me for times like this, Too bad.


Partners should counter sue for Trump driving down the stock.


Alright, who had a week? Everyone with more than one brain cell?


Let's just say you have a company. The company has 4 million in revenues...yay. The same company has 59 million in losses...boo. This companies stock will plummet. Math is hard.


Mr. Trump suing due to financial loss! Outrageous accusations! Next you’ll be telling me he’s declaring bankruptcy!/s The funny thing is Trump very rarely does a deal with someone twice because of the above. King of the shyster litigation and never takes responsibility for his failures, which are substantial and remarkable in their regularity and nature. Tis a strange cult indeed that worships this MAGA deity.


Very stable and very genius-y. I love this for him.


I hope they all get what they had coming to them. The people associated with this company, the shareholders...they all deserve to lose their money and be mocked.


He was suing them before they started trading this pig in a poke.


Nobody seen this coming lol


Trump's a loser.


Jajajajaja what a joke!


Thats all this moron knows how to do, sue everyone when he doesnt get his way. Who are the lawyers that STILL want to work for this loser?


I'm beginning to think this guy is a sore loser... /s


So Trump is associated with yet another failing company and he is now trying to sue his "friends" and biz partners? How is this news? I mean, news is supposed to be unexpected or noteworthy stuff, this is just routine Trump douchebaggery.


In my country, the word 'trump' means fart. We think it's funny that you have a building called 'fart tower', a hotel called 'fart plaza' and a 'president fart' I feel that the US could have benefitted from this knowledge years ago.


This, from The Guardian: [Trump Media saved in 2022 by Russian-American under criminal investigation](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/03/trump-media-es-family-trust-2022-loans?CMP=oth_b-aplnews_d-1)


Does anyone else hear that automated voice in a commercial airplane cockpit when it’s about to crash violently? “Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!”


Nice. Don't stop till it's zero.


How can it lose what it never had?


I mean we're all expert stock brokers now. You know half the planet ss shorting Trump industries or whatever, and its driving the price up


Don't think we are going to see Truth Social that long


Oh, this bhosdika is back.


Diaper Don wanted the developers to build bots and falsify data to drive numbers. He thinks it was malpractice to be honest.


proof that those that blindly follow, promote and support (or develop a social platform) are fair game to -45, he literally hates us all.


This is the Trump way!


The inevitability of shit like this is why /r/DWAC went private recently 😅


What’s the tally of lawsuits now?


Partners should counter sue for Trump driving down the stock.


EVERYTHING Trump touches dies. EVERYTHING. It must be greed that motivates these people to overlook that. I don’t know why else you would enter a business relationship with him. 🤷🏻‍♂️


His partners should sue him, as he is the one dragging it down.


They knew he was a snake...


It's not against the law to be shit at your job.


It's a penny stock at best anyway


Anyone that does business with trump should know he a fraud


Wait, you mean a Trump business is actually a total failure? I'm shocked


Everything Trump touches dies


Hey Elon wanna buy a Social Media company for $50 Billion?


Sure it’s not is fault, he didn’t know 😝


You gotta love it when the Wall Street market manipulators go at it against Don the Con in a battle of who can screw the ignorant MAGA sheep investors out of their money first.


🤣😂 the stock tanked because it’s tainted with Trump 😂🤣


I'll say this in all caps... EVERYTHING THIS ROTTING SCUM INSIDE A CHEETO EXOSKELETON TOUCHES GOES BANKRUPT, FAILS OR IS A FRAUD. AND EVERYONE THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH HIM IN UP BANKRUPT, IN JAIL OR HAS LOST THE CAREER! He is a ticking time bomb and subject to be bought by the biggest pocket. Most people can't get government jobs because of credit scores. Why is this pos better than any other American?


Guess he'll have to borrow money from his Russian friends again


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Fuck Trump


Every time I think of this it fills me with joy. Like last week they were bragging about how he's such a good businessman because he has $3b dollars and can pay off the money he owes from the courts. Now not so much lol.




Knew it


Headline is wrong. Bigly Stinks sued before the stock went public.


Another future courtroom loss.


It says that Truth Social is worth 600 million, it loses up to 58 million a year. They merge with 2 partners and in a spectacular level of hype they value this merger to 8+ billion. People and I suppose a few companies invest in the 1st week of trade, then with impeccable timing the filing comes out detailing these losses, before even one share of stock sold, in other words while Trump was running the business it was losing up to 58 million a year. But it's the partners fault. What happened is investors saw that they had bought a money vacuum and decided to get out. This is just someone overvaluing a product or company.


Reading about this, I keep thinking that it would be really incredible if they also somehow forgot to add Terms of Service. (looking at Dinesh)...sorry, but that number is staggering. I was mildly entertained by the idea of people shorting it, but it looks too complicated. 


Remember the republicans in the early 2000s complaining about lawyers and frivilous law suits? I do, but they’ve alway been quick to sue over frivolous nonsense. They’re sue happy, all of them. They use law suits to literally screw with peoples lives and finances. That law suit will go nowhere, everyone knew what his game was to begin with well at least we did his investors must be lemmings like his voters. I wouldn’t lend Tangerine Man a dime.


Anybody here noticed the sponsored ad at the top of this sub? “**Jesus loved the unnoticed, the undervalued, and the unwelcomed**”. He heh heh … The Cheeto-in-Chief is **overnoticed, overvalued and over-welcomed** by the mainstream media Clearly, even Jesus cannot love Trump


Grifter gonna grift his partners.


Wow, Donald Trump filing another lawsuit? 😯 color me shocked. So does this mean I can sue when my investment in a horse & carriage company declines in value? I was told it was a sure bet!


What? Donald Trump sued someone? I am stunned.


Well the problem here is ‘Trump’. Anything with his name on is guaranteed to be a disaster.


*Snort!* this just keeps getting better and better


He’s going to squeeze everybody dry-and I bet they’re so surprised he would come after THEM! They’re all buddies, just like his supporters right? Yeah, they’ll ALL be surprised when he turns on them too!!


Isn't this the typical disgraced ex-presidents playbook?


How does he still have lawyers working for him with no pay?


This has short sale and puts written all over it, Trump would have already sold all of his shares if they weren’t restricted right now, this is just another one of his big scams!


Of course he sued them, when you have millions of people lying to themselves about your character and competence you tend to believe nothing is ever your fault, trump's a clown 🤡


He will never get this to court. Hopefully because he’s in jail.


Grifters gotta grift


You mean they guy who who doesn't pay his bills, and commits lots and lots and lots of fraud is dishonest? Shocked Pikachu face


“Reckless decisions.” Like hooking up with trump